GRE等价怎么做才能既省时又省力 GRE等价怎么做才能既省时又省力?先读题目再看选项才是稳妥方法,我们一起来学习一下吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。GRE等价怎么做才能既省时又省力?先读题目再看选项才是稳妥方法GRE等价题解题需警惕直接看选项技巧为了避免考生在解答GRE句子等价题时盲目的使用直接看选项的方法,ETS从很早就开始对等价题进行了一些改动。最常见的就是在6个选项中设置不止一对的近义或同义词,以此强迫考生先看题目。更为甚者,这两对同义词中,还往往会放入1到2个相对冷僻陌生的高难度生词。如此一来,直接看选项的解题方法就往往不那么管用了。GRE等价题标准解题方法讲解实际上,就GRE句子等价题来说,最标准而正确的解题方法,还应该是按照正常的做题顺序,从头到尾看完题目后再行作答。而为了避免被数量众多的选项误导和困扰,建议大家在阅读完题目后,先不要直接看选项,而是根据自己对题目的理解先大致给出心中的答案,然后再和选项进行匹配,找到合适的答案。GRE等价解题技巧实例分析例题:Brutus is often held up as the embodiment of _-yet, while it is true that he deceived his friend, Julius Caesar, one must not forget that Caesar had become both a danger to himself and the Republic.(A) wisdom(B) prudence(C) treachery(D) selflessness(E) perfidy(F) cowardice分析:如果大家在面对上面这道题目时跳过题目直接看选项,很容易就会发现A和B似乎在含义上相当接近。放到句子里似乎也读的通。但如果仔细看过题目,大家就会发现,本题的解题线索是“deceived his friend"。而根据整句的意思,此处应该填入的是跟deceive相关的词汇。这样一来,AB尽管是一对近义词,但在本题中就不是适合的选项。而在所有选项中,C的意思相当接近,而D和F则偏差较大。至于剩下的E,认识的同学自然知道它是C的近义词,而不认识的同学也可以通过排除法做出选择。实际上,E本身也是GRE词汇,只不过比较冷僻,可能有不少同学没有背过。GRE等价解题技巧思路真题精讲 了解这些SE考点思路是高分关键GRE等价题出题思路解题技巧理论介绍之所以说GRE等价题难度最高,是因为其他三种填空题型,考生只要掌握好足够的GRE词汇量,大部分情况下都能够顺利解题。而等价题只靠词汇过关还远远达不到解题要求,考生需要具备词汇量以外的一些解题技巧和能力。1. 考察逻辑推理分析能力做好GRE等价题,考生不仅需要掌握词汇,还必须具备逻辑推理分析能力。一道题目6个选项,哪两个能够保证句子意思相同,考生不仅需要完全了解6个选项词汇的含义,还需要做出正确的配对,没有一定的逻辑推理能力很容易就会出现理解错误的情况。特别是当选项中存在不止一组同近义词,或者出现3个以上选项词义相近时,没有逻辑推理分析能力很容易迷失在词汇细节含义上。2. 学会抓大放小的解题思路不同于其他题目对错明确,GRE等价题中选项的正确性往往不是绝对的,有时候正确选项本身也存在一定瑕疵。有些词单独来看可能意思并不太贴切,放在句子中并不是最佳选择。但只要这个选项能跟另一个选项确保意思一致,那么它毫无疑问就是正确的。反过来说,一个词汇如果单独放入句子中意思通顺,但却没法在剩余选项中找到可以匹配的答案,那么它也无法被选为最后答案。许多思维模式比较单一的考生,常会在这种相对正确性的问题上纠结,不明白抓大放小的道理,努力想要寻找出最完美的答案,最后白白浪费了许多考试时间。3. 了解核心词汇的同近义词等价题对于词汇的要求不仅体现在知道基本字面意思的地步,还有着更深一层的要求,那就是对于词汇的同义近义词需要有所了解。因为等价大多数时候其实都是在选同义近义词。假如考生在背单词的时候是一个个生词孤立地记忆,或者只背中文不背英文不看例句,那么在面对等价题时就很容易出现找不到同近义词或者找到太多中文意思相近的词无法分辨的情况,而这两种情况对于考生解决等价题都会形成很大障碍,严重干扰考生做出正确判断。GRE等价题解题思路真题精讲Researchers who study circadian rhythms have found that the physiological processes of animals and plants are neither independent of, nor entirely _ external stimuli, such as light and temperature, during a given 24-hour period.A. imperiled byB. analogous toC. coincident withD. perturbed byE. appurtenant toF. concomitant with正确答案:C F思路解析:本题关键在于neither independent of, nor和external stimuli。整句大意为研究昼夜规律的学者们发现动植物的生理过程既不完全独立、也并非完全与光亮温度等外界刺激保持一致。空格中所选词汇应该与indepent of含义相反。因此,C的保持一致和F的伴随共存在含义上最为接近,所以是正确答案。A有受到威胁的含义,而本句中并未提到昼夜变化会受到外界刺激的威胁。同时这个选项也无法和indepent形成反义关系。B指的是不同事物之间的相似性可比性。而本句中的昼夜变化和外界刺激之间更多的是一种原因和结果的关系,而非相似性比较。所以错误。D的意思是思维受到很大的干扰。主要是指的精神情感方面的问题,和本句中提到的物理变化关系不大。E的含义是指附带附属,跟本句意思无关。GRE填空老题目练习1. The narratives that vanquished peoples have created of their defeat have, accordingto Schivelbusch, fallen into several identifiable types. In one of these, the vanquishedmanage to the victors triumph as the result of some spurious advantage,the victors being truly inferior where it counts. Often the winners thisinterpretation, worrying about the cultural or moral costs of their triumph and so givingsome credence to the losers story.Blank (i) Blank (ii)anoint take issue withconstrue disregardacknowledge collude in2. That the President manages the economy is an assumption the prevailingwisdom that dominates electoral politics in the United States. As a result, presidentialelections have become referenda on the business cycle, whose fortuitous turningsare the President. Presidents are properly accountable for theirexecutive and legislative performance, and certainly their actions may have profoundeffects on the economy. But these effects are . Unfortunately, modernpolitical campaigns are fought on the untenable premise that Presidents candeliberately produce precise economic results.Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii)at odds with justifiably personified in usually long-lastingperipheral to erroneously attributed to regrettably unnoticeablecentral to occasionally associated with largely unpredictable3. Of course anyone who has ever perused an unmodernized text of Captain Clarksjournals knows that the Captain was one of the most spellers ever to writein English, but despite this orthographical rules, Clark is never unclear.Blank (i) Blank (ii)fastidious disregard forindefatigable partiality towarddefiant unpretentiousness about4. Having displayed his art collection in a vast modernist white space in _former warehouse, Mr. Saatchi has chosen for his new site its polar opposite, ariverside monument to civic pomposity that once housed the local government. Thereis nothing about the new location: the buildings design is bureaucraticbaroque, style that is as declamatory as a task-force report and asself-regarding as a campaign speech.Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii)a decadent atavistic an ascetica claustrophobic spare a grandiosean unprepossessing pretentious an understated参考答案:SECTION 21construecollude inBF2central toerroneously attributed tolargely unpredictableCEI3defiantdisregard forCD4an unprepossessingsparea grandioseCEHGRE填空老题目练习1. It is truly paradoxical that the Amazon, the lushest of all rainforests, is rooted in themost of all soils.A. acidicB. coarseC. starkD. impoverishedE. infertileF. austere2. Cynics believe that people who compliments do so in order to bepraised twice.A. conjure upB. covetC. deflectD. graspE. shrug offF. understand3. A restaurants menu is generally reflected in its dcor; however despite thisrestaurants appearance it is pedestrian in the menu it offers.A. elegantB. tawdryC. modernD. traditionalE. conventionalF. chic4. International financial issues are typically by the United States mediabecause they are too technical to make snappy headlines and too inaccessible topeople who lack a background in economics.A. neglectedB. slightedC. overratedD. hiddenE. criticizedF. repudiated5. While in many ways their personalities could not have been more differentshe wasebullient where he was glum, relaxed where he was awkward, garrulous where hewas they were surprisingly well suited.A. solicitousB. munificentC. irresoluteD. laconicE. fastidiousF. taciturn6. The nature of classical tragedy in Athens belies the modern image oftragedy: in the modern view tragedy is austere and stripped down, its representationsof ideological and emotional conflicts so superbly compressed that theres nothing_ for time to erode.Blank (i) Blank (ii)unadorned inalienableharmonious exigentmultifaceted extraneous7. Murray, whose show of recent paintings and drawings is her best in many years, hasbeen eminent hereabouts for a quarter century, although often regarded with_, but the most of these paintings all doubts.Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii)partiality problematic exculpatecredulity successful assuageambivalence disparaged whet答案: 1 impoverished infertile D E 2 deflect shrug off C E 3 elegant chic A F 4 neglected slighted A B 5 laconic taciturn D F 6 multifaceted extraneous C F 7 ambivalence successfulassuage C E H