翻译中的句子组合 (2).ppt
1,翻译中的句子组合(2),张干周,参见TEXTBOOK 第11、12章,2,CONTENTS,Students Presentation Warm-up Exercises 翻译中的句子组合(Restructuring)Exercises in Class Homework,3,学生课堂演示,4,Analysis of Students Presentation,1.芙蓉镇街面不大。十几家铺子、几十户住家紧紧夹着一条青石板街,铺子和铺子是那样的挤密,以至一家煮狗肉,满街闻香气;以至谁家娃子跌跤碰脱牙、打了碗,街坊邻里心中都确有数;以至妹娃家的私房话,年轻夫妇的打情骂俏,都常常被隔壁邻居听了去,传为一镇的秘闻趣事,笑料谈资。偶尔某户人家弟兄内讧,夫妻斗殴,整条街道便会骚动起来,人们往来奔走,相告相劝,如同一河受惊的鸭群,半天不得平息。The main street of Hibiscus was not big.Paved with flagstones石板 it was wedged between a dozen shops and a few scores of houses.These buildings were so packed together that if one shop stewed dogmeat,the aroma 香味 filled the whole street;if some child fell and knocked out a tooth or smashed a bowl,the whole street knew of it;neighbors often overheard the secrets girls confided to each other and the jokes between young married couples,then regaled享受 the whole town with these titbits珍闻.If brothers fell out or husband and wife came to blows,the whole place was in a turmoil as all rushed to intercede调解.,5,2随着中国经济改革的进一步深化,生产力的进一步解放和人民生活水平的进一步改善,中国人民对文化生活、精神生活在质量上的追求将进一步提高,为此,随着现代科学技术的迅猛发展,为了满足广大观众的需要,电视作为最具有活力的传播手段,它将不仅使节目在数量上,而且在质量上,都产生一个很大的飞跃。The deep-going economic restructuring will further liberate Chinas productive forces and hence enrich the material life of the Chinese people.It does follow that a richer material life will bring about a call for a quality cultural life.T hanks to the rapid development of science and technology and TV industry itself,TV program-making in China will undergo a great leap forward in quality as well as in quantity for the benefits of viewers.,6,3.父亲的一双大手,大得出奇,常常沾满了机油,甚至连掌纹、指甲里都是。他总是用肥皂使劲地搓洗双手机油可不容易洗掉了。父亲的手伤痕累累,旧疤没掉,又添新伤,指甲常常是青的青,紫的紫。有时,父亲的手伤得很重,伤口大得吓人,要是换了我或者别人,肯定跑到急诊去缝针了,可父亲从来就没往心里去过。My father had particularly large hands.Oil often was pounded into his palms,his fingers,filling every crease折缝 and fold.He would scrub擦洗 with soap,but the oil wouldnt give.His hands were covered with scars,heal-ing cuts,freshly blackened nails.The cuts were of the sort and size that would send me,and most likely you as well,to the emergency room for stitches;for my father,they were commonplace.,7,Warm-up Exercises,8,【例1】一道幸福之门关闭时,另一道就会打开。我们经常盯着关闭的门,对开启的门视若无睹。【例2】咖啡的苦与甜,不在于怎么搅拌,而在于是否放糖;一段伤痛,不在于怎么忘记,而在于是否有勇气重新开始。【例3】人之所以活得累,是因为放不下架子、撕不开面子、解不开情结。【例4】有些人在雨中感受快乐,有些人只是淋成“落汤鸡”。【例5】说假话总会被人揭穿,戴假发总会被风揭穿。【例6】有一种人只会做两种事:你成功了他妒忌你;你失败了他笑话你。【例7】感觉不到痛苦的爱情,不是真正的爱情;感觉不到幸福的婚姻,必定是悲哀的婚姻。,9,【例1】一道幸福之门关闭时,另一道就会打开。我们经常盯着关闭的门,对开启的门视若无睹。【例2】咖啡的苦与甜,不在于怎么搅拌,而在于是否放糖;一段伤痛,不在于怎么忘记,而在于是否有勇气重新开始。【例1】When one gate to happiness is closed,the other one will be opened.However,we always keep our eyes on the locked gate and keep blind to the unlocked.【例2】The bitterness or sweetness of coffee has nothing to do with the way to stir,but indeed with availability of sugar.The pain once suffered does have nothing to do with the way to forget,but with ones courage to restart.,10,【例3】人之所以活得累,是因为放不下架子、撕不开面子、解不开情结。【例4】有些人在雨中感受快乐,有些人只是淋成“落汤鸡”。【例5】说假话总会被人揭穿,戴假发总会被风揭穿。【例3】Those who could not relinquish haughty airs/throw off ones airs,throw away prestige,or untie their complex knot are always feeling tired to live.【例4】Some always enjoy the pleasure in rain,while some others become a drowned rat after the rain.【例5】Lie will be punctured by somebody someway,and periwig by the wind all the way.,11,【例6】有一种人只会做两种事:你成功了他妒忌你;你失败了他笑话你。【例7】感觉不到痛苦的爱情,不是真正的爱情;感觉不到幸福的婚姻,必定是悲哀的婚姻。【例6】Only two things can certain people do,that is to envy of the others success and make fun of the failure.【例7】Love without pain suffering is not beautiful,and marriage without happiness feeling will definitely be woeful.,12,翻译中的句子组合(2),张干周,参见TEXTBOOK 第11、12章,13,CONTENTS,2.1 句子表达的动态与静态2.2 复杂句子翻译的处理,14,句子表达的动态与静态,张干周,15,相对而言,英语语言形态丰富。英语的动词形态变化多而稳定,这使英语动词的使用受形态的限制;名词不存在该问题,在使用中占据了优势。同时,英语名词的优势又导致了介词的伴随优势。汉语词类没有形态变化问题,而动词与名词比较,动态感强烈。因此,汉语中动词非常活跃,可以连用,很多介词、形容词都动词化使用。如:“别在那儿”(介词“在”作了动词);“人生苦短”(形容词“苦”和“短”都动词化);“她漂亮得很”(形容词“漂亮”作了动词)等。基于上述差异,汉语叙事呈动态(动词化),而英语叙事则呈静态(名词化)。,16,汉语叙述的动态和英语叙述的静态,主要表现在,当表示动作意义时,汉语倾向于多用动词,英语倾向于动用名词(尤其是抽象名词)和介词短语、形容词、副词,和表示存在状态的动词,如:be,have,become,grow,feel,go come,get 等以及名词化动词结构,如:have a look,take a walk,make an attempt,pay a visit,do shopping,do some reading 等手段表达动作意义。现代汉语中,一句话往往会出现多个动词,即动词连用。这给英语翻译造成很大的难度。,17,华大妈在枕头底掏了半天,掏出一包洋钱,交给老栓,老栓接了,抖抖地装入衣袋,又在外面按了两下,便点上灯笼,吹熄灯盏,走向里屋去了。(鲁迅药),汉语动词化 英语名词化举例,【译文】After some fumbling under the pillow,his wife produced a packet of silver dollars which she handed over.Older Chuan pocketed it nervously,patted his pocket twice,then lighting a paper lantern and blowing out the lamp,went into the room.(杨宪益、戴乃迪译),18,2.晴雯先接出来,笑道:“好啊,叫我研了墨,早起高兴,只写了三个字,扔下笔就走了,哄我等了这一天,快来给我写完了这些墨才罢。(曹雪芹、高鹗红楼梦),【译文】Qingwen greeted him with a smile,exclaiming,“a fine one you are!On the spur of the moment you bade me grind ink for you this morning.But you threw down your brush and went away after having written merely three characters.Youve kept me waiting for you the whole day.You are to use up this ink now.Be quick!.(杨宪益、戴乃迪译),19,前面,我们已经了解了,英语表达倾向名词化,因此,汉译英翻译时,不可生搬硬套,应在彻底弄清汉语语句的主题,理解汉语句子的语义情况下,根据英语的特点作调整,尽可能使译文符合英语的表达习惯。,20,汉语的动词化英语的名词化动静之间,连动式兼语式,并列式从属式,动词连用是汉语常见的现象,汉语的连动式与兼语式包括两个或两个以上的动词。连动式是指两个或两个以上的动词与同一个主语发生主谓关系。兼语式是指谓语有两个动词,前一个动词的宾语,也是后一个动词的主语,前后两个动词不共用一个主语。,21,1.他立刻坐下来开了一张支票.2.你去教室把他叫来.3.我悄悄地披上了大衣,带上门出去了。4.我吃完早饭,就去上班了。,1.He immediately sat down and made out a check.2.Go to the classroom and call him back.3.Shrugging on an overcoat,I made my way out,closing the door behind me.4.Having finished my breakfast,I went out to work.,Example,22,连动式的翻译 并列式:表示先后关系连动式,可以将几个动词都译成谓语动词,按照原文的先后顺序,用and连接。或者将其中表示次要意思的动词译为英语中的现在分词,作伴随状语.,23,紫娟答应着,忙出来换了一个痰盆儿,将手里的这个盘而放在桌上,开了套间的房门出来,仍旧带上门,放下赏花软帘,出来叫醒雪雁。(连动式)红楼梦 Zijuan,assenting hurried out to fetch a clean spittoon,placing the used one on the table in the outer room.Having closed the door behind her,she let down the soft flowered portiere before going to wake Xueyan.,Example,24,从属式的翻译 第一种情况,表示目的、手段关系的连动式,可以把前面一个动词(表示手段的词)译作谓语,而后一个动词(表示目的词,)则用不定式译作目的壮语.第二种情况,表示方式、状态的连动式,将表示方式、状态的词,译成分词和介词短语,而表示结果的词译为谓语。,25,1.他们跑过去欢迎代表。2.我被老师叫到办公室去作检讨。3.我们可以派车去接你。,Example,1.They ran over to welcome the delegates.2.I was called to the office by the teacher to make a self-criticism.3.We can send a car over to fetch you.,第一种情况,26,1.他们热烈鼓掌欢迎来宾。2.他双手抱膝坐在地上。3.她坐在小溪边的石头上撩起布衫揩脸上的汗水。,第二种情况,Example,1.They welcomed the guests with warm applause.2.He sat on the floor,hands around knees.3.Seated on a stone beside the stream,she wiped her perspiring face with her tunic.,27,兼语式的翻译 翻译成补足语:可以把兼语式的第二个动词转化为英语的补足语,用不定式、介词短语、形容词、介词、副词、分词和名词充当。,28,1.在会上他们邀请我发言。2.他们推他为主席。3.他们将乐意帮助我们克服困难。4.他一定会帮助我们渡过难关。5.他能听见雨敲打着窗子。6.我们必须使房子保持清洁。,Example,1.At the meeting they invited me to speak.2.They made him their chairman.3.Well be glad to help them overcome their difficulties.4.He is sure to help us through.5.She could hear the rain pattering against the window.6.We must keep the room clean.,29,翻译成“促使、致使”:利用英语中表示“促使、致使”意思的动词翻译汉语的兼语式。,1.他的孩子在聚会上表现得很差,使他觉得很丢脸。2.这样做会让她不高兴的。1.That his children behaved badly at the party much embarrassed him.(Or:He was much embarrassed at his childrens behavior at the party.)2.To do that will displease her.,30,1.医生迅速赶到,仔细检查了病人并给予适当的治疗,因此病人很快就康复了。,汉英翻译对比举例,【译文1】The doctor arrived extremely quickly,examined the patient uncommonly carefully,and treated the patient properly;the result was that he recovered very speedily.【译文2】The doctors extremely quick arrival and un-commonly careful examination and proper treatment of the patient brought about his very speedily recovery.,(比较两个翻译),31,2.科学的探索、知识的追求,使人类获得了避免天灾人祸的实力。,【译文1】Scientific exploration,the search for knowledge has given man the practical results of being able to shield himself from the calamities of nature and the calamities imposed by other man.【译文2】Man has acquired the practical strength to shield himself from the calamities of nature and the calamities imposed by other man after exploring scientifically and searching for knowledge.,32,汽车迂回盘旋,穿过村庄,翻越一座小峡谷,沿着一条因解冻而涨水的小溪行驶。,英语名词化造成介词优势,【译文1】The car wound through the village and up a narrow valley,following a thaw-swollen stream.【译文2】The car wound and crossed the village and ran up a narrow valley,following a thaw-swollen stream.,(比较两个翻译),33,2.你得喝几口水,把药丸冲下去。【译文1】You have to sip some water and wash the pill down.【译文2】You have to wash the pill down with sips of water.,3.有一个有利的证据足以推定他们所讲的是真实的。【译文1】There is a strong presumption in favor of the truthfulness of their statement.【译文2】There is an evidence which is strong enough to presume what they stated is true.,34,Put the following sentences into English(8)游行的人拿着鲜花和彩旗在街道上行进。革命不是请客吃饭。他深信,只有对历史加以彻底研究,才能真正学到知识。他统治那个地区长达20年之久。他们迫切地想得到消息。他五岁时,生了一场伤寒病,变成了聋子。,汉语动词化和英语名词化转换,练习,35,The paraders marched in the street,carrying flowers and banners in their hands.Revolution is not a dinner party.He is in the full conviction that real knowledge is the end product of a thorough study of the history.He had been the ruler of that region for as long as twenty years.They were news-hungry.He became deaf at five after an attack of typhoid fever.,汉语动词化和英语名词化转换,参考答案,36,复杂句子翻译的处理,张干周,37,汉英句子特征对比,汉语缺乏形态变化,在表达复杂思想时主要依靠次序和虚词,经常使用短句、分句和流水句,按照一定的时间顺序和逻辑顺序,使叙述有先有后,有主有次,逐层展开。因此,有人把英语句子比作树式结构,把汉语句子比作竹式结构。,38,Example,“你看,我这么想:赶二十七老头子生日那天,你去给他磕三个头。等一转过年来,你再去拜个年,讨他个喜欢。我看他一喜欢,就弄点酒什么的,让他喝个痛快。看他喝到七八成了,就热儿打铁,你干脆认他作干爹。日后,我再慢慢的叫他知道我身子不方便了。他必审问我,我给他个徐庶入曹营一语不发。(老舍骆驼祥子),39,Translation,“Look,heres my plan.On the twenty-seventh,the old mans birthday,you come and kowtow three times to him.Then,on New Years Day,you come again to wish him happy New Year.That will put him in good mood and Ill get some wine and tidbits and let him have a good drink.When hes nearly right,you strike while the irons hot and ask him to be your foster-farther.Later on,Ill gradually let him know that I dont feel so well.Hes sure to ask questions but Ill hold my tongue to begin with.,40,汉语长句翻译时的原则,鉴于英汉句法结构的差异,当把松散的汉语句子翻译成英语时,尽量符合英语句子思维缜密、句法紧凑连贯的特点。一般情况下,翻译时应掌握下列五原则:1.选定主题 确立句子主干2.仔细分析 理清逻辑关系3.把握语义,确定词语单位4.调整搭配,重新组合句子5.核对原句,认真润饰译文,41,1.选定主题 确立句子主干,由于汉语句子结构相对松散,但主题总是很鲜明。因此,翻译时,要首先选定汉语长句的主题,然后根据英语的树状结构需求,确立句子主干。如下句中的红体字即句子的主干。,42,1.最后的鸽群带着低弱的笛声在微风里划一个圈子后,也消失了。也许是预感到风雨的将至,遂过早地飞回它们温暖的木舍。The last flock of pigeons have also gone out of sight after doing their final circling in the soft breeze,the sound of their whistles barely audible.They are hastening back to their warm wooden dovecote 鸽房 earlier than usual perhaps because of their presentiment 预感 of a storm.,43,2.清晨往松林里去散步,我在林荫路畔发现了一束被人遗弃了的蔷薇。蔷薇的花色还是鲜艳的,一朵紫红,一朵嫩红,一朵是病黄的象牙色中带着几分血晕。Rambling through a pine forest early in the morning,I came across a bunch of forsaken roses lying by the shady wayside.They were still fresh in color.One was purplish-red,another pink,still another a sickly ivory-yellow slightly tinged 淡色的 with blood-red.,44,2.仔细分析 理清逻辑关系,确定句子的主干只是翻译长句的第一步。找到长句的主干之后,接下来要根据长句的主题,认真分析并理清上下文各修饰成分与中心词之间的语法和逻辑关系。然后,再回到整体上来把握和翻译。,45,夜是安静的,然而也是生动的。狗儿活跃起来了,他们悄然无声地沿着院子围墙跑着,不时地停下来支支耳朵,细察来自远近的一切切动静,履行保卫主人的职责。The night was quiet but alive.The lively dogs,dutifully defending their masters,ran along the courtyard wall noiselessly,stopping now and then,pricking up their ears carefully listening for any sound,near or far.,46,3.把握语义,确定词语单位,鼠儿活跃起来了,不放过任何机会地往窝里拉拽着大意的人们没有安放好的食物,尽量避免发出任何声响。猫儿也活跃起来了,它们藏好了身子,然而耳朵和眼睛都在紧张地工作着,伺机捕捉这些夜里活动的窃贼。Resourceful rats did not miss any chance to drag to their house the food careless people left around,trying their best to avoid making any noise.The hid-ing cats were active too,their eyes and ears alert,waiting for the chance to catch the night thieves.,47,4.调整搭配,重新组合句子,e.g.遗传和行为的继承一直是支配环境的惟一方式,当这种继承第一次被有意识的选择打破时,人类历史便开始了。Human history began when the inheritance of genetics and behavior.which had until then provided the only way of dominating the environment was first broken through by conscious choice.,48,整体组合上面例句:Human history began when the inheritance of genetics and behavior which had until then provided the only way of dominating the environment was first broken through by con-scious choice.,49,5.核对原句,认真润饰译文,将汉语结构松散的各个小句翻译之后,按照英语的树状句法结构和思维逻辑方式,对照原文,复核译文,以原文为依托,润饰译句。最后核实译文的正误,发现错误,立即改正。,50,我们漫步在阳光下,聆听着耳边的各种声音,一旦眼睛失明了,耳朵失聪了,就会感觉如同身陷囹圄。,【润饰】To those of us who walk in sunlight and hear all the sounds that beat on our ears,being blind and deaf seem like being in a prison.,【译文】To all of us who walk in sunlight and hear all the sounds,being blind and deaf seem like being in a prison.,51,【又如】正如我们所知,态度决定一切。,【译文】As we all know,the attitude decides everything.,【润饰】As always said,it is the attitude that will count/can tell.,52,汉语长句翻译-练习,应该做的,下决心去做,下决心做的,务必做好。迈步之前不要盯着脚下去测试地面;只有注视远方地平线的人才能找到正确的道路。真正的朋友是这样一种人:他们襟怀坦荡,为人正直,有求必应,勇于冒险;他们能够忍受一切,勇敢地牺牲一切,对朋友永不变心。,53,汉语长句翻译练习,Resolve to perform what you ought;perform without fail what you resolve.Never look down to test the ground before taking your step;only he who keeps his eye fixed on the far horizon will find his right road.Friends are like these:They are frank,upright,ready to offer help and brave in taking risks;they can endure everything,sacrifice everything bravely and never change their hearts.,54,课堂练习,55,No certificate of the Architect under this Contract shall be final and binding in any dispute between the Employer and the Contractor,whether before an arbitrator or in the Courts,save only that,in the absence of fraud or improper pressure or interference by either party,full effect by way of Summary Judgment or Interim Award or otherwise shall,in the absence of express provision,be given to all decisions and certificates of the Architect(other than a Cost of Termination Certificate or a Termination Delay Certificate under clause 32.(8)of these Conditions),whether for payment or otherwise,until final judgment or award,as the case may be,and until such final judgment or award such decision or certificates shall(save as aforesaid and subject to sub-clause(6)of this condition)be binding on the Employer and the Contractor in relation to any matter which,under the terms of the Contract,the Architect has a fact taken into account or allowed or disallowed,or any disputed matter upon which under the terms of the Contract he has as a fact ruled,in his certificates or otherwise.,Exercise 01 in Class,56,这一“超长的”句子,读开头几个单词时好像很清楚意思,但继续往下读时就开始犯迷糊了,读到最后就根本不记得前面讲的到底是什么了。,Analysis of Exercise 01,57,翻译这样的“超级长句子”,不能采用一般的方法。翻译普通的句子时,常常是先阅读整个句子,把意思弄懂,然后再把中文写出来。但是对上面这个“庞然大句”,这样几乎是不可能的,它会使你头脑发胀,根本连句子的基本框架都很难把握。,58,所以,对这样的长句,要采用“分段翻译,连句成篇”的方法,即:先把句子拆成若干个小的部分分别翻译出来,逐渐明白句子的总体含义,然后再根据句子的逻辑,对各个分句进行重构,最终成文。拆分的时候没有固定的标准,只要拆分成意思比较完整的分句即可。,59,黔无驴。有好事者船载以入。至,则无可用,放之山下。虎见赢,庞然大物也,以为神。蔽林间窥之。稍出近之,慭慭(yin)然(cautious,attentive)莫相知。他日,驴一鸣,虎大骇,远遁,以为且噬己也,甚恐。然往来视之,觉无异能者。益习其声,又近出前后,终不敢搏。稍近,益狎,荡倚冲冒。驴不胜怒,踢之。虎因喜,计之曰:“技止此耳!”因跳踉大阚(hn)(roar,growl),断其喉,尽其肉,乃去。(柳宗元黔无驴),Exercise 02 in Class,60,黔无驴。有好事者船载以入。至,则无可用,放之山下。虎见赢,庞然大物也,以为神。蔽林间窥之。稍出近之,慭慭(yin)然(cautious,attentive)莫相知。There were no donkeys in Guizhou until someone officious 多管闲事的 took one there by boat;but finding no use for it he set it loose in hills.A tiger saw this monstrous looking beast thought it must be divine.It first surveyed the donkey from under cover,then ventured a little nearer,still keeping a res