Introduction,1.Definition of Stylistics,人们运用语言传递信息,交流思想,实现社会交际。这种言语交际是在特定的环境下,以特定的方式,同特定的对象,围绕特定的目的进行的。不同的交际环境,不同的交际方式、对象和目的,要求人们使用不同的“语言”,社会交际的需要使得语言产生不同的功能变体文体。英语文体学就是研究英语各种文体的一门学科。秦秀白 文体学概论,文体学是一门研究文体的学问。有广狭二义。狭义文学文体;广义一种语言中的各类文体。(口语体,书面体)(发言,闲谈;书信,广告语)王佐良 丁往道英语文体学引论,A branch of linguistics which applies the theory and methodology of modern linguistics to the study of STYLE.A study of the use of language in specific contexts,and accounting for the characteristics that mark the language use of individuals and social groups.钱瑗 实用英语文体学,Stylistics is a discipline that studies the ways in which language is used;it is a discipline that studies the styles of language.徐有志英语文体学教程,An inter-disciplined branch of learning which studies various differences between formal and informal,between deviant and normal,between magnificent and plain,between professional and popular,between foreign and domestic,between this and that individual.董莉 英语文体学理论与实践,A branch of linguistics which studies the characteristics of situationally-distinctive uses of language,with particular reference to literary language,and tries to establish principles capable of accounting for the particular choices made by individuals and social groups in their use of language.The Fontana Dictionary of Modern Thought,1977,文体学是用语言学方法研究文体风格的学问。就目前的发展情况看,文体学的研究范围大致包括语体学、文学文体学和理论文体学三个方面。语体学研究语言的各种变体。文学文体学研究语言在文学中的运用情况。理论文体学研究的是文体观和方法论。刘世生 文体学概论,General stylistics普通文体学Literary stylistics 文学文体学 An area of study which straddles two disciplinesliterary criticism and linguisticsliterary discourse as its object of study;linguistics as a means王守元 英语文体学要略,2.What is Style?,Styl+isticsStyle所含的意思有三层1 文体 说话或写作的格调,它随时变化,由非正式到十分正式,视具体情景、对象、地点等因素而定2 语域 一个特定群体所用的特殊语言变体3 风格 特有的说话或写作方式,1.风格即修辞(Style as rhetoricGorgias)2.风格即形式(Style as formAristotle)3.风格即雄辩术(Style as eloquenceCicero)4.在恰当的地方使用恰当的词(proper words in proper placesSwift)5.文如其人(Style is the man.Le style,cest l homme meme.Buffon)6.富裕既定思想并适合产生出它应有效果的全部形式(Le style,cest ajouter une pense donne toutes les circonstances propre produire tout leffect que produire cette pense.Stendhal)7.个人表达上的特点(style as personal idiosyncrasyMurry)8.解说技巧(style as technique of expositionMurry)9.文学的最高成就(style as the highest achievement of literatureMurry)10.以最有效的方式讲恰当的事情(saying the right thing in the most effective wayEnkvist),style,11.环绕已存在的思想或感情内核的外壳(style as a shell surrounding a pre-existing core of thought or expressionEnkvist)12.在不同表达方式中的选择(style as the choice between alter native expressionsEnkvist)13.集合特点的综合(style as a set of collective characteristicsEnkvist)14.超出句子以外的语言单位之间的关系(style as those relations among linguistic entities that are statable in terms of wider spans of text than the sentenceEnkvist)15.结构的对等(style as equivalenceJakobson and Levi-Strauss)16.风格即功能(style as functionThe Prague School)17.风格即突出(style as foregroundingMukarovsky)18.对于常规的变异(style as deviationSpitzer)19.语言结构的转换(style as transformationOhmann)20.风格即意义潜势(style as meaning potentialHalliday)21.认知意义的表达(style as expressivenessUllman),Saussures Distinction Between Langue and Parole,语言(langue)是言语能力的社会产物,是必要的惯例的总汇,这种惯例为社会群体所接受,使每个人都能进行活动。言语(parole)是个人运用自己的机能时的行为,它运用的手段是太难干过社会惯例,即语言。,3.Stylistic Meaning,LeechDenotative meaning Connotative meaningStylistic meaningContextual/contexualized meaningAffective meaningCollocative meaning,Denotationthe definition in the dictionaries(词义),Changes over time:the sun;umbrella;eyethe eye of a needle/potato/a hurricanenaughty;Negro;By contextIt is your boy,my Lord./It is your Lord,my boy.Related to history,culture,society,and politics landlord,peasant;the first lady,Denotative meaningliteral sense;Connotative meaningimplied ideasStylistic meaningpiece of language conveys about the social circumstances of its use,which is decoded through our recognition of different dimensions and levels of usage within the same language.,Connotationassociated,affective,The sunwarmth,brightness;snow;cross;fox(cunning);phoenix(rebirth,symbol of happy omen);peach(a lovely person;longevity);colour wordsRead between lines:Ah,Judge Wilson,forgive mebut how can anyone see you if you insist on standing in Mr.Dickensons shadow?,A scale of“status”usage,for example,descending from formal and literary English at one end to colloquial,familiar,and eventually slang English at the other.1.My beloved parent has joined the heavenly choir.2.My dear father has passed away.3.My father has died.4.My old man has kicked the bucket.,Stylistic meaning,Firstly,we recognize some words or pronunciations as being dialectal,i.e.,as telling us something of the geographical or social origin of the speaker.Secondly,other features of language tell us something of the social relationship between the speaker and the hearer.,4.Textthe natural starting place for the study of style,A text is any passage,spoken or written,of whatever length,that forms a unified whole.It may be the product of a single speaker/writer(e.g.a sign,a letter,a news report,a statute,a novel),or that of several speakers(e.g.a piece of conversation,a debate).,text,Two boys stood near a jewelers shop.Two boys saw a man break a window of a jewelers shop and steal all the watches.Two boys took a man with several watches in his hand for a thief.Two boys ran after a man with several watches in his hand.Two boys stood near a jewelers shop.They saw a man break the shop window and steal all the watches.They ran after him,because they took him for a thief.(definite article;pronouns;conjunction),A text is realized by a sequence of language units,whether they are sentences or not.The connection among parts of a text is achieved by various cohesive devices,and by semantic and pragmatic implication.,text,A:See who that is.B:Im in pajamas.A:OK.The relevance of Bs remark to As first remark is conveyed by pragmatic implication.B implies an excuse for not complying with As command.As second remark implies that he accepts Bs excuse and undertakes to do himself what he originally asked B to do.,5.Context and Appropriateness,Context has been understood in various ways.It may be linguistic or extra-linguistic.Linguistic context is alternatively termed as CO-TEXT,which refers to the linguistic units preceding and/or following a particular linguistic unit in a text.,Extra-linguistic context(interchangeable with CONTEXT OF SITUATION)refers to the relevant features of the situation in which a text has meaning.Taking on a broader sense,the term CONTEXT may include not only the co-text(if there is any),but also the extra-linguistic context of a text.,context,Contextual factors that are socially,regionally or situationally relevant to the production and interpretation of texts fall into the two following categories:Characteristics of the USER of language A.Age B.Sex C.Socio-regional or ethnic background D.Education,Characteristics of the USE of language in situationa.Medium of communication;speech or writingb.Setting:private or publicc.Role-relationship between addresser and addressee:the degree of intimacy;the degree of social distanced.Purpose for which language is used:e.g.to inform;to command;to express feelings;to establish social relation,etc.e.Subject matterThe role of contexts of situation as determinants of style.There is an observable match between linguistic features and contextual factors.,6.Varieties of Language,Dialectal varieties,commonly called DIALECTs,are language variations that are associated with different users of the language.As users in a society can be defined in terms of their individual,temporal,regional,and social affiliations,and their range of intelligibility,so there are individual,temporal,regional,social and standard varieties respectively.These are relatively permanent features of the language user in a speech event.(徐有志英语文体学教程P25),方言是以语言使用者为基准而区分的语言变体。方言多与交际者的社会阶层、社会地位、地域、年龄、性别及所处时代等因素有关。在同一个方言社区内,每个人都会因交际目的、交际对象和交际方式的差异而按照不同的方式参与交际活动,这便涉及到语域的问题。,Dialects,Individual dialectidiolectTemporal dialectRegional dialectSocial dialectStandard dialect,Diatypic varieties,commonly called REGISTERs,are language variations that are associated with the different use to which they are put.Such varieties do not depend on the people who use the language,but on the occasion when it is used.Different types of language are selected as appropriate to different types of occasion.The choice is determined by the convention that a certain kind of language is appropriate to a certain use.The occasions can be classified along three dimensions,each presenting an aspect of the situation and the part played by the language in them.In this way,registers may be distinguished according to field of discourse,mode of discourse and tenor of discourse.(徐有志英语文体学教程P25),语域则是按照语言使用者对语言的使用(即语言的用途)而区分的语言变体,语域与交际者所从事的社会活动密切相关,同一个事物或同一个话题可以通过语言的不同方言变体予以表达,这便体现了方言的功用。,Registers,Field of Discourse语场/话语范围话语范围指的是言语交际过程中发生的事情、进行的活动、论及的事情或表达的经验等,它能体现使用者在特定情景语境中所要实现的交际目的和作用,不同于话题(topic)或主题(subject matter)。,Field of discourse is the linguistic reflection of the purposive role of the language userthe type of social activity the language user is engaged in doing in the situation in which the text has occurred.That is to say,the language the user uses will show what his/her language is about,what experience he/she is verbalizing,what is going on in the speech event.,Mode of Discourse语式/话语方式,言语交际的渠道或媒介Mode of discourse is the linguistic reflection of the relationship that the language user has to the medium of communication.人们常把媒介简单地分为“讲话”(speaking)和“写作”(writing)两种方式。,讲话可以是即兴的也可以是非即兴的。即兴的讲话非为“会话”(conversing)和“独白”(monologue)。非即兴的讲话分为“背诵”(reciting)和“按照写好的讲稿去讲”(the speaking of what is written)。写作可以是“为阅读而写”(如小说、电话号码簿等),也可以是“为说而写”(如小说中的对话或独白)。,Tenor of Discourse语旨/话语基调,讲话者或作者与受话者或读者之间的关系,以及讲话者的交际的意图。Tenor of discourse is the linguistic reflection of the personal relationships between speaker/writer and hearer/readercalled PERSONAL TENOR,and of what the user is trying to do with language for/to his or her addresseecalled FUNCTIONAL TENOR.,Personal tenor个人基调 人们之间关系的亲密或正式程度 与语言表达的清晰度成反比Functional tenor功能基调 反映语言在特定的情境所能实现的交际意图,如传授、劝说、告诫、训导等。分为phatic(寒暄性)expositary(说明性)persuasive(说服性)didactic(说教性),Godbye,Mr.Martin.See ya later,Mom!Okay,man,I gotta split.,Which sentence is appropriate for a housewife to speak to a milkman?,A.Leave one bottle and four yoghurts tomorrow and dont forget.B.It would be greatly appreciated if you kindly leave one bottle and four yoghurts tomorrow.C.Would you leave one bottle and four yoghurts tomorrow,just for me?D.Can you leave one bottle and four yoghourts tomorrow please?,a.is a command,which sounds harsh,and a milkman now requires equal respect and wouldnt tolerate the tone.b.formal and polite,and too humble.Nobody needs to beg for the service of a milkman.c.too intimate,making people doubt about the relationship.(coquettish,flirtatious)d.is proper.,Dear Sir,I must apologize for the delay in replying to your letter of the 30th of December(proper in the office)Dear Jane,Im terribly sorry not to have got round to writing before now(at home or writing to a friend)Dear Sir,Im frightfully sorry Ive not got round to writing before now(mixture of the two registers,so not qualified.),Is this horrible place a graveyard?“Is this place of abomination consecrated ground?”“I dont know nothing of consequential ground.”(Charles Dickens,Bleak House),Several ways of asking about the time are listed below.Please identify the addresser-addressee relationship and the possible occasion on which each of them is used.,1.Excuse me,could you tell me the right time,please?2.What time is it,please?3.Whats the time?4.Time?5.How much longer have we got?6.My watch seems to have stopped,