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    Warm-up Questions:What a front desk should be like?2.What should be aware of when dealing with group registrations?why?,Reservation form VS Registration form,Reservation form:The name of the guestTime of arrival and departureThe address of the guestThe telephone number of the guestThe room type that the guest requiresThe corresponding rate for the room,Reservation form VS Registration form,Registration form:Room numberPersonal informationNationalityPassport/visa numberTime of arrival and departureWhere from and where to,arrival list 应到客人名单Advance deposit 预付定金Key card 钥匙牌Confirmed fax 确认的传真Registration form 入住登记表A morning call 叫早Luggage collect 出行李Buffet 自助餐Breakfast voucher 早餐券,Dialogues,Useful Words&Phrases,1.Would you please fill out this form while I prepare the key card for you?2.Please make sure that you have it with you all the time.3.If you are ready,Ill call the bellboy and hell take you to your room.4.I hope you enjoy your stay with us.5.You are scheduled to check out tomorrow morning,Useful Expressions,6.Would you please sign your name here?7.Has there been any change in your schedule?8.Please hand them back to the Reception Desk tomorrow morning when you check out.9.Our single rooms are sold out.10.Would you like me to help you with it,Madam?11.I will need your passport for just a minute.,Useful Expressions,12.Just a few bit more information and Ill be done.13.If you will please sign on the bottom right hand corner that completes the formalities.14.We would like you to change to another room.15.We are sorry for the inconvenience.16.What time is it convenient for you to change your room?,Useful Expressions,Useful Sentence Patterns,1.Asking the client about the reservation 2.Registering the client 3.When the room is not ready4.Giving the guest his key and room number5.Friendly parting remarks.,Describe the picture below,using at least 5 sentences.,Miss Showers,who is a return guest of the Grand View Hotel,is walking towards the Front Desk.She will stay for half a month.She has booked a standard room.She asks if she can enjoy a special rate.,Make three dialogues with your partner according to the following situations.,A visitor wants to see Mr.David Brown from Australia.The clerk checks the guest list,calls to the room and then asks the visitor to wait in the lobby for the guest.,John Smith is standing at the Reception Desk.He says he does not have a reservation.Unfortunately there is no vacancy.The Front Desk clerk suggests him waiting until 6:00 p.m.or taking a room at a nearby hotel.,1.以上报价另加收15%服务费。Above rates are subject to 15%surcharges.2.十二岁以下儿童与父母同住且不要求加床,酒店将不另加收费用。No charge for children under 12 years sharing parents room without extra bed.3.对旅行社给予10%的佣金。The commission rate for travel agency as bonus is 10%.,Exercises,Translate the following into English,Exercises,4.所定之客房将保留至下午6:00(以信用卡保证及已交纳押金者除外)。Reservations are only held until 18:00,unless guaranteed by credit card or fist night deposit.5.入住和退房时间:中午12:00。Check in and check out at 12:00 noon.,Exercises,6.提供不吸烟客房和残疾人客房。Non-smoking rooms and rooms for handicapped are available.7.按客人要求提供派车服务。Limousine service available upon request.8.接受各种信用卡。All major credit cards accepted.,


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