1,科技英语,English for Science and Technology,email:电话:QQ:229478584主讲人:王彩丽,1-12周 24学时,2,课程教学目的 培养学生对科技英语语言的理解能力和应用能力,让学生学会科技英语阅读必须的技能和知识,使学生能够以英语为工具获取科技知识及其他有关的信息。,3,科技英语的含义 不同于普通英语;更不同于文学英语;也不完全等同于专业英语;English for Science and Technology 专门服务于理工科专业和各行业的科技人员。,4,科技英语与其它英语的区别,文学英语:需了解美国文化背景,语言漂亮普通英语:以语法为主线,基础词汇科技英语:注重翻译技巧,严谨,忠于原 文,但不一定要直译,如:英文中的被动句中文中的主动句。,5,科技英语的重要性,国际间的科技情报和资料交流;世界上科技杂志有六万多种,一半以上是英文刊物;各国科技人员学习的需要;交流的需要。,6,本课程的主要内容,科技英语的特点 12学时科技英语中常见概念的英译 8学时科技英语翻译技巧 4学时,7,科技英语的学习方法 科技英语阅读与普通英语的快速阅读的方法也有所不同,科技英语阅读要把准确理解放在首位,在准确理解的基础上提高阅读速度。和其他的英语能力一样,科技英语阅读能力,需要通过长期的实践才能获得,不可能一蹴而就,多读多练是提高科技英语阅读能力最有效的方法。,8,1 科技英语的特点,1.1 科技英语的特点概述 4学时1.2 科技英语的特殊语法现象 4学时1.3科技英语中的一些常用句型 4学时,9,1.1 科技英语的 特点概述,一、科技英语在词汇方面的特点二、科技英语句法上的特点三、科技英语修辞上的特点,10,科技英语的基本特点,为了了解科技英语的特点,我们先阅读下面一段关于许用应力的课文。,Despite the tests described in Chapters 11 and 12,materials may still fail in service,sometimes with disastrous results(e.g.when the failure occurs in aircraftbridges,ships,etc.).To try to avoid such disastrous occurring,the designer avoids using materials continuously at their maximum allowable stress.This is done by employing a factor of safety.Unfortunately,increasing the strength of a component in the interests of safety not only increases the initial material costs,but also the operating costs.For example,the stronger and heavier the structure members of an aircraft,the fewer passengers it can carry and the more fuel it consumesTherefore a balance has to be maintained between safety,initial cost and operating costsThe designer is constantly striving to improve the former whilst reducing the latter,11,Allowable working stress is taken as a proportion of the yield or proof stress;that is,the component is only stressed within its elastic range when in serviceFor example,consider the screwed fastening shown in Fig.1.l.When the nut is tightened normally the bolt is stretched slightly and,providing it is stressed within its elastic range,it will behave like a very powerful spring and will pull the joint faces together very firmly,12,If the fastening shown in Fig.1.1 is overstressed by applying excess torque to the nut(for example,by extending the length of the spanner with a tube),the bolt will be stressed beyond its elastic rangeOnce the yield stress for the bolt has been exceeded it exhibits plastic properties and takes a permanent set that is,it becomes permanently lengthened,the“spring back”is seriously reduced and the joint faces are no longer held firmly together.Thus for critical assemblies,the designer will seek to control the stress in the fastening and associated components by specifying the torque to be applied to the nut as it is tightened by the use of a“torque spanner”set to a specific value.,13,If the fastening shown in Fig.1.1 is overstressed by applying excess torque to the nut(for example,by extending the length of the spanner with a tube),the bolt will be stressed beyond its elastic rangeOnce the yield stress for the bolt has been exceeded it exhibits plastic properties and takes a permanent set that is,it becomes permanently lengthened,the“spring back”is seriously reduced and the joint faces are no longer held firmly together.Thus for critical assemblies,the designer will seek to control the stress in the fastening and associated components by specifying the torque to be applied to the nut as it is tightened by the use of a“torque spanner”set to a specific value.,14,在文章结构方面,逻辑严谨,层次分明,复杂长句多;在用词方面,必然要用到专业术语和专业单词,以及词性变换多;在语法方面,非谓语动词多,较多地使用被动语态;另一个重要特点是采用图表等非语言因素表达思想。,可以得出科技英语的特点:,15,词性转换多,英语单词有不少是多性词,如:Above介词:above all(things)形容词:for the above reason副词:as(has been)indicated above,16,副词:travel light轻装旅行 light come,light go易得易失,Light名词:in the light of 由于,根据 high light(s)强光,精华 safety light 安全指示灯形容词:light industry轻工业 light room空房间 light blue淡蓝,17,一、科技英语在词汇方面的特点,专业词汇出现率低;词义专一;多来源于拉丁语和希腊语;广泛使用缩略语;前后缀出现率高,18,缩略语Abbreviation,普通英语中的缩略语:i.e.即,etc.等,co.公司;科技英语中缩略语多为单位名称、设备名称,仪器,方法,药剂等,一般在上下文中有原型。如:英国电气工程师学会 Institution of Electrical Engineers 简称 IEE美国科学情报研究所 Institute for Scientific Information 简称 ISI核磁共振 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance简称 NMR聚丙烯酰胺 Polyacrylamide PAM,19,1.各种组织或机构的缩略词,APEC(Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation)亚太经贸合作组织 IOC(International Olympic Committee)国际奥林匹克委员会 ISO(International Organization for Standardization)国际标准化组织 OPEC(Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)欧佩克,石油输出国组织 WTO(World Trade Organization)世界贸易组织 SOS村(SOS Childrens Village)一种专门收养孤儿的慈善机构,20,太原理工大学?,矿业工程学院?,21,太原理工大学?,矿业工程学院?,Tai Yuan University of Technology(tyut),College of Mining Technology,22,BBS(Bulletin Board System)电子布告栏系统或(Bulletin Board Service)电子布告服务 GPS(Global Position System)全球定位系统 GSM(Global System for Mobile Communications)全球移动通信系统 CIMS(Computer Integrated Manufacturing System)计算机集成制造系统 DOS(Disc Operating System)磁盘操作系统 ITS(Intelligent Transportation System)智能交通系统 NMD(National Missile Defense)国家导弹防御系统 TMDE(Test,Measure and Diagnostic Equipment)试验、测量与诊断设备 NASDAQ(National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation)纳斯达克,全国证券交易商自动报价系统协会,2.表示各种系统的缩略词,23,CEO(Chief Executive Officer)首席执行官 CFO(Chief Finance Officer)首席财务官 CIO(Chief Information Officer)首席信息官 COO(Chief Operating Officer)首席运行官 CTO(Chief Technology Officer)首席技术官 CPA(Certified Public Accountant)注册会计师 MBA(Master of Business Administration)工商管理硕士 MPA(Master of Public Administration)公共管理硕士,3.有关职务或学位的缩略词,24,ATM(Automated Teller Machine)自动取款(出纳)机 CBD(Central Business District)中央商务区 GDP(Gross Domestic Product)国内生产总值 GNP(Gross National Product)国民生产总值,4.有关金融方面的缩略词,25,CET(College English Test)大学英语等级考试 GRE(Graduate Record Examination)美国研究生入学考试 PETS(Public English Test System)全国英语等级考试CET band 4/6(College English Test)大学英语四六级考试,5.有关考试方面的缩略词,26,AIDS(Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)获得性免疫功能丧失综合症,即艾滋病 AM(Amplitude Modulation)调幅 APC(aspirin,phenacetin and caffeine;compound aspirin;heat-relieving and pain-killing medicine consisting of aspirin,phenacetin and caffeine)复方阿斯匹林 API(Air Pollution Index)空气污染指数 CDMA(Code Division Multiple Access)码分多址,一种无线电发射和接受方式 CD(Compact Disc)激光唱盘 CIP(Cataloguing in Publication)预编目录 DIY(Do It Yourself)指自己动手装电脑,缝制衣服,做贺卡等,6.其他方面的缩略词,27,DVD(Digital Video Disc)数字化视频光盘 EMS(Express Mail Service)邮政特快专递 EQ(Emotional Quotient)情商 IQ(Intelligence Quotient)智商 IT(Information Technology)信息技术 OA(Office Automation)办公自动化 OEM(Original Equipment Manufacturer)原始设备制造商 PC(Personal Computer)个人计算机 PT(Particular Transfer)特别转让 ID Card(Identity Card)身份证,28,SOHO(Small Office Home Office)小型家居办公室 SOS(Save Our Souls;radio signal once used universally to appeal for help esp.by a ship or boat;urgent request for help from sb.in trouble)国际上曾通用的紧急呼救信号,也用于 一般的求救或求助 ST(Special Treatment)特别处理 VIP(Very Important Person)要人 VOD(Video on Demand)视频点播 WWW(World Wide Web)万维网,29,前缀,Semi-半,部分的,Micro-小,微,Thermo-热,Auto-自,自身,Semi-conductor 半导体Semicircle 半圆,Microbiology 微生物学Microchemistry 微量化学Microelectronics 微电子学Microfilm 缩微胶卷,Thermodynamic 热力学的Thermometer 温度计,Autobiographic 自传的Automat 自动售货机Automation 自动化,30,后缀,-ance-ity-ment-ness-sion-tion-th(序),-ure-able-ible-ant-al-ic-ive-ous,31,二、科技英语句法上的特点,长句多;大量使用被动语态;常用形容词短语做后置定语;使用非谓语动词的频率特别高。,32,复杂长句多,Factories will not buy machines unless they believe that the machine will produce goods that they are able to sell to consumers at a price that will cover all cost.,语法分析,符合汉语习惯,以短代长,化难为易,33,There is an increasing belief in the idea that the“problem solving attitude”of the engineer must be buttressed(维持,支持,支撑)not only by technical knowledge and“scientific analysis”but that the engineer must also be aware of economics and psychology and,perhaps even more important,that he must understand the world around him.,34,长句,The development of industrial technology largely strengthens human physical capabilities,enabling people to harness more energy,process and shape materials easily,travel faster,and so on while the development of microelectronics extends mental capabilities,enabling electronic“intelligence”to be closely related to a wide range of products and processes.,35,长句,A further inference was drawn by pascal who reasoned that if this“sea of air”existed,its pressure at the bottom(i.e.sea level)would be greater than its pressure up and that therefore the height of mercury column would decrease in proportion to the height above sea-level.,36,被动语态多,科技英语1/3以上用被动句,但译成汉语不一定用被动语态例句:No work can be done without energy.没有能量决不能做功.All sorts of necessaries of life can be made of plastics.Automobiles may be manufactured with computer-driven robots or put together almost totally by hand.,37,As oil is found deep in the ground,its presence cannot be determined by a study of the surface.Consequently,a geological survey of the underground rock structure must be carried out.If it is thought that the rocks in a certain area contain oil a“drilling rig”is assembled.The most obvious part of a drilling rig is called“a derrick”.It is used to lift sections of pipe,which are lowered into the hole made by the drill.As the hole is being drilled,a steel pipe is pushed down to prevent the sides from falling in.If oil is struck a cover is firmly fixed to the top of the pipe and the oil is allowed to escape through a series of valves.,Explanations of the earths magnetic field based on the rotation of a liquid conducting core although far from complete are generally accepted.,用液态导电地心的旋转来解释地球磁场,尽管还很不完善,但正在获得普遍承认.,39,Non-mobile robots,capable of learning to perform an industrial task and then of being left to perform it tirelessly,are even now in use in industrial plants all over the world.,形容词短语作后置定语,例句 All radiant energy has wavelike characterstics,analogous to those of waves that move through water.所有的辐射都具有波的特征,与水中移动的波的特征相似。,40,非谓语动词多,动名词分词:现在分词和过去分词不定式例句:To be a true professional requires lifelong learning要成为一个名副其实的内行,需要 学到老。,Heating water does not change its chemical composition.把水加热并不会改变水的化学成分。Matter is anything having weight and occupying space.任何具有重量并占有空间的东西都是物质。,41,Today the electronic computer is widely used in solving mathematical problems having to do with weather forecasting and putting satellites into orbit.,Numerical control machines are most useful when quantities of products to be produced are low or medium;the tape containing the information required to produce the part can be stored,reused or modified when required.,42,非谓语动词,In the process of controlling the fire district in coal mine,radon detection is the key technique for determining the right fire source of spontaneous combustion(自燃).Collection of the temperature information from fire district is crucial in deciding the fire fighting parameters and fire fighting protocol(方案).By using the technique for determining the accurate fire source and temperature detecting technique at the same time,reliable criteria for prediction and forecasting the fire district in mine could be provided.The cost of fire fighting could be saved,and efficiency could be raised.,43,三、科技英语修辞上的特点,时态运用有限;修辞手法简单;逻辑-语法词使用普遍,如:,表示原因,caused by,as because of,due toowing to,foras a result of,because,表示逻辑顺序,however,but neverthelessotherwise,表示限制,only,if onlyexceptbesidesunless,supposesupposingassumingprovidedproviding,表示假设,2,44,1.2 科技英语的特殊语法现象,五、关于动作主体的问题六、命令句的用法七、by,with的用法八、关于“名词+名词”的问题九、很少用“s”表示所有十、定语从句中与which、when连用的介词位置,一、关于be going to 表示未来的问题二、will,can,may的用法三、无人称被动句的用法四、should的用法,45,十一、关于if 子句的问题十二、从句的紧缩式十三、完成时的用法十四、as的用法,十五、such that,such as to 的用法十六、关于抽象名词的用法十七、动词+后缀当形容词十八、常用的前缀十九、多用正规动词,少用“动词+副词”,1.2 科技英语的特殊语法现象,