Business English Reading CoursewareBook 2,Chapter TwoInternational Trade Terms国际贸易术语,Step One,First,read Material One under teachers instructions.Then teacher gives hints or tips for reading.Finally,teacher checks the answers and gives explanations.,Summary of International Trade Terms1.Role of Trade TermsTrade terms,also known as price terms or delivery terms,arestandardized terms used in sales contracts that describe the place and manner for the transfer of goods from the seller to the buyer.These trade terms,such as Free On Board(FOB)and Cost,Insurance,and Freight(CIF),may also define a variety of other matters,including the price,the time when the risk of loss shifts from the seller to the buyer,and the costs of freight band insurance.The use of trade terms greatly simplifies the process of negotiation of contract,thus saving time and cost for businessmen.,2 International Rules on Trade TermsTrade terms have been developed in practice for many years.However,as different countries might have different interpretations of the terms,misunderstandings occurred frequently.To clear up the confusion,some commercial organizations drew up sets of rules or standard definitions.,2.1.Warsaw-Oxford Rules 1932This rule was drafted by the Association of International Law in 1932.It contains 21 clauses,which only stipulate the nature of CIF contract,and the charges,risks and obligations which should be born by the seller or the buyer.,2.2.Revised American Foreign Trade Definitions 1941This rule was made out by nine American commercial organizations in 1941.It is a set of foreign trade which are considered obsolete,but still sometimes used in domestic U.S.trade.It contains 6 trade terms.,2.3.International Rule for the Interpretation of Trade Terms 2000The International Chamber of Commerce(ICC)in Paris developed INCOTERMS(International Commercial Terms).It was first published in 1936 and has been periodically revised to account for changing modes of transport and document delivery.The current version is INCOTERMS 2000,which came into force on Jan.1,2000.In this rule,there are totally 13 trade terms,which have been divided into 4 different groups.,a.The“E”-term(EXW).The only term where the seller/exporter makes the goods available at his or her own premises to the buyer/importer.b.The“F”-terms(FCA,FAS and FOB).Terms where the seller/exporter is responsible to deliver the goods to a carrier named by the buyer.c.The“C”-terms(CFR,CIF,CPT and CIP).Terms where the seller/exporter is responsible for contacting and paying for carriage of the goods,but not responsible for additional costs or risk of loss or damages to the goods once they have been shipped.,d.The“D”-terms(DAF,DES,DEQ,DDU and DDP).Terms where the seller/exporter is responsible for all costs and risks associated with bringing the goods to the place of destination.D terms evidence“arrival”contracts.,Table INCOMES 2000(a)Group E Departure EXW Ex WorksGroup F Main carriage unpaid FCA Free Carrier(named place)FAS Free Alongside Ship(named port of shipment)FOB Free On Board(named port of shipment),Group C Main carriage paidCFR Cost and Freight(.named place of destination)CIF Cost,Insurance and Freight(named port of destination)(b)CPT Carriage Paid To(named port of destination)CIP Carriage and Insurance Paid To(named place of destination),Group D Arrival DAF Delivered At Frontier(named place)DES Delivered Ex Ship(named port of destination)DEQ Delivered Ex Quay(named port of destination)DDU Delivered Duty Unpaid(named port of destination)DDP Delivered Duty Paid(named port of destination),Step Two,Students read Material Two themselves firstly.Then teacher checks the answers without giving explanations.,vocabulary,standardize:vt.使标准化simplify:vt.简化,使简明periodically:ad.偶然地,定期地revise:vt.修订,修改;复习rail:n.栏杆;轨道;铁路provision:n.供应;预备;条款conformity:n.依照;适合;一致(点)transit:n.运输,载运expiry:vi.期满,(期限)终止preceding:a.在先的,在前的,前面的render:vt.使得,致使;给予,提供,inspection:n.检查,细看inflation:n.通货膨胀deter:vt.阻止premium:n.加付款;赠品flexibility:n.灵活性,柔韧性alienate:vt.使疏远,离间;转让(财产等)bankrupt:a.破产的;彻底缺乏的 vt.使破产 n.破产者elasticity:n.弹性,伸缩力bureaucratic:a.官僚作风的,官僚的;政府机构,eliminate:vt.排除,消除,根除;淘汰hierarchy:n.等级制度;统治集团,领导层dedication:a.献身的,一心一意的,热诚的profitability:n.收益性,盈利能力innovation:n.新方法,新事物;革新,创新,单元注释,clear up:清理;澄清,解决drew up:v.拟定,起草account for:解释,说明associate with:与.常在一起,和.联想在一起subject to:易受.影响的,屈服于.的,让步于.in accordance with:与一致,依照,根据Warsaw-Oxford Rules 1932:1932年华沙-牛津规则,它起源于1928年国际法协会在波兰华沙制定的1928年华沙规则,此后几经修改,最后将此规则确定为1932年华沙-牛津规则,Revised American Foreign Trade Definition 1941:1941年美国对外贸易定义修订本是1941年,由美国商会、美国进口商全国理事会和美国对外贸易理事会所组成的联合委员会正式通过的,迄今为止,它在美洲大陆都具有相当大的影响。International Chamber of Commerce(ICC):国际商会国际商会成立于1919年,发展至今已拥有来自130多个国家的成员公司和协会,是全球唯一的代表所有企业的权威代言机构。,FOB:船上交货(指定装运港)FOB术语要求卖方办理货物出口清关手续。该术语仅适用于海运或内河运输。CFR:成本加运费(指定目的港)CFR术语要求卖方办理出口清关手续。该术语仅适用于海运或内河运输。CIF:成本、保险费加运费(指定目的港)CIF术语要求卖方办理出口清关手续。该术语仅适用于海运或内河运输。,CIP:运费和保险费付至(指定目的地)CIP术语要求卖方办理出口清关手续。该术语可适用于各种运输方式,包括多式联运。FAS:船边交货(指定装运港)FAS术语要求卖方办理货物出口清关手续。CPT:运费付至(指定目的地)CPT术语要求卖方办理出口清关手续。该术语可适用于各种运输方式,包括多式联运。,练习答案,【材料一】.1.A 2.D 3.D 4.A 5.B,【材料二】,Analysis:Under FOB terms,it is the buyers obligation to make arrangements for delivering the goods.According to INCOTERMS 2000,“The buyer must contract at his own expense for the carriage of the goods from the named port of shipment.”It also provides that“The buyer must give the seller sufficient notice of the vessel name,loading point and required delivery time”.If the buyers vessel fails to arrive at the port of shipment duly,or fails to accept the goods,or stop loading ahead of the schedule specified in the contract,all the risks and loss of and damage to the goods are to be borne by the buyer as of the appointed date for delivering the goods or the expiry date of the time limit.,【材料二】,It was learned later that during the implementation of the last shipment,the international market price of wheat dropped drastically,which greatly influenced the sales of company B who attempted to cancel the delivery of the last shipment by hanging it up.However,company A made good use of INCOTERMS explanation for FOB terms and protected its own interests through proper means.,【材料三】,1.B 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.C,【材料四】,1.C 2.E 3.A 4.G,【单元弹性练习一】,1.B 2.A 3.D 4.D 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.D 10.D 11.B 12.A 13.C 14.C 15.A,【单元弹性练习二】,1.YET 2.OF 3.IMPROVE 4.BEEN 5.THIS 6.FROM 7.ALLOW 8.THE 9.THAT 10.CORRECT 11.EXTRA 12.CORRECT,Class is over.,Thanks for your attention.,