1,重复法,重复的意义汉语重复的表达特点英语回避重复的主要方法英汉翻译中的重复翻译法,2,英语回避重复的主要方法,指代法代词换词法范畴词、同义词、或准同义词替代法替代词语和替代句型省略法省略相同的词语保留介词法紧缩法,3,英汉翻译中的重复翻译法,重复英语中作宾语的名词共同修饰的名词前置词短语前所省略的名词,重复名词,重复动词,重复代词,4,We have to analyze and solve problems.,我们必须分析问题,解决问题。,重复名词,5,Marketing economy is itself the product of long course of development,of a series of revolutions in the modes of production and of exchange.,市场经济本身是一个长期发展过程的产物,是生产方式和交换方式一系列变革的产物。,重复名词,6,重复动词,We talked of ourselves,of our prospects,of the journey,of the weather,of each otherof everything but our host and hostess.,我们谈到自己,谈到前途,谈到旅程,谈到天气,谈到彼此的情况谈到一切,只是不谈我们的男女主人。,TIP,动词后有前置词,重复时省略动词,只重复前置词。,7,重复动词,You may go with them if you want to.,你愿意去的话,也可以和他们一起去。,TIP,助动词或不定式“to”代替前面相同的动词。,8,重复代词,He needs assistants in his research work,but he hasnt yet got a competent one.,他的研究工作需要助手,可是他至今还没有找到一个能胜任的助手。,9,Exercise,Most notably,China has avoided the large output declines and severe macroeconomic instability that have tended to characterize the transition experiences in central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union.A bill of lading is usually made out in copies,some in duplicate,some in triplicate and some even in quadruplicate.Generally we open for customers three kinds of credit.One is documentary letter of credit,another is revolving letter of credit and a third is travelers letter of credit.5.We agree to set up agency relationship between our two banks so that you can transact business directly with the following domestic branches of ours.,10,词类转换法,It is possible to convert energy from one form into another,可以把能从一种形式变为另一种形式。,Nylon is nearly twice as strong as natural silk。,尼龙的强度几乎是天然丝的两倍。,11,转译成动词,He is a good eater and sleeper.The appearance of the books on the market caused a sensation.He is a lover of Chinese paintings.He made no mention of the road accident at 11:30 last night.,N V,12,In spite of the growth of other kinds of transport,railroads continue to be,as they used to be over years,the backbone of the transportation industry.,尽管其他各种交通工具都发展了,铁路仍然是运输业的骨干,正如它多年来一直是运输业的骨干一样。,13,Tips,大量使用 是英语的一个重要标志,而汉语中则大量使用具有动词概念的名词往往转译成动词,名词,动词,14,6.2 形容词作表语通常译成动词,Doctors have said that they are not sure they can save his life.Part time barman requiredHours and salary negotiable.He is always considerate of others;he is kind and sympathetic.,Adj.V.,15,The developed countries are full of skilled labor and capital,while developing countries which are lack of skilled workers and capital need to import technology-intensive products from these countries.,发达国家拥有大量的熟练劳动力和资本,而缺乏熟练工人和资本的发展中国家需要从这些国家进口技术密集型产品,Adj.V.,16,You are ignorant of the duties you undertake in marrying.,你完全不懂你在婚姻方面承担的责任。,The following plan may become available during the next decade.,下列计划在10年间可能实现。,Adj.V.,17,6.3 形容词转译成名词,the sickthe wounded the rich the poor,the oldthe infirmthe illthe very young,18,6.4形容词译成副词,He asked me for a full account of myself and family.,他详尽地问起我自己和我家里的情况。,19,6.4 由名词派生的动词转译成名词,Trade union leaders claimed that some of their members had been victimized by being dismissed.贸易联盟的领导们声称他们当中的一些成员因被开除而受到迫害(伤害)。贸易联盟的领导们声称,他们中有些成员是被那些开除了的人欺骗了的。贸易联盟的首领们声称他们中的一些成员已作为牺牲品被解雇(开除了)。工会领袖认为有些会员成了被解雇的牺牲品。工会领袖认为有些会员成了牺牲品被解雇了。,20,过去分词做表语,并且位于系动词之后,可译成汉语动词,He is always been terribly frightened of death.他一向对死怕得要命。,21,谓语动词、过去分词、形容词译成汉语的名词,What impressed me most was his courage in the face of the death.给我留下深刻印象的是他在死亡面前所表现出的勇气。,22,抽象名词译成形容词,The bank is justified in dishonoring a cheque for insufficiency(inadequacy,shortage,shortfall)of funds in his customers account.因为客户帐户上的资金(头寸)不足,银行拒付支票款项是合法的。,23,Homework,In view of the insignificant volume of business between our two banks,we consider that it is premature to open a US dollar account with you.Payers usually delay payment or acceptance of bills until the arrival and unloading of the goods.He is faithful in the performance of his duties.,