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    Topic3.介绍一个地方,2013-2014学年度下学期高一英语书面表达指导,2013-2014学年度下学期高一英语书面表达指导,某外商考察组一行来你们工厂考察投资环境,你负责接待。请你按以下提示写一个工厂口头介绍。,【写作指导2】,注意:词数:100左右。参考词汇:投资invest,1首先,我想对我们厂做一个简介。First of all,Id like to give you a brief introduction to our factory.2我们厂已有15年的历史。Our factory has a history of 15 years./Our factory is a factory with a history of 15 years.3它位于长江北岸,靠近京广线。It lies on the northern bank of the Changjiang River and on the railway line from Beijing to Guangzhou.4水陆交通便利。The transportation is very convenient both by water and by railway.,2013-2014学年度下学期高一英语书面表达指导,【单句翻译】,5工厂占地4.5平方公里。有200多名工人。It covers 4.5 square kilometres.Our factory has over 200 workers.6产品质优,畅销全国各地及东南亚地区。The products are of very good quality and are sold everywhere in China and some Southeast Asian areas.7我们工厂发展迅速,前景广阔。We believe our factory has been developing rapidly and has a bright future.8在这里投资是明智的选择。Its a wise choice to invest here.,2013-2014学年度下学期高一英语书面表达指导,【单句翻译】,【参考范文2】Good morning,ladies and gentlemen,welcome to our factory.First of all,Id like to give you a brief introduction to our factory.Our factory has a history of 15 years and it lies on the northern bank of the Changjiang River and on the railway line from Beijing to Guangzhou.The transportation is very convenient both by water and by railway.It covers 4.5 square kilometres.Our factory has over 200 workers,who mainly produce womens clothing.The products are of very good quality and are sold everywhere in China and some Southeast Asian areas.We believe our factory has been developing rapidly and has a bright future.Its a wise choice to invest here.So much for the introduction.Now let me show you around the factory.,2013-2014学年度下学期高一英语书面表达指导,常用短语和句式:一、表示“位置”的句型:某地+is/lies+地点状语。某地位于。如:The city lies across the river.这个大城市位于河的两侧。The big city lies on the coast.这个大城市位于海滨。某地+be located/situated地点状语。某地坐落于。如:The new gymnasium is situated at the eastern of the city.这座新体育馆位于城市的东边。,【写作模板】,2013-2014学年度下学期高一英语书面表达指导,二、表示“海拔”的句型:某地+lies+数词+metres above sea-level。某地海拔米。如:Xizang lies at an average of 4,000 metres above sea-level.西藏平均海拔4000公尺,三、表示“人口状况”的句型:(一)询问“人口”:Whats the population of+某地?这个国家有多少人口?(二)表述“人口”的数量:某地+has a large/small population。某地人口众多/稀少。某地+has a population of+数词。某地有人口。如:This city has a population of more than 1,000,000.这个城市人口超过一百万。The population of+地名 is+数词。某地有人口。The rural population of the county is 400,000.这个县的农村人口为40万。数词+percent of the population are.。百分之的人口是。如:Eighty percent of the population here are farmers.百分之八十的人口是农民。某地has a large/small population“某地人口众多/稀少”某地has a population of数词“某地有人口”The population of地名is数词“某地有人口”,2013-2014学年度下学期高一英语书面表达指导,四、表示“占地面积”的句型:某地+covers an area of.。某地占地面积。如:The small town covers an area of 5 square miles.小镇占地5平方英里。某地+takes up+.。某地占地面积。如:Xingjiang takes up about one-sixth of our territory.新疆占我国国土的六分之一。某地+is+数词+long and+数词+单位词 wide。某地多长多宽。如:The garden is 30 metres long and 20 metres wide.这花园长三十米,宽二十米。,2013-2014学年度下学期高一英语书面表达指导,五、表示“历史背景”的句型:某地+has a long history of.years.某地有年的历史。The old tower has a long history of 2000 years.古塔有两千年的历史 某地+is a.place/country with.history.某地是具有年历史的地方/国家。China is a civilized country with a long history of 5000 years.中国有五千年的悠久历史文明古国。某地+date back to/date from.从时就有的,回溯到,远在年代。The old town dates back to the late seventeenth century.这座古城建于十七世纪后期。,2013-2014学年度下学期高一英语书面表达指导,六、“自然特点”常用句型:某地+be covered with+.某地为所覆盖。This area is covered with glrassland.这个地区为草原所覆盖。某地+be made up of/consists of某地由组成。如:Hainan Province consists of Hainan Island and neighbouring isles as well as wide sea areas.海南省由海南岛和附近的小岛及广阔的海域组成。,2013-2014学年度下学期高一英语书面表达指导,七、表示“资源特色”常用的句型有:某地+be rich in某地含有丰富的,盛产。Xingjiang is rich in natural resources.Its famous for grapes.新疆有丰富的自然资源,以葡萄而闻名。某地+be wealthy in某地富于。某地+produces sth.某地出产。某地+be famous/well-known for 某地因而闻名。The main agricultural products are.主要农产品是。The main agricultural products in Lingtai county are wheat,corn,bean and potato灵台县主要农产品是小麦、玉米、豆类和马铃薯。产品+stands in the worlds forefront.某产品位居世界前列。,2013-2014学年度下学期高一英语书面表达指导,八、表示“风景名胜”常用的句型There are many places of interest,such as.有许多名胜,比如。There are quite a lot of places of interest in Xian,such as the Terracotta Warriors and Horses,the old City Wall and so on.西安有许多名胜,比如兵马俑、古城墙等。某地+has many places of interest,among which is.某地有许多名胜,其中就有。Beijing has many places of interest,among which is the Forbidden City.北京有许多名胜,其中就有紫禁城。某地+is famous/well-known for.。某地因而闻名。杭州以它美丽的西湖而著名。Hangzhou is famous/well-known for its beautiful West Lake.某地+is famous/well-known as.。某地作为而闻名。北京作为中国的首都而闻名。Beijing is famous as the capital of China.,2013-2014学年度下学期高一英语书面表达指导,一批准备在中国投资的外宾正在参观我市,假如你是接待员,请口头简要介绍一下我市的情况。,【写作指导1】,2013-2014学年度下学期高一英语书面表达指导,【写作要求】词数:120左右。参考词汇:投资invest,【写作分析】第一步:认真审题1介绍某一地方就是对该地区的大致状况进行描述,向人们展示该地区的地貌特征、风土人情、历史文化等。写此类文章应注意以下几点:(1)一般应包括该地区的位置、面积、人口、历史、气候、特产等。但是一定要抓住该地区的主要特色,这样才能给读者留下深刻的印象。(2)要遵循一定的写作顺序。描述该地区的位置时,首先找好中心点,再由近及远,也可以先总体后局部,或按照一定时间或空间来写。2此类文章常用一般现在时。3口头介绍类的文章一般都口语化比较明显,而且要有称呼和开头语、结束语。写作时要把题目要求和表格内容相结合,不要遗漏要点。连句成文需注意过渡衔接词的运用以使行文连贯。,2013-2014学年度下学期高一英语书面表达指导,第二步:提炼要点1.welcome to our city2.introduce.to sb3.have a long history4.develop rapidly5.an agreeable climate6.be convenient in traffic7.have abundant supply of natural resources8.support and favor foreign investors.9expect you to invest,2013-2014学年度下学期高一英语书面表达指导,Welcome to our city!I am greatly honored to be here with you.Now let me introduce our city to you.Our city is the capital of our province,which has a long history.It has been developing very rapidly,especially in the last two decades.Our city is very beautiful and we enjoy an agreeable climate.,第三步:扩点成句,2013-2014学年度下学期高一英语书面表达指导,From here you can travel to anywhere in our country,and even all over the world by land,by river or by air.We have abundant supply of natural resources,and plenty of energy.Our city support and favour foreign investors in many aspects.We expect you to invest and pursue your careers in our city.,2013-2014学年度下学期高一英语书面表达指导,Ladies and gentlemen,Welcome to our city!I am greatly honored to be here with you.Now let me introduce our city to you.Our city is the capital of our province,which has a long history.It has been developing very rapidly,especially in the last two decades.Our city is very beautiful and we enjoy an agreeable climate.From here you can travel to anywhere in our country,and even all over the world by land,by river or by air.We have abundant supply of natural resources,and plenty of energy.,【参考范文1】,2013-2014学年度下学期高一英语书面表达指导,The public order is very satisfactory.Besides,both the central government of our country and our city support and favour foreign investors in many aspects.Whats more,we boast a galaxy of outstanding talent.We expect you to invest and pursue your careers in our city.Thank you very much!,全文结构合理,条理清楚,上下文连贯,介绍的地点清楚明了,符合口头语言特点。文章运用了较复杂的结构(如which引导的非限制性定语从句等),这些丰富了文章的表达,显示出作者较强的语言组织和运用能力。衔接过渡词besides;whats more等的运用使文章过渡自然、连贯。,【亮点展示】,1,2,3,2013-2014学年度下学期高一英语书面表达指导,根据以下内容写一篇100词左右的说明文,标题为“Australia”。1.澳大利亚位于太平洋的西侧,是大洋洲(Oceania)最大的国家,面积760万平方公里。2.人口稀少,只有1,000多万,多数集中在东部沿海地区。3.首都堪培拉(Canberra)风景秀丽。4.悉尼(Sydney)是澳大利亚最大城市。有许多名胜,其中悉尼歌剧院(Opera House)闻名于世。2000年奥运会就是在悉尼举行的。,【写作训练6】,2013-2014学年度下学期高一英语书面表达指导,【写作训练7】假如你在加拿大旅游过,你的笔友李华想留学,要了解加拿大的情况,请你用5句话写信告诉他。开头已经给出。Dear Li Hua,I am glad to know that you are going to study in Canada,so I am writing to tell you something about this country.写作要求:1、只能用5个句子表达全部内容。(开头的句子不计入总数)2、可适当增加逻辑细节。3、参考词汇:医疗保险hospitalization insurance,6、Australia Australia,the largest country in Oceania,lies on the west coast of the Pacific.It covers an area of 7.6 million square kilometers.It has a small population of over 10 million.Most of its population live in the east of the country by the sea.Canberra,the capital of Australia,is a beautiful city.Sydney is the biggest city in Australia,which has many places of interest.The Opera House is well known all over the world.The 2000 Olympic Games were held in Sydney.,2013-2014学年度下学期高一英语书面表达指导,7、Dear Li Hua,I am glad to know that you are going to study in Canada,so I am writing to tell you something about this country.Canada is the second largest country with the largest number of lakes in the world.The majority of people live in the central part of the country,while fishing and forestry are of great importance in the eastern part.I suggest that you(should)choose to study in the east,where not many international students study and tuition is lower.In Canada,most people will go to a clinic instead of a hospital,because it is very expensive to see a doctor there.So I advise you to buy hospitalization insurance,which is 54 Canadian dollars a year.,2013-2014学年度下学期高一英语书面表达指导,Topic2 描述喜欢的作品(画、报纸或杂志),2013-2014学年度下学期高一英语书面表达指导,你是英语俱乐部的成员,参加俱乐部组织的英语学习经验交流,介绍自己最喜欢的英语读物。请你根据以下表内内容介绍21世纪学生英文报“高中版”。,2013-2014学年度下学期高一英语书面表达指导,【写作指导1】,Founded in October,2001,21st Century Teens Senior Edition is an English language weekly designed for senior high school students in China.To meet the needs of senior high school students to learn English and improve their ability in using the language,the Weekly provides up-to-date news at home and abroad,which is suitable for their reading level.It contains eight sections,such as Frontpage,Our World,Campus Trends,coveringis available now.21st Century Teens Senior Edition is indeed an excellent English newspaper,from which I have benefited a lot.,【参考范文1】,亮点点击:本文是介绍一份报纸。第一和第二句是含非谓语动词(Founded,To meet)做状语的简单句。范文中用了不同的词(provide,contain,be available)表示“有”,使文章语言更丰富。最后一句用了非限制性定语从句表达读这份报纸的收获。,假如你是21世纪报中学生版(21st Century-School Edition)发行部负责人,请你用英语写一篇短文向中学生介绍该报。介绍应包括下面表格中的内容。,参考词汇:entertainment column 娱乐栏目enlarge扩充注意:1.文章开头已为你写好。2.词数100左右。21st Century-School Edition is an English newspaper for middle school students.,2013-2014学年度下学期高一英语书面表达指导,【写作指导2】,21st Century-School Edition is an English newspaper for middle school students.It is published every Monday with 8 pages together.All the articles are written in simple English and there are plenty of pictures in it.The paper carries important world news and home news.There is a section about school life,which will certainly interest you.In another section you can find some short passages about language study including the explanation for some difficult points students have in learning English.If you are interested in sports or music,you can enjoy entertainment column.Im sure the paper will help you to enlarge your knowledgeand improve your English as well.,【参考范文2】,2013-2014学年度下学期高一英语书面表达指导,交通安全(safety rules and warnings)(1)safety first安全第一(2)traffic light交通灯,红绿灯(3)traffic rules/regulations交通规则(4)keep left/right靠左/靠右(5)crossroad/crossing十字路(6)wait until the green light 等到绿灯再走(7)traffic jam交通堵塞(8)traffic accident交通事故,交通安全道路交通安全是大家很关心的一个话题。据报道,很多的交通事故都是由于人们违反交通规则而造成的;为了维护大家的交通安全,我们要牢记交通规则。请根据提示用英语写一篇文章介绍基本的交通规则。1.过马路要走人行横道、地下通道、或人行天桥。2.骑车要靠右行;红灯停,绿灯行。3.转弯或停车时要打手势。4.要教育小孩子不要在马路上玩耍、打闹。5.要帮助老人和小孩过马路。写作注意1.不要逐条翻译;2.词数120左右。参考词汇人行横道crosswalk,地下通道underground passage,人行天桥pedestrian overpass,【参考范文】,Every year a lot of people got injured or died in traffic accidents.It is reported that many accidents resulted from peoples breaking of traffic rules.So it is necessary for all to keep the traffic rules in mind and obey them strictly.When one crosses the street,one should take the crosswalk,underground passage or pedestrian overpass.If one is riding a bike or motorcycle,keep riding on the right side of the road.When the red light is on,please stop and wait until the green light is on.Give a hand signal if one wants to turn or stop.It is important to let the children know that playing on the road is very dangerous.Helping the aged and children cross the road is always a kind deed.If everyone obeys the traffic rules,it will be much safer to walk or ride on the road.,


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