速度与激情,“Fast and furious”is the film series in Europe and the United States led to the car as the theme.The title to a proper extent to point out two elements of this type of film:in a variety of brandname sports car racing on the highway and passion,experience the fast speed.,速度与激情是欧美主导的以赛车为主题的系列电影。其片名恰如其分的点出了这类电影的两大元素:以 各种名牌跑车狂飙于公路的激情,还有体验着超快 的速度。,This is a very simple film,no complicated plot,only a story and real straight forward spectacular scene,with a simple truth:life is actually very short,we often want to pursue freedom,but we only escape.Escape is not equal to freedom,only breaking the devil in our heart and pursuiting of an ideal life is that the real freedom for us!Just enjoy it.,这是一个非常简单的电影,没有复杂的情节,只是一个故事,真正直接壮观的场景,用一个简单的事实:生活其实很短,我们经常想追求自由,但我们只逃脱。逃避不等于自由,只有打破魔鬼在我们的心中和追求的理想生活是对我们真正的自由!只是享受它,Introduction of the main characters,The main actor:Dominic TorettoHe grew up under the influence of car,his superb skills make everyone in car racing world remembered him.,Torreto grew up in the cars influence,his superb skills,make everyone racing world will remember him.,1.Dominic Toretto 多米尼克.托莱多,托雷托从小就在赛车的熏陶中长大,他精湛的车技,使赛车界的每个人都记住了他,Former FBI agent.Mias boyfriend.He gave up the police to help Toretto escape from prison,and then hebecomes an importent member of the family.,Brian:布莱恩.,she is Torettos sister and Brians girlfriend.She is good at network intrusion(侵入).,Mia Toretto 米娅.托莱多:,Torettos friend since childhood,then fell in love with him when she grow up.An important member of the big family.,Letty,莱蒂,DSS action group chief executive(行动集团首席执行官),by the way,his real identity is a former wrestling champion across the United Stated.(全美摔跤 冠军).,Hobbs:,霍布斯,a chameleon(变色龙).He is good at collecting information.,Han:,A sexy and clever girl.whats more,she have an amazing capable of observation(观察)and inference(推理).,Gisele:吉赛尔,Unfortunately,November 30,2013.Paul walker who plays the role of Brian,was killed in a car accident in Los Angeles(洛杉矶),was just years old.,40,The director decided to keep alll the scenes and adopt the capture(捕获)skill to resurrect(复活)Paul.,The director found his two brothers to act as his substitute(替补)and selected(挑选)the brilliant movie fragments(片段)that Paul once acted,which provided important information for the collecting of Pauls facial expression(面部表情).,You know the best decision I ever made was stepping into that store,buying that first sandwich.,Hey,thought you could leave without saying goodbye?,Its never goodbye,No matter where you are,whether its a quarter mile away or half way across the world.The most important thing in life will always be the people in this room,right here,right now.Youll always be with me.And youll always be my brother.,无论你身处何方,无论是4分之1英里的赛道,还是绕了大半个地球的距离。我们生命中最重要的东西就是这屋檐下的人,就在此时,就在此地,你永远在我身边,也永远是我的兄弟!,FOR PAUL,