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    专业英语翻译(5)长句的翻译,科技英语中大量使用后置定语、各种短语和复杂结构形成长句结构。,长句拆译方法1化整为零,分译法,The loads a structure is subjected to are divided into dead loads,which include the weights of all the parts of the structure,and live loads,which are due to the weights of people,movable equipment,etc.,参考译文,长句拆译方法1:分译法,英文原句包含多层含义,为了行文简洁,将整个长句译成几个独立的句子,顺序基本不变,保持前后的联贯。,长句拆译方法2变序法,The reason that a neutral body is attracted by a charged body is that,although the neutral body is neutral within itself,it is not neutral with respect to the charge body,and the two bodies act as if oppositely charged when brought near each other.,参考译文,长句拆译方法2:变序法,英文原句的结构复杂,可按汉语习惯由远及近的顺序从中间断句,层层展开,最后画龙点睛,突出主题。,长句拆译方法3逆序法,The resistance of any length of a conducting wire is easily measured by finding the potential difference in volts between its ends when a known current is flowing.,参考译文,长句拆译方法3:逆序法,由于英语惯用前置性陈述,先果后因;而汉语相反,一般先因后果,层层递进,最后综合,点出主题。由此遇到此类句子,应当先译全句的后部,再依次向前,拟序译出。,长句拆译法4顺序法,No such limitation is placed on an alternating-current machine;here the only requirement is relative motion,and since a stationary armature and a rotating field system have numerous advantages,this arrangement is standard practice for all synchronous machine rated above a few kilovolt-amperes.,参考译文,stationary:固定的,armature:电枢,rotating field system:旋转磁场系统,长句拆译法4:顺序法,英文原句结构的顺序与汉语相同,层次分明,译成汉语时顺序推进即可。,长句拆译法分译法变序法逆序法顺序法,Excercises,1)In reality,the lines of division between science are becoming blurred,and science is again approaching the“unity”that it had two centuries ago although the accumulated knowledge is enormously greater now,and no one person can hope to comprehend more than a fraction of it.,In reality,the lines of division between science are becoming blurred,and science is again approaching the“unity”that it had two centuries ago although the accumulated knowledge is enormously greater now,and no one person can hope to comprehend more than a fraction of it.参考译文:虽然现在积累的知识要多得多,而且任何个人也只可望了解其中的一小部分;但是事实上,各学科之间的界限却变得模糊不清,科学再次近似于两百年前那样的“单一整体”。,2)In pursuance of this aim the author has considered it desirable to quote extensively from the works of the mathematicians of past days,for in that way alone can a just appraisal of the great difficulties under which they laboured be made.,appraisal:评价,2)In pursuance of this aim the author has considered it desirable to quote extensively from the works of the mathematicians of past days,for in that way alone can a just appraisal of the great difficulties under which they laboured be made.参考译文:为此目的,作者认为不妨从过去的数学家的著作中大量摘引。唯有如此,才能对他们所经历的巨大困难做出正确的评价。,长句拆译时要遵循的原则,分清层次,突出重点。逻辑严密,前后呼应。,END,The loads a structure is subjected to are divided into dead loads,which include the weights of all the parts of the structure,and live loads,which are due to the weights of people,movable equipment,etc.参考译文:一个结构物受到的载荷可分为静载与活载两类。静载包括该结构各部分的重量。活载则是由于人及可移动设备等的重量而引起的荷载。,The reason that a neutral body is attracted by a charged body is that,although the neutral body is neutral within itself,it is not neutral with respect to the charge body,and the two bodies act as if oppositely charged when brought near each other.参考译文:虽然中性物体本身是不带电的,但对于带电体来说,它并非中性;当这两个物体彼此接近时,就会产生极性相反的电荷的作用。这就是中性物体被带电体吸引的原因。,The resistance of any length of a conducting wire is easily measured by finding the potential difference in volts between its ends when a known current is flowing.参考译文:已知导线中的电流,只要求出导线两端电位差的伏特数,就不难测出任何长度的导线的电阻。,No such limitation is placed on an alternating-current machine;here the only requirement is relative motion,and since a stationary armature and a rotating field system have numerous advantages,this arrangement is standard practice for all synchronous machine rated above a few kilovolt-amperes.参考译文:交流机不受这种限制,唯一的要求是相对移动,而且由于固定电枢及旋转磁场系统具有许多优点,这种安排是所有容量超过几千伏安的同步机的标准做法。,


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