英语基本句型翻译 (2).ppt
英语基本句型翻译,1.她昨天回家很晚。2.会议将持续两个小时。3.在过去的十年里,我的家乡已经发生了巨大的变化。,(一)主谓结构,1.She went home very late yesterday evening.2.The meeting will last two hours.3.Great changes have taken place in my home town in the past ten years.,4.这种事情全世界各地每天都在发生5.1919年,在北京爆发了“五.四”运动。6.这个盒子重五公斤。,4.Things of this sort are happening all over the world every day.5.The May Fourth Movement broke out in Beijing in 1919.6.This box weighs five kilos.,7.秋天有些鸟飞到南方去。8.我的爷爷早晨起得很早。9.每天下午有许多学生到图书馆来借书。,7.In autumn,some birds fly to the south.8.My grandfather gets up early in the morning.9.Every afternoon a lot of students come to the library to borrow books.,(二)系表结构,1.冬季白天短,夜晚长。2.布朗夫人看起来很健康。3.十五岁他就成为有名的钢琴家了。,1.In winter,the days are short and the nights are long.2.Mrs Brown looks very healthy.3.At the age of fifteen he became a famous pianist.,4.她的工作是在幼儿园里照看儿童。5.他失业了。6.树叶已经变黄了。7.这个报告听起来很有意思。,4.Her job is to look after the children in the nursery.5.He is out of work.6.The leaves have turned yellow.7.The report sounds interesting.,(三)主谓宾结构,1.昨晚我写了一封信。2.他们成功地完成了计划。3.你们必须在两周内看完这些书。,1.I wrote a letter last night.2.They have carried out the plan successfully.3.You must finish reading these books in two weeks.,4.Jim 还不会自己穿衣服。5.我们大家都相信Jack 是一个诚实男孩。6.他不知道说什么好。7.我开窗户你在意吗?,4.Jim cannot dress himself.5.All of us believe that Jack is an honest boy.6.He did not know what to say.7.Do you mind my opening the window?,1.他指出了我的作文中的错误。2.圣诞节我们将去看望外籍教师。3.五分钟内我们是不可能解出这道题来的。4.他们高度赞扬了英雄的业迹。5.这位护士会好好照顾你父亲的。,1.He pointed out(副)the mistakes in my composition.2.On Christmas Day,we will call on(介)our foreign teachers.3.We cannot work out(副)the problem in five minutes.4.They sang high praise for the deeds of the hero.5.The nurse will take good care of your father.,短语动词,6.你在工作中可依靠他。7.写完作文后,我们必须把它从头到尾看一遍。8.脱掉你的外套,走前再穿。9.我们必须派人去请医生。,6.You can depend on(介)him in your work.7.After writing a composition,we must go over(介)it.8.Take off your coat and put it on(副)before you leave.9.We must send for(介)a doctor.,(四)复合宾语结构,1.他的父母给他取名为John.2.我们大家都认为他是诚实的。3.他们把门推开了。4.我们要使学校变得更美丽。,1.His parents named him John.2.All of us considered him honest.3.They pushed the door open.4.We will make our school more beautiful.,5.我要你把真相告诉我。6.明天我要找人来修理机器。7.每天早晨我们都听到他大声朗读英语。8.痛苦使得他叫喊起来。,5.I want you to tell me the truth.6.Tomorrow Ill have someone repair the machine.7.Every morning we hear him read English aloud.8.The pain made him cry out.,9.我们不会让她在晚上外出的。10.他每个月理一次发。11.我要请人把我的录音机修理一下。12.那可怕的声音把孩子们吓坏了。13.她正在听人家讲故事。,9.We wont let her go out at night.10.He has his hair cut once a month.11.Ill get my recorder repaired.12.The terrible sound made the children frightened.13.She is listening to someone telling stories.,14.我从来没看见这个字这样用过。15.他感到很难跟你交谈。16.我认为有可能用另一种方法解题。17.学校定了一条规则,开始上课时学生要起立。18.我认为与那个人谈话是无益的。,14.I have never seen the word used that way before.15.He felt it very difficult to talk with you.16.I consider it possible to work out the problem in another way.17.The school made it a rule that the students should stand up when class begins.18.I thought it no use talking with that man.,(五)There be 句型,1.今晚没有会。2.这个村子过去只有一口井。3.这个学校有一名音乐老师和两名美术老师。4.客人当中有两名美国人和两名法国人。5.天气预报说下午有大风。,1.There isnt going to be a meeting tonight.2.There was only a well in the village.3.There is a teacher of music and two teachers of art in the school.4.Among the guests there were two Americans and two Frenchmen.5.The weatherman says therell be a strong wind in the afternoon.,6.灯亮着,办公室里肯定有人。7.战前这儿一直有家电影院的。8.恰好那时房里没人。9.从前,在海边的一个村子里住着一位老渔夫。10.公共汽车来了。,6.The light is on.There must be someone in the office.7.There used to be a cinema here before the war.8.There happened to be nobody in the room.9.Once there lived an old fisherman in a village by the sea.10.There comes the bus.,11.在这个山洞前面长着一棵高大的松树。12.铃响了。,11.In front of the cave,there stands(grows)a tall pine tree.12.There goes the bell.,1.这本书让孩子们读太难了.2.董事们选举约翰为银行经理.3.他发现他们坐在桌旁下棋.4.老人凝望着照片,陷入了沉思.,1.This book is rather too difficult for children.2.The directors elected John manager of the bank.3.He found them seated at the table,playing chess.4.The old man was deep in thought with his eyes fixed on the photo.,简单句基本句型,5.他查阅英汉词典以查明这个词确切的含义.6.只有这样你们才有希望改善那里的局势.7.要她用现金买车是不可能的.,5.He looked up the word in the English-Chinese dictionary to find out its exact meaning.6.Only in this way can you hope to improve the situation there.7.Its impossible for her to buy a car with cash.,8.铃响了.让我们开始上课.9.我们确实有自己的校车.10.每天一定要留出半个小时进行口语练习.,8.There goes the bell.Lets begin our class.9.We do have a school bus of our own.10.Be sure to set aside half an hour each day for oral practice.,1.再努力一下,你肯定能考上重点大学.2.别再粗心了,否则你意识不到会犯同样的错误.3.天下着雨,因此野餐被延期.,1.Another effort,and you are sure to enter a key university.2.Dont be careless again,or you wont be aware of making the same mistake.3.It was raining,therefore the picnic was postphoned.,并列句基本句型,4.她以为我正谈论她的女儿,然而事实上我正在谈论我的女儿.5.他不仅冲洗汽车,而且又擦拭了它.6.小明肯定在家,因为他家的灯亮着.,4.She thought I was talking about her daughter,while,in fact,I was talking about my daughter.5.Not only did he wash the car but he polished it.6.Xiao Ming must be at home,for the lights are still on.,7.昨天早上九点雨下得很大,因此我们没去划船.8.正当我在街上闲逛时,我看见一家裁缝店.9.不是她对了,就是你对了.,7.It was raining heavily at nine yesterday morning,so we didnt go boating.8.I was wandering in the street when I caught sight of a tailors shop.9.Either she or you are right.,1.今年这所大学将招收更多的学生是真的.2.问题在于他是否在合同上签了字.3.他想当然地认为花费将会很低.,1.That the college will take in more new students this year is true./It is true that2.The question is whether he has signed the contract.3.He took it for granted that the expenses would be low.,名词性从句基本句型,4.你想她为什么突然大哭起来?5.无论谁做应该迅速做好.6.他保持沉默的原因是因为他失败了.7.消息传来,前线急需医务人员.,4.Why do you think she burst into tears?5.Whoever does it should do it well quickly.6.The reason why he kept silent was that he had failed.7.Word came that medical workers were badly needed at the front.,8.我想他下午不会来.9.养成良好的学习习惯对我们来说是非常重要的.10.毫无疑问现在英语是世界上用得最广泛的语言之一.,8.I dont think that he will come this afternoon.9.Its important for us to form a good habit of studying.10.There is no doubt that English now is one of the worlds most widely used languages.,1.他不来北京的理由是下月他们将开科学大会.2.他完成工作的方式令我们吃惊.3.她又改变了主意,这使我们大家都生气了.,1.The reason why he will not come to Beijing is that they will have a scientific conference next month.2.The way(that/in which)he finished the work surprised all of us.3.She changed her mind again,which made all of us angry.,定语从句,1.虽然他累了,但是他坚持工作.2.虽然他是位伟大的科学家,但是他仍保持谦虚而且在大学担任普通教师工作.3.如果你不想冒失败的危险,你可以试一试.4老师叫我们在有问题的地方打上记号.,1.Tired as he was,he stuck to his work.2.Great scientist as he is,he remains modest and works as an ordinary teacher at college.3.If you dont want to run the risk of failure,you can have a try.4.Our teacher told us to make a mark where we have questions.,状语从句,5.鸟飞得越高,我们就越看不清楚.6.他一声不吭地坐着,仿佛在深思.7.这女孩谈钢琴不是因为她喜欢弹钢琴,而是因为她父亲强制她学.,5.The higher the bird flies,the less clearly we can see it.6.He sat silently as though he was deep in thought.7.The girl learned to play the piano not because she liked to play it,but because her parents forced her to.,各种句式的综合运用翻译,1.就在教师节那天我送给英语老师一束花表示对她的尊敬.2.花了几个月时间修建了通往省城的道路.3.凭借录音机的帮助,我感到很容易改进我的语音.,1.It was on Teachers Day that I sent my English teacher a bunch of flowers to show her my respect.2.It took several months to repair the road leading to the capital of the province.3.I feel it easy to improve my pronunciation with the help of a tape recorder.,4.所有的学生都知道,人人都应该在校至少读九年直到初中毕业为止.5.我原先希望能准时到达,但是因为大雾飞行航班延误了.6.接受她的邀请吧,不然她会生气的.,4.As is known to all the students,one should study at school for at least nine years till he graduates from a junior middle school.5.I had hoped to arrive on time,but the flight was delayed because of a heavy fog.6.Accept her invitation,or she will be offended.,7.明天早晨早些出发,那么午饭前你肯定能到城里.8.他说他宁可用一部分时间打工挣钱而不向朋友借.9.我的意见是我们应该弄清楚有利条件和不利条件.,7.Start early tomorrow morning,and you are sure to reach the town before lunch-time.8.He says he prefers making money by doing a part-time job to borrowing money from his friends.9.My opinion is that we should be clear about the advantages as well as the disadvantages.,10.窃贼正要逃走时警察赶到了.11.这位优秀生在考试中得了高分,结果被一家名牌大学录取了.12.老人穿马路时眼睛盯着红绿灯看.,10.The thief was just about to escape when the police arrived.11.The top student got a very high score in the exam so that he was admitted by a famous university.12.Walking across the street,the old man fixed his eyes on the traffic lights.,13.随着这男孩的长大,他的父母对他越来越失望了.14.我从来不准在会场抽烟,要抽烟的都必须离开办公大楼.15.这是你第一次病得这么厉害吗?,13.As the boy grew up,his parents became more and more disappointed with him.14.I never allow smoking in the meeting-room;anyone who wants to smoke will have to stay away from the office building.15.Is this the first time that you have been so sick?,16.即使目前没有人理解我们,我们也将坚持我们的研究工作.17.这两位陌生人在交谈,就好像是多年的老朋友似 的.18.直到火被熄灭后消防队员们才离开那个地方.,16.We will stick to our research work even if nobody understands us at present.17.The two strangers are talking as if they had been friends for many years.18.Not until the fire was put out did the firemen leave the place.,19.到过乡下的任何一个人都知道你所谈及的事不可能发生在中国的乡村.20.这男孩不仅长高了许多而且成了好学生.21.我们学校大多数用功的学生都可能进入好大学.,19.Anyone who has been to the countryside knows that what you mentioned couldnt have happened in the countryside of China.20.Not only is the boy much taller than before,but he has become a very good student as well.21.Most of the students working hard in our school are likely to enter good universities.,22.正在印刷中的教科书将替代去年使用的课本.23.他们住在一幢大房子里,房子的前面有一个花园.24.我认为买一本大的英汉词典很有必要.,22.The textbooks being printed will take the place of the ones used last year.23.They live in a big house,in front of which there is a garden.24.I think it necessary to buy a big English-Chinese dictionary.,25.你一定丢失了什么东西,不然不会看起来这么担忧.26.据报道,那个国家的军队正在攻击它的邻国.27.有老师的帮助和鼓励,学生们取得了越来越好的成绩.,25.You must have lost something,or you would not look so worried.26.It is reported that the forces of that country are attacking its neighboring country.27.With the teachers help and encouragement,the students are making greater and greater progress.,28.只有当你理解领会了这种知识,才能把它记住.29.过了一个月他才回家,结果他的叔父已经离开了.30.要是当初你听了张老师的劝告,你就不会惹上这麻烦.,28.Only when you understand this kind of knowledge can you learn it by heart.29.It was a month before he returned,only to find his uncle gone.30.If you had followed Mr.Zhangs advice at that time,you would have avoided the trouble.,31.看到孩子们手拿鲜花走进大厅,我们全都站了起来.32.他对实验结果大失所望,只能从头再做一次.33.无论什么时候你有困难,都可以找我帮忙.,31.Seeing the children entering the hall with flowers in their hands,we all stood up.32.Greatly disappointed at the result of the experiment,he had to start from the beginning again.33.Whenever you are in need,you can ask for my help.,34.即将竣工的地铁将是上海最重要的工程之一.35.使河流变清不是件容易的事,但我们的政府已经下决心要清除污染.36.难道你不认为这样和你的老师说话是不礼貌的吗?,34.The subway to be completed soon will be one of the most important projects in Shanghai.35.Its not easy to make the river clean again,but our government has made up its mind to get rid of the pollution completely.36.Dont you think it rude of you to talk to your teacher like that?,37.你将来做什么样的工作完全取决于你,希望你不会后悔你作出的选择.38.我建议你做功课先复习一下课文,这样你可以避免犯许多错误.,37.Its up to you what kind of job you are going to take.I hope you will not regret making your choice.38.I suggested your reviewing the texts before you do the exercises.In this way you can avoid making many mistakes.,39.我丢失了自行车的钥匙,哪儿也找不到.40.今天能结束的事不应该留待明天.学会利用时间就意味着取得成功.,39.I lost my key to the bike,and it was nowhere to be found.40.What can be done today should not be left over till tomorrow.Learning to make good use of time means making success.,