An Analysis of Biblical Archetypes in The Grapes of Wrath,Outline,Introduction Biblical Archetypes of Main Characters Biblical Archetypes of Main Images Biblical Archetype of the PlotExodus Conclusion,I Introduction,1.1 On John Steinbeck and The Grapes of Wrath John Steinbeck:American writer in 20th century start writing in Stanford University The Grapes of Wrath Pulitzer Prize in 1940 Nobel Prize for Literature in 1962 1,I Introduction,The Grapes of Wrath Joad family migration bitterness misfortunes not despair help each other never give up way to happiness 2,1.2 On the Social Background of the Novel,Economic crisis in 1929 and World War I workers unemployed farmers bankrupted tenants in debt USA in trouble3,I Introduction,1.3 On Archetypal Criticism=mythic archetypal criticism*school 50s 60s*Northrop Frye Anatomy of Criticism 1957 archetype runs throughout characters images plot 4,Biblical Archetypes of Main Characters,2.1 The Archetype of Jim CasyJesus Christsame initials J.C.loved people absorbed in meditation in the wildness prophet words before death 5,2.2 The Archetype of Tom JoadThomas,Tom Joad Thomas:disciple of Jesus skeptical change of attitude toward belief 6,Biblical Archetypes of Main Images,3.1 The Archetype of the TruckNoahs Ark hope salvation7,3.2 The Archetypes of GrapesPeople of Jesus,Hope and Wrath,people of Jesus fertility and hope,8,3.2 The Archetypes of GrapesPeople of Jesus,Hope and Wrath,pain and wrath9,IV Biblical Archetype of the PlotExodus,4.1 The Similarity in Form of the Migrationthree parts:In OklahomaIn EgyptWay to CaliforniaEscape from EgyptIn CaliforniaIn Canaan 10,4.2 The Similarities in Details of the Migration,treatment of the stillborn baby salvation of Moses rules and regulation the Ten Commandments 11,Conclusion,An Analysis of Biblical Archetypes in The Grapes of Wrath Deepen comprehension Enlighten people:be optimistic fight for rights 12,Acknowledgements,My gratitude to my dear supervisor,Miss Wu My acknowledgements to all the other devoted teachersMy thanks to my family,classmates and friends,Thank You!,