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    必修 2,Unit 3 Computers,Part A模仿朗读,Part B角色扮演,角色:Mrs.Green and Mr.Pat 情景:Mrs.Green向Mr.Pat 询问有关计算机的信息。任务:请你扮演Mrs.Green,根据中文提示提出问题。请你的同桌扮演Mr.Pat,根据课文内容回答你的提问。1最初的计算机出现在什么时候、什么地方?_,2谁把计算机改建成分析机?_3谁是真正的计算机之父,是Charles Babbage还是Alan Turing?_4网络最初出现在什么时候?_5可以把计算机安装在火箭上吗?_,答案:1Q:When and where did the first calculating machine appear?A:The first calculating machine appeared in France in 1642.2Q:Who built the calculating machine as an analytical machine?A:Charles Babbage.3.Q:Who was the real father of computer,Charles Babbage or Alan Turing?A:Alan Turing was the real father of the computer.,4.Q:When did the net first appear?A:It first appeared in the early 1960s.5.Q:Can a computer be put into a rocket?A:Yes,of course.,Part C故事复述,请结合上述问题答案,用自己的话复述课文。提示词:computer,calculate,analytical machine,universal machine,widely used_,The first calculating machine appeared in France in 1642.It took nearly 200 years before Charles Babbage built it as an analytical machine.In 1936 Alan Turing wrote a book about how to use computer as a universal machine to solve any difficult mathematical problem.From then on,the computer has changed rapidly both in size and in brainpower and its memory has also improved greatly.Now computers are widely used in every field.,.写出下列必考单词1算术题,总数,金额n._2(电脑)操作员,接线员n._3人造的,假的adj._4算盘n._5侄女,甥女n._6目标,目的n._7无论如何,即使如此adv._8病毒n._,9类型;打字n.&v_10教练n._11网络,网状物n._12革命n._答案:work12revolution,.写出下列单词的变化形式1计算v._;计算器n._;计算n._2使简化v._;简化n._;简化的adj._3智力;聪明;智能n._;智能的,聪明的adj._4私人的,个人的adj._;亲自地;就本人而论adv._,5运用,申请v._;运用,申请n._;申请人n._6金融,财经n._;金融的,财经的adj._7逻辑,思维方式n._;合逻辑的adj._;合逻辑地adv._;不合逻辑的adj._8出现v._;出现,外貌n._;消失v._ 9.探索,探究v._;探索,探究n._;探索的,探究的adj._,答案:1calculate;calculator;calculation2simplify;simplification;simplified3intelligence;intelligent4personal;personally 5apply;application;applicant6finance;financial7logic;logical;logically;illogical8appear;appearance;disappear 9explore;exploration;exploratory,活学活用,用所给单词的正确形式填空1According to a recent research,dolphins are much more _(intelligence)than other animals.2The _(apply)forms should be _(simplify)to make things simple.3I cant see the _ behind your argument.Please make it more _ because anything _ will cause confusion.(logic)4_(person)speaking,its worth all the efforts.,5The earth is nothing but a very small planet in the endless_(universal)6Use a _ to _ the cost of the vacation so that we can make a budget by_(calculate)7The _(technology)progress is changing our life.答案:1intelligent2application;simplified3logic;logical;illogical 4Personally 5universe6calculator;calculate;calculations7technical,.翻译下列必背短语1在某种程度上_2依看;据认为_3从时候起_4结果_5处理;安排;对付_6弥补;补足;整理,编造_7毕竟_8看守;监视_,9在帮助下_10久而久之,随着时间的推移_答案:1in a way2.in ones opinion3from.on4.as a result5.deal with6make up7.after all8.watch over9with the help of10.over time,活学活用,根据括号中的解释,从课文中找出恰当的短语完成下列句子1The cunning fox _(to invent a story in order to cheat or entertain sb.)a very moving story about his misfortune.2You need to think about how to _(to handle;to solve)the problems you accidentally caused.3He was determined to study hard _(since then)4I dont really want to go out._(anyway),it is getting darker and colder.,5_(to some extent),the teachers learn more in the teaching than the students.6_(as time goes by),scientists have known more about cancer.答案:made up2.deal with3.from then on4After all5.In a way6.Over time,.重点句型I developed very slowly and it took nearly two hundred years before I was built as an analytical machine by Charles Babbage.(P18)我发展缓慢,差不多两百年后,查尔巴比奇才把我制成了一台分析机。句型:It takes/took some time before.过了多长时间才 It takes several years before a newspaper starts to make money.一份报纸要赚钱需要好几年时间。,模仿造句,(1)过了很长时间救援队才赶到灾区。_(2)过了三年,他才找到女儿。_答案:(1)It took a long time before the rescue team arrived at the disaster area.(2)It took three years before he found his daughter.,.语篇领悟根据课文Who am I?完成下列短文_1_ history of computer began in 1642 in France._2_ was first built only as a calculating machine,and later as an Analytical Machine that could“think”_3_(logic)and produce an answer quicker than any person.Still later,the“universal machine”is built_4_(solve)mathematical problem,_5_ made computer huge!_6_ the years have gone by,computer has been made smaller,quicker _7_ cleverer.Later,computers were connected by network and brought _8_ common peoples homes to deal with information and help communication _9_people around theworld.,Since_10_ birth,computer has always been designed to serve the human race.答案:1.The2.It3.logically4.to solve5which6.As7.and8.into9between10.its,.考点活用用本单元所学词组、句型翻译下列短文六岁时,李明摔断了腿,从那以后,他就只能整天坐在轮椅上。父母很忙,不能经常照顾他。他不得不学会了自己应对各种困难。有时,为了打发时间,他编故事,然后讲给自己听。毕竟没有上过学,他不能把自己编的故事记下来。在一位退休老师的帮助下,他学会了5000多字。结果,李明成了一位著名作家。在他看来,残疾在某种程度上促使他独立,并成为有用之人。_,答案:Li Ming had his legs broken when he was six,so from then on,he had to sit in a wheel chair all day long.His parents being too busy to look after him,he had to learn to deal with all kinds of difficulties himself.To kill the time,he sometimes made up stories and told them to himself,but he couldnt write down his stories because he had no schooling after all.With the help of a retired teacher,he learned over 5,000 words,and as a result,Li Ming could write better stories and finally became a writer.In his opinion,his disability enabled him in a way to be an independent and useful person.,词语归纳,1.Discuss what they have in common(P17)讨论他们有什么相同之处。,common knowledge:人所共知的事实common sense:常识have.in common:与有共同之处in common with:和一样(like)have little/nothing in common:没有什么/没有相同之处,即学即练,A根据括号中的提示完成下列句子(1)Dont relate me to him.We_(根本不同).(2)Its not necessary to avoid talking about your relationshipit is_(人尽皆知)already.(3)I suddenly felt we _(有许多相似之处)答案:(1)have nothing in common(2)common knowledge(3)had a lot in common,词语归纳,common;ordinary;average;usucommon 指全体所共有的,共同的特征,强调常见与普通。ordinary指种类普通,强调平淡,平庸,普通的意思。average 通常指达到的平均水平,不突出。ususl指没有变化,通常的情况。,即学即练,B选用上述单词填空(1)Sparrows(麻雀)look quite _but they are not _at this time of year.(2)The first time I met her,I thought wed seen before.She has got that _face of a neighbour girl.(3)Why are you so impressed with this film?According to me,its just _.(4)I was not typing very fast.My _speed is 150 words per minute.(5)As _,he is the first to come to the school.,答案:(1)ordinary;common(2)common(3)ordinary(4)average(5)usual,探究学习,2Anyhow,my goal is to provide humans with a life of high quality.(P18)不管怎样,我的目标是给人类提供高质量的生活。,说出下列各句中anyhow的意思(1)The water was cold but I took a shower anyhow.(2)She told me not to buy it,but I bought it anyhow.答案:(1)、(2)相同,注意anyhow的词汇意义是:无论如何,不管怎样,无论用何种方式。,探究学习,3As time went by,I was made smaller.(P18)随着年月的变迁,我被制造得更小了。,阅读下列句子,说出go by的意思(1)A car went by(us)at full speed.(2)As time goes by,he loves his mother more.(3)Dont let the chance go by.(4)He is a man who always goes by the rules.答案:(1)经过(2)时间流逝,as time goes by/on等于 with time going by/on(3)失去机会(4)根据判断、按行事,即学即练,4As a result I totally changed my shape(P18)因此,我已经完全改变了我的形状。,阅读下列句子,注意total的搭配和意思(1)There are over 4,000 students in total in our school.(in total意为altogether,in all)(2)Why?The room is in total darkness.(total作名词,in total等于complete)(3)The town was totally destroyed after the earthquake.(totally是副词,等于completely)(4)Imports totalled$1.5 billion last year.(total作动词,意思是“共计,总数达”),即学即练,用total的适当形式完成下列小片段The company used to have 230 clerks in(1)_ and their income(2)_ 50,000 yuan per year.But last year things changed(3)_and the products could not be sold out.Most of the workers became out of work,which made them in(4)_ despair.答案:(1)total(2)totaled(3)totally(4)total,词语拓展,5What are the advantages and disadvantages of each form of IT?(P22)每种IT有何优点和缺点?,将下列短语译成英语(1)有有利条件_(2)利用,欺骗;占便宜_(3)处于优势_(4)对某人有利_答案:(1)have an advantage of(2)take advantage of(3)be at an advantage(4)work/be to ones advantage,即学即练,翻译下列句子(1)她受过良好的训练,这是她的优势/有利条件。_(2)我们应该充分利用这里的先进设施来学习。_(3)他利用了她的善良。_,答案:(1)She had an advantage of a good training.(2)We should take full advantage of the advanced facilities here to learn.(3)He took advantage of her kindness.,探究学习,6In this way,I can make up new moves using my“artificial intelligence”(P23)这样,我就可以利用人工智能编出新的动作。,阅读下列句子,说出make up的意思(1)It usually takes her an hour to make up every morning before she goes.(2)Our association(协会)is made up of people from all walks of life(各行各业),or people from all walks of life make up our association.,(3)Do not try to make up any excuse(借口)(4)She is amazing.She can always make up interesting stories in a short time.(5)You must work hard to make up the lost time.答案:(1)化妆(2)构成(3)捏造(4)编造(5)弥补,词语辨析,7In a way,our programmer is like our couch(P24)从某种程度上看,我们的程序员就像是我们的教练。,in a way;in the way;on the/ones way(to);by the wayin a way(=in a sense/in one way/in some way)在某种程度上 in the/ones way 挡着某人的道,妨碍某人 on the/ones way(to)在(去的)路上by the way顺便说一下(常引出下一个重要的问题),即学即练,用上述词语填空(1)Knowing that help is _,the exhausted man fell asleep.(2)_,where did you get this dress?It looks great on you.(3)Failure is _ good to ones development.(4)Shes determined to remove all obstacles(阻碍)_ success.(5)As she was about to speed the car,she saw a large cow _.,答案:(1)on the/its way(2)By the way(3)in a way(4)on her way to(5)in the way,8It should also watch over my naughty niece(P24)它(机器人)还应该看管我那淘气的侄女。,词语辨析,watch out;watch over,watch out for sb.;be careful;take care;mind watch out 常用于紧急情况下提醒小心。常用于祈使句 watch out for 监管,照顾watch out for 密切注意.,提防be careful 用于提醒某人要小心谨慎,以防可能出现的危险或者差错,含有“提防”之意。,take care 常用于提醒某人要当心注意身体健康及安全等。可译为“保重”mind 常用于提醒某人要留意、留心某些危险。,即学即练,选用上述词语填空(1)_!There is a motorbike speeding here!(2)Would you please_ my luggage when I am away for some water?(3)_ your steps,please(您走好)(4)_ pickpockets on the bus.,(5)Youd better _when you have to work with him,as everybody knows he likes to say ill things about his workmates.(6)Its getting colder and colder.Please _not to catch cold.答案:(1)Watch out(2)watch over(3)Mind(4)Watch out for(5)be careful(6)take care,9.After all,with the help of my eletronic brain which never forgets anything,using my intelligence is what Im all about!(P23)不管怎样,在我过目不忘的电子脑的帮助下,运用智能就是我的一切!,词语归纳,after all 毕竟,不管怎样above all 最重要的first of all 首先in all总共all in all 总的说来at all根本,究竟,即学即练,选用上述短语填空(1)_there are only 300 people passing the driving test.(2)Dont ask him to carry such a heavy box._he is only a 6yearold child.(3)Im glad to be your English teacher,but _please allow me to introduce myself to you.(4)He didnt worry about her _,for he was sure that she could succeed in getting the first prize.,(5)There are many beautiful sentences in your article and its handwriting is good too._,Im quite satisfied with it.(6)_,you must prepare everything you need before the examination.答案:(1)In all(2)After all(3)first of all(4)at all(5)All in all(6)Above all,如何写好简单句(8),1形容词在句中可以作定语、表语和补语,还可以作状语,具有副词的功能。形容词作状语一般用逗号隔开,根据情况可位于句首、句末,也可位于句中,相当于一个从句。(1)形容词或形容词短语作状语,放在句首,作原因状语。Angry at the girl oversleeping,Mr.Green went down to wake her up.(Mr.Green went down to wake her up because he was angry with her for oversleeping.),格林先生下去叫醒女孩是因为她睡过了头而惹恼了他。(2)形容词或形容词短语作状语,放在句末,表主语的状态。Crusoe stared at the footprint,full of fear.(Crusoe stared at the footprint and he was full of fear.)克鲁索两眼盯着脚印看,满心恐惧。2分词作状语在英语中出现频率极高。一方面,使句式多样化;另一方面,促使句子更简练。(1)分词短语作状语放在句首,可表原因、时间、条件等。,Hearing the sad news,Sandy couldnt help crying.听到这悲惨的消息,Sandy忍不住哭起来。(分词短语表原因)Given more time,I could do it much better.如果时间更充分,我会做得好得多。(分词短语表条件)(2)分词短语作状语放在句末,可表伴随、结果等。They worked hard together,pushing the bus slowly forward.他们一起用力把车子慢慢向前推。(分词短语表伴随动作),He died early,leaving his wife nothing but grief and debt.他英年早逝,什么也没有留给妻子,除了悲伤和债务。(分词短语表结果)3介词短语在句中可作定语、状语、表语,它的位置非常灵活,可以在句首、句中、句末。恰当使用介词短语可使简单句表达更多信息,也使句子结构更加巧妙,显示考生不俗的表达能力。(1)Instead of giving us answers immediately,he encourages us to think by ourselves.他鼓励我们独立思考,而不是立刻把答案告诉我们。,(2)In spite of all these difficulties,he managed to accomplish the project on time.尽管有种种困难,他还是设法按时完成了这个工程。4同位语也可使众多关于同一个人或同一事物的信息简单化,使句子结构简单明了。如:Mr.Zhang is a famous expert.He teaches us chemistry this year.Mr.Zhang,a famous expert,teaches us chemistry this year.(著名专家张先生今年教我们化学。)5主语动词(谓语)it名词/形容词(for sb.)to do sth.,We thought it important(for you)to read the contract carefully before you sign it.我们认为在签字前你要仔细阅读合同条款,这很重要。,活学活用,1用分词短语改写下列句子(1)Zhongshan University was located in Guangzhou,Guangdong province.Zhongshan University was set up by Sun Zhongshan in 1924.(用过去分词改写)_,Zhongshan University was set up by Sun Zhongshan in 1924.(2)She lay in bed and she was awake.She was listening to music.(改为伴随状语),She lay in bed,_.(3)Yang Lan was born in 1968.She began her career as the popular“Zheng Da TV Show”(用过去分词改写)_,Yang Lan began her career as the popular“Zheng Da TV Show”(4)Li Ming didnt finish his work,so he was criticized by his teacher.(用分词改写),_,Li Ming was criticized by his teacher.答案:(1)Located in Guangzhou,Guangdongprovince(2)awake,and listening to music(3)Born in 1968(4)Not having finished his work,2完成句子(1)They stayed in the snow for several days,_.(又冷又饿)(2)_(由于害怕挨骂),he decided to go to the Internet caf instead of going home after school.(3)_(爬上山顶),youll see the whole city.(4)The singer walked out of the hall,_.(后面跟着许多粉丝),答案:(1)cold and hungry(2)Afraid of being scolded(3)Climbing to the top of the mountain(4)followed by a lot of fans,3翻译下列句子(1)我是王平,北京大学外语系的学生。_(2)我们应该战胜困难而不该半途而废。_(3)李华在公交车站等528路车。_,(4)跟随李教授,我们完成了一个又一个重要实验。_(5)与其他学生相比,汤姆又勤奋又聪明。_(6)李明站在黑暗中,心里充满恐惧。_(7)他意识到要在短期内募捐20万元太不容易了。_,答案:(1)I am Wang Ping,a student of Department of Foreign Language in Beijing University.(2)We should overcome all the difficulties instead of giving up halfway.(3)Li Hua stood at the bus station,waiting for Bus No.528.(4)Following Professor Li,we finished one after another important experiment.(5)Compared to other students,Tom was both diligent and clever.(6)Li Ming was standing in the darkness,full of fear.(7)He realized it too hard to raise200,000 yuan in a short time.,祝,您,学业有成,


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