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    钻井泵基础知识Basic knowledge of drilling pump,本课主要内容content,一、钻井泵的结构和特点 Structure and feature of drilling pump二、钻井泵工作原理 working principle of drilling pump 三、钻井泵的使用 operation of drilling pump 四、钻井泵的日常维护和检查 routine maintenance and check-up of drilling pump 五、钻井泵常见故障判断及排除方法Frequent failure and solution of drilling pump 六、钻井泵易损件及其更换方法 consumable and replacing,一、钻井泵的结构和特点Structure and Feature of Drilling Pump,钻井泵基本组成Structure of Drilling Pump,钻井泵的结构图structure of Drilling pump,小齿轮轴总成Pinion shaft assembly,曲轴总成crankshaft assemble,十字头总成crossing head assemble,液力端总成hydraulic end assemble,排出管路总成discharge pipeline assembly,排出空气包总成discharge air dampener assembly,HHF系列钻井泵主要特点 feature of HHF series Drilling pump,动力端power end 机架采用钢板焊接件,强度高,刚性好,重量轻。The frame adopts the steel plate weldment with high strength,good rigidity and lighter weight.整体人字齿轮传动,运转平稳.One-piece herringbone gear drive with smooth running 合金钢曲轴。可更换的十字头导板。Alloy steel crankshaft and changeable crosshead guide 采用滚子轴承,提高了运转时的平稳性和承载能力。Adopt roller bearing and improve the running stability and load capacity 中间拉杆盘根采用先进密封结构,密封效果好。The extension rod adopts advanced packing structure with good seal performance.动力端齿轮、轴承、十字头等部位采用强制润滑和飞溅润滑相结合的润滑方式。Gear,bearing,crosshead and some other parts at power end adopts forced lubrication and splash lubrication mode.应用施必牢防松螺母,拆装方便。Adopts Spiralock self-locking nuts and easy to assembly and disassembly,液力端hydraulic end 液缸采用直通式布置,可使液流平稳、结构紧凑、容积效率高。The cylinder adopts the go-through laying(over&under valves-front loading)to make the flow smooth,structure compact and with high volumetric efficiency.三个液缸具有互换性。The three cylinders are interchangeable.缸盖和阀盖能快速旋紧,装拆方便。The cylinder cover and valve cover can be screwed down quickly and convenient to disassembly and assembly 吸入阀和排出阀能通用互换。Suction valve and discharge valve can interconvert.采用敞开式的活塞与缸套内腔结构,便于观察。Adopt the opened piston and cylinder liner structure and convenient to observe.,二、钻井泵的工作原理Working principle of drilling pump,动力机,万向轴、皮带等,小齿轮轴,曲轴,十字头总成,连 杆,液力端总成,机械能,液体能,转动,往复运动,钻井泵的工作过程working procedure of drilling pump,钻井泵的基本性能参数 the basic performance parameter of drilling pump,泵的理论排量:泵在单位时间内排出的介质体积称为泵的理论平均排量,简称为泵的理论排量,以Q表示。Theoretic displacement:the mediums cubage discharged from the pump in unit time is called the theoretic average displacement of pump,shortened for theoretic displacement of pump,denoted with Q.泵的工作压力:通常是指泵排出口处单位面积上所受到的液体作用力,简称为泵压,以p表示。Working pressure of pump:generally it is the liquid acting force on unit area of discharge port,shortened for pump pressure,denoted with p.泵的额定功率和效率:单位时间内动力机传递给泵主动轴的能量,称为泵的输入功率;泵工作于额定冲次时的输入功率称为泵的额定功率,以N表示;单位时间内液体经泵作用后增加的能量称有效功率,也称水功率,以Nr表示;泵的效率是有效功率与输入功率的比值。Rated power and efficiency of pump:the energy that the prime power engine(machine)transmits to the pumps driving shaft in unit time is called input power of pump;the input power while the pump runs at the rated strokes is called the rated power of pump(denoted with N);the increased energy of the liquid after the pump acting in unit time is called the effective power,also named hydraulic power(denoted with Nr).The efficiency is the ratio of effective power and input power.冲次:也称泵冲,指单位时间内活塞的往复次数,以n表示。Strokes:also named pump strokes.It is the pistons reciprocating times in unit time,denoted with n.(really it is a speed parameter of mud pump)冲程长度:指活塞往复运动的距离,以S表示。Length of stroke:it is the reciprocating distance of the piston,denoted with S.,三、钻井泵的使用operation of Drilling pump,钻井泵作为钻井作业的重要装备,在工作时向井底输送循环高压钻井液,冲洗井底、破碎岩石、冷却润滑钻头,并将岩屑携带返回地面。钻井泵使用我们从下面三方面讲:It is the one of the most important device of drilling rig,it transmits high pressure drilling fluid to hole bottom to wash the hole,break rock,cool and lubricate bit and bring the cuttings to the ground.We explain the drilling pump courses into three parts:钻井泵的安装The installation of pump 钻井泵的启动the start of pump泵在运转中的监视Inspection during pump operation(running),钻井泵的安装,(一)钻井泵的安装Installation of drilling pump钻井泵应安装在水平或略向液力端倾斜的底座上(倾斜度3),以利于润滑油的流动。The drilling pump should be installed on a level or a little declined to fluid end skid(gradient3),this shall be good for the flow of lubrication.泵的安装位置应尽量降低,泥浆池的位置应尽量提高,以提高钻井泵的吸入效率。The installation position of pump should try to be lower as possible,and the position of mud pits should try to be higher as possible,so that it can improve the suction efficiency of the drilling pump.吸入管线布置时应使灌注泵旁通联接,以便于当灌注泵有故障或进行维修时,钻井泵可以继续工作。When lay the suction lines,the charge pump should be connected by-pass so that the drilling pump can go on working when there is something wrong with the charge pump or maintain the charge pump.,泵的吸入管入口端应高于泥浆池底约300mm,而且吸入管内径必须一致,吸入管的入口端不能正对泥浆池的入口(对泥浆罐也是如此)。The inlet port of the suction line should be 300mm higher than the bottom of the mud pit and the internal diameter of suction line should be identical,Furthermore,the inlet port of suction line should not face the inlet of mud pit(so does the mud tank).剪销安全阀必须安装成可直接与泥浆接触,并且将安全阀排出端用无缝钢管直接引到泥浆罐,这条管线应尽可能少一些转折。若转弯应使弯头大于120,不允许把安全阀的排出管线接到泵的吸入管上,在排出管路与安全阀之间不许安装任何型式的闸门。When install the Shear safety valve,it should contact with mud directly,and the outlet end of safety valve should be connected to the mud tank with seamless steel pipe,whish should try to have fewer swerves(elbow).If there is a swerve,the bend angle should not be less than 120.The discharge line of safety valve should not be allowed to connect to the suction pipe of mud pump.And also,between the discharge pipe and safety valve should not install any valve.,剪销安全阀的阀体上标有每级工作压力的标记,调节压力时,只需按所给压力把剪切销插入相应的孔内。注意:剪销板孔内只能插一个剪切销。若缸套活塞尺寸变更,则须相应地调定安全阀压力。不要使用内六角扳手、电焊条或其它材料,若这样作将会影响安全阀的压力值,并可能导致事故的发生。There is marked the working pressure of each grade on the body of shear safety valve.When adjusting the pressure,just insert the shear pin to corresponding hole according to the required pressure.Note:each time you can only insert one shear pin in hole plate.If the cylinder liner and piston are changed,the pressure of safety valve also should be adjusted accordingly.But do not use Allen key(hexagon ring spanner),welding rod and some other things as shear pin,because it will influence the pressure of safety valve,even lead to an accident.牢固的支撑所有吸入和排出管线,不使它们受到不必要的应力,同时也是为了减少振动,决不可由于没有足够的支撑而让管线悬挂在泵上。Firmly support all the suction and discharge pipelines to make sure that they do not suffer the unnecessary stress,at the same time,to decreases vibration.It is not allowed to make pipelines suspend on pump without enough supports.,泵的启动start of pump,启动前的准备工作preparation before start,启动前的准备工作Preparation before start检查动力端机架底部,放空润滑油并清洗油池。然后对照泵机架铭牌上对润滑油的要求,将一定牌号和数量的润滑油加入动力端。Check the bottom of power end;empty the lubrication and clean the oil sump.Then according to the lubrication requirement marked in the nameplate on pump frame,fill the power end with adequate lubrication.检查十字头与上导板的间隙是否符合要求。Check the clearance between the crosshead and upper guide to make sure that it is proper.检查喷淋泵水箱内冷却润滑液是否达到要求。Check the cooling lubricant in the water tank of spray pump to make sure that it is proper检查所有螺纹联接是否紧固以及泵内是否有杂物。Check all the thread connections to make sure they are tightened and check for any sundries in the pump.,检查泥浆管线上的所有阀门是否置于正确位置。Check all valves on mud line to make sure they are on proper status.检查排出空气包充气压力是否达到40.5MPa的规定值。Check the pulse dampener to make sure its charge pressure gets to 40.5MPa.打开喷淋泵系统和灌注系统的进排液阀门。Open the inlet and outlet valves of spray pump and charge pump.检查剪销安全阀和压力表是否齐全灵敏。安全阀的压力设置是否符合要求。Check the shear safety valve and the pressure gauge to make sure they are ready and sensitive,check whether the safety valves pressure setting is correct or not.向吸入管路腔内灌满水或泥浆,排净空气。Fill the chamber of suction lines with water or mud to discharge all air.,启动start,应以低速起动,逐渐增速,以提高容积效率。Start with low speed and speed up gradually to improve the volumetric efficiency.如果需要高泵速时,就必须使用灌注泵。If high pump speed is needed,the charge pump must be used.检查动力端润滑油压表读数是否正常。Check the reading of lubrication pressure gauge at power end to see whether it is proper or not.注意检查各部温度,不得有局部过热现象。Check the temperature of each part.There are should no local overheating.启动泵必须与有关操作及检查人员取得联系。When start the pump,you shall contact with related operator and inspector.开泵时检查人员必须注视压力表的压力,泥浆未返回地面前不允许离开气开关。When start the mud pump,the operator should notice the pressure showed on the pressure gauge.If the mud does not return to the ground,the operator should not leave the control panel(air switch of clutch).挂泵离合器时,采用二次启动法,这样可使泵得到活动的机会,也可以观察泵在启动中有无障碍,如一切正常,即可挂上离合器。When engage the pump clutch,prefer adopt twice start method,this can make the pump get the chance to act and also see whether there is anything wrong.If there is nothing wrong,engage the clutch finally.,泵在运转中的观察Inspection(observation)during operation(running),检查活塞杆和中间拉杆卡箍是否有不正常响声;检查液缸上的所有螺母以及阀盖和缸盖是否有松动现象。如发现不正常现象,查明原因,及时处理。Check whether the clamp for piston rod and extension rod connection has some abnormal sound;check whether all the nuts on cylinder block and valve cover and cylinder cover are loosen or not.If there are some abnormality,find out the reason and eliminate them immediately.检查各高压密封处是否有泄漏现象,泵阀和缸套处是否有刺漏声,如发现问题,应及时处理。Check whether the high pressure seal have leakage or not,and whether the pump valve and cylinder liner have any washout sound.If there is something wrong,resolve it immediately.注意泵压变化,发现异常情况妥善处理。Notice the change of the pump pressure.If there is something wrong,handle it immediately,注意喷淋泵的供水情况是否正常。Notice whether the water supply of spray pump is normal or not.注意各轴承部位、十字头导板以及其它有相对运动的部位的温度是否过高或有异常现象。Notice the temperature of each part of bearing,crosshead guide and other parts with movement is too high or has any abnormal phenomenon.在机架后部,动力端润滑油路的压力表读数是否正常。At the back of frame,check whether the pressure gauges reading of lubrication for power end is proper or not,钻井泵的日常维护和检查,正确和及时地对钻井泵进行维护保养,是保证钻井泵正常工作,延长寿命的必要措施。对于任何一台泵的使用,都应重视这一环节。Maintaining the drilling pump correctly and duly is the necessary measure to ensure it working properly and lengthen its servicing life.To any drilling pump,it is very important.每天的维护保养 daily maintenance 每星期的维护保养 weekly maintenance每月的维护保养 monthly maintenance每年的维护保养 yearly maintenance在维护保养中尚须注意的其它事项 Some other items should be paid attention,每天的维护保养daily maintenance,停泵后检查动力端的油位。Check the oil level of the power end after stoprunning观察缸套与活塞的工作情况。若发现漏出来的泥浆超出正常限度时,则须更换新缸套、活塞。Observe the working condition of cylinder liner and piston.If the mud leaking out is over the limit,It needs to change a new cylinder liner and piston.检查缸套腔,若有大量泥浆沉淀,应加以清理。Check the chamber of cylinder liner.If there is too much mud deposit,clean it.检查喷淋泵水箱内水是否够用,并及时补充,冷却水有污染时加以更换,并同时清理水箱卫生。Check whether the water tank of spray pump is enough or not and replenish in time.When the cooling water is polluted,change it and clean the water tank.检查排出空气包的充气压力,是否符合要求。Check whether the charge pressure of discharge dampener is proper or not.检查剪销安全阀的可靠性,必要时应予以更换。Check the shear safety valves reliability and change it when necessary.,检查润滑油泵压力表变化情况。如发现压力很小(0.035MPa)或无压力,应及时检查过滤器是否有堵塞现象。Check the reading of pressure gauge of lubrication pump.If the pressure is very small(0.035MPa)or even without pressure,check whether the filter is jammed or not in time.每天将活塞杆卡箍松开,把活塞转动四分之一圈左右,然后再上紧卡箍。Loose the piston rod clamp everyday.Turn the piston a quarter round and then tighten the clamp.在上紧缸盖与阀盖前,先在其丝扣内填涂润滑脂,且在每4小时时间内,检查一次是否有松动现象出现。Before installing the cylinder cover and valve cover,first fill the thread with grease.Check whether it loose or not every 4 hours.经常观察阀盖、缸盖、缸套密封(含耐磨盘与液缸间的密封)的报警孔,如有泥浆流出,就应及时的更换相应的密封圈。Observe the alarm hole of valve cover,cylinder cover and cylinder liner seal(including the seal between wear plate and cylinder).If the mud flows out,replace corresponding seal ring in time.,每星期的维护保养 weekly maintenance,每周拆卸阀盖、缸盖一次,除去污泥,清洗干净,涂上二硫化钼复合钙基润滑脂,检查阀导向套的内套,如已明显磨损(阀导向杆与导套间的间隙超过3mm)应将其换掉。Disassemble the valve cover and cylinder cover once a week.Get rid of the mud and clean it.Then coat it with compound molybdenum disulfide calcium base grease.Check the inner bushing of valve guide.If it has been obviously worn(the clearance between valve stem and guide bushing should not more than 3mm),replace it immediately.检查阀和阀座的使用情况,把磨损严重或刺坏了的阀体,阀胶皮和阀座换掉(更换阀座时应注意同时更换阀体)。检查阀弹簧,把折断或丧失弹力的阀弹簧及时换掉。Check the condition of valve and valve seat.Replace the worn and washout valve body,valve rubber and valve seat(notice:when replace the valve seat,replace the valve body at the same time).Check the valve spring,replace the broken or miss elasticity spring in time.,检查活塞锁紧螺母,若遇腐蚀或损坏应换掉(因为一般上紧过三次以后的螺母,镶在其内的密封圈已失去锁紧能力)。Check the piston lock nut.When it is cankered or worn,change it,because generally,if a nut is screwed down three times,the sealing ring inlayed in it shall lose the seal function.从排泄孔盖的丝堵处放一次水,直至见油为止。Drain water from the screw plug on the drain hole cover until oil out.检查并清洗润滑油泵管线中的滤网一次。Check and clean the filter strainer of lubrication pump pipeline once.,每月的维护保养 monthly maintenance,检查液力端的所有双头螺栓和螺母。例如缸盖法兰螺母,液缸与机架联接的螺母,以及吸入管路、排出管路的联接螺栓、螺母等。如果出现松动,须按规定扭矩重新上紧。Check all the studs and nuts of power end.Such as the flange nut of cylinder cover,the nut connected with cylinder and frame,and the bolts and nuts in suction pipeline and discharge pipeline.If there are some looses,tighten them according to prescribed torque.检查中间拉杆填料盒内的密封圈,若已磨损须更换,一般每三个月至少换一次。更换时应注意油封方位。Check the packing ring of extension rod in the stuffing box.If it is worn,replace it at least once three months.When replacement,notice the azimuth of the packing.拆卸和清洗装在排出滤网里的滤筒。Disassemble and clean the filter strainer in the discharge filter.每六个月换掉动力端油池和十字头沉淀油槽内的脏油,并同时清理这些油槽。Change the used oil in sump of power end and in crosshead oil deposit pool once per six months and clean them at the same time.,每年的维护保养 yearly maintenance,检查十字头导板是否松动,十字头运转间隙是否符合规定要求,可在导板下加垫片来调整。在拆卸曲轴总成时,可将十字头旋转180再进行使用。Check whether the crosshead guide is loosened or not,check whether the clearance is proper or not.If it is not,add shim below the guide to adjust.When disassemble the crankshaft assembly,the crosshead can be turned 180 and reuse it.推荐每隔两年或三年对整个泵进行一次全面检查。检查主轴承、偏心轮轴承、十字头轴承、小齿轮轴轴承是否磨损或损坏,若不能继续使用,则须另换新的。It is recommended that check thoroughly the whole pump every two or three years.Check whether the main bearing,eccentric(crank)bearing,crosshead bearing,pinion shaft bearing are worn or not.If they can not use any more,replace them with new bearing.检查齿轮的磨损情况,若磨损严重,须将曲轴和小齿轮轴同时调头安装,利用齿面未磨损的一面。Check the wear condition of gears.If they are worn,install the crankshaft and pinion shaft by turn over the ends to use the unworn face of gears.,在维护保养中尚须注意的其它事项other attentions during the maintenance process,上卡箍前,必须将25的锥面擦干净。Before install the clamp,clean the 25 taper face更换缸套时,必须将缸套密封圈一起换掉。When replace the cylinder liner,replace the seal ring of liner at the same time冬季停泵后,须将阀腔及缸套内的泥浆放尽并冲洗干净。When the pump is stopped in winter,discharge the mud in valve pot and liner and flush them clean.泵各检查窗孔应注意盖好,以防灰砂等混入润滑油内。Cover all man holes well to avoid the sand or dust enter the lubrication.


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