实用雅思口语词汇书推荐 刚开始准备雅思口语,考生们都会从积累词汇量开始,有哪些雅思口语词汇书值得购买呢?下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。入门必看:实用雅思口语词汇书推荐雅思口语备考的书,其实涉及到的也就是发音、词汇、语法、内容。针对这几个部分有的放矢的看书才有效果。关于雅思口语发音练习,考生们如果没有学过音标,那么还是建议去模仿,不管你是看剧也好还是,报班也好,都是可以的。雅思口语评分标准里,对于发音没有很高的要求,标准即可。但是很多考生常年不练口语,口语发音存在问题,建议还是要进行一次系统性的练习和纠正,打好发音的基础。针对雅思口语词汇基础稍差的考生,建议使用雅思5.5分-6分核心词汇、剑桥雅思-核心词汇精讲精练。雅思词汇量还不错的雅思考生可以直接从9分达人雅思口语真题还原及解析开始看。不过这本书用词就要华丽许多,如果不是真正掌握的话,很容易只是在皮毛上的炫技,还很可能用错地方。雅思口语评分标准中对于词汇的要求是准确和丰富,光有高级词汇但是用不对的话,其实对于雅思口语分数提高反倒没有帮助。考生如果觉得语法比较薄弱,那么建议剑桥雅思语法精讲精练,口语对语法的要求并不高,而且这些语法都是高中就讲过的,如果你语法有欠缺,综合复习一下就可以了。考生如果觉得欠缺口语话题的思路和素材,推荐钱多多雅思口语观点库和顾家北手把手教你雅思词汇。雅思口语观点库里面素材和模板都很多,但模板请慎用。比较有用的是这本书会帮你梳理你的各种选择和喜好背后的真正原因和动机。雅思口语观点库教的是词汇的用法搭配,很多同学都是记住了词,但怎么用其实并不会。顾老师给出了很多雅思口语常用的表达,其中就有相当多宝贵的观点。雅思口语考试中使用的词汇越高级越好?首先考生心目当中的“高级词汇”未必真的高级,大部分考生觉得“高级词汇”就是那些生僻,不常用的词汇,但是考官不一定觉得这些词“高级”。举几个例子:cardigan 开襟毛衣;avocado牛油果;bungalow平房;RV 房车。这些词在中文语境中很少出现,但对考官来说这些词汇都是英语语境中的日常用语。考生反倒是去背诵那些化学专有名词,学术专用的冷门词汇,连考官自己都不太接触的词汇,雅思口语话题都比较日常化,这些生僻词未必有使用的场景,而且这些词汇很容易出现使用错误以及语境不合的问题,因此也不建议考生使用。雅思口语究竟应使用什么样的词汇?雅思口语评分标准提到:Use a range of accurate and appropriate vocabulary, 也就是多使用符合native speaker说话习惯的词汇。是否能将常见词使用得恰如其分,这是LR部分的得分关键。实际上使用最恰当的词汇这个要求对于很多native speaker都是很困难的,所以考生要根据自己的分数目标制定词汇方面的程度要求。什么样的雅思口语词才够准确?举一个具体的例子:In general, I think women are better drivers than men because they _ more while they are driving.空格处两个选项,concentrate/consider. 根据这句话的语义,concentrate这个词是更为准确的表达,语义是to focus on the specific task;而consider 表达的是think about something over a longer period of time.因此考生首先要学会使用你所掌握的以及熟悉的词汇,其次就要保证你所使用的词汇的准确性。对词汇准确性的掌握*于日常的积累,比如大量英文原文的阅读积累以及日常。此外,考生要尽量多积累一些固定搭配collocation来提高词汇的准确性。比如形容词+名词,an excellent advice; 名词+动词,disease spread; 动词+名词,commit crime; 动词+副词,consider carefully; 副词+形容词,highly desirable如何快速提升口语词汇量?首选要避免repeating words, 因此要多积累话题词汇,比如advertisement类话题可以使用commercial、marketing以及public campaign之类的相关词汇。话题词汇就是小范围适用的场景词汇,比如形容行李箱bulky笨重的,形容鞋子ventilate透气性好。这些词汇的适用范围比较小但是却非常恰当,可以向考官证明你词汇的深度。雅思口语批改问题汇总雅思口语问题:描述过于抽象雅思口语话题:和陌生人的有趣谈话。雅思口语原文:Id like to share a funny story with you. When I was about 10 years old, you know, a boy full of energy and never in a peaceful mind, I was running around freely in a city park.这位考生将“一次谈话”和“一个有趣的外国人”两个话题结合起来了,这个本身并没有问题,但是问题感觉干巴巴的,开头段介绍事情发生的时间地点人物。但是时间介绍上(when I was about 10 years old)太过于抽象,所以我加上了一句 it took place。并在I was running前面加上one day来合理细化时间。you know, a boy full of energy and never in a peaceful mind此句显得多余,可以删去。雅思口语批改:Id like to share a funny story with you. It took place when I was about 10 years old. One day as I was jogging in a city park,雅思口语问题:语序逻辑问题雅思口语原文:Suddenly on the corner ,I nearly bumped into a middle-aged man who is a medium-built foreigner around 5.3 feet, a little fat but with sparkling eyes which is so beautiful and attractive that I couldnt help looking so much. I stopped and said sorry to him sincerely. Fortunately He was not irritable and said its ok.这段介绍事情的起因。因为在跑步的过程中遇到了外国人,顺便对其外貌进行了描述。很明显在几乎要撞上对方的时候是来不及看清对方长相的,所以此处直接用定语从句描述外貌不恰当。按照真实的事件发展,先撞上人,然后马上道歉,在对话过程中间看清楚对方的长相。同时,这位同学犯了一个错误,在过去时态里介绍外貌用了现在时。这样会产生误导。雅思口语批改:One day as I was running around freely in a city park,I nearly bumped right into a man at a corner. Not until he apologized in poor Chinese did I realize he was a foreigner! To tell you the truth the guy was actually good-looking. He was about 5.3 feet tall, a little fat but blue eyes sparkled with charisma, which really appealed to me.雅思口语问题:冗余赘述,逻辑连接词乱用雅思口语原文:At the moment I found that there were about seven dogs frolicking around him, they seemed to be cute corgis then I asked him what was he doing with them?接着注意到了外国人身边有七条柯基犬,(found改为noticed更为准确,seemed to be也显多余,可以直接删除),于是有了这段对话。此处要注意逻辑关系,看到小狗后才想起问他在干嘛,是因果关系,所以then改为so。宾语从句需要使用陈述句语序,后面也无需加问号雅思口语批改:At the moment I noticed that there were about seven corgi puppies frolicking around him. So I asked him what he was doing.雅思口语问题:指代不明He responded that he was just racing with his small pets and the first one would be given the name Gabriel the same as his and the rest would be named from number one to six.first one 指代不明,改成winner of the game会明确很多。雅思口语批改:He responded that he was just racing with his puppies and the winner of the game would be named Gabriel - just the same as his and the rest would be named from one to six.雅思口语问题:中式表达That was so funny I never heard before. I said how did he come up with this idea? He said he had no idea but it occurred to him suddenly when he saw children running around. Oh maybe I made some contributions for him. Finally, I said goodbye to him and wished him a good ending.这一段用于描述自己的反应和感受,但是表达过于中式。第一句话是个病句,可以更改成 It was so funny that I was cracked up. 后面进一步加强,I even started to wonder how he came up with the idea. 然后外国人解释,he told me he had a tough time figuring out how to name the dogs till he saw some kids running around in this park one day.雅思口语批改:It was so funny that I was cracked up. A bit confused, the foreigner, however, went on to explain that he had a tough time figuring out how to name the dogs till he saw some kids running around in this park one day. I have to say it was a brilliant yet quite novel idea. Dont you think so?雅思口语part2新题之:被吓到的经历Describe an experience that you were scaredWhen it happenedWhere you wereWho you were withWhy you were scaredHow you felt about it雅思口语part2参考范文:I will share a dream that frightened me 2 years ago. I had a dream where I was awake, but not awake, during a surgical procedure. In my dream, the nurse drugged me with some kind of nerve de-sensitizer. I thought the nurse usually gives a sedative to help relax the patient before an operation. I tried to speak, but I couldnt hear myself. I tried to lift arms; it felt like weights tied down to my wrists.I felt immobilized.我做了一个梦,梦见我在手术过程中醒着,但没有醒来。在我的梦里,护士给我下了一种神经去敏剂。我以为护士通常会在手术前给病人放镇静剂。我试着说话,但我听不清自己的声音。我试着举起手臂但我感觉手腕重的快沉下去了,我感觉自己动不了了。Then, the nurse wheeled me out of my room to the operating room. I felt the burst of cold air from my toes to the crown of my head. It was constant trhoughtout the hallways. The doors flung open as the nurse pushed my bed into the operating room. I shut my eyes from the glare of halogen bulbs overhead. Then, a real doctor rolled a coffee table beside me. I saw a line of tools laid sraight. They looked sharp; they gleamed. My throat started to become dry. I felt the hairs of my arms stand upright. I struggled to lift my head so I could hear the doctors conference, not that I could hear them anyway. A doctor draped in peach scrubs approached me. He said his name was Dr. Ballastine. He sounded muffled, but nodded yes. He gestured the procedure I was about to undertake. The gestures were slow and methodical; enough to where I could understand what he was saying without speaking. Again, I nodded. Then, he asked if I had questions. I still couldnt speak, so I shook my head. Ballastine nodded and gave me some nitrous oxide to put me to sleep.然后,护士把我从我的房间推到手术室。我感到一阵冷风从我的脚趾头到头顶。这状况一直持续在走廊里。当护士把我的床推到手术室时,门被打开了。我闭上眼睛瞥见头顶上的灯泡。然后,一个真正的医生在我旁边开了一个咖啡桌。我看到了一排工具。他们看起来锋利;她的双眼闪出光芒。我的喉咙开始变干了。我感到我的胳膊上的毛竖起来了。我挣扎着抬起头来,这样我就能听到医生的会议,而不是我能听到他们的声音。一个穿着桃红色的医生走近我。他说他的名字是巴拉斯丁博士。他听起来很闷,但点头表示同意。他对我将要进行的手术做了个手势。这些姿态是缓慢而有条理的;我完全可以理解他所说的话。我点了点头。然后,他问我是否有问题。我还是不能说话,所以我摇了摇头。Ballastine点了点头,给了我一氧化二氮让我入睡。雅思口语Part3相关话题What should people do when they feel scared?=How to overcome fear and anxietyIs it ok to frighten others?Why is it easy for some people to be scared?Do children like to scare others?How do people usually get frightened?雅思口语话题:被吓到的经历相关思路点拨:when I has been on a trip to India I saw a big brown spider in the kitchen and I started to scream .All my friends were laughing for along time. Im never forgot that当我去印度旅行时,我看到厨房里有一只棕色的大蜘蛛,我开始尖叫起来。我所有的朋友都在笑。我永远不会忘记Im scared of caterpillars. Sometimes I wash the fresh vegetables and find one, my heart like jumps out of my body. Im scared of flying too, especial these days there我害怕毛毛虫。有时我洗新鲜的蔬菜,找到一个,我的心就像跳出我的身体。我也害怕飞行,尤其是最近Shadows.They remind me mirrors.They do whatever we do,but we cant see their faces.It is just a black figure.It might look like us,but is it影子。它们让我想起镜子。他们做我们做的任何事,但我们看不见他们的脸。这只是一个黑人的形象。它可能看起来像我们,但它是我吗?实用雅思口语词汇书推荐