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    四级作文书信类,分类 书信是一种应用非常广泛的应用文形式之一.英文书信的种类很多.按照文体来分,可分为两大类,一类是私人书信(personal letters),另一类是事务书信(business letters).根据用途来分,常见的书信有申请信、投诉信、道歉信、咨询信、建议信和说明信等等.格式,信封的格式(The format of envelopes)在信封正面左上方写下发信人姓名、地址(也可写在信封的背面),在信封中间偏右一点,写下收信人的姓名、地址.姓名单独占一行,英文地址的写法与中文完全不同,地址的名称按从小到大的顺序:第一行写门牌号码和街名;第二行写县、市、省、州、邮编、国名.邮票贴在信封的右上角.,Li MingChinese DepartmentBeijing UniversityBeijing,P.R.China Mrs Mary Smith 26 Long Street London,N.W.16 Great Britain,书信格式一封完整的书信应包括寄信人的地址和日期;收信人的姓名和地址;称呼;正文;结尾和签名.1、信头(Heading)指发信人的姓名(单位名称)、地址和日期,一般写在信纸的右上角。一般公函或商业信函的信纸上都印有单位或公司的名称、地址、电话号码等,因此就只需在信头下面的右边写上写信日期就可以了。日期的写法,如1997年7月30日,英文为:July30,1997(最为普遍);July30th,1997;30thJuly,1997;30 July,1997等。1997不可写成97。2、信内地址(InsideAddress)在一般的社交信中,信内收信人的地址通常省略,但是在公务信函中不能。将收信人的姓名、地址等写在信头日期下方的左角上,要求与对信头的要求一样,不必再写日期。,3、称呼(Salutation)是写信人对收信人的称呼用语。位置在信内地址下方一、二行的地方,从该行的顶格写起,在称呼后面一般用逗号(英国式),也可以用冒号(美国式)。(1)写给亲人、亲戚和关系密切的朋友时,用Dear或Mydear再加上表示亲属关系的称呼或直称其名(这里指名字,不是姓氏)。例如:Mydearfather,DearTom等。(2)写给公务上的信函用DearMadam,DearSir或Gentleman(Gentlemen)。注意:Dear纯属公务上往来的客气形式。Gentlemen总是以复数形式出现,前不加Dear,是DearSir的复数形式。(3)写给收信人的信,也可用头衔、职位、职称、学位等再加姓氏或姓氏和名字。例如:DearProf.TimScales,DearDr.JohnSmith。,4、正文(BodyoftheLetter)位置在下面称呼语隔一行,是信的核心部分。因此要求正文层次分明、简单易懂。和中文信不同的是,正文中一般不用Hello!(你好!)正文有缩进式和齐头式两种。每段书信第一行的第一个字母稍微向右缩进些,通常以五个字母为宜,每段第二行从左面顶格写起,这就是缩进式。但美国人写信各段落往往不用缩进式,用齐头式,即每一行都从左面顶格写起。商务信件大都采用齐头式的写法.而私人信件则多用缩进式.,5、结束语(ComplimentaryClose)在正文下面的一、二行处,从信纸的中间偏右处开始,第一个词开头要大写,句末用逗号。不同的对象,结束语的写法也不同。(1)写给家人、亲戚,用Yourlovinggrandfather,Yours lovingly(Lovinglyyours)等;(2)写给熟人、朋友,用Yours,Yours ever,Yourscordially(Cordially yours),Yoursaffectionately(Affectionately yours)等;(3)写业务信函用Yourstruly(Trulyyours),Yoursfaithfully(Faithfullyyours),Yours sincerely(Sincerely yours)等;(4)对上级、长辈用Yoursobediently(Obedientlyyours),Yoursrespectfully(Respectfullyyours)等。,6、签名(Signature)低于结束语一至二行,从信纸中间偏右的地方开始,在结束语的正下方,在签完名字的下面还要有用打字机打出的名字,以便识别。职务、职称可打在名字的下面。7、附言(Postscript)一封信写完了,突然又想起遗漏的事情,这时用P.S.表示,再写上遗漏的话即可,要长话短说。通常在信末签名下面几行的左方,应于正文齐头。注意:在正式的信函中,应避免使用附言。8、附件(Enclosure)信件如果有附件,可在信纸的左下角,注上Encl:或Enc:,例如:Encl:2photos(内附两张照片)。如果附件不止一项,应写成Encl:或Encs。,Graduate School of Stanford University Stanford University 发信人地址 P.O.Box 616 写信日期 May.12,2003Mr.GeorgeWangForeign Affairs OfficeBeijing University 收信人地址Beijing,P.R.of ChinaDear sir,对收信人的称呼-信的正文-结束语 Yours sincerely,签名 Li Ming,四六级考试中出现的书信作文1.2001年月(CET4)Directions:For this part,you are allowed thirty minutes to write a letter.Suppose you are Zhang Ying.Write a letter to Xiao Wang,a schoolmate of yours who is going to visit you during the week-long holiday.You should write at least 100 words according to the suggestions given below in Chinese.1.表示欢迎 2.提出过度假安排的建议 3.提醒应注意的事项A Letter to a Schoolmate June 23,2001 Dear Xiao Wang Yours,Zhang Ying,June 23,2001Dear Xiao Wang,I am glad to hear that you will come to see me during the week-long holiday.It has been three years since we graduated from our university.I miss you very much.I even cant wait to see you.Ive made a plan for this holiday.As this is the first time you come to Beijing,I think wed better have a sightseeing around it.We can visit some famous scenic spots and historical sites,such as Summer Palace,The Forbidden City,The Great Wall,etc.We can do some shopping,together.There are many splendid markets and plazas in Beijing.The State Library is also a good place for us to go.By the way,since lots of people will go traveling in this holiday,it must be crowded on the train.So you should take care of your luggage.Bring more clothes with you because Beijing is much colder than Kunming at this time.And dont forget to tell me when you will arrive,Ill pick you up at the airport.Miss you!Yours,Zhang Ying,2.2002年月(CET4)Directions:For this part,you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic:A Letter to the University President about the Canteen Service on Campus You should write at least 100 words,and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:假设你是李明,请你就本校食堂的状况给校长写一封信,内容应涉及食堂的饭菜质量、价格、环境、服务等,可以是表扬,可以是批评建议,也可以兼而有之。A Letter to the University President about the Canteen Service on Campus January 12th,2002 Dear Mr.President,Li Ming,Jan.12th,2002Dear Mr.President,I am a student of computer science in our university.I am writing this letter to you to show about the canteen service on campus on behalf of some students of our department.Firstly,we feel we need more varieties of foods served to the students,which means every student can get the food that he thinks suitable for his pocket-money allowance.Secondly,we find it essential to elongate the opening hours of,the canteen.A student from a class that ends at 12:00 noon may reach the canteen no sooner than 12:30.However,the fact is that the canteen is closed when he gets there.Thirdly,we are greatly concerned with the dining environment.We feel that student diners are entitled to a better dining environment than what they are having now.We do hope that the university authority will look into the problems and solve them.Best regards,Yours sincerely Li Ming,3.2003年12月(CET4)Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter in reply to a friends inquiry about applying for admission to your college or university.You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:1建议报考的专业及理由 2报考该专业的基本条件 3应当如何备考,December 27th,2003Dear XXX,When it comes to which major you should choose,I propose that you apply for the major of English.To begin with,English is the most popular languages in the world,which is widely used in all fields such as teaching,translation,foreign trade and so on.Whats more,it goes without saying that English majors are more likely to find a good job in the tighter and tighter job market.,In order to study at English Department,you have to meet the following requirements.In the first place,you have to spend a lot of time on it,just as the old saying goes,“Practice makes perfect”.In the second place,the basic skills of reading,writing,listening and speaking are necessary,because they are the foundations for your future study.Last but not the least,you need an intense interest in learning English since“interest is the best teacher.”As far as the preparation work is concerned,you should first of all review all the required vocabulary.In addition,youd better spend some time on reading and writing.Only through these measures can you hope to enroll in our university.Good luck.Yours,XXX,4.2005年12月(CET6)Directions:For this part.you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to a company declining a job offer.You should write at Least 150 words following the outline given below:1.对公司提供职位表示感谢 2.解释为何不能接受所提供的职位 3.希望予以谅解,并表达对公司的良好祝愿.A Letter Declining a Job Offer,Dec.27,2005Dear Sir or Madam,With reference to your letter on Dec.23rd,Id like to,first of all,convey my deepest appreciation to your offering me the position of manager assistant in your company.And I am more than delighted and honored to gain your trust and assignment.However,I have to decline this unexpected offer with all unwillingness,which mainly results from an abrupt change in my schedule.When I applied for the position a week ago,I also sent an application to Columbia University,for I hadnt yet made up my mind,whether to start work after graduation this month.What a coincidence?I got the admittance to the graduate school of English literature in Columbia University the same day I received your letter.Weighing the pros and cons for an entire night,I determine to seize the chance for further study abroad.With my earnest apology,I do hope you can pay me due understanding and forgiveness for turning down your offer.In closing,may your company have great prospects and enjoy extensive popularity.Yours sincerely,Sally,申请信,写作要领:常见的申请信有求职信和求学信,即就某一个职位或入学目标向收信人提出申请.写此类书信时应特别注意详细表述自己具体的经历和资历,使书信更具说服力,从而更容易达到交际的目的.中文模块:第一部分:表明写作意图,如有必要,可介绍职位或入学信息的来源;第二步分:介绍相关的资历和经历,表明写信人对获得这个职位或入学资格的自信和期待;第三部分:对收信人的考虑表示谢意,并期待回复.,模块一:May.15,2006Dear Ms.Harrison,I am writing in reply to your advertisement in The 21st Century for someone to proofread translations from English to Japanese.(写作意图及信息来源)At present,I am a senior in the Department of Japanese Language at Beijing Foreign Studies University.(目前身份)Since last year,I have been working part-time for Mitsubishi,which involves me in daily use of Japanese and in translation from Japanese to Chinese and vice versa.(工作经历)In addition,I have never given up learning English as my second foreign language.I took the TOEFL last,August with the result of 660.(语言能力)I believe my qualifications and work experience make me a perfect candidate for the job.(胜任职位的信心)I would be able to take a part-time work for between 9 and 12 hours per week.(可能的工作方式联系方式)I look forward to meeting you soon.(期盼回复).Yours faithfully,XXX,模块二:May.15,2006Dear Sir/Madam,I am writing to apply for admission to your program for postgraduate studies.(写作意图)Enclosed with this letter are my academic record,proof of my language ability and my resume,which further detail my qualifications.(提供详细个人资料)Currently,I am a senior in the Department of Economics at Nanjing University.(目前身份)For the past three years,my GPA(grade point average)has ranked top three in my college.(资历一)Last year,my paper was admitted by one of the best journals in the field of Economics and will be published next,Month.(资历二)My diligence and love for challenges have earned me several awards for excellent students in our university.(资历三)In addition,I have taken the TOEFL test and obtained a satisfactory grade.(资历四)Therefore,I believe I will not have difficulty in either academic studies or communication in your country.(总结)I would appreciate it if you could take my application into serious consideration.(对收信人的考虑表示感谢)Please contact me at your earliest convenience.(期待答复)Yours faithfully,XXX,常用句型1.表明写信意图的常用句型(1)I am writing to apply for admission to your college/university/program/institute(2)I am writing to express my interest in the position/opening/post/vacancy that you recently advertised.(3)I am writing in reply to your advertisement in for someone to(4)Please consider my application for the position of that you advertised in(5)I have recently learned from that you have openings/are seeking a person to fill the vacancy for,为收信人提供更详细信息的常用句型(1)I have enclosed(details of)for your convenience.(2)Enclosed is my resume,which details my qualifications and work experience.(3)I will be available for an interview anytime.(4)If you would like to meet me,I would be able to come to your office shortly(5)If further information is needed,please(do not hesitate to)let me know.(6)I am ready to provide you with any further information you may need.,表达自信的常用句型(1)My qualifications and work experience make me a perfect candidate/the right person for the position.(2)My personality is well suited to working as a(3)I believe I can be of significance/value to your institute/company/corporation.(4)I feel/believe/am fully convinced/am confident that I am the right person for the job.(5)I am confident/convinced that my will combine to produce an excellent work performance.(6)I am sure that you will find my service/performance satisfactory.(7)I believe/am sure/am confident that I am qualified for,期望得到考虑或答复的句型(1)I hope that/would appreciate it if/would be grateful if/you will consider me qualified for(2)I would like to meet you to discuss the possibility of at a mutually convenient time.(3)Thank you for your time and consideration/considering my application/taking my application into serious consideration/your consideration of my application.(4)I hope you will consider my application./take my application into consideration.(5)Please contact me at your earliest convenience.(6)I look forward to hearing from/meeting you soon/shortly/in the near future/as early as possible.,建议信,写作要领:写此类书信是要应收信人的要求针对某一问题提出建议和忠告.虽然写信人与收信人之间极有可能是熟人,甚至是比较好的朋友,但礼貌原则仍然不可忽视.写信人是在提建议,而不是发号施令,所以仍须注意语气的诚恳和委婉.中文模块一:第一部分:表明写作意图;第二部分:就问题提出具体的建议;第三部分:总结建议,还可表示愿意继续为对方提供帮助.,英文模板:Dear Xiao Wang,You have asked me for advice concerning whether you should study English or history.(表明相关性)I will try to make some useful suggestions.(写作意图)You must keep in mind that your university education is a preparation for your future career.(提出建议)Therefore,your first consideration should be to major in what will enable you to earn a living.There is no doubt that the English language offers far wider career choices than history,especially in an age of globalization.(建议一)However,it would not be sensible to study English only.It is advisable to absorb,as much knowledge outside your field as you can to meet the ever-changing social needs.(建议二)Generally,if you have a clear goal in mind,and make full use of the time at college,you will make a successful student,and a successful professional after your graduation.(总结建议)I hope these suggestions will be helpful.And if I help you in any other way,please let me know.(表示愿意继续提供帮助)Yours ever,Cheng lin,中文模块二:第一部分:寒暄,就问题提出具体的建议及理由;第二部分:说明应具备的基本条件;第三部分:指出对方应该如何准备以获得成功.英文模板:,Dear Xiao Wang,In your last letter,you asked me for some advice in choosing your prospective major.(表明相关性)I strongly recommend Department of Electronic Engineering of our university.(提出建议)Firstly,as far as the major itself is concerned,it is one of those fastest developing technological fields these days.(原因一)You know that the two topics frequently talked about today are computer and large-scale integrated circuits,and the technology of electronics plays an indispensable part in the implementation of both.(展开原因一)Secondly,this department of our university enjoys a very good reputation in the academic world,where you can get a first-class education.(原因二),The fundamental qualifications are that you should be physically and mentally healthy and you have to get an excellent performance in the National Entrance Examinations,and the latter is quite demanding.(应具备的基本条件)I think its rather unnecessary for me to offer you very specific suggestions in attending such exams.(指明如何准备)You have already developed a capacity for coping with fierce competitions.(原因)With your 1 percent of inspiration and 99 percent of perspiration,you will succeed.(总结建议)Yours,Li Ming,常用句型1.表明写作意图的常用句型(1)I will try to make some helpful suggestions.(2)I hope the following information will help you to/be helpful to you.(3)I am writing this letter to offer my proposals.2.提出建议和忠告的常用句型(1)You must keep in mind that(2)Your first consideration should be(3)I would suggest/recommend that,(4)I strongly suggest that(5)In my opinion(6)All evidence lends support to the view that(7)I think/know you would like to/are interested in(8)should take all necessary measures to,Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to apply for a position of being an English tutor for a fifteen-year-old student.You should write no less than 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:1.表明写信的原因2.列举本人能胜任这份工作的理由3.总结并提出期望,An Application Letter for a Tutor PositionDear Sir or Madam,Im writing in response to the advertisement on the Oct.1st,2005 edition of 21st


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