,词汇教学研讨,-学习王蔷老师相关报告,词汇教学,1)什么是词汇学习?2)在语境中理解、学习和运用词汇3)发展词汇学习策略,1)什么是词汇学习?,(1)knowing a word means knowing its pronunciation and stress(发音和重读);(2)knowing a word means knowing its spelling and grammatical properties(拼写和词性);(3)knowing a word means knowing its meaning(词义);(4)knowing a word means knowing how and when to use it to express the intended meaning(语用);(5)Knowing a word often means knowing more than just one word(e.g.give up,ups and downs)(词组);(6)Knowing a word means knowing its collocations(e.g.see,look,and watch;heavy rain but not heavy wind)(词语搭配).,词汇教学什么是词汇学习?,2)在语境中理解、学习和运用词汇,听读教学过程中的词汇学习,听前读前,Pre-teach key vocabulary in context预教生词,听中读中,Understand vocabulary in context 在语境中理解词汇,听后读后,Use the vocabulary in context 运用所学词汇进行表达,Focused vocabulary study 词汇学习与巩固,词汇呈现方式,尽可能通过视觉冲击或肢体语言直观地呈现词义,如图片,照片,录象片段,模仿,手势等。通过描述情境来呈现词义,然后请学生说出词义。用同义词或反义词来解释词义。通过同类词来表现单词之间的关系及其意思,比如 cook:fry,boil,bake,grill等。遇到专业词汇或具有抽象意义的词汇,可以采用翻译和举例的方式。,(一)在语境中呈现词汇,通过构词法和常用前后缀,在已有词汇的基础上构建新的词汇。把词汇放在套语(chunks)中去教chunks 指成段的短语和固定表达法,如:Just a moment,pleaseTo tell you the truth,思考词汇在真实生活中可能用到的情境。将新学语言与学生的真实生活相联系起来,以提高学习兴趣。考虑提供不同的情境来呈现新单词。,词汇呈现方式(续),(二)在语境中理解词汇 观看录像片断,回答两个问题:在听读过程中学生是如何学习理解词汇的?在这个过程中学生几次接触到这些词?,Work out meaning,(三)在语境中运用词汇,Example 2:Superhero-Taking notes(M1 U2 L4),处理词汇的策略,1、区别对待:忽略、理解、产出 2、分而治之:学生可以独立处理的,小组相互帮助可解决的,需教师帮助、引导的。3、多次提取:信息活动层次(理解、获取、传递等,听说读写等,),知识学习层次,综合扩展运用层次。4、分层侧重:在课文理解层次侧重语境理解-心知;在口头信息处理层次侧重声音达意;在知识学习环节侧重在新的语境中能辨其形知其义,能迁移,有创新,能遣词造句;最后,在笔头表达中侧重拼写正确。,(四)词汇学习与巩固,词汇学习活动举例 1-Phrasal verbs,词汇学习活动举例 2-collocations,三、发展词汇学习策略,词汇学习策略,鼓励学生正确使用字典 鼓励学生根据上下文猜测词义 鼓励学生定期复习所学词汇 鼓励学生建立自己的词汇本,帮助他 们有效整理好所学词汇 鼓励学生经常使用所学词汇 在教室里创设一个“词汇银行”“存储”所学词汇,-各备课组词汇教学方法交流,词汇教学,以旧带新 Activity1Write down the correct forms of the following words:说明:让学生以旧单词的复习带新单词的学习,通过构词法知识帮助学生记忆单词。同时让学生关注单词的词性。3分钟:measuren_ environment-adj _steady-adv-_ exist-n _commit-n _ pollute-n _grow-n _ electrical-n _contribute-n _ present-n _educate-n _,EditorPhotographPhotographerPhotographyUnforgettableDelightedAdmirableUnusualAssistantAssist,编辑照片,拍照片摄影师摄影难忘的快乐的、欣喜的令人钦佩的不同寻常的助手,售货员帮助,协助,EditPhotoPhotoPhotoforgetDelightAdmireusualAssistantAssistant,利用学生已经学过的词汇学习新的词汇,分层处理 每个单元先带学生读单词,每单元分三部分,给学生注明哪些是需要掌握拼写,哪些掌握中文意思即可。多种呈现方式 图片,对比,构词,例句 传统的词汇学习方法 和平街一中(单词读前处理m6u301).docx词汇拓展同根词、派生词(联想法)词汇用法、短语等练习检测 强化记忆,读前词汇教学首先要有明确的目的,每一个教学活动的设计都要围绕这一目标;在目前教学方式的基础上进一步优化课堂教学,包括:确定每一个词的教学方法、选择恰当的图片和典型的例句、例句中可否包含常用的语块,尽量在有限的时间里从多角度输入等;读前的词汇教学应以识字为主,同时注意渗透词汇学习策略,如:学习拼读规律加强记忆,了解构词法扩大词汇量,根据句子结构判断词性,根据句义猜测词义、经常反复复习学过的生词,分类学习复习词汇,等等;,关于读前词汇教学时间安排:一个单元单词划分成3个部分,每次大约20分钟进行讲解、练习、记忆,选取课本、目标、报纸上的词汇练习旨在拓展词汇、使学生在语境中理解并灵活运用重点词汇,联想记忆单词的方法旨在帮助学生记忆单词的意思、搭配等,增加记忆的趣味性。另外20分钟处理所预留的阅读文章的答案核对及难点解答。,听写:5分钟 作业讲解:5分钟Activity1:3分钟 Activity2:3分钟Activity3:6分钟 Activity4:8分钟带读单词表单词:10分钟左右总计时间:一节课建议:1.半节课进行读前词汇处理,半节课处理其他内容,如:warming up或listening等;2.如果一节课都处理词汇,不要都停留在句子层面,后面可以输入一些短篇的文段等。,教学目标很明确:在语境中理解词汇的意义,培养阅读技能,关注输出词的用法。在语境中体会理解词汇的意义、功能,运用的场合;培养阅读技能猜测词义,首先判断词性,再猜测词义;培养阅读技能关注一词多义,借助于词典;It seems amazing that at my age I am still fit enough to cycle 20 kilometres in an afternoon.首先判断词性,adj.,关注词汇和语块的理解和学习:在相关的地方设置阅读理解问题,例如:I think my long and active life must be due to the healthy life I live.Why can the author live an active life at such an old age?He can still live an active live due to his healthy way of living.,Example 2:Superhero-Taking notes(M1 U2 L4),处理词汇的策略,1、区别对待:忽略、理解、产出 2、分而治之:学生可以独立处理的,小组相互帮助可解决的,需教师帮助、引导的。3、多次提取:信息活动层次(理解、获取、传递等,听说读写等,),知识学习层次,综合扩展运用层次。4、分层侧重:在课文理解层次侧重语境理解-心知;在口头信息处理层次侧重声音达意;在知识学习环节侧重在新的语境中能辨其形知其义,能迁移,有创新,能遣词造句;最后,在笔头表达中侧重拼写正确。,在知识学习环节侧重在新的语境中能(1)辨其形知其义,(2)能迁移,有创新,能遣词造句;(3)最后,在笔头表达中侧重拼写正确。读后词汇教学方法交流 日坛中学M6U4词汇.doc 陈经纶中学-陶亚敏 Unit 4 Global Warming word study学案.doc 二外附中Unit 2Poems课后词汇.doc Unit 3 word study2.ppt,2.注意的问题:Word study可以分为两个层面输入和输出,其中输入部分应多关注词的活用和一词多义,语境非常重要,输入和输出都应关注语块;除教材上的例句、练习以外,可以多参考Longman Dictionary中的例句,包括example bank中的句子。,在所有的环节中都应侧重词汇的学习过程,给学生尽可能多的、不同角度的语言体验,检测是次要的。将检测作为学习过程的一部分,所以最好有语境,考查新语境下的理解,考查灵活运用(包含了拼写);2.检查单词除默单词以外,还可以采取多种方法,可以充分利用读前和读后所准备的例句,每天检测一点既可以达到复现,有降低了难度,例如:选一段课文,挖出几个词填空;,Dear Earth Care,I am doing a project _ my school about _.Sometimes I feel that individuals can have little _ on such huge _ problems.However,I still think people should _ improvements in the way we use energy today.As Im not sure where to start with my project,I would _ any suggestions you may have.Thank you!Ouyang Guang,on behalf of global warming effect environmental advocate appreciate,1 We use a lot of _ in our houses.It is OK to leave an _ appliance on _ you are using it-if not,turn it off!Do not be _ about this.So if you are not using the lights,the TV,the computer,and so on,turn them off.If you are cold,put on more clothes instead of turning up the _.,energy electrical so long as casual heat,核心词汇1A great many people expressed their _(伤心)when they learned of the victims of the Yushu earthquake.2We had many difficulties at first,but _(最后)we succeeded.3We should make a _(灵活的)plan in case of any unexpected changes.4.Supporting such a large family is a heavy _(负担)for him.5I think it isnt _(适当的)for you to attend the party in such a casual coat.6Its not surprising that young people nowadays follow new _(模式)of living.7Never will I forget the ideas and thoughts we _(交换)at college.8You have helped me so much that no words can _(传达)my thanks.9用translate的适当形式填空(1)The disabled lady decided on a career as a _and has _ hundreds of books from English into Chinese so far.(2)Her _ of some great works is popular among young people.10用end的适当形式填空(1)How did the story _?Just like most romantic stories,it had a happy _.The prince killed the monster and saved the princess in the _ and they lived happily ever after.(2)I cant put up with his _complaints any more.答案:1.sorrow2.eventually3.flexible4.load5.appropriate 6.patterns7.exchanged8.convey9.(1)translator;translated(2)translation10.(1)end;ending;end(2)endless,关于写作教学的几句话,以写出正确、准确的句子作为教学的中心目标给文字的写作题目,关注、防止中文式英文;上周,你班同学就中学生是否可以带手机上学展开讨论,大家持不同意见。请你根据下列信息,给校报英文版投稿,客观介绍你班讨论的情况。,We can use the mobile-phone to take photos and listen to music./we can do a lot of things with the mobile-phone,such as taking photos and listening to music.,Its a new thing and very popular now./Its something new and everybody likes it./Its a new thing,and if you have one,people will envy you(you will feel very good).,图画叙事的写作题目 利用每一幅图训练句子表达的正确性和准确性。假设你是红星中学高二(1)班的学生李华,4月10日你和你的朋友王伟参加了“2011北京外语游园会”(Beijing Foreign Language Festival 2011),请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,以日记的形式记录当天的活动。词数不少于60。Today I took part in Beijing Foreign Language Festival with my friend Wang Wei._,Early in the morning we went to the festival by bike.It was a sunny day and the park where the festival was held was beautiful with trees and flowers./It was sunny and warm and many young people went there to join in the activities.,First we listened to an interesting talk about how to learn English by Ms Brown,a famous American professor.She gave many good examples and we took some notes,which I think is very helpful for my English study./She gave a very good lecture.Wang Wei and I learned a lot.,After the lecture,we went to the English Corner to have a free talk with some foreigners./After the lecture,people had a chance to chat some foreigners in English.I asked Ms Brown some questions about how to learn new word/English grammar.,谢谢!,请老师们随时关注公共邮箱。,