用实例教你雅思口语的答题逻辑 用实例教你雅思口语的答题逻辑运用雅思口语的实际考试题目教你怎样组织口语答题的逻辑。下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。用实例教你雅思口语的答题逻辑由于中西方文化的差异,表现出中西方人在回答和表达时逻辑顺序和表现形式的不同,当中国人用汉语的逻辑思维进行英语表达时,很容易造成西方人认为我们在答非所问。在雅思口语考试中,考官常常感到,考生在回答问题时,尽管可以明白学生每个句子要表达的意思,然而依然觉得考生的表达颠三倒四、模糊混乱。导致这个问题的根本原因就是考生没有理解并掌握西方人的答题逻辑思维,我们称之为“英语答题逻辑”。因为英语答题逻辑是一个相对抽象的概念,对于学生理解起来可能会有点吃力,所以EQ英语现已将与雅思口试中相关的英语答题逻辑提炼、汇总成31种雅思口语高分公式,这些高分公式包括答题思路和高分语言点两个部分,分别教授你在雅思口试中“说什么”和“如何说”。我们把雅思口试中相对抽象的概念具体化为口语高分公式,为广大的雅思考生和英语学习者提供了一种更为明确、更容易掌握、更加独特的口语学习法,它在口语学习方面也是一种史无前例的革新和推进。那么,下面我们通过一个高分公式的例子,为大家具体讲解一下什么是“英语答题逻辑”。例如:雅思口试Part 1部分常出现的一类题型What do you normally do?这个问题在part 1的考试中非常常见,大家可能都准备过类似的问题,那么如何让这个看似简单的问题说得准确而精彩呢?首先,我们应该用西方人的思维方式进行思考和组织语言,那么西方人会从哪几个方面来回答这个问题呢?雅思口语高分公式中的“答题思路”会告诉你:答题思路(教你“说什么”)- Talk about your daily routine in a logical order- Say what things you do in a normal day- Say when you do these things- Add a little extra information about how you feel about some of these things-按逻辑顺序谈论你的日常事务-说出你平常做的事情当你做这些事情的时候说出来-添加一些关于你对这些事情的感觉的额外信息其次,知道了“说什么”,那如何用地道的词汇和精准的语法将它表达出来?雅思口语高分公式中的“高分语言点”会告诉你:高分语言点(教你“如何说”)- Positive adverbs of frequency"I often drink a coffee to help me wake up""Most days I have lunch with my friends in the canteen"频率的正副词"我经常喝咖啡来帮助我醒来"大多数时候我和我的朋友在食堂吃午饭- Time markers"I normally take a shower around 6.30am every morning""In the evenings, my friends and I like to gossip in our dorm"时间标记"我通常每天早上6点半左右洗澡"“晚上,我和我的朋友们喜欢在宿舍里闲聊。”- SequencingBefore, then, next, after that, while ."Before going to bed I always brush my teeth ""I usually drink hot milk for breakfast while reading a fashion magazine"顺序在此之前,然后,接下来,之后,而“睡觉前我总是刷牙”“我早饭通常喝热牛奶,一边看时尚杂志。”雅思五月变题期口语如何应对雅思江湖上流传一种说法:1月、5月、9月的雅思考试,口语题库大换血,考生们注意避让辛辛苦苦准备了几个月的口语素材,考试那天发现题库换了?EXM?因此很多考生都有这样一个疑问:5月马上换题了,1-4月的口语题库还能用吗?雅思题库何时换?首先明确一件事:雅思题库的一季是以“4个月”为维度的,每年1-4月,5-8月,9-12月三个季度的口语题库是相对稳定的。正因如此,每年的1月5月9月又被雅思圈内称为“换题季”那么本季度的口语题库能否作为下季度的备考题目呢?答案是:能。原因有二。原因一每个季度只换20%-30%的题目大家要清楚,剑桥雅思官方也是很忙的,四个月换一次新题对他们来说也是个极大的挑战。因此,本着“惠泽双方”的原则,雅思每个季度的题目更新量只有20%-30%。做个最简单的数学计算,假设雅思每季度口语题库有100道,那么下个季度里约75道是原封不动的旧题,只有25道是新题。这个数字一目了然吧,75%的旧题重复概率,可见本季题库对于下季备考的考生来说依然是备考重点。又有人要问了,那我万一人品很差,25%的新题概率就被我摊上了怎么办?有个好消息是:每一个换题季的新题会在本季度的前三场考试中全部出现。这意味着什么?再举一个简短的数学例子。假设雅思每个月有4次考试(实际上更多,因为有周四加试),那么一个季度4个月一共48场考试。在1、5、9这三个月的前三场考试中,被更新的20%-30%的题目会全部出现。如果你真的不想碰到新题,那么这个季度至少还有45场考试等着你去报名。简单来说,避开1月、5月、9月的前三场考试,并且把前三场考试中出现的新题都“过过脑子”,你就可以避免考场上碰到见都没见过的新题了。原因二雅思话题是具有可整合性的很多宝宝关心的另一个问题是:雅思准备多少个话题才够。直接给答案吧:30-40个。大家在课堂上都学过,雅思话题是可以整合的。比如物品类,比如人物类,很多口语素材通过一点点的灵活变通和表述重点的改变是可以通用为几个话题的素材的。因此,大家在准备雅思口语part2考题的时候完全没必要把所有话题准备个遍。而每次换题季,题库更新出来的所谓“新话题”,也有很多是可以用旧话题的素材来改编答案的。另外大家在准备素材时要注意,雅思口语考试是【以沟通为本】的考试,考生与考官之间的有效交流程度决定了你的得分。在考场上宝宝们要更多的和考官进行freestyle一点的交流,而不是机械的你问我答或者是背诵感觉明显的论述。多用一些交互式的眼神,表情,动作,语调变化,都会提高考官与你的交流有效性。总而言之一句话,5月考试的宝宝同样要抱紧1-4月的题库准备不放手。如果可以,尽量避开5月的前三场考试。如果避不开那就祈祷一下抽到你熟悉的题目吧!雅思口语part2高分话题范文:a sports eventDescribe a sports event that you took part in or watched.You should say:what the event waswhere it waswho was competingwhat happened during this competitionand explain how you felt about this event.雅思口语part2高分话题范文参考:Ok, well I have to admit that it was quite a while ago since I took part in any sports event, because Im not really a very sporty person, but I suppose the one that sticks in my memory the most was a sports meeting between my high school and a few others around the area.And as for where the event was held, well seeing as I think our school had the only proper running track in the city, it was held there, and the event I was competing in was the fifteen hundred metres, basically because no one else in my class wanted to do it, you know, they said it was too far for them, so I ended up volunteering for it.So anyway, regarding what happened during the competition, well I seem to remember at the start that most of the other competitors sprinted away, which surprised me a little, because it was quite a long distance that we had to run. So it seemed a little strange and even a bit scary seeing them run so fast - maybe it was because of the adrenaline or something. But anyway, I tried to pace myself, and after a while, the other runners started getting slower, so I was able to overtake them, and then on the last lap, I somehow managed to overtake the leader and win the race!So if I think back to how I felt at that moment, well as you can imagine, I was over the moon, you know, super happy, because I simply had no idea I would win, and what was really great was the fact that loads of my friends and classmates were standing around the track, cheering me on. So yeah, it was a really awesome feeling.雅思口语part2高分话题范文:a wedding you attendedDescribe a wedding you attended.You should say:whose wedding it waswho was therewhere it wasand explain how you felt at this wedding.雅思口语part2高分话题范文参考:Ok, well Ive actually been to quite a few weddings, so it was kind of difficult choosing which one to describe, but I guess probably the easiest for me to talk about would be the most recent one I went to, which was that of a neighbour of mine.And, as for who was there, well, I couldnt tell you everyone, because there were absolutely loads of people, you know, the hall was pretty packed, so my guess would be that there were probably something like 250 to 300 guests. And if Im not mistaken, it seemed to be that the majority were friends and relatives of the bride and groom, although I also noticed that they had invited quite a few of their colleagues from work as well. For example, one of them, who I think was her boss, went up on stage to make a speech at some point.Anyway, with regard to where the wedding was held, well, it was actually in a small city called Zhuji, which is about an hours drive just to the south east of Hangzhou, because thats where the bride comes from. And it was held in a hotel there. I cant remember the name of it Im afraid, but it was a really nice hotel, and probably one of the best in the city.So regarding how I felt at the wedding, well, to put it simply, it was a really wonderful wedding, and there were some parts of it that moved me quite a lot, such as when the bride broke down in tears when she was on stage thanking her parents for all the support they had given her. It was also really clear to see how much the bride and groom loved each other, as they couldnt take their eyes off each other the whole evening. So I was really happy for them and was glad that I made it to their wedding.Thats pretty much it, I think, so thanks a lot for listening.