学术论文英文写作和国际会议Professional English Writing and International Conference,华南理工大学化工与能源学院College of Chemical and Energy engineering,主将教师:钱宇 教授 袁文辉 副教授,一、课程基本信息,1、课程英文名称:Professional English Writing and International Conference2、课程类别:学位课程3、课程学时:总学时 40,4、学 分:25、适用专业:化学类6、大纲执笔:化学工程与工艺 钱宇,袁文辉等,二、课程的目的与任务:,让学生练习写作英文专业论文和宣读国际会议学术论文,提高专业英语论文实际写作能力和讲专业英语的口语能力。用英文写作一篇科技论文,并向本专业国外英文刊物投稿。写作英文长摘要(Extended Abstract),用英文向国际学术会议投稿。3、制作英文演讲文件(PPT)及Poster,用英语在会议上演讲、回答和讨论问题。,三、课程的基本要求:,本课程要求学生对一般难度的科技专业书刊或英语原版文章的阅读速度达50-60WPm。笔译一般难度的本专业英语文献的速度达25-30WPm。掌握本专业基本词汇数达1400。,四、教学内容、要求及学时分配,第 一 讲(2个学时)安排:根据自己或同学的大学毕业论文或研究进展,写作或准备一篇中文科技论文。10天内完成。安排3个同学提前交中文论文以便下周点评。第 二 讲(2个学时)介绍英文期刊论文写作基本规范、投稿须知,范文介绍、点评给编辑的信:栏目、类型、主题内容和创新点简介第 三 讲(2个学时)Seminar1 Writing research articles for publication:The art of creating a model to help you write第 四 讲(2个学时)介绍国际会议英文论文的投稿顺序,写作基本规范、投稿须知。介绍12份 international conference Call for papers.extended abstract for international conference范文介绍、点评安排各位同学写作中文摘要(150字,800字长摘要)、英文短摘要,英文长摘要。10天完成。,第 五 讲(2个学时)收齐全体同学的中文论文稿、给编辑的信:栏目、类型、主题内容和创新点简介。审稿人建议名单。抽查和点评讲解2篇同学的英文论文稿。英文会议论文extended abstract两篇点评要求学生写作英文会议论文全文。(10天完成)第 六 讲(2个学时)收齐全体同学的英文论文稿、给编辑的信:栏目、类型、主题内容和创新点简介。会议论文的审稿人建议名单。抽查和点评讲解2篇同学的英文论文稿。第 七 讲(2个学时)Seminar 2 The art of editing what you write and dancing with change第 八 讲(2个学时)英文会议extended abstract两篇点评全体同学的英文论文稿收齐。点评1篇同学的英文论文全文稿。要求学生将会议论文做成Powerpoint,一周完成第 九 讲(2个学时)根据同学英文写作出现问题,选取CES、JACS等上的论文进行讲解,点评。,第 十 讲(2个学时)全体同学的英文会议论文稿收齐、点评1篇同学的英文论文全文稿。5位同学Powerpoint收稿。24位同学上台作英文论文报告。提问、讨论、点评安排作英文Poster.范本展示。第 十一 讲(2个学时)Seminar 3 The art of writing abstracts,preparing slides第 十二 讲(2个学时)全体同学Powerpoint收稿。56位同学上台作英文论文报告。提问讨论、点评安排2位同学的 Poster(电脑内版本显示)展示、点评第 十三 讲(2个学时)Seminar4化工专业英语趣谈。第 十四 讲(2个学时)Seminar 5 Presenting at international conference:The art of preparing slides and using your voice 第 十五 讲(2个学时)Seminar 6 The art of body language and presenting smoothly and napping at conference,第 十六 讲(2个学时)34位同学的 Poster(电脑内版本显示)展示、点评确定模拟国际学术会议的组织:主席、组织委员会、学术委员会、分会场主席、承办单位。由学生组织、教师指导第 十七 讲(2个学时)学生练习演示文稿,口语讲述研究工作,针对普遍性问题点评。第 十八 讲(6个学时)开一次模拟国际学术会议:Oral大会由主席主持大会报告和Poster,分会场主席主持分组讨论。最后汇编成论文集,与研究生论文集相同,能否算研究生学习期间发表一篇论文。,五、参考书:,1 Petey Young,Writing and Presenting in English:The Rosetta Stone of Science,Amsterdam,Netherlands,Elsevier2 化学工程与工艺专业英语,胡鸣等编,北京:化学工业出版社,19983英语化学化工词汇分析,齐奉中编,北京:化学工业出版社,,COMPARISON AND CONTRAST比较与对比,教学重点:1)比较与对比的段落的写作手法;2)常用表达法和基本句型;3)连接词的运用。教学难点:段落的两种结构方式。教学内容:1 Concepts of comparison and contrast 2 Strategies 3 Useful expressions and sentence patterns 4 Connectives,1.Pictures Brainstorming Generating Ideas,2.Writing Strategies,In making contrast,we have to compare.There is no other way to point out the difference,i.e.the contrast.What is of great importance is to know that professional writers frequently use these two strategies to develop paragraphs.There are two major ways of organizing paragraphs of comparison and contrast.One way is to examine one thing thoroughly and then start the other Allabout pattern;The other way is to examine two things at the same time,discussing them point by point Seesaw pattern.,2.1 To examine one thing thoroughly and then start the other.,Focus:The aspects examined in the two things should be identical and in the same order.Pattern:A1,A2,A3;B1,B2,B3.(Allabout Pattern)Example:Contrast 1My hometown is quite different from what it used to be.Subtopic:2Just a little more that ten years ago my hometown was a small quiet place.A(1)3The houses were small and mean.A(2)3The streets were for the most part narrow and winding.A(3)3There were few people in the streets and shops.,Subtopic:2Now,everything has changed.B(1):3Looking in every direction from the center of the town,one sees a long succession of giant,imposing buildings.B(2):3The streets,whether long or short,are straight,spacious,and well-shaded.B(3):3 Crowds of people can be found here and there,hurrying,noisy,and well-dressed.C From a dull little village with clusters of shabby houses in the past,my hometown has now transformed into a big city,cheerful,colorful,and prosperous.,2.2 To examine two things at the same time,discussing them point by point.,Focus:Aspects examined in two things should be identical and in the same order.Pattern:A1,B1;A2,B2;A3,B3(Seesaw Pattern)Example:comparison.1Despite their obvious differences in length,the paragraph and the essay are quite similar structurally.A(1):2For example,the paragraph is introduced by either a topic sentence or a topic introducer followed by a topic sentence.B(1):2In the essay,the first paragraph provides introductory material and establishes the topic focus.A(2):2Next,the sentences in the body of a paragraph develop the topic sentence.B(2):2Similarly,the body of an essay consists of a number of paragraphs that expand and support the ideas presented in the introductory paragraph.,A(3):2 Finally,a terminator-whether a restatement,conclusion,or observation-ends the paragraph.B(3):2The essay,too,has a device which brings its ideas to a logically and psychologically satisfying completion:the concluding paragraph.C Although exceptions to these generalizations may be observed in modern creative writing,most well written expository paragraphs and essays are comparable in structure.Notes:1)1,2,3 indicates the level of generality at which a sentence is in the paragraph.2)C is the short form of conclusion,that is,the concluding sentence.,2.3 An Analysis of An Essay,These two patterns can also be used to compose an essay.Now read the following short essay and analyze it according to what you have learned so far Paris and Washington differ in age and population;however,anyone who has seen the two cities can tell that they are very similar.Of course,Paris is much older than Washington.The French city is over2000 years old.Washington,in contrast,is very young.It is less than 250 years old.The population of Paris is also much larger than Washingtons Paris has more than 2,500,000 people.Washington has just over 700,000.,In spite of these differences,the similarities are striding.First,both cities are the political centers of their countries.The president of France lives in the heart of Paris,in the Elysees Palace.Likewise,the president of the United States has its meeting place in Washington,in the Capitol.Second,the two cities look similar.LEnfant,the French engineer who designed Washington,was greatly influenced by the layout of the capital of France.For this reason,many of the buildings and monuments in Washington are symmetrically located in views of one another,just as they are in Paris.Both cities are also the sites of magnificent monuments,important historical landmarks,fine museums,beautiful parks,and board,treelined avenues.Finally,tourism is as important for Washington as it is for Paris Every year millions of tourists from all parts of the world visit these cities to view their attractions,Questions,1.Which is the thesis statement of the essay?2.Find the topic sentence and controlling idea of the 2nd and 3rd paragraph.3.Find the connectives in the 3rd paragraph.4.Which pattern does this essay follow?,2.4 Planes of Generality of the Essay,1 Paris and Washington differ in age and population;however,anyone who has seen the two cities can tell that they are very similar.(Thesis statement:tell the readers what they can expect to read in the essay.)2The two cities differ in age and population.3 Of course,Paris is much older than Washington.4 The French city is over2000 years old.Washington,in contrast,is very young.It is less than 250 years old.3 The population of of Paris is also much larger than Washingtons.4 Paris has more than 2,500,000 people.Washington has just over 700,000.,2 In spite of these differences,the similarities are striding.3 First,both cities are the political centers of their countries.4The president of France lives in the heart of Paris,in the Elysees Palace.Likewise,the president of the United States has its meeting place in Washington,in the Capitol.3 Second,the two cities look similar.4 LEnfant,the French engineer who designed Washington,was greatly influenced by the layout of the capital of France.,5 For this reason,many of the buildings and monuments in Washington are symmetrically located in views of one another,just as they are in Paris.Both cities are also the sites of magnificent monuments,important historical landmarks,fine museums,beautiful parks,and board,treelined avenues.3 Finally,tourism is as important for Washington as it is for Paris.4 Every year millions of tourists from all parts of the world visit these cities to view their attractions,3.Expressions and Sentence Patterns,3.1 Similarity,a.Model A is the same as Model B structurally.identical with in design.similar to likeb.The two Models are alike structurally identical in design the same similar c.Sweden,like Finland,has very large resources of timber.,3.2 Difference,Model X is different from Model Y structurally is not the same as in design.differs from,3.3 Comparison,Model A is cheap.Similarly,Model B is inexpensive.,3.4 contrast,while whereas,whilst.而(含有相对之意)whilea.Model A is stylish,whereas Model B is old-fashioned.whilst While Whereas Model A is stylish,Model B is old-fashioned.Whilstb.but,however,nevertheless但是,然而 but Model A is stylish,however Model B is old-fashioned.neverthelessc.unlike与有别,compared with,与相比 in contrast to与成对比UnlikeCompared with Model A,Model B is old-fashioned.In contrast tod.on the other hand 然而Model A is stylish.On the other hand,Model B is old-fashioned.,3.5 In-Class Practice,Agents of Gender Socialization,3.6 Exercise,Write a paragraph to contrast department stores and supermarkets following the allabout pattern and another following the seesaw pattern.Department stores SupermarketsFunction:shopping shopping Location:downtown uptownService:warmhearted service self-serviceCommodities:specialized in clothes specialized in food and householdsPrice:expensive cheapTopic Sentence:Although department stores and supermarkets are similar in function,they differ from each other in several aspects.,5.2 Exercise,Study the example of the comparison and contrast between Paris and Washington carefully,and write an essay of comparing and contrast two things following the model.,