TITLE:Application of GIS in logistics system,标题:GIS在物流系统中的应用,姓名:赵宣,Sub title,Introduction,Methods,3,Abstract,1,2,Conclusions,4,摘要:本文对地理信息系统(GIS)在物流系统中的主要应用进行了综述,包括基于GIS的物流中心的选址、GIS在物流配送中的应用及GIS与物流信息系统的集成。分析了GIS应用于物流中心的选址和GIS在物流配送中的应用的原理和优势,并简要介绍了GIS与物流信息系统集成的内容。说明了GIS在物流系统中应用的价值。,Abstract:In this paper,the geographical information system(GIS)is mainly used in logistics system are reviewed,includinig integrated logistics centerlocation based on GIS,GISin logistics distributionand application oflogistics information system based onGIS and.Analyses the principle andadvantage of application of GISused inthe logistics center locationand GISin logistics distribution,and briefly introduces theintegration of GISandthe content of logistics informationsystem.To illustrate theapplication of GIS in logistics systemvalue.,关键词:地理信息系统;物流系统;选址;配送;系统集成,KEY WORD:Geographic information system;logisticssystem;location;distribution;system integration,Introduction,物流泛指原材料、产成品及相关信息从起点至终点有效流动的过程。物流将运输、仓储、装卸搬运、加工、配送、信息处理等方面有机结合,形成完整的供应链,为用户提供多功能、一体化的综合性服务。物流活动主要由资金流、信息流、物流构成。而这些物流活动中有相当一部分与地理位置有关地理信息系统(GIS)具有强 大的采集,管理,存储,分析,处理,输出空间数据的能力,良好的可视化和辅助决策方式。GIS 作为处理与地理位置相关的空间数据具有得天独厚的优势,利用GIS技术和手段优化物流过程,必将有力地压缩物流成本,创造更大的利润。,Logistics refers to the raw materials,finished goods and related information from the beginning to the end of the effective flow process.The organic combination of transport logistics,storage,handling,processing,distribution,information processing,to form a complete supply chain,providing multi-functional,integrated comprehensive service for users.Logistics activities by capital flow,information flow,logistics constitute.These logistics activities in a considerable part of the geographical location of the relevant geographic information system(GIS)has a strong collection,storage,management,analysis,processing,output capacity of spatial data,visualization and auxiliary decision in good ways.GIS as the processing and geographic location related spatial data have the advantage be richly endowed by nature,the use of GIS technology and means of optimizing the logistics process,will effectively compressed the logistics cost,create more profit.,物流中心选址是物流系统中具有战略意义的投资决策问题,对整个系统的物流合理化和商品流通的社会效益有着决定性的影响。但由于商品资源分布、需求状况、运输条件和自然条件等因素的影响,使得即使在同一区域内的不同地方建立物流中心,整个物流系统和全社会经济效益也是不同的。,Methods,Logistics center location is the investment decision problem with strategic significance in the logistics system,has the decisive effect of logistics rationalization of the system and the social benefits of commodity circulation.But because of the influence of the distribution of commodity resources,demand conditions,transportation conditions and natural conditions and other factors,so that even in the same area of the establishment of logistics center in different places,the whole logistics system and the whole social economic benefits are also different.,物流中心选址方法已有较为成熟的模型与算法,主要有重心法、数值分析、CFLP法、Delphi专家咨询法等,这些传统选址方法虽然使物流中心选址更加方便,但都存在一个共同的缺陷,即这些方法几乎都是建立在静态的假定条件下来实现的,但是,现实事物在不断变化,尤其在信息时代,需求与供应都可能随时发生变化,因此,其结果往往与现实情况不完全相符合甚至相差非常大。,1.1 The defects of the traditional location method,The model and algorithm of logistics center location method has a more mature,mainly has the center of gravity method,numerical analysis,CFLP method,Delphi expert consultation method,the traditional location methods although the logistics center location more convenient,but there is a common defect,namely,these methods are almost all based on the assumption that the condition of static down implementation however,in reality,things are changing all the time,especially in the information age,the demand and supply may change at any time,therefore,the result is often associated with the reality of the situation is not completely consistent with even the difference is very big.,2.2 With the advantage of GIS location,首先,GIS最大、最显著的特点是通过地图来表现数据;其次,具有可视性;最后,动态交互性,GIS是一个动态的系统,它的强大的数据库系统可以保持持续更新,地理空间上的任何变化GIS都可以更新其数据库以备调用。,First of all,the characteristics of GIS,the most significant is the largest performance data through a map;secondly,Visibility;finally,dynamic interaction,GIS is a dynamic system,a powerful database system which can keep continuously updated,any change of GIS on the geographic space can be prepared to call to update its database.,2.3 using GIS principles of logistics center location,GIS是进行物流中心选址的最佳分析工具,它用于物流中心选址主要是依靠GIS的以下分析功能:(1)空间查询。能够分析系统中点、线、面基本图形间的关系。(2)叠加分析。叠加分析是GIS非常重要的空间分析功能。分析某条配送路线上的需求点情况,用点与线叠加;分析某个区域内的配送中心及需求点分布情况,用点与面叠加;分析某个区域内的主要街道、道路情况,用线与面叠加。,GIS is a logistics center location of the best analysis tool,it is used for the location of logistics center is mainly the following analysis function based on GIS:(1)the spatial query.To analysis the relationship between basic graphics system point,line,surface between.(2)the overlay analysis.Overlay analysis is GIS Very important spatial analysis functions.Analysis of a delivery route on demand point,Use point and line superposition;analysis of distribution centers and demand point distribution within a given area,With point and face superposition;analysis of Main Street,an area of the road condition,with the line and the plane superposition.,(3)缓冲区分析。设计或分析 某条配送路线或者配送中心选址等空间布局问题时,要分析配送中心周边范围内的需求点、道路等数据情况,可根据数据库中的点、线、面实体建立周围一定宽度范围的缓冲多边形。(4)网络分析。网络分析是进行物流设施选址时最重要的功能,用于分析物流网络中各结点的相互关系和内在联系,主要有路径分析、资源分配、连通分析、流分析等等。,(3)the buffer analysis.Design and analysis A delivery route or location of distribution center and other space layout,to analyze the surrounding scope in the distribution center,the demand point road data,according to the database of point,line,surface entity established buffer polygons around a certain width range.(4)network analysis.Network analysis is the most important logistics facilities location function,is used to analyse the relationship of the nodes in the logistics network and internal connection,main path analysis,resource allocation,connectivity analysis,flow analysis,etc.,几乎凡是涉及到地理因素的物流活动中的方方面面都可以用GIS进行合理的表达和分析,从而完成各种复杂但却极具经济价值的物流活动。随着物流行业与GIS技术的进一步发展,相信GIS在物流中会有更加广泛和深入的应用,这也是今后发展的必然趋势。,Almostall related to thegeographical factorsin all aspects oflogistics activitiescan be carried outby GISexpression andanalysis of reasonable,so as tocomplete the complexbutveryeconomic value oflogistics activities.With the furtherdevelopment of the logistics industryandthe technology of GIS,believe the GISwill havemore extensive applicationand in-depthin the logistics,it is also the inevitable trendof development in the future.,Conclusions,