1,4 非谓语动词,4.1 不定式在科技英语中的应用4.2 分词在科技英语中的应用4.3 动名词在科技英语中的应用,2,4.1 不定式在科技英语中的应用,不定式的时态和语态不定式短语做主语不定式短语做宾语不定式短语做定语不定式短语做状语,3,不定式,动词不定式是动词的一种非谓语形式,没有人称、数的变化。它具有名词、形容词和副词的某些功能,同时具有动词的某些特征,可以有自己的宾语、状语和补足语组成不定式短语。在分析句子时要把不定式短语看作一个整体。不定式在句中可作主语、表语、宾语、定语、状语和补足语。不定式有时态和语态的变化。,4,不定式的时态和语态,5,不定式短语作主语,例:To lift a weight from the ground on to a table requires expenditure of power。不定式作主语时,常引入形式主语it。It requires expenditure of power to lift a weight from the ground on to a table.,6,不定式的几种结构,一、It is 十 形容词 十 不定式短语(1)It is very difficult to measure the passing current in insulators.测量绝缘体中通过的电流是很困难的。(2)It is evident for strong vibrations to make loud sounds and for vibrations to make soft sounds.强振动发出响亮的声音,而弱振动则发出柔和的声音,这是显而易见的。,7,二、It takes(needs,requires)十不定式短语(1)It takes only a few microsecond for the computer to carry out one calculation specified.计算机完成某一项指定的计算只需要儿微秒。(2)It may take thousands of years for an inch or two of soil to accumulate.需要成千上万年才能积累一二英才的土层。三、lt is 十名词十不定式短语 It is common practice to tell apart the temperature of a body and its heat.要把物体的温度与物体的热量区分开,这是通 常的做法。,8,be十动词不定式的结构,be十动词不定式的结构有两种含义:一、系词be十动词不定式结构 动词不定式作表语,揭示主语所包含的具体内容。常用的主语有下列名词:aim,task,duty,goal,work、job,purpose,method,problem,effect,activity,mistake 等。通常译为:“就是”,“在于”。The aim of the special work group is to find meaning and enjoyment in work.这个特殊劳动小组的任务就是探索劳动的意义及其乐越。Another mistake is to confuse cause and effect.另一错误就是混淆因果。,9,二、助动词be十动词不定式结构,在这种结构中,be不是系词而是助动词,它与动词不定式构成复合谓语。这种结构表示根据预定计划或安排将要进行的行为,或表示根据客观规律或情况可能发生或必然要发生的行为或状态。在这种情况下,这种结构在某种程度上具有情态动词的含义,表示“打算”,“准备”,“应该”,“必须”,“可能”等意思。特别在be十不定式被动态(be十to be十过去分词)的结构中,情态动词的意思更为明显。这种结构常用于由if引导的条件状语从句中。,10,(1)The moterial which makes P1ants green(chlorophyll)is necessary if they are to use energy from light for healthy growth.如果说植物必须利用光能来维持其生长,那么,使得植物变绿的材料(叶绿素)是必不可缺少(2)Wherever rocks are to be seen in cliffs and quarries,their arrangement and sequence can be observed and their story deciphered.无论是在峭壁还是在采石场见到的岩石,对它们的排列和顺序进行观察,就可以揭示其历史的演变。,11,不定式作宾语,某些及物动词要求不定式作宾语。如 learn(学习),need(需要),prefer(宁愿),attempt(企图),begin(开始),want(想要),wish(希望),determine(决定),try(设法,试图)等。不定式作宾语时,如果带有宾语补足语,就要用先行词it作形式宾语,其结构为:及物动词十it十宾语补足语十不定式。,12,(1)we must now try to clear our ideas about electricity by considering carefully the elementary principles.现在我们必须通过认真地研究这些基本原理设法弄清楚有关电的各种概念。(2)when one wants to measure the electric current,voltage and resistance,one has to use electric instruments人们想要调量电流、电压相电阻时,就必须使用电子仪器。,13,不定式作定语,一、某些名词要求不定式作定语 例如way,ability,power,tendency,capacity,reason,chance,time,method,attempt,opportunity,thing,work等。(1)The ability of a material to conduct current depends upon the number of free electrons in the material 材料的导电能力取决于材料中自由电子的多寡。(2)There is a universal tendency of every body to move to-words every body 每一物体都 具有一种朝另一物体运动的倾向。,14,二、由last、next、序数词或形容词最高级修饰 的名词要求不定式作定语(1)Among the early Greeks,Aristotle was the first to watch living things and to try to classify them,to attempt to find out how life begins,and to write down his observations.在早期的希腊人中,亚里士多镕是第一个观察生物的,并试图探索生命是怎样起源的,而且把他所观察到的都记载下来。(2)Albert Einstein was the first man to realize the great amount of energy locked in the atom.,15,三、不定式的被动态作定语 不定式的被动态作定语时,含有“将要”,“有必要”的意思。翻译时可在不定式前加“要”,“待”等词。(1)The parts to be jointed are usually heated to a certain temperature 要连结的这些零件通常要加热到一定的温度。(2)The type of the manometer depends on the magnitude of pressure to be measured.压力计的型式取决于待漓量的压力的大小。,16,四、介词十which十不定式短语作定语 这种结构仍然是不定式短语,不能视为which引导的定语从句。(1)we have all the best apparatus with which to measure motion in the way already described.我们有用上述方法来衡量运动的一切完善的仪器。(2)But I have regarded the problems as an adjunct to the study of the Principles and not the principles as a framework round which to build problems.但是,我认为习题有助于学习原理,而并不认为原理是编写习题的框框。,17,不定式作状语,动词不定式在句中作状语时,一般表示行为的目的和结果此外还可以表示行为的原因。,18,4.2 分词在科技英语中的应用,19,分词,分词具有动词的某些特征,可以带宾语和状语组成分词短语。分词短语在句中主要作定语、状语和补足语。,20,一、现在分词作定语,Particles bearing like charges tend to repel one another,whereas particles bearing unlike charges tend to attract one another.带有相同电荷的粒子相互排斥,而带有不同电荷的粒子则相互吸引。The vibrations causing sound are transmitted through air at a speed of about 340 meters per second 发出声音的振动,在空气中 传播的速度大约为每秒340米。,定语 状语 补足语,21,二、过去分词作定语,过去分词作定语时,被修饰的词是分词所表示的行为的承受者,从逻辑上来看修饰语与被修饰语之间似乎是一种行为与客体之间的关系。A lifted weight has energy.被举起的重物具有能量。The work done is the product of the force and the distance.所作的功等于力和距离的乘积。,定语 状语 补足语,22,分词短语作状语,分词短语作状语时,往往具有时间、原因、条件、让步、结果、方式方法、伴随或补充说明等含义。分词作状语时,其行为的主体就是句中的主语。该短语可放在句首、句中或句尾,通常用逗号与句子隔开。分词短语作状语时,有时前面可用when,while,if,unless,though等连词来 加强时间、条件、让步等含义。,定语 状语 补足语,23,一、时间状语,Considered some common aspects of the performance of the steam engine and automobile engine,we notice that both reject heat.在研究蒸汽发动机与汽车发动机性能的某些共同方面时,我们注意到两者都排出热量。When heated,a body will expand 物体受热时就膨胀。,定语 状语 补足语,时间 原因 条件 让步 结果,24,二、原因状语,此时,常由be的现在分词being,十名词、十形容词或十介词短语组成。Being high in computing speed and reliable in operation,the electronic computers have found wide application in computing and designing.计算机由于计算速度高、运算可靠,因而在计算和设计中获得了广泛的应用。When radar signals are sent to the moon,the moon,being solid,reflects them.当雷达信号被发送到月球时由于月球 是固体,便将这种情号反射回来。,定语 状语 补足语,时间 原因 条件 让步 结果,25,三、条件状语,分词短语表示条件状语时,该短语有下列几种形式1由连接词 if,when,once,unless引出;2compared to(with)十名词;3given 十 名词;4depending upon 十 名词。,定语 状语 补足语,时间 原因 条件 让步 结果,26,条件状语,Our whole physical universe,when reduced to the simplest terms,is made up of just two things,energy and matter我们的整个物质世界,如果用最简单的话来说,是由两种东西组成的:即能和物质。From the Scientific view-point a man does no work unless actually moving a body.从科学观点来看,除非人们确实在 移动某一物体,否则就没有做功。,定语 状语 补足语,时间 原因 条件 让步 结果,27,四、结果状语,分词短语表示结果状语时,往往位于句末,有时用thus 或and thus 引出。In a solid or liquid,the mo1ecules are much closer together,resulting in much more material in a given volume.在液体或固体中,分子结合得紧密得多,因而在一定体积内的物质也多得多。When two bodies are rubbed together heat is produced,thus raising the surface temperature of both of them.当两个物体摩擦时,就产生了热,因而 就提高了这两个物体的表面温度。,定语 状语 补足语,时间 原因 条件 让步 结果,28,五、让步和方式方法状语,分词短语表示让步状语时,在分词短语前常加上连接词 although 或 while。The photon,while not having a material mass,may be considered as having a radiating mass.光子虽然没有物质质量但可认为它具有辐射质量。(让步)While held at rest at a certain height,no mechanical work being done,the object definitely obtains the ability of doing something.当物体被举至某一高度而处于静止状态时,尽管它未做机械功,但确实得到了某种做功的能力。,定语 状语 补足语,时间 原因 条件 让步 结果,29,分词作宾语补足语,要求分词作宾语补足语的动词有表示视听感觉的动词:hear,see,watch,notice,feel 等。此外还有find,keep,believe,set,start,imagine,get,have,make 等。We put a hand above an electric fire and feel the hot air rising.我们把手放在电炉上方,就会感觉到热空气在上升。To keep a body moving you have to apply less force than you did to start it moving 保持一个物体运动比启动该物体 所必须施加的力要小。,定语 状语 补足语,30,分词的时态和语态,定语 状语 补足语,31,分词独立结构,分词短语作状语时,通常它的逻辑主体也就是句中的主语。如:Lifting something,you do work你举起某物体时你就是在做功。An object at rest has no kinetic energy,its velocity being zero.静止的物体不具有动能,因为它的速度 为零。(原因),定语 状语 补足语,32,分词复合结构,分词复合结构由介词with或without引出,形式是:with(或without)十名词十分词。这种结构在英语中称为分词复合结构”。它在句中可作定语和状语,在科技文章中这种结构常用来作补充说明。The density of air varies directly as pressure,with temperature being constant.若温度不变,则空气密度的变 化与压力成正比。(条件),定语 状语 补足语,33,作业:英译汉,1、The fact that a compass needle assumes a north-south direction leads to the conclusion that the earth must be a magnet,with the space all around it constituting a huge magnetic field2、When we place the two together,some energy or heat is exchanged between the body and the thermometer,resulting in a slight change in the temperature of the body,and thus affecting the very quantity we wanted to measure,34,3、Although water normally freezes at or very near the accepted freezing points,small droplets making up clouds can be cooled by natural processes to temperature far below the normal freezing point and remain in the liquid state.,作业:英译汉,35,英译汉参考答案,1、指南针取南北方向这一事实可导出这样的结论;地球必定是一个磁体,地球周围的所有空间构成了一个巨大的磁场。2、当把某物体与温度计放在一起时,这两者之间就产生了某些能量交换即热交换,结果就引起了该物体的温度发生微小的变化。3、水通常在公认的冰点或非常接近冰点时结冰,而构成云的微荫却能在自然过程小冷却到远低于通常冰点以,仍能保持液态。,36,4.3 动名词在科技英语中的应用,37,动名词,动名词的形式和现在分词相同,所以有的语法书把它们统称为动词ing形式。动名词与分词的区别主要从它们的功能来看,动名词用作主语、宾语和表语;分词用作定语、状语和补足语。动名词有主动态和被动态、一般式和完成式。,38,动名词和动名词短语的用法,一、动名词作主语(1)Cooling matter slows down the speed of the molecules.将物体冷却就减慢了分子的运动速(2)Heating the water changes it into vapor.把水加热可以使水变为蒸气。,39,动名词作主语,(3)Improving the lubricant,introducing more perfect bearings and decreasing the resistance on the part of the medium in which the motion is taking place are means of bringing the efficiency nearer to one(to 100%)改进润滑油的质量、采用质量较好的轴承、减少机器运动接触部分的摩擦阻力,这都是促使机器的效率接近100的措施。,40,Note,动名词作主语,Note:当动名词短语在句中作主语,而它的谓语是一种系表关系时可用it is十形容词十动名词短语的形式,如:Sometimes the astronauts found it was difficult keeping their feet underneath their bodies on the moon 有时候宇航员们发现,在月球上,要使他们的双脚保持站立姿势是困难的。,41,二、动名词作宾语,1、作动词的宾语下列动词通常要求动名词作其宾语:admit,appreciate,avoid,cant help,consider,control,delay,deny,enjoy,finish,involve,mind,postpone,practice,quit,recall,regret,report,resent,resist,stop,resume,risk,suggest,support 等。,有一个比较熟悉的实验室试验,就是把金属丝拉长,并观察所引起的长度的增加。,(1)oxygen does not burn,but does support burning.(2)There is a wellknown laboratory experiment that involves stretching a metal wire and observing the resulting increase in length.,42,2、作介词的宾语,(1)Energy is involved in doing work,or in heating an object.能量在于它能做功,或使物体变热。(2)Galileo,by weighing a glass bulb before and after compressing air into it with a pump,showed that air had weight.用泵把空气压入玻璃泡,称一称玻璃泡压入空气前后的重量,伽利略用这种方法证明了空气具有重量。(3)High carbon steel may be hardened by heating it to a certain temperature and,then quickly cooling in water.高碳钢可以这样来淬火:先把它加热到一定的温度,然后在水中迅速冷却。,43,三、动名词作表语,(1)There have been three steps to steps to the moon.The first step was taking a satellite out of Earths gravity and into space.The second step was carrying men into space.The third step was traveling to the moon itself.登月经历了三个步骤:第一步是使卫星脱离地球引力而进入太空;第二步是把人带入太空;第三步是登上月球。(2)If solving a mathematical problem is thinking,then a computer can think and do so much faster than a man 要是解数学题就算“思维”的话那么计算机就是能“思维”,而且思维得比人还要快得多。(3)One of the greatest advantages of the transistor,is its being able to be made very small.晶体管的最大优点之一,就是能够把它做得很小。,44,四、动名词的被动态,(1)As is known,a piece of iron or steel becomes a magnet merely by being brought near a magnet.大家都知道,只要把一块铁或钢靠近磁铁,它就会变成一块磁铁。(2)Atomic electric batteries can operate without being recharged for decades.原子电池能工作几十年而不需再充电。,45,五、动名词的完成式,(1)After having discovered the property of the atom,scientists began finding ways of using atomic energy for industrial purposes.发现了原子的特性之后,科学家们开始寻找将原子能用于工业的途径。(2)Nuclear fuel will be used in the reactor after its having been compressed into the form of rods.核燃料被压成棒状之后,可用于反应堆中。,46,六、动名词的逻辑主体,(1)The process of one substance mixing with another because of molecular motion is called diffusion 由于分子运动,一物质与另一物质混合的过程称为扩散。(2)In spite of its being very useful a direct current system has one great disadvantage;namely,there is no easy,economical way in which one can increase or decrease voltage.,尽管直流电系统非常有用但它有一大缺点,即没有一种既简易又经济的方法来提高或降低其电压。,47,七、介词 十being 十 名词(形容词或介词短语),在这种结构中,being是系词be的动名词,它与其后的名词、形容词或介词短语构成系表关系。这种结构是主动态,不要与“being十过去分词”即动名词被动态混淆起来。,48,1、介词 十 being 十 介词短语,(1)Whenever charges move between two points,that point toward which the electrons go is thought of as being at the higher potential.无论什么时候,只要电荷在两点之间运动,电子流向的那一点就认为是处于高电位。(2)In this book,however,unless otherwise specified,the earth will be considered as the object of reference and will be thought of as being at rest.,但是,除非另有规定,在这本书中认为地球是参考系,而且把它看成是静止的。,49,2、介词+being+名词,(1)Studying fossils is far from being a waste of time,because many useful facts can be learned from the them.研究化石决不是浪费时间,因为我们可以从中了解到很多有用的事实。(2)We always think of the surface of the earth as being the natural environment for mankind.我们总认为地球表面是人类生存的天然环境。(3)Frequently,in elementary textbook,a metal is described as having a high luster,good electrical and thermal conductivity,and as being malleable and ductile.在基础教科书中常把金局描述为具有很高的光,泽、很好的导电及导热性能,又具有韧性和延展性。,50,练习,磁铁可以隔着一段距离对另一块磁铁或铁发生作用,也就是说,二者不必接触。(being是动名词,作without的宾语,the two是being的逻辑主体。),这些金属可以拉成很纫的金属丝,这些细丝能够加热到白热而不熔化。(being drawn是动名词被动态,作of的宾语。admit of.“容许有”,“有可能”。动名词melting是介词without的宾语。),These metals admit of being drawn out into very thin wires which can be heated white-hot without melting.,A magnet can influence another magnet or a piece of iron at a distance,that is,without the two being in contact.,51,练习,Light is made to change its normal straight-line course by being reflected off a mirror or some other special surface.,通过镜子或某种其它特殊表面使光发生反射,光便能改变其正常的直线方向(being reflected是动名词被动态其短语作by的宾语。,(6,Scientists working with the ocean are now wondering whether the ocean can go on being the wastebasket for these unsafe remains.,从事海洋研究的科学家现在都迫切地想知道,海洋是否能继续成为容纳这些危险的残余物的垃圾箱。(being.remains是动名词短语,是go on 的宾语。,52,Thanks!,Thats all for today!,