GRE填空解题关键性技巧 GRE填空解题关键性技巧分享, 除了背词汇你还得会这几招,一起来学习一下吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。GRE填空解题关键性技巧分享 除了背词汇你还得会这几招GRE填空真实考点细节分析要知道哪些错误可能导致填空扣分,首先大家必须了解词汇在GRE填空部分到底发挥了怎样的作用?1. 词汇为填空主要考点首先需要明确一点,GRE填空的主要考点的确是词汇。GRE考试的词汇量要求一直很高。旧GRE时代就已经有了过万的词汇要求。而新GRE考试虽说对词汇量的要求有所降低,但又增加了不少关于词义辨析、同义近义词掌握等相关性的拓展要求。而体现出这些要求的主要题型正是GRE词汇。因此,把词汇当成GRE填空部分的主要考点,这本身并没有什么问题。2. 词汇并非填空唯一考点但是,GRE填空需要考察的,其实也并不只是词汇。实际上,考生即使能够看懂一道填空题所有选项词汇的含义,有时候也难确保自己答对,这是因为GRE填空中词汇并不是唯一的考点。GRE填空考察的除了对词汇的了解掌握,还包括了根据*上下文推理含义,分析整句逻辑结构,辨析同义词等其他能力。比如填空中的三空题,就需要考生根据整句含义,选取不同空格中的词汇,并确保这些词汇在含义上能够保持一致,填入句子后能够保证句子意思正确完整。这些,都不是考生只靠认识词汇就能做到的。GRE填空4大关键性解题技巧讲解那么,考生如何才能避免因为非词汇类考点而做错填空题呢?这就需要大家练习一些背单词以外的应试技巧了。1. 培养良好解题习惯完整审题答面对GRE填空题,特别是双空多空等题干往往比较长的题目,大家最好不要跟着空格一个个地找答案。很多同学解答填空多空题时都有个不太好的习惯,那就是逐个空格的单独分析。这种做法在没有全面理解题目整体含义上进行分裂独立性的解答,很容易造成多个选项之间意思冲突矛盾无法共存的问题。考生这样做完后会发现单看一个空格没问题,但整句读起来句意就会很奇怪,而这样做出来的题目也往往是错误的。因此,正确的做法是首先读完题目,把整个句子的大致含义都完整地理解一下,在此基础上再开始进行分析选择,就能够避免整体性失调的问题。2. 先自己预估答案再看选项对照由于GRE填空部分词义辨析是主要考点,因此一个空格给出的数个选项,往往会出现含义都比较类似的情况。假如考生对于词汇含义的细微差别掌握度不够,就很容易被这些选项混淆了思路而做出错误选择。因此,建议大家在读完题目后先不要看选项,而是根据自己对句子的理解先拟定一个自己的答案词汇,然后再把这个词汇和选项进行对比,往往能够更清晰地分辨出正确答案。3. 长难句先简化结构再找线索在GRE填空题中,不少双空三空题目,往往有着比较长的题干,有些甚至可能达到了一篇短阅读的篇幅。这些题目多是基于长难句改造而来,本身结构复杂,意思晦涩难懂。为了避免因为理解问题而造成失误,大家可以先根据句子结构进行一定的精简瘦身,把不影响理解或者不太重要的部分删除,只保留句子的主要结构,通过这种方法大家可以跟清晰明确地理解题意,找到合适的选项答案。4. 题目较长的多空题先找后空再看前空GRE填空中多空题的一大特点就是越靠前的选项越难解答。第一个选项往往会放入难度最高的词汇,给考生造成很大的解题压力,假如考生为难度所困,那么后面就跟容易出现失误。因此,针对这种出题方式,大家最好的应对方法是从后往前解答,先把最后空格的答案选对,然后在反过来解决前面的空格选项。使用这种方法能够避免大家一上来就被难词打懵从而丧失了解题的主动权。总而言之,GRE填空老是做不好,问题并不只是出在词汇上面,考生也要多从其它方面寻找扣分原因和提升的方向,如果是缺乏技巧所导致的,那么*讲解的这些关键性解题技巧相信会给大家带来一定的帮助。GRE填空的感情色彩任何一种语言,其大部分词汇,尤其是用以描述的词汇,无不带有特定的褒义或贬义这两种感情色彩。凡带有建设性的,有积极意义的和表达某种正面的肯定的语气或态度的,都可归纳到褒义词的范畴,反之,即归纳到贬义词的范畴。一旦你依据上下文的语境判断出某空格所需代入的词汇应是褒义色彩的词汇时,凡带贬义色彩的选项便即予排除,反之亦然。另外,还有一部分词汇既不带有明显的褒义色彩,亦不带有明显的贬色彩,此类词汇可称为中性词。无论对于贬义的还是对于褒义的空格来说,凡中性词的选项均应予排除。感情色彩排除法可以说是继上述两种解法之外使用得最为频繁有效的解题方法了。例 :While - in his own approach to philosophy, the scholar was, illogically, - his colleagues who averred that a seeker of knowledge must be free to select such doctrines as pleased him in every school.(A) indiscriminate.supportive of(B) eclectic.intolerant of(C) speculative.cordial to(D) problematic . dismissive of(E) theoretic . impatient with解答先处理空格:既然该空格以带有否定色彩的副词illogically作修饰,即可较为保险地判定所代入的词汇亦相应为贬义词,这样(A) supportive of和(C) cordial to先予排除。句首的While一词(在填空题中它永远是Although的意思,参见上面“特殊解法”中例一题)规定了本题主从句为让步性对立关系,既然主句中的空格为贬义,故(D) problematic亦可排除。至此为止,在空格处,(B) intolerant of和(E) impatient with均可,关键在空格。代入该空格的词汇应能说明某学者的哲学 研究方法(approach to philosophy),这可从其同事们的所作所为中推知。既然其同事们声称哲学家应能够“free to select such doctrines as pleased him in every school”,这表明此乃“博采群长”的折衷主义方法,故最终(B) eclectic为正确。事实上,用(E) theoretic去描述哲学研究的方法是毫无意义的,因为任何哲学研究均是思辩的、抽象的和理论的,这是自明之理,勿庸赘述。况且,theoretic一词内涵过于笼统,根本不能算作一种方法(approach)。词汇ever: 断言,声称,自信地说indiscriminate: 不加区别的,混杂的,不分清红皂白的speculative: 1. 思索的 2(哲学)思辩的,纯理论的cordial: 热诚的,由衷的dismissive: 拒绝考虑的,轻蔑的,鄙视的中译虽然某学者在自已进行的哲学研究中采用了折衷主义的方法,但当其同事们声称,任何一个知识追寻者都有充分的自由去从每一学派中择取于他所喜欢的学说时,他都不合逻辑地不予宽容。例 :No hero of ancient or modern times can surpass the Indian with his lofty contempt for death and the - with which he sustained its cruelest afflictions.(A) regard(B) fortitude(C) guile(D) loss(E) reverence解答本题上下文语境中有两处线索可用以判定该题空格应带褒义色彩。其一,既然与印第安人相比,无论是古代还是当代的英雄皆无从企及,则可推知印第安人是最具英雄气概的人物,而与英雄人物相涉的必是正面形象无疑;其二,在以and连接的两个并列的名词短语中,第一介词短语“Lofty contempt for death”(面对死亡以一种高贵的气质予以蔑视)显然亦体现着正面层次。这样,贬义的(C) guile和(D) loss即予排除。此外,由于(A)regard 和 (E) 和reverence同为“尊敬”之意,按连锁排除法也予排除,唯余(B) fortitude为正确。词汇affliction: 苦恼,折磨fortitude: 坚韧,刚毅guile: 狡诈,欺骗sustain: 支撑,承受中译面对死亡,印第安人待之以一种高贵的蔑视,且以坚韧的毅力承受它至为残酷的折磨,从这一层意义上来说,无论是古代还是当今的英雄,均无有出其右者。GRE填空中三空题的练习1. In Democracies and its Critics, Robert Dahl defends both democratic value and pluralist democracies, or polyarchies. Dahl argues convincingly that the idea of democracy rests on political equalitythe equality capacity of all citizens to determine or (i)_ collective decisions. Of course, as Dahl recognizes, if hierarchical ordering is (ii)_ in any structure of government, and if no society can guarantee perfect equality in the resources that may give rise to political influence, the democratic principle of political equality is (iii)_ of full realization. So actual systems can be deemed democratic only as approximations to the ideal.BLANK1 BLANK2 BLANK3A differ profoundly D reverse G distinctionB convergent E conventionality H equilibriumC slightly differentiate F similarity I dissemination2. Although the legal systems of England and the United States are superficially similar, they (i)_in their approaches to and uses of legal reasons: substantive reasons in the United States, whereas in England the (ii) _ is true. This (iii)_ reflects a difference in the visions of law that prevail in the two counties. In England the law has traditionally been viewed as a system of rules; the United States favors a vision of law as an outward expression of the communitys sense of right and justice.BLANK1 BLANK2 BLANK3A hamper D circumstantial G incapableB influence E inevitable H determinedC incorporate F neutral I possible3. Although some censure became (i)_ during the 1980s, Dahl himself seems to support some of such earlier criticism. Although he (ii)_ that some Western intellectuals demand more democracy from polyarchies than is possible, he nevertheless ends his book by asking what changes in structures and consciousness might make political life more (iii)_ in present polyarchies.BLANK1 BLANK2 BLANK3A a fixed number of D revolution H reproduction of older onesB abundant E disease G modification of connectionsC minimal F generation I deduction of similarities4. A major tenet of the neurosciences has been that all neurons (nerve cells) in the brains of vertebrate animals are formed early in development. An adult vertebrate, it was believed, must make do with (i)_ neurons: those lost through (ii)_ or injury are not replaced, and adult learning takes place not through generation of new cells but through (iii)_ among existing ones.BLANK1 BLANK2 BLANK3A characterized D monocratic G revealsB subdued E gerontocracic H regretsC overruled F democratic I approves5. Evidence that the defendant in a criminal prosecution has a prior conviction may (i)_ jurors to presume the defendants guilt, because of their preconception that a person previously convicted of a crime must be inclined toward repeated criminal behavior. That commonly held belief is at least a (ii)_; not all former convicts engage in repeated criminal behavior. Also, jury may give more probative weight than objective analysis would allow to vivid photographic evidence depicting a shooting victims wounds, or may (iii)_ the weight of defense testimony that is not delivered in a sufficiently forceful or persuasive manner.BLANK1 BLANK2 BLANK3A stimulate D partial distortion of reality G underestimateB deter E vivid reflection of imagination H exaggerateC participate F precise calculation of certainty I reflect6. The usage suggests that the creation and critical interpretation of literature are not (i)_ but mechanical processes; that the author of any piece of writing is not (ii)_ artist, but merely a laborer who cobbles existing materials (words) into more or less conventional structures. The term deconstruction implies that the text has been put together like a building or a piece of machinery, and that it is in need of being taken apart, not so much in order to (iii)_ it as to demonstrate underlying inadequacies, false assumptions, and inherent contradictions.BLANK1 BLANK2 BLANK3A instructive D a derivative G repairB literal E an insipid H qualifyC organic F an inspired I construct7. Most psychologists, perplexed by the feelings they acknowledge are aroused by aesthetic experience, have claimed that these emotions are genuine, but different in kind from nonaesthetic emotions. This, however, is (i)_ rather than an empirical observation and consequently lacks explanatory value. On the other hand, Gombrich argues that emotional responses to art are (ii)_; art triggers remembrances of previously experienced emotions. These debates have prompted the psychologist Radford to argue that people do experience real melancholy or joy in responding to art, but that these are (iii)_ responses precisely because people know they are reacting to illusory stimuli.BLANK1 BLANK2 BLANK3A a descriptive distinction D vivacious G zealousB a body of profound knowledge E synonymous H lugubriousC a valid evidence F ersatz I irrational8. Until recently many astronomers believed that asteroids travel about the solar system (i)_ satellites. These astronomers assumed this because they considered asteroid-satellite systems inherently (ii)_. Theoreticians could have told them otherwise: even minuscule bodies in the solar system can theoretically have satellites, as long as everything is in proper scale. If a bowling ball were orbiting about the Sun in the asteroid belt, it could have a pebble orbiting it as far away as a few hundred radii (or about 50 meters) (iii)_ the pebble to the Suns gravitational pull.BLANK1 BLANK2 BLANK3A unaccompanied by D scathing G without losingB unprecedented by E unstable H before reapingC unparalleled by F soporific I as well as easing9. For analytical purposes (i)_ political conduct has traditionally been divided into two categories. However, there are some common crimes that are so (ii)_ from a political act that the entire offense is regarded as political. These crimes, which are called "(iii)_" political offenses, are generally nonextraditable.BLANK1 BLANK2 BLANK3A salutary D unpredictable G aristocracyB equality E general H promotionC complicated F efficacious I grandiloquence10. Social democracy is a general ethical ideal, looking to human (i)_ and brotherhood, and inconsistent, in its radical form, with such institutions as the family and (ii)_ property. Democratic government, on the contrary, is merely a means to an end, an (iii)_ for the better and smoother government of certain states at certain junctures. It involves no special ideals of life; it is a question of policy, namely, whether the general interest will be better served by granting all people an equal voice in elections.BLANK1 BLANK2 BLANK3A illegal D inseparable G ambiguousB political E distinct H vagueC licit F capricous I relative答案:ADH CDI AFH BDI AEG ADI CFH AEH BEG ADGGRE填空中的介词搭配习惯在某些词组性质的习语中,所出现的介词在搭配上是固定的,如be consistent with, respond to , show insight into等。当某一空格后紧随一介词时,应尽快判断出在所代入的词汇中,何者与该介词搭配是合理的,何者为不合理的。不合理者即予排除。当然,丰富的介词搭配知识取决于平日英语学习中用心的积累。例 :In 1921 Antioch College adopted a policy requiring students to - beyond their stacks of books and contribute their talents to the working world in order to earn their bachelors degree.(A) rise(B) venture(C) probe(D) excel(E) strut解答如果将五个选项中的动词全部作不及物动词处理的话,那么,(A) rise应与above搭配,(C) probe应与into搭配,(D)excel应与in或at搭配。由于本题空格后的实际介词为beyond,故上述三个选项即予排除。(E) strut意为“趾高气扬地走,高视阔步”,与题意不合。(B) venture意为“大胆或冒险地行事”,为正确答案。中译1921年,安条克学院实施一种政策,要求学生大胆超越一堆堆书本,将其才华奉献给现实社会,以获取学士学位。例 :His theories, though criticised by economists of more orthodox bent, have had enormous - on governmental fiscal policies.(A) restraint(B) impact(C) acceptance(D) tension(E) reliance解答由于以though引导的从句体现出某种贬义色彩,故在与之对立的主句中,所代入的词汇应体现褒义色彩,(A)和(D)两项可排除。(C) acceptance与空格后的介词on在搭配上是不合理的。(E) reliance不合题意。答案为(B)。中译他的理论,虽然受到较为正统倾向的经济学家的批判,但对政府的财经政策产生了巨大的影响。在题目本身看似缺乏线索的情况下,要善于利用英语的语法所提供的蛛丝马迹,达到最终攻克该题的目的。当然,在实在无计可施时,只能以语义的通顺与否作为取舍的标准。例 :The trial was conducted in - manner, full of - .(A) an incredible . proper procedure(B) a negligent . sworn testimony(C) a judicial . spectacular denouements(D) a theatrical . extravagant histrionics(E) an outrageous . erudite citations解答从语法结构来看,本题由一完整句加一形容词短语构成,该形容词短语作补充说明,表示一伴随的状况。尽管不知道代入两处空格的词汇的确切含义是什么,但按短语结构的解法(参见方法之十),可判断出二者应是同义词,唯有(D)项中theatrical和histrionics可形成同义词。词汇negligent: 疏忽的, 粗心大意的sworn: 宣过誓的,公开宣称的judicial: 司法的,公正明断的denouement: 结局,收场erudite: 博学的中译审判以一种演戏般的方式进行,充满了极度的矫揉造作。例 :There was a - all about the estate, and the - concerned the guards.(A) pall . shroud(B) focus . scrutiny(C) hush . quiet(D) coolness . temper(E) talent . genius解答本题两处空格均为名词,以and连接两个并列的句子,故二者应是同义词。这相同的两个概念第一次以不定冠词"a"修饰,以示泛指,第二次以定冠词"the"修饰,以示特指。在五个选项中,(C)项的两个字汇和(E)项的两个字汇为同义词,但(E)不合题意。词汇pall: 棺枢shroud: 裹尸布scrutiny: 仔细审视(检查),细阅中译庄园四周一片寂静,这种静悄悄的景象引起了守卫的关注。GRE填空解题关键性技巧分享