菲迪克(施工)条款与项目管理 英.ppt
FIDIC Conditions of Contract for Construction and Project Management,菲迪克(施工)条款与项目管理,Prof.Dr.ZHENG Xiuhua Tel.:+86-10-82321976 E-mail:,A NEW Course!,New contents-FIDICNew languageEnglish,Use English to study FIDIC conditions of Contract!,Goals of this course:,Be familiar with FIDIC Conditions of Contract for ConstructionBe able to express,communicate FIDIC Conditions of Contract for ConstructionBoth in English,New Concept to studyUSING:,Study for using:use FIDIC in your future international construction works;Study by using:use your English for what you have worked very hard for more than 10 years.,Suggestions to reach your goals:,Be confident in yourself and in your English!Be active at:Preparationbefore class Discussionin class Communicationafter class Usagein the future,Introductions to FIDIC,FIDIC(菲迪克):Fdration Internationale des Ingnieurs-Conseils 国际咨询工程师联合会The International Federation of Consulting Engineers,The History of FIDIC,1913:founded by three national associations of consulting engineers within Europe(France and Belgium)1949:the association of English Civil Engineers 1950:England hosted a forum of FIDIC,Birth-year!1959 America,South Africa,Australia,and CanadaToday 67 countries from all parts of the globe represents most of the private practice consulting engineers(私人执业的咨询工程师)in the worldIn 1996 China became one of its members,The goals of FIDIC,FIDIC arranges seminars,conferences and other events in the furtherance of its goals:maintenance of high ethical and professional standards(道德和职业标准)exchange of views and information(交流观点和信息)discussion of problems of mutual concern among member associations and representatives of the international financial institutions(国际金融机构代表)development of the consulting engineering industry in developing countries.,The publications(出版物)of FIDIC,proceedings(文件汇编)of various conferences and seminars information for consulting engineers(咨询工程师),project owners(项目业主)and international development agencies(国际开发机构),standard pre-qualification forms(资格预审标准格式)contract documents(合同文件)and client/consultant agreements(客户与工程咨询单位协议书),Conditions of Contract of FIDIC菲迪克合同条件,1999,FIDIC published the first Editions of four new standard forms of contract(合同标准格式):Conditions of Contract for Construction(施工)Conditions of Contract for Plant(生产设备)and Design-Build(设计施工)Conditions of Contract for EPC(设计采购施工)/Turnkey Projects(交钥匙工程)Short Form of Contract(简明合同格式),.for Construction,building or engineering works(建筑或工程项目)designed(设计)by the Employer(雇主)or by his representative(代表),the Engineer(工程师)the Contractor(承包商)constructs(施工)the works in accordance with a design provided by the Employer,.for Plant and Design-Build,the provision of electrical and/or mechanical plant(电气,机械设备供货)and for the design and execution(施工)of building or engineering worksUnder the usual arrangements for this type of contract,the Contractor designs and provides,in accordance with the Employers requirements,plant and/or other works,.for EPC/Turnkey Projects,the provision on a turnkey(交钥匙)basis of a process(加工)or power plant(动力设备)of a factory(工厂)or similar facility(设施)or of an infrastructure project(基础设施项目)or other type of development(开发项目),Preconditions to use EPC/Turnkey Projects:a higher degree of certainty of final price and time the Contractor takes total responsibility for the design and execution of the project,with little involvement of the Employerthe Contractor carries out all the Engineering(设计),Procurement(购买)and Construction(施工)(EPC),providing a fully-equipped facility,ready for operation(at the“turn of the key”转动钥匙).,.Short Form of Contract,building or engineering works of relatively small capital value(资本金额较小)for contracts of greater value,particularly for,relatively simple(简单)or repetitive work(重复性)or work of short duration(工期较短),The forms are recommended for general use where tenders are invited on an international basis(国际招标)Modifications may be required in some jurisdictions(司法管辖范围),particularly if the Conditions are to be used on domestic contracts(国内合同),Application of FIDIC Standard Forms of Contract,FIDIC considers the official and authentic texts to be the versions in the English language(FIDIC认为,正式的、权威的文本为英文版),Characteristics:国际性(internationalism)、通用性(widely recognized)、公正性(fairness)和严密性(strictness)Recognised widely:世界银行(World Bank)、亚洲开发银行(Asian Development Bank)、日本国际协力银行(Japan International Cooperate Bank)、非洲开发银行(Afric Development Bank)等国际金融组织编写的招标文件范本均以FIDIC合同条款为基础。,目前我国普遍采用的“项目法人责任制”“招标投标制”“建设监理制”“合同管理制”实际上均来源于FIDIC的这种传统模式。,The Internationalizing Project mangement in China,黄河小浪底水利枢纽工程四川二滩水电站,按照FIDIC管理模式,节约5.5亿人民币京-津-塘高速公路、济南-青岛高速公路、南昌-九江高速公路等最早的一批世界银行贷款项目沈阳-本溪高速公路、长春-四平高速公路等最早的一批亚洲开发银行贷款项目,Project Examples managed according to FIDIC:,China has entered the international engineering market,2005年完成营业额217.6亿美元,同比增长24.6;2005年新签合同额296亿美元,同比增长24.2;我国对外承包工程在市场开拓方面目前已经基本形成了“亚洲为主,发展非洲,拓展欧美、拉美和南太”的多元化市场格局。,For what do we study FIDIC Conditions of Contract for Construction?,master FIDIC Conditions of Contract in English tomaximize rights and interestsminimize the risks,Employer!Engineer!Contractor!,Questions,What are the four standard forms of contract published by FIDIC in 1999?What are the characteristics of them?What kind of works or projects are they suitable for?How shall we study FIDIC Conditions of Contract for Construction?,Lecture-Enlightening,Pratice-Mastering,+,国际咨询工程师联合会,中国咨询协会编译FIDIC Tendering Procedure,中国计划出版社国际咨询工程师联合会,中国咨询协会编译,Conditions of Contract for Construction,机械工业出版社http:/http:/http:/,References,References,Tip:,Understand and remember the terms in the texts,so pay more attention to the notes in the parentheses,for example:building or engineering works(建筑或工程项目)designed(设计)by the Employer(雇主)or by his representative(代表),the Engineer(工程师),The Public Tendering and Bidding Law of the Peoples Republic of China FIDIC Tendering ProcedureFIDIC Conditions of Contract for Construction,Contents of this course:,The Public Tendering and Bidding(招投标)Law of the Peoples Republic of ChinaEffective since January 1,2000,Contents of this law:,6 Chapters and 68 ArticlesChapter 1.General Principles(1-7 Articles)Chapter 2.Invitation To Bid(8-24 Articles)Chapter 3.Bidding(25-33 Articles)Chapter 4.Opening And Evaluation Of Bids and Selection Of Winning Bids(34-48 Articles)Chapter 5.Legal Responsibilities(49-64 Articles)Chapter 6.Supplementary Articles(65-68 Articles),Chapter 1 General Principles(总则)(7 articles),The goal of this lawApplicationCompetitive biddingPrinciplesNo restrictionSupervision,This Law is formulated to:regularize activities of competitive bidding(招投标);in order to safeguard the national interest,public interest,and the legitimate rights and interests of parties to competitive bidding andto ensure project quality.,The Goals of the Law,Article 1.,This Law is applicable to all activities of competitive bidding carried out inside the Peoples Republic of China,The Application of the Law,Article 2.,Competitive bidding shall be conducted for the survey(勘察),design(设计),construction(施工),and oversight(监理)of the following construction projects as well as the procurement of important equipment and materials for such projects:Large infrastructure projects and public utility projects that concern public interest and safety;Projects for which financing comes entirely or partially from state-owned investment funds(国有资金投资)or state-gathered funds(国家融资);Projects for which loans(贷款)or aid money(援助资金)from international organizations or foreign governments are used.,Project for Competitive bidding,Article 3.,No unit or individual shall evade competitive bidding on a project that is subject to competitive bidding according to law by dismembering(化整为零)the project or by any other means.,Article 4.,Competitive bidding shall be carried out under the principles of openness,fairness,justice,honesty and credit worthiness(公开、公平、公正、诚实、信用).,The principles of Competitive Bidding,Article 5.,Competitive bidding activities on projects subject to competitive bidding according to law shall be subject to no regional or departmental restrictions(不受地区或者部门的限制).No unit or individual shall illegally exclude legal persons or other organizations from outside its or his region or system from making bids,nor shall it or he illegally interfere with competitive bidding activities in any other way.,no regional or departmental restrictions,Article 6.,Competitive bidding activities and parties shall comply with supervision carried out according to law.,administrative supervision departments(行政监督部门),Article 7.,The relevant administrative supervision departments(行政监督部门)shall investigate illegal conduct(违法行为)in competitive bidding activities according to law and take actions accordingly.,Questions to the general principles,What construction projects shall be conducted through competitive bidding?The principles of the competitive bidding?,Chapter 2 Invitation to Bid(招标)(17 articles),The persons who invite tendersBidding agencyInvitation to bid Bid Documents,Public noticesSpecial requests,shall be legal persons(法人)or other organizations have proposed(提出)projects for competitive bidding will execute(执行)competitive bidding,The persons who invite tenders(招标人),Article 8.,Proposals for competitive bid projects that are subject to project approval procedures according to the relevant rules shall be submitted according to prescribed procedures to get approval.The person who invites tenders shall have secured the funds for the bid project or have established sources of funds for the project and shall truthfully state the facts in the bid documents.,Approval and funds(审批与资金),Article 9.,Public Notices and Special Invitation公开招标和邀请招标,public notices special invitation(公开招标)(邀请招标),Invitation to Bid(招标),unspecified(不特定的)legal persons or other organizations.,written requests(投标邀请书)to invite bids from specified(特定的)legal persons or other organizations.,Article 10,national key project local key project(国家重点项目)(地方重点项目),Article 11.,the development planning departments of the State Council,the peoples government of a province,autonomous region,or municipality directly under central government jurisdiction,special requests(邀请招标),The persons who invite tenders are entitled to select,independently,bidding agencies(招标代理机构)that will be authorized to execute bidding operations.,Execution of Bidding Operation(招标),Article 12.,Persons inviting tenders who possess the professional capability for preparing bid documents(编制招标文件)and organizing bid evaluations(组织评标能力)can execute bidding operations(自行办理招标事宜).,Bidding agency is a social intermediary organization(社会中介组织),established according to law,will execute bidding operations and provide relevant services,shall have the following qualifications:business location and funds(营业场所和相应资金);Having the professional capability for preparing bid documents and organizing bid evaluations;Having a pool of technical,economic,and other experts(技术、经济专家库).,Bidding Agencies and Qualifications,Article 13,A bidding agency in charge of bidding operations for a construction project shall have been qualified by the State Council or the construction administration department(建设行政管理部门)of the peoples government of a province,autonomous region,or municipality directly under central government jurisdiction.There shall be no supervisory-subordinate relationship or any other interest relationship between bidding agencies and administrative departments or other government departments(注:招标代理机构与行政机关和其他国家机关不得存在隶属关系或者其他利益关系),A bidding agency Qualified资格认定,Article 14.,Bidding agencies shall execute bidding operations according to rules set by the person who invites tenders,and shall follow provisions on bid solicitation by the person who invites tenders in this Law.,Bidding Agencies execute bidding operations招标代理进行招标,Article 15.,The notice soliciting bids shall be published in state-designated(国家指定)newspapers,periodicals,information networks,or other media.,Issue of bid solicitation notice(招标公告),Article 16.,shall contain such information as the name and address of the person who invites tenders,the nature,quantity,execution location and time,and ways to obtain the bid documents.,When using the special request method,the person who invites tenders shall send bid request letters(投标邀请书)to at least three selected legal persons or other organizations that have the capability to execute the bid project and good credit standing(资信良好).Bid request letters shall contain the information listed in Article 16,paragraph 2,of this Law.,bid request letters(投标邀请书),Article 17.,the name and address of the person who invites tenders,the nature,quantity,execution location and time,and ways to obtain the bid documents.,Based on the requirements of the bid project,the person who invites tenders may,in its bid solicitation notice or bid request letters,request potential bidders to provide:(1)relevant qualification certification documents(资质证明文件),(2)information on their business performance(业绩情况)carry out verification of those qualificationsshall not apply unreasonable requirements to restrict or exclude any potential bidder or give discriminatory treatment to any potential bidder.,Requests to potential bidders,Article 18.,technical specifications(技术规范)of the bid project all substantive requirements and conditions(实质性要求和条件)regarding such things as criteria for verifying bidders qualifications(资格审查的标准)requirements on bid prices(报价要求)evaluation criteria(评标标准)the main provisions of the contract(合同的主要条款)to be concluded.,The bid documents(招标文件),Article 19.,The bid documents shall not ask for(要求)or name(标明)any specific producer(生产商)or supplier(供应商)or contain other means of favoring or excluding any potential bidder.,Article 20.,In view of specific circumstances of the bid project,the person who invites tenders may arrange for potential bidders to inspect the project site.,inspect the project site踏勘项目现场,Article 21.,The person who invites tenders shall not disclose(透漏)the names and number of potential bidders that have obtained bid documents,or other bidding information that may affect fair competition.The person who invites tenders shall keep the base price(标底)secret if a base price has been established.,Keep secret,Article 22.,To make necessary clarifications on or revisions(必要的澄清和修改)of the bid documents already distributed,the person who invites tenders shall notify,in writing,all recipients of the bid documents(招标文件收受人)at least 15 days before the deadline(截止时间)for submitting bids(提交投标文件)as required by the bid documents.,clarifications or revisions(必要的澄清和修改),Article 23.,The person who invites tenders shall determine the reasonable amount of time necessary for bidders to prepare bidsHowever,for a project subject to bidding according to law,the period from sending out the bid documents to submission of bids by bidders shall be no shorter than 20 days.,reasonable amount of time necessary for bidders to prepare bids编制投标文件所需要的合理时间,Article 24.,Questions to bid invitation:,The persons who invite tenders?Bidding agen