Eating habits,Chapter 3,Book 5BLongman Welcome to English Gold,things we can countsingular:only oneplural:more than one,Countable nouns,e.g.SingularPluralan appletwo applesan orangethree orangesa tomatofour tomatoes,Things we cannot countcannot put an s on themcannot use a,an or 1,2,3 before themfollowed by singular verbs only(e.g.is),Uncountable nouns,Practice,orange,rice,e.g.,rice,orange,pork,Countable,Uncountable,pork,grape,beef,bread,pea,potato,grape,bread,beef,pea,potato,meat,spaghetti,sweet,sausage,meat,sweet,noodles,soup,soup,spaghetti,broccoli,noodles,broccoli,sausage,Practice,Countable,Uncountable,a lot of/somea few/a little,We can use a lot of,some or a few with plural countable nouns.,I have a few apples.,a lot of,some and a few,I have some apples.,I have a lot of apples.,We can use a lot of,some or a little with uncountable nouns.,There is a little sugar.,a lot of,some and a little,There is some sugar.,There is a lot of sugar.,a lot of/some/a few/a little,Practice,There are _ apples in the fridge.I drink _ water in the morning.I eat _ vegetables every day.I dont like soft drinks.I only drink _ cola.,a few/a little,a few,a little,a few,a little,I need _ eggs to make a cake.Mum bought _ sugar.There are _ cakes left.There is _ butter in the fridge.,a lot of/some/a few/a little,a lot of,some,a few,a little,Practice,Put the food in the correct places.,rice,butter,grapes,bananas,fruit salad,fewer/less/more than,Fewer than/More than,We use fewer than or more than with plural countable nouns.,I have fewer apples than Mary.,I have more apples than Sally.,Less than/More than,We use less than or more than with uncountable nouns.,I have more cheese than Mary.,I have less cheese than Sally.,I have _ fruit tarts _ you.,Practice,more,than,fruit tarts,I have _ you.,fewer fruit tarts than,fruit tarts,I have _ you.,less lettuce than,_,I have more lettuce than you.,THE END,