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    非谓语动词,the Non-predicative Verbs,非谓语动词,动名词,分 词,不定式,现在分词,过去分词,非谓语动词的句法功能,非谓语动词的考点1、谓语动词与非谓语动词的区别;2、非谓语动词作主语和表语;3、非谓语动词作宾语;4、非谓语动词作宾补;5、非谓语动词作定语;6、非谓语动词作状语;7、非谓语动词的时态和语态,A,D,一、谓语动词与非谓语动词的区别高考题点击:1.“Cant you read?”Mary said _ to the notice.(93 N)A.angrily pointingB.and point angrily C.angrily pointedD.and angrily pointing2.Suddenly,a tall man driving a golden carriage _ the girl took her away,_ into the woods.(04上海春季)A.seizing.,disappeared B.seized.,disappeared C.seizing,disappearing D.seized,disappearing,pointed,and,B,二、非谓语动词作主语和表语高考题点击:1.Fishing is his favorite hobby,and _.A.hed like to collect coins as well B.he feels like collecting coins,too C.to collect coins is also his hobby D.collecting coins also gives him great pleasure 2.Its necessary to be prepared for a job interview._ the answers ready will be of great help.(05北京卷)A.To have had B.Having had C.Have D.Having,D,D,非谓语动词作主语时要注意以下两个重要问题:第一是并行结构问题,如:Seeing is believing./To see is to believe.第二需要注意一些结构:A)在 Its no use(good;value;importance)等结构中只用动名词作主语。如:Its no use quarrelling with such a fellow.注意比较:Theres no need to tell him about it.,B)在 Its+adj.结构中用不定式作主语。注意两种句型:Its easy(difficult,hard,important,possible,impossible,comfortable,necessary,better;the first,the next,the last,the best,too much,too little,not enough)后加 for sb.to do Its kind(nice,stupid,rude,clever,foolish,thoughtful,thoughtless,brave,considerate(考虑周到的),silly,selfish(自私的)后加 of sb.to do,3.The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier,_ it more difficult.(99 N)A not make B not to make C not making D do not make,B,动词不定式短语 to make life easier 及 not to make itmore difficult 都作 purpose 的表语。非谓语动词作表语时要特别注意两个问题,一是并行结构问题,二是时间问题。一般来说,不定式作表语都表示该动作发生在将来,故在表示“目的、愿望、梦想、需求”等名词作主语时其表语应该用不定式。,三、非谓语动词作宾语 高考题点击:1.We agreed _ here but so far she hasnt turned up yet.(95 N)A.having met B.meeting C.to meetD.to have met2.Ive worked with children before,so I know what _ to my new job.(00 N)A.expected B.to expect C.to be expecting D.expects,C,B,注意:不定式的主动形式表示被动含义,1 There be 句型中 There is nothing to worry about2 have sth to do 有 She has a boy to take care of 3 实义动词do作定语The first thing to do is to get everything ready at once,4 双宾语动词+sb sth to do Give him a book to read5 be+adj.+to do The desk is heavy to carry.be a+adj.+n.+to do It is an easy question to answer.动词+it+adj.+宾从/to do We think it important for us to learn English well 动词+n.+adj.+宾从/to do They found the text hard to understand too to He is too young to join the Army.enough to The ice was thick enough to walk on,6 疑问词+to do Which one to choose hasnt been decided yet.7 be to blame/be to let(出租)8 独立主格结构中 With a lot of problems to settle,the manager was worried.,3.I really appreciate _ to relax with you on this nice island.(01 上海)A.to have had timeB.having time C.to have time D.to having time,B,思考:哪些动词后面加动名词作宾语?,避免 错过 少延期(avoid miss put off/postpone)建议 完成 多练习(suggest finish practise)喜欢 想象 禁不住(enjoy imagine cant help)承认 否定 与嫉妒(admit deny envy)逃避 冒险 莫原谅(escape risk excuse)忍受 保持 不介意(stand keep mind),在动词 want,need,require,demand等词后加动名词作宾语时表示被动意义,相当于 to be done。,4.-You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting.-Well,now I regret _ that.(95 N)A to do B.to be doing C.to have done D having done5.-Let me tell you something about the journalists.-Dont you remember _ me the story yesterday?(99 上海)A.toldB.tellingC.to tellD to have told,D,B,6.In some parts of London,missing a bus means _ for another hour.(02 上海春季)A.waiting B.to wait C.wait D.to be waiting,A,特别注意带不定式和动名词作宾语时意义不同的动词:remember,forget,regret,try,go on,mean,stop,7.How about the two of us _ a walk down the garden?(93 N)A.to take B.take C.taking D.to be taking8.-I must apologize for _ ahead of time.-Thats all right.(94 N)A.letting you not knowB.not letting you know C.letting you know notD.letting not you know9.Sandy could do nothing but _ to his teacher that he was wrong.(01 上海春季)A.Admit B.admitted C.Admitting D.to admit,C,B,A,10.Rather than _ on a crowded bus,he always prefers _ a bicycle.(94 N)A.ride rideB.riding ride C.ride to rideD.to ride riding,注意 prefer 的几个常用句型:prefer to do sth.rather than do sth.prefer doing sth.to doing sth.prefer+n.to+n.,C,11.Mr.Reed made up his mind to devote all he had to _ some schools for poor children.(01 上海春季)A.set upB.setting upC.have set up D.having set up12.-How do you deal with the disagreement between the company and the customers?-The key _ the problem is to meet the demand _ by the customers.(02 北京)A.to solving makingB.to solving made C.to solve makingD.to solve made,B,B,要特别注意 to 的词性,分析其为介词还是不定式。be accustomed to 习惯于,be used to,stick to,turn to,devote oneself to,be devoted to,look forward to,pay attention to,get down to 等,四、非谓语动词作宾补高考题点击:The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street,but his mother told him _.(95 N)A.not to B.not to do C.not to it D.do not to,A,为了避免重复,常用省略形式 to 来代替前面的动作。如:Would you like to visit our school?Yes,Id like to.,如果省略的不定式结构中含有be,have,have been,这些词要保留。,-Are you on holiday?-No,but Id like to be,2.Paul doesnt have to be made _.He always works hard.(95 N)A.learn B.to learn C.learned D.learning3.A computer does only what thinking people _.(99 上海)A.have it do B.have it done C.have done itD.having it done,使役动词 make/have/let sb.do sth.但改为被动语态后,则应为:be made/let to do。,B,A,此句中的 it 指代的是 a computer,what 在从句中作 do 的宾语,表示“人们让计算机所做的事“应该用 people have a computer do 这一结构。需要注意的是 have 的几个常用结构:have sb./sth.do;have sb./sth.done;have sb./sth.doing;have sb./sth.to do,4.The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see_ the next year.(00 N)A.carry outB.carrying out C.carried out D.to carry out,that 引导的是定语从句,修饰 plan,在从句中作 see 的宾语。因此从句中的结构应为 see the plan carried out。特别注意现在分词和过去分词作宾补的区别。,C,5.The missing boys were last seen _ near the river.(94 N)A.playing B.to be playing C play D.to play,感官性动词后面的宾补若用不定式,则表示一个完整的动作;若用现在分词,则表示正在进行的动作。本句应理解为正在进行的动作。,A,五、非谓语动词作定语 高考题点击:1.The flowers _ sweet in the garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature.(04上海)A.to smell B.smelling C.smelt D.to be smelt 2.A man is being questioned in relation to the _ murder last night.(04江苏)A attempting B.to attempt C.attempted D.to be attempted,B,C,“谋杀”只能被预谋,故该用过去分词作定语表示被动。,3.The picture _ on the wall is painted by my nephew.(00 北京春季)A.having hung B.hangingC.hangsD.being hung4.There are five pairs _,but Im at a loss which to buy.(99 上海)to be chosen B.to choose fromC.to choose D.for choosing,B,B,hang 作及物动词用时表示人为的“挂”;作不及物动词用时表示东西挂在某处的状态。本句中的 hang 为不及物动词,所以用现在分词作定语。,非谓语动词作定语时要注意以下区别:A)动名词作定语时表示中心词的用途:a walking stick=a stick for walking the waiting room=the room for waitingB)不定式作定语时要注意:1 不定式是不及物动词或所修饰的名词或代词是不定式动作的地点、工具等,不定式后面须有相应的介词;Eg:The Brown have a comfortable house to live in,2 中心词被序数词用不定式作定语。Eg:He is the first man to come and the last one to leave.C)表示被动意义的非谓语动词作定语时的用法:done 表示已经完成的动作 to be done 表示尚未开始的动作 being done 表示正在进行之中的动作,The ground has been covered with a lot of _ leaves.A fallen B falling C/D fell,A,七、非谓语动词作状语高考题点击:1.-Mum,why do you always make me eat an egg every day?-_ enough protein and nutrition as you are growing up.(99 上海)A.Get B.Getting C.To get D.To be getting2._ late in the afternoon,Bob turned off the alarm.(01 北京春季)A.To sleepB.SleepingC.SleepD.Having slept,C,A,3.In order to make our city green,_.(02 上海春季)A.it is necessary to have planted more trees B.many more trees need to plant C.our city needs more trees D.we must plant more trees4.Finding her car stolen,_.(01 上海).A.a policeman was asked to help B.the area was searching thoroughly C.it was looked for everywhere D.she hurried to a policeman for help本句要特别注意其逻辑主语。,D,D,5._ in thought,he almost ran into the car in front of him.(96 N)A.Losing B.Having lost C.Lost D.To lose6.He sent me an E-mail,_ to get further information.(00 上海)A.hoped B.hoping C.to hope D.hope,be lost in 表示“陷入”。,C,B,注意 hoping 为伴随状语而非目的状语,真正的目的是后面的 to get。,7.The research is so designed that once _ nothing can be done to change it.(02 N)A begins B.having begun C.beginning D.begun,分词必须考虑到与句子主语的关系。begin为及物动词,意为“开始、启动”,故该用过去分词。,D,八、非谓语动词的时态和语态高考题点击:I would love _ to the party last night but Ihad to work extra hours to finish a report.(97 N)A.to go B.having gone C.going D.to have gone2.Robert is said _ abroad,but I dont know what country he studied in.(99 N)A.to have studied B.to study C.to be studying D.to have been studying,D,A,would love to have done 表示本想去做,但没做成。,3.Do let your mother know all the truth.She appears _ everything.(01 上海)A.to tell B.to be told C.to be telling D.to have been told4.Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple,but it remains _ whether they will enjoy it.(02 N)A.to see B.to be seenC.seeingD.seen,本题中母亲被告知真象显然发生在以前,所以你现在没有必要再隐瞒了。,D,B,5._ to sunlight for too much time will do harm to ones skin.(02 上海)A.Exposed B.Having exposed C.Being exposedD.After being exposed6._ such heavy pollution already,it may now be too late to clean up the river.(01 N)A.Having sufferedB.Suffering C.To suffer D.Suffered,该句缺主语,而且表达被动含义,C,A,7.Tony was very unhappy for _ to the party.(00 上海)A.having not been invited B.not having invited C.having not invited D.not having been invited,D,8.With a lot of difficult problems _,the newly-elected president is having a hard time.(02 上海春季)A.settled B.settlingC.to settle D.being settled,with+n./pron.+O.C.构成一个独立主格结构,在句中作状语。另外还要注意一下分词的独立主格结构的基本用法。,C,Good-bye!,


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