,WinMeta Research Findings,Base Of Food-Cereals,Oat,Grains,RICE,WinMeta Can now-a-day rice gives optimum nutrition?,High temperature in cooking further destroy nutrients,Processed and polished rice loses essential nutrients,Lost of vitamins and minerals during washing,Commercialharvesting 5 times within 2 years,WinMeta Selection of Brown Rice,5,000 varieties of rice,WinMetaFraction of Rice Grain,Whole grainNon-GMO,WinMeta The Right Time/The Right Place,alkaline soil,sunlight,temperature gap,water,Thailand,Harvesting once a year,WinMetaAdvanced Biotecnology Process,Mechanical HydrolysisHigh pressure Low temperature,Alpha-PSP under scanning electron Microscopy,WinMetaAlpha-PSP Active Components,Polysaccharides Provide bio-energy,Peptides(Protein)Basic for cell functioning,Organic MineralsEssential for metabolism,Essential VitaminsIncluding vitamin B complex,“Ive not seen any other products in 25years of integrated medical practice that come close to WinMeta in terms of instantly enhancing energy and anti-aging cellular food.”Dr.Mark Smith Ph.D.,N.D.President&Chairman of the Board University of Natural Medicine,WinMeta Research&Development,“WinMeta has the essential components providing consistent energy sources to your body in order to create and maintain cells,resulting the ideal enviornment for living organs to be well nourished and to live.”Dr.Somchai Boonchuen Ph.D.Research&Development Director,Rice Project by,National Innovation Agency(NIA)Ministry of Science and Technology,Thailand,WinMeta Functions of Alpha-PSP,Strengthen muscletissues,Strengthen digestive tract,Providesenergy forbrain cells,Promote skin regeneration,WinMeta Alpha-PSP Clinical Report,Increase HDL-Colesterol Reduce LDL-Colesterol,Reducing the risk of heart diseases,来源:The Efficacy of Alpha-PSP on Coronary Heart Disease in the Staff of Cho Ray Hospital with Dyslipidemia(Toan NH et al.),WinMetaAlpha-PSP Clinical Report,3 Months Result,来源:The Efficacy of Alpha-PSP on Coronary Heart Disease in the Staff of Cho Ray Hospital with Dyslipidemia(Toan NH et al.),WinMetaAlpha-PSP Clinical Report,Improved overall health of diabetes patients.Hence reduce the dependency on drugs.,来源:The Study Involving 767 Participants with Type 1&Type 2 Diabetes(Smith MD et al.),WinMeta Alpha-PSP Clinical Report,Source:Satisfaction level of 767 Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes on WinMeta(Smith MD et al.),WinMetaSuggested Servings,Healthy Adult 10g/2 times Before breakfast/dinner,Children 5g/3 times Before breakfast/lunch/dinner,Special dietery/or Patient10g/3 times(90 days)Before breakfast/lunch/dinner,ancient wisdommodern technology,