跨文化翻译 第一讲.ppt
Translation:A Cross-cultural Perspective,Jing G.Xi席敬Department of International RelationsCTGU,Jing G.XI,Jing Xi is an associate professor of Foreign Languages at China Three Gorges University(CTGU).Jing earned his masters degree in Applied Linguistics from Wuhan University in 2001.He has a great interest in cross-cultural communications and,in 2007,was awarded a full-scholarship for doctoral studies at London South Bank University,United Kingdom,where he studied comparative industrial relations analysis,with a focus on the impact of culture and language barriers in multi-national and joint-venture companies.After returning to China in 2009,Jing has worked as professor of sociolinguistics and is executive director of CTGU Research Institute for Cross-cultural Studies and Employment Relations.Recently,Jing has focused on economic transitions in China,and the employment relations of Chinas multi-national and joint-venture companies from a cross-cultural prospective.Jing Xi is a frequent contributor to national journals relating to cultural encounters,translation practice and industrial relations and has more than a dozen published papers.Jing is also supervisor of post graduates in translation and interpretation at China Three Gorges University.He has enjoyed the rich experience of visiting more 30 countries as an interpreter and translator since 1997.,Introduction&Overview,The Importance of Translation&Interpretation.Understanding culture and cultural differences before doing translation.How to learn?References,The Importance of Translation&Interpretation.,A historical review:Sutra Translation(Han Dynasty)Bible Translation(Min Dynasty)Translation of literary works(Qing Dynasty)Document/Sci-tech Translation(Since 1978-),Translation&Interpretation Today,Prosperity and Challenges Preparing for more than just a translator or interpreter,Understanding culture and cultural differences before doing translation.,儒家文明日本文明印度文明伊斯兰文明西方文明东正教文明还有可能存在的拉丁美洲文明和非洲文明,Necessity for understanding culture differences,New Technology and information systemThe new populationFinite natural resourcesPollutionInternational conflictThe new economic arena,Settings where misunderstanding occurred,Educational environmentBusiness environmentPersonal relationships,Recommended reading materials,Recommended reading materials,Recommended reading materials,Recommended reading materials,Recommended reading materials,Assignments,Finding out the typical cases of cross-cultural misunderstanding,Case Study,Monsieur Mickey See the attachment,