考研翻译教程,北京新东方学校 宋平明2012,第一部分 总论,一、翻译题解 总分 翻译2003年 46.47 2004年 49.552005年 49.782006年 47.62 2007年 48.84 2008年 49.76,5.205.325.173.604.274.65,2012(46)In physics,one approach takes this impulse for unification to its extreme,and seeks a theory of everythinga single generative equation for all we see.2006(48)I have excluded him because,while his accomplishments may contribute to the solution of moral problems,he has not been charged with the task of approaching any but the factual aspects of those problems.,2005(50)In dealing with a challenge on such a scale,it is no exaggeration to say“Unity we stand,divided we fall”1997(73)It leads the discussion to extremes at the outset:it invites you to think that animals should be treated either with the consideration humans extend to other humans,or with no consideration at all.,2003(62)Social science is that branch of intellectual enquiry which seeks to study humans and their endeavors in the same reasoned,orderly,systematic,and dispassioned manner that natural scientists use for the study of natural phenomena.1999.(75)It applies equally to traditional historians who view history as only the external and internal criticism of sources,and to social science historians who equate their activity with specific techniques.,Generally,the idea of good science tends to become confused with the capacity of the field in question to generate an elegant theory.1997(74)However,the world is so made that elegant systems are in principle unable to deal with some of the worlds,2011(46)Allens contribution was to take an assumption we all sharethat because we are not robots we therefore control our thoughtsand reveal its erroneous nature.2006(48)I have excluded him because,while his accomplishments may contribute to the solution of moral problems,he has not been charged with the task of approaching any but the factual aspects of those problems.,2004(61)The Greeks assumed that the structure of language had some connection with the process of thought,which took root in Europe long before people realized how diverse languages could be.2008(46)he believes that this very difficulty may have had the compensating advantage of forcing him to think long and intently about every sentence,and thus enabling him to detect errors in reasoning and in his own observations.,2006(47)His function is analogous to that of a judge,who must accept the obligation of revealing in as obvious a matter as possible the course of reasoning which led him to his decision.2002(61)One difficulty is that almost all of what is called behavioral science continues to trace behavior to states of mind,feelings,traits of character,human nature,and so on.,第一部分 总论,二、题型1、主观题 人大改卷2003年 13万 150人 第一:字体 第二:字数 第三:答题点2、阅读理解题 考研大纲“主要考察考生准确理解概念或结构较复杂的英语文字材料的能力。”,第一部分 总论,三、题型特点 1、文章题材:偏文倾向97:动物权利;98:宇宙起源;99:历史学研究;00:政府与经济的关系;01:未来学;02:行为科学;03:人类学;04:语言与思维的关系;05年:大众传媒;06年:知识分子;07年:记者的法律意识;08年:达尔文的思维表达 09年:教育学 10 自然与经济的关系 11 人生哲学,第一部分 总论,三、题型特点 1998年 宇宙起源The Big Bang South Poleelementary particle physicsground-based detectorballoon-borne instruments Air-Borne文科题材:内容熟悉,方向不会错。,第一部分 总论,三、题型特点 2、翻译句子:长难句 29个单词3、技巧性较强:refer to the concepts Apeculiar to historical work in general B C A+B+C 介词 介词 多重后置定语:后浪推前浪技巧vs基础,2010.47,But we have at least drawn nearer the point of admitting that birds should.,第一部分 总论,四、考点归类 1、词法 2、常用翻译技巧3、句法,1、词法,A 专有名词:第一类:人名、地名:熟悉vs不熟悉熟悉:按照汉语约定俗成译法来译2008 Darwin 大卫 德尔文 达尔文 Tylor 太乐 不熟悉:音译/抄写 Greeks 格丽克丝 2001 Pearson 皮尔森/抄写 2011 Allen 艾伦 2012 Chomsky乔姆斯基 布什布希(殊)侯赛因胡笙 肯尼迪甘乃迪尼克松尼克森 里根雷(列)根 希拉里希拉蕊克林顿柯林顿 奥巴马欧巴马,1、词法,第二类:专业术语 文中会给出一定解释:98年,2002年,2006年平时注意收集:疯牛病:Mad Cow Disease Swine Flu禽流感:Bird Flu手足口病:hand-foot-mouth disease口蹄疫:mouth and foot disease黑洞:black hole epicenter collapsar,1、词法,B、代词内指代vs外指代 B50、A it。找指代关系的方法:往前看平行看,1、词法,C、动词的习惯用法 rest upon/on arise from bind be bound up withD、多义词及熟词生义词Introduce:介绍?School:学校/学院/?invite:it invites you to think 邀请?Set:the concept of set in mathematicsSee:it is difficult to see how the 表面义不可靠,上下文重要,D、多义词及熟词生义词Introduce:介绍?School:学校/学院/?invite:it invites you to think 邀请?Set:the concept of set in mathematicsSee:it is difficult to see how the 表面义不可靠,上下文重要,1、词法,E、生词不翻译:50 augment/空白。猜测:词根词缀 上下文 99年75题:Viewas.Equatewithequal argumentAugment auction auc-=aug=increase,2、一般翻译技巧,A、词义选择B、词序调整C、词性转换D、增词法,A、词义选择,You know a word by the company it keeps。分析上下文 根据汉语习惯 deal withaspects/challenge/customerwife:妻子?,delicate skin.delicate finger delicate difference.delicate diplomatic relationthe central part of watermelon,B、词序调整,80%直译 20%意译East China 东部中国 Heart-warming 心暖暖的You,he and I 你,他,我centralized control behavioral science the inflationary universe theory,C、词性转换,英语多名词,汉语多动词英译汉-名词变动词For the study of natural phenomenonFor the solution of moral problemsThe emphasis on data gathered first-hand emphasize 对于收集第一手资料的强调,His richness of sympathy made him a symbol to an age.他同情心的富有使他成为一个时代的象征。他富有同情心,这使他成为一个时代的象征He called to inform me of her return.他打电话通知我她的回来。,他打电话通知我她回来了。Before Chinas entry into WTO,there were fears that China would have to make too much concession.中国在世界贸易组织中的加入前,人们担心中国要做出过多的让步。,D、增词法,名词 抽象 walking finding smiling动词 具体 walk find smile science in science 在科学里Evolve in evolution 在进化中Look into the past 观察过去Report their findings 汇报发现增词法:问题,情况,状态,关系,东西,过程,结果,事物,程度,范围,领域等等,3、句法,定语和定语从句,状语和状语从句,主语从句,表语从句,宾语从句,同位语从句,比较结构,强调结构,插入结构,被动结构,倒装结构,形式主语等等。,第一部分 总论,五、翻译标准严复:天演论 信达雅信:忠实原文忠实的准确地理解达:通顺畅达用汉语通顺的表达出来雅:文字典雅考研翻译不要求翻译的两个阶段:理解和表达,第一部分 总论,六、考生的问题1、理解不到位:两种句子:简单句:主干结构 定状补 复合句:主句/从句/五种基本句型主+谓 I smiled.I come.I go.主+谓+宾 I love my country.主+谓+间宾+直宾 I give you a gift.主+谓+宾+宾补 You make me crazy.主+系+表 You are so pretty.,断句的方法和三个标志,标点符号:逗号,破折号,冒号连接词:that,what,which,where,when,while,how,or,both,and等等介词短语和分词短语介词+名词(作定语/作状语)分词短语 V+ing V+ed,Given a lot of money,I feel so happy.Giving a lot of money,I feel so happy.,第一部分 总论,六、考生的问题2 表达不到位:表达四大基本原则原则一:主干结构顺线走原则二:定语状语往前勾 原则三:前因后果多主动原则四:名词从句依序翻(主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句,同位语从句),第一部分 总论,七、翻译步骤 时间分配:形为 西拉人 严 研100分 180分钟完型 15分阅读 60分新题型 15分翻译?作文 50分,第一步:仔细阅读,划分结构第二步:推敲词义,理顺关系第三步:顺理成章,组合成文第四步:仔细核对,确保高分,第一部分 总论,考研心态“取法于上,仅得为中,取法于中,故为其下”目标要高,心胸要大,心有多大,梦想就有多大,舞台就有多大。,第二部分 专题,第一、定语第二、定语从句第三、插入语第四、被动句第五、as的用法第六、比较结构第七、倒装结构第八、形式主语,第九、状语第十状语从句第十一、代词的翻译第十二、名词从句的翻译,第一、定语,英语的定语占到整个语言的1/3的比例。攻克英语翻译首先攻克定语英汉定语的不同:汉语:?A?英语:?A?前/后/前后都有定语的分类:1、前置定语2、后置定语3、多重后置定语4、前后都有,1、前置定语,翻译方法:直来直去ordinary things 普通的东西(事物形容词作定语scientific revolution 科技革命 形容词作定语Galileos greatest glory 伽利略最伟大的成就 名词和形容词最高级搭配作定语Driving force 驱动力 现在分词作定语15 billion years 150亿年 数词作定语Hundred thousand million billion trillion decade dozen score,2、后置定语,分两类:结构和意义都比较简单的后置定语-倒转乾坤 This is a TV program hosted by Zhujun.the information used the qualities to be measured 结构和意义都比较复杂的后置定语-一拆为二 第四页:99年73:状语结构During/this transfer,/主句traditional historical methods/被动结构were augmented/by 多重定语additional methodologies which were/designed to interpret/the new forms of/evidence/介词短语作后置定语in the historical study.,3、多重后置定语后浪推前浪,典型特征:A(中心词)+介词(of)+B+介词(of)+C+.the insights of great men of geniusas part of an exchange of duties and entitlements.the efforts of scientists and technologists of all kinds,9974复合句主句There is no agreement 状语从句whether methodology 并列结构1 refers to the concepts 多重定语peculiar to historical work in general 并列结构2 or 省略结构(refers)to the research techniques 多重定语appropriate to the various branches of historical inquiry.,1、the concepts peculiar to historical work in general require acquire enquire=inquire 2、the research techniques appropriate to the various branches of historical inquiry.,4、前后都有,Mankinds instinct for moral reasoning人类道德推理的本能The anthropological concept of culture人类学里文化的概念从大到小,从宏观到微观,第二、定语从句,1、定语从句的分类:限制性定语从句Zhang Wuji is a man whom you should never marry.非限定性定语从句 The sun heats the earth,which is very important to us.,This is the cat.This is the cat that killed the rat.This is the cat that killed the rat that ate the cake that was put in the house that Jack built.,这就是那只猫。这就是那只捕杀了老鼠的猫。这就是那只捕杀了偷吃了放在杰克修建的房间里的蛋糕的老鼠的猫。NO!这就是那只捕杀了老鼠的猫。因为老鼠偷吃了放在屋子里的蛋糕。而屋子是由杰克建造的。,2、翻译方法,1)、前置法:当一个限定性定语从句结构和意义较为简单,或是较为简短时,我们把英语原文的定语从句翻译成带“的”的定语词组,放置于被修饰的词(先行词)之前。第8页:03年61复合句61)状语结构Furthermore,主句humans have the ability 后置定语to modify the environment 定语从句in which they(指代关系)live,结果状语thus subjecting all other life forms to their own peculiar ideas and fancies.,furthermore:而且,此外modify the environment in which they live:改变他们的生存/所居住环境modify:to change in form or character;alter 变更,在形式或特征上改变,修改they:指代“humans”subjecting all other life forms to 让所有其它形态的生命服从other life forms=other forms of life 其它形式的生命peculiar:独特的,特有的fancy:imagination,especially of a whimsical or fantastic nature 想象,尤指有异想天开或空想的特性的,喜好,2006 47题2006 49 题2006 50题2005 46题,2、翻译方法,2)、单独成句 当一个限定性定语从句的结构较为复杂,意义较为繁杂的时候,当定语从句是一个非限定性定语从句的时候,往往要采用单独成句的方法。此时可以重复先行词或是将其翻译成它或它们等代词,第7页:64)主句Tylor/defined culture as/直接引语.引语的主句that complex whole/定语从句which/includes belief,art,morals,law,custom,/and any other capabilities/and habits/后置定语acquired by man/as a member of society.“,V+n+as+ndefine/see,view,regard,take,accept,recognize,elect,preserve,treat,第8页:(61)主句The Greeks/assumed/宾语从句that 从句的主句the structure of/language/had some connection with/the process of/thought,/定语从句which/took root in Europe/时间状语从句long before/people/realized/宾语从句how diverse/languages/could be.,BrazilGreeceIsraelNetherlandsPortugalScotlandSwedenSwitzerland,AssumeConsumeResumePresumepresumption,Socrates Aristotle Plato Churchill Abraham Lincoln Roosevelt Bill Clinton Lewinsky Mahatma GandhiMartin Luther King,Adolf Hitler Picasso Leonardo Da VinciMichael JacksonDarwinMarx MaxEinsteinNewton,第三、插入语,插入语的形式:,。,插入语的作用:修饰、补充、解释、说明翻译原则:前置两种情况:修饰的是整个句子时,放在整个句子前面修饰的是某个单词和词组时,放在单词和词组的前面总之:修饰谁就放在谁前面。,China,in fact,has caught up with and surpassed the world advanced levels in many respects.The man,I suppose,does not meet your demands for boyfriend.,第7页:65)状语结构Thus,/主语 多重定语the anthropological concept of/culture,/插入结构 举例like/多重定语the concept of/set/in mathematics,/谓语is/an abstract concept/定语从句which/makes 倒装结构/possible/前置定语immense amounts of/concrete research and understanding.,A is adj for sb.to do sth.A 对某人来说去做某事是如何如何的。,outset,第6页:74)状语结构But/主语that,/插入结构Pearson/points out,/谓语is only/多重定语the start of/man-machine integration:/直接引语“引语的主句It/will be/多重定语the beginning of/the long process of/integration/定语从句that/will ultimately lead to/a fully electronic human/时间状语before/the end of/the next century.,第四 被动句的翻译,一、主宾颠倒二、直接译为主动句三、用汉语被动结构来翻译,一、主宾颠倒,在一个被动句中,如果主语和宾语的被动关系非常明显,我们采取主语变宾语、宾语变主语的方法来翻译。,Set-up outbreak,0172简单句72)并列结构1 Children will play with dolls 后置定语equipped with personality chips,并列结构2 computers 后置定语with in-built personalities 被动结构will be regarded并列结构11as workmates 并列结构22 固定短语rather than 省略结构(as)tools,并列结构3 relaxation will be in front of smell-television,并列结构4 and digital age will have arrived.,Considerate,97年73题:简单句复合句73)简单句It/leads the discussion to/extremes/介词短语作状语结构at the outset:/复合句it/invites you to/think/宾语从句that animals/被动结构should be treated/并列结构1 either 介词短语作方式状语with the consideration/定语从句省略结构(that)humans/extend to/other humans,/并列结构2 or/介词短语作方式状语 with no consideration at all.,二、直接译为主动句,在一个被动句中,如果主语和宾语的被动关系不明显,我们则采取直译为主动句的翻译方法。She did not wish to be troubled.她不想被麻烦。她不想麻烦。,Due to,because of,by reason of,2000年73题:复合句73)原因状语Owing to/多重定语the remarkable development/in mass-communications,/主语people everywhere/谓语 并列结构1 are feeling/new wants/并列结构2 and 被动结构are being exposed to/new customs and ideas,/状语从句while/governments/被动结构are often forced to/introduce/still further innovations/原因状语for the reasons given above.,2000年74题:状语结构in the early industrialized countries of Europe/主语the process of industrialization/with/all the far-reaching changes/in social patterns/定语从句that followed/谓语 被动结构was spread/over nearly a century,/对比状语从句whereas/nowadays/a developing nation/may undergo/the same process/时间状语in a decade or so.,三、用汉语被动结构来翻译,“受到”“得到”“遭到”“加以”“得以”“为.所”“由来”“是的”等结构来翻译。,第五、As的用法,一、as单独用二、as的固定用法,As 1、介词 作为,当作,+名词2、连词 1),像,2)当。时候,3)因为+句子3、副词 同。一样 非名词As.as.,一、as单独用,1、as+名词或名词词组/其他词组 作为/像2、as+句子(时间)当。时候3、as+句子(原因)因为4、as+句子(方式)像,97年72题:复合句72)主句Some philosophers/argue/宾语从句that rights/exist/only within a social contract,/介词短语作非限制性定语as/part of/an exchange of/duties and entitlements.,二、as的固定用法,as a whole 总体上 As for=as to=aboutas well as adv.和、也、又As expected as asNot so muchas.,as for 至于,98年74题:复合句74)条件状语从句If/the small hot spots/look as/省略结构(they were)expected,/主句that/will be/a triumph/介词短语作状语结构for yet another scientific idea,/同位语结构a refinement of/the Big Bang/分词短语作后置定语called/the inflationary universe theory.,99年71题:While there are almost as many definitions of history as there are historians,modern practice most closely conforms to one that sees history as the attempt to recreate and explain the significant events of the past.,第六、比较结构,引语:Laosong is not better than Tom.Laosong is no better than Tom.No richer than=as poor asNo bigger than=as small asNo later than=as early as,比较结构,一、rather than97年75题复合句复合句75)时间状语从句When/that/happens,/并列结构1 it/is not/a mistake:/并列结构2 it/is/mankinds instinct/介词短语作后置定语for moral reasoning/in action,/独立主格结构an instinct/定语从句that/should 并列结构11 被动结构be encouraged/rather than/并列结构22 省略结构(be)laughed at.,I would rather die than marry you.I would rather die to marry you.,Rise arise raise,二、less.A.and more B99年72题简单句72)主语Interest/多重定语in historical methods/谓语has arisen/并列结构1 less through/多重定语external challenge/to the validity of/history/as an intellectual discipline/并列结构2 and more from/多重定语internal quarrels/among historians themselves(指代关系).valid invalid validate validity,三、more than 1、more A than BYou are more a close friend than a boyfriend to me.He is more a teacher than a writer,2、more than A more than+数词,表示“多于.以上”We have been close friends for more than 20 years.我们已经作了20多年的好朋友了。,B more than+名词或是动词 I wish that you could be more than a friend to me.My trip to Beijing is more than sightseeing.,2006年50题:They may teach very well,and more than earn their salaries,but most of them make little or no independent reflections on human problems which involve moral judgment.,C more than+形容词、副词或是分词,表示“极其,非常”的意思。My teacher is more than strict with me.我老师对我极其严格。My parents are more than kind to me.我爸妈对我非常好。,一些补充结构,anything but:根本不I can call you anything but brother.nothing but:只不过是/仅仅=only nothing=no any butYou are nothing but one of my friends,leave me alone.,all but:几乎 almost She all but accepted me as her friend.but for:要不是But for her help and support,I could not finish my study in the University.,no more.than.和一样都不Chairman Mao is no more a god than we are.A home without love is no more a home than a man without soul is a man.not.any more than Not more than:最多No less than:至少,第七、倒装结构,倒装的原因:1.only+状语或状语从句置于句首,句子用倒装。Only in this way can you solve this problem.只有用这种方法,你才可以解决这个问题。,2.hardly,in no way,little,scarcely,seldom,never,no more,no longer,not,no sooner,not only(but also),not until 具有否定意义的词或词组位于句首,句子用倒装。Seldom do I go to work by bus.我很少乘公共汽车上班。,3.so/such.that结构中的so或such位于句首可以构成倒装句,表示强调so/such和that之间的部分。So unreasonable was his price that everybody startled.他的要价太离谱,令每个人都瞠目结舌。,还原为正常语序2009 47 Only graduall