unit06,Lesson 1,Lesson 1,Lesson 2,Extended Exercises,Checkpoint,Agenda,UNIT GOALS,1.Convey a message2.Prepare for an emergency3.Describe disasters and emergencies4.Write about natural disasters,Lesson 1,Lesson 1,Lead-in,Listening,Speaking,Reading,Writing,1-Lead-in,Lead-in,Sitcom:I Want to Go Someplace Different,Exercise A,Exercise B,1-Exercise A,Exercise A,Complete the sentences with what you hear.,1.Mrs.Beatty usually travels to major cities in _.2.She wants to travel to someplace _.3.She thinks California has a lot of _.4.At the end of the video episode,Mrs.Beatty chooses to travel to _.,Europe,away from the city,earthquakes,Finland,1-Exercise B,Exercise B,Check the places Mr.Evans recommends to Mrs.Beatty.,California Alaska Thailand Bahamas Australia New Zealand Jamaica South Africa India Hawaii Korea Finland,1-Listening,Listening,Part 1 An Earthquake,Part 2 What Should You Do?,Part 3 News Reports,Part 4 Disasters and Emergencies,New Words,Proper Names,1-Part-1,Part 1 An Earthquake,Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks with what you hear.,RACHEL:Oh,my goodness!1_ from Romania.TOM:What happened?RACHEL:It says there was a 2_ there yesterday.It was 8.6 on the Richter scale.What a disaster!TOM:8.6?Thats gigantic!Any word on casualties?RACHEL:They say theres a lot of 3_,but luckily it struck during the day.So far no reports of deaths or injuries.TOM:Well,lets hope for the best.RACHEL:I wonder 4_.TOM:Believe it or not,no.There was once a 9.5 near Chile.,Look at this breaking news,huge earthquake,property damage,if 8.6 is a record,1-Part-2,Part 2 What Should You Do?,Listen to the passage and check whether each statement is true(T)or false(F).,1-Part-3,Part 3 News Reports,Listen to the passage and circle the letter that best completes each sentence.,1.The reporter is describing a _.A.flood B.tornado C.drought2.The storm will probably be _.A.catastrophic B.moderate C.mild3.According to the report,many people are _.A.deadly B.missing C.homeless4.There _ from the landslide.A.are no deaths B.are no survivors C.is no property damage5.This report mentions supplies you should have _.A.in case of an evacuation B.in a shelter C.in a first-aid kit,1-Part 4 Disasters and Emergencies,Part 4 Disasters and Emergencies,Passage 1 Facts About Earthquakes,Passage 2 An Amazing Story of Survival,Passage 3 Hurricane Katrina,1-4-Passage-1,Passage 1 Facts About Earthquakes,Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks with what you hear.,1.The earliest recorded earthquake happened in _.2.The largest recorded earthquake in the world held a magnitude of _ in Chile.3.The worlds deadliest recorded earthquake occurred in _ in central China.4.In 1976 another deadly earthquake struck in Tangshan,China,where more than _ people were killed.,1831 B.C.,9.5,1556,250 000,1-4-Passage-2,Passage 2 An Amazing Story of Survival,Listen to the passage and check whether each statement is true(T),false(F)or not mentioned(NM).,T F NM1.The men left Endurance because they didnt have many supplies left.2.The men lived on a piece of ice for five months.3.Shackleton and his men sailed to the first island on Endurance.4.The men were rescued by an airplane.5.There were 28 survivors altogether.,1-4-Passage-3,Passage 3 Hurricane Katrina,Listen to the passage and answer the following questions.,1.How many people are listed officially as missing in Louisiana?_2.What were used in the new search for bodies in the wreckage?_3.Who constituted the majority population in New Orleans before the storm?_4.Why did people have a terrible shock when they went home?_,2000 people.,Dogs.,The black.,They were unable to find even where their houses had stood.,1-New Words,New Words,amazingly adv.令人惊讶地 antiseptic n.杀菌剂 bandage n.绷带 briefly adv.短暂地 collapse v.崩溃,倒塌 contaminate v.污染 destruction n.破坏,毁灭 detectable adj.可察觉的,易发现 dwelling n.住处 endurance n.持久,耐久 evacuation n.撤退,走开,1-New Words,New Words,first-aid n.急救 flashlight n.手电筒 freezer n.冰箱;冷藏机 gigantic adj.巨人般的,巨大的 gulf n.海湾 kit n.用具包,工具箱 landslide n.山崩 magnitude n.量级 non-perishable adj.不容易腐烂的 outage n.断电;临时停止供应 penguin n.企鹅 perishable adj.容易腐烂的,1-New Words,New Words,predict v.预测,预报 preserve v.保存,保藏 resettle v.(使)重新定居 resident n.居民 shelter n.庇护所 stormy adj.汹涌澎湃的;猛烈的 survivor n.生还者 toll n.(因疾病、意外事故等的)伤 亡,损失 waterproof adj.防水的,不透水的 wreckage n.残骸;废墟,1-Proper Names,Proper Names,Antarctica 南极洲Baton Rouge 巴吞鲁日(美国城市)Gulf Coast 墨西哥湾沿岸地区Houston 休斯顿(美国城市)Hurricane Katrina 卡特里娜飓风Louisiana 路易斯安那(美国州名)New Orleans 新奥尔良(美国港市)Texas德克萨斯州(美国州名)the Richter scale 里氏(用于测量地震强度的单位)Tropical Storm Maria 热带风暴“玛莉亚”,1-Speaking,Speaking,Convey a Message,Conversation Model,Conversation Pair Work,1-Conversation-Model,Conversation Model,Read and listen.,A:Im on the line with your parents.Would you like to say hello?B:I would,but Im running late.A:Anything youd like me to tell them?B:Yes.Please tell them to watch the news.Theres a storm on its way.A:Will do.Rhythm and intonation practice,1-Conversation Pair Work,Conversation Pair Work,Role-play conveying a message.Use the guide,the possible excuses,and the possible messages,or create a new conversation.,A:Im on the line with _.Would you like to say hello?B:I would,but _.A:Anything youd like me to tell _?B:Yes.Please _.A:_.,Possible excuses Im running late.I have an appointment.I dont have time right now.,Possible messagesWatch the news.Theres a story about _.Turn on the TV.Theres bad weather on its way.Call me at the office.Your own message:_.,1-Reading,Reading,Topic Preview,Text A,Text B,Vocabulary Exercise,Vocabulary Activity,1-Topic Preview,Topic Preview,Look at the news source.Then check True,False or Not Mentioned.,After yesterdays disaster,the search for survivors continues.Reports say the number of casualties is increasing.There is a record amount of property damage.B is your online center for disaster news and information about relief efforts.,1-Topic Preview,Topic Preview,TF NM1.The news source for this information is the Internet.2.The tsunami caused the earthquake.3.Three countries were affected by this disaster.4.This is the worst tsunami ever.5.The number of dead or injured is increasing.6.There was no property damage.,1-Text A,Text A,Text,Comprehension Check,TA-Text-1,Text A,Read the web page.Underline and learn the unfamiliar words.,On the morning of August 24th,79A.D.,Pompeii was a wealthy Roman city full of people and life.No one thought that in two days the city would become a grave for 2 000 people.Pompeii is located 8 km from Mt.Vesuvius.The mountain had once been an active volcano,but it had never erupted during the lifetime of anyone in the city.People were,however,used to earthquakes.Perhaps that is why when the earth shook for days before the volcano erupted,no one panicked.People must have thought they were safe,but they were wrong.The first sign of danger was a strange cloud rising from Mt.Vesuvius.It was a cloud of dark smoke and ash.For about eight hours,the cloud grew and covered a huge area beyond the city.The cloud carried rocks and ash,which fell over Pompeii like rain.,TA-Text-2,Text A,People evacuated the city in terror.That night,however,the rain of rocks and ash stopped.Many people thought the danger was over and returned to their homes.Around 7:30 the next morning,about 2 000 people were walking around the city,probably looking at the damage from the day before.Suddenly,Mt.Vesuvius exploded,sending a landslide of hot rocks,fire,and gases towards Pompeii.In less than two minutes,it killed everything in its path,and buried the city.The city was perfectly preserved and remained buried for almost 2 000 years.Now people can learn a lot about how the Ancient Romans lived from studying Pompeii.,erupt,erupt,v.if a volcano erupts,it explodes and sends smoke,fire,and rock into the sky(火山)爆发 If a volcano erupts,it explores and sends smoke,fire,and rock into the sky.Gang violence can erupt for no apparent reason.,evacuate,evacuate,v.send people away from a dangerous place to a safe place 疏散;撤离 The children were evacuated to the country when the city was being bombed.The soldiers evacuated the area as the enemy advanced.,TA-Proper Names,Proper Names,Mt.Vesuvius 维苏威火山(位于意大利西南部,是欧洲大 陆唯一的活火山)Pompeii 庞培(意大利古都,公元79年火山爆发,全城淹没),TA-Comprehension Check,Comprehension Check,Check whether each statement is Yes,No,or Not mentioned.,Yes No NM1.Did the eruption of Mt.Vesuvius cause any casualties?2.Did anyone expect Mt.Vesuvius to erupt?3.Did people leave Pompeii when rocks and ash started falling?4.Did the volcano kill people in Pompeii slowly?5.Was the buried city of Pompeii discovered by accident?,Text B,Text B,Warm-up,Text,Comprehension Check,Critical Thinking,TB-Warm-up,Warm-up,1.Have you or has someone you know(ever)experienced a natural disaster?2.Work in pairs or groups to find the important words in the text below and see what information you can get.,TB-Text-1,Text B,Earthquakes are among the deadliest natural disasters,causing the largest number of casualties,the highest death tolls,and the greatest destruction.In 1556 in China,the deadliest earthquake in history killed 830 000 people.But many other earthquakes have caused the deaths of more than 100 000 people,and it is not unusual,even in modern times,for an earthquake death toll to reach 20 000 to 30 000 people with hundreds of thousands left homeless.There are four factors that affect the casualty rate and economic impact of earthquakes:magnitude,location,quality of construction of buildings,and timing.MagnitudeThe magnitude,or strength,of an earthquake is measured on the Richter scale,ranging from 1 to 10,with 10 being the greatest.Earthquakes over 6 on the Richter scale are often deadly,and those over 8 are generally catastrophic,causing terrible damage.,Damage to road in 1995 earthquake in Kobe,Japan,Earthquakes,TB-Text-2,Text B,LocationHowever,a severe earthquake that is located far from population centers does not cause the same damage as a less severe one that occurs in the middle of a city.As an example,in 1960,the strongest earthquake ever recorded,9.5 magnitude on the Richter scale,struck in the Pacific Ocean near the Chilean coastline,killing over 2 000 people and injuring another 3 000.If this quake had struck a city,it would have been catastrophic,and hundreds of thousands might have been killed.Similarly,in Alaska,in 1964,a magnitude 9.2 quake hit an area with few people,and the death toll was 117.Quality of ConstructionFurthermore,modern building construction techniques can lessen the death toll and economic impact of a moderate earthquake that would otherwise cause severe destruction of older-style buildings.In 2003,a terrible earthquake in the historic city of Bam in Iran caused the destruction of over 90%of the buildings,mostly due to old construction.TimingFinally,the time of occurrence of an earthquake can affect the number of deaths and casualties.Earthquakes that occur in the night,when people are indoors,usually cause a greater death toll than ones that occur when people are outdoors.,timing,timing,n.the time when someone does something or when something happens,especially when you are considering how suitable this is 时间,时机 He was just walking into the restaurant when we got there.Perfect timing.He told jokes with an exquisite sense of timing.,severe,severe,adj.very bad or very serious 严重的 Drug smuggling continues to flourish despite the severe sentences of the courts.The president came under severe criticism for his handling of the crisis.,lessen,lessen,v.become smaller in size,importance,or value,or make something do this 减少,减轻 The rain eventually lessened to a soft mist.Eating properly can lessen the risk of heart disease.,moderate,moderate,adj.1.not very large or very small,very hot or very cold,very fast or very slow 中等的,适度的,适中的 Moderate exercise,such as walking and swimming,can help to prevent heart disease.Were looking for a house with a moderate-sized garden.2.staying within reasonable or sensible limits 有节制的,适度的 My father is a moderate smoker She led a living with moderate wage demands.,TB-Proper Names,Proper Names,Richter scale 里氏(地)震级 Chilean 智利的 Bam 巴姆市(伊朗城市),TB-Comprehension Check,Answer the following questions.,1.Which earthquake was the deadliest in history?2.Which earthquake had the highest recorded Richter scale reading?3.How can location affect the death toll of an earthquake?4.How can building techniques lessen the destruction and economic impact of an earthquake?,Modern building construction techniques can lessen the death toll and economic impact of a moderate earthquake that would otherwise cause severe destruction of older-style buildings.,In 1556 in China,the deadliest earthquake in history killed 830 000 people.,In 1960,the strongest earthquake ever recorded,9.5 magnitude on the Richter scale,struck in the Pacific Ocean near the Chilean coastline.,An earthquake in a city might kill more people.,Comprehension Check,TB-Critical Thinking,Answer the following questions.,1.Which would suffer heavier damage and more casualties in a severe earthquake:Los Angeles or a farming town in Iowa?Explain your answer.2.How does the time an earthquake happens affect the number of casualties?,Earthquakes that occur in the night,when people are indoors,usually cause a greater death toll than ones that occur when people are outdoors.,Critical Thinking,Compared with a farming town in Iowa,Los Angeles would suffer heavier damage and more casualties in a severe earthquake.Los Angesles is a big city with large population and more buildings.The article says if an earthquake strikes far from population centers it causes less damage so Los Angeles would suffer more than a farming town.,1-Vocabulary Exercises,Vocabulary Exercise,Read the statements from an emergency radio broadcast.Write the letter of the word that is described in each sentence.You will not use all of the words.,Model:“All residents must leave their homes immediately”_,1.“The situation is dangerous,and residents must respond immediately.”_2.“The city has been without electricity for four hours now.”_3.“Beds have been set up at local schools until people can return to their homes.”_4.“Buy food that will last a long time,such as canned beans and tuna fish,in case of emergency”_5.“If the lights go out,you will need a battery-powered source of light.”_6.“Prepare a small set of medications and supplies to treat injuries.”_,a.shelterb.matchesc.non-perishable foodd.first-aid kite.power outagef.batteriesg.emergencyh.evacuationi.flashlightj.bottled water,h,g,e,a,c,i,d,1-Vocabulary Activity,Vocabulary Activity,Complete each definition.Then unscramble the letters in the boxes to complete the MYSTERY PHRASE.,1.A disaster in which a river goes over its banks and flows into towns and fields:a _ _ _ _ 2.A disaster in which a giant wave hits and destroys towns along the ocean:a _ _ _ _ _ _3.A very dangerous situation that requires immediate action:an _ _ _ _ _ _ _4.A disaster in which the earth shakes violently causing a lot of damage:an _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _5.The removal o