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    Time Management:Handling Multiple Priorities,This course will help you:,Understand myths about time managementIdentify your personal attitudes toward time managementDiscuss key steps in planning/prioritizingRecognize internal/external time wastersUtilize time management tools such as“to do”lists and time diaries,The Present,Yesterday is History.Tomorrows a Mystery.But Today is a Gift.Thats Why They Call it,Time is a Non-renewable resource.Once its gone,it is gone.Youll never see this moment again.Control your time=control your life.,Time,time,time,We have many sayings about time and they make good points:Time is money-it is a valuable resourceThere never enough time to do a job right,but always time to do it over-we should not rush through our work at the risk of errorIf you want time,you must make time-we need to allocate time according to our prioritiesA job will fill all of the time allocated for it-poor planning and procrastination are time wastersHave the time of your life-good time management will allow you to fulfill your personal/professional goals,86,400,Each day your bank deposits$86,400 in your checking account.Theres just one catch.You have to spend it all in one day.You cant carry over any money to the next day.What would you do?,Every second counts,Spend every second in an efficient and effective way.If you fail to use the days deposits,the loss is yours.We all have time to either spend or waste and it is our decision what to do with it.But once passed,it is gone forever(Bruce Lee).,Realize the Value of:,ONE YEAR,ask a student who failed a grade.ONE MONTH,ask a mother who gave birth to a premature baby.ONE WEEK,ask the editor of a weekly newspaper.ONE DAY,ask a daily wage laborer with kids to feed.ONE HOUR,ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.ONE MINUTE,ask a person who missed the train.ONE SECOND,ask a person who just avoided an accident.ONE MILLISECOND,ask the person who won a silver medal in the Olympics.,Myths of time management,With better time management,you can find new time during the day.Everyone is limited to only 24 hours each day.Effective time management is the same for everyone.Time management is unique for each person because each person has different priorities and goals.Activity is good in itself.Being busy is not the same as being effective,if time is spent on low priorities.,Myths of time management,Time management is a complex subject.The basic process has only five major steps.Once you learn the basics of time management you automatically make better use of your time.You have to actually use time management techniques consistently.Good time managers are born not made.Some people seem to be more naturally organized,but everyone can learn to manage his/her time.,Time management process,Set your own prioritiesPersonalprofessionalDetermine your goals for each priorityPlan the steps for goal attainmentAllocate time appropriately for each stepUse time management tools/techniques,Step 1:Set priorities,Are you unsure what is important to you?Think about what you would do if you only had one more year to liveYou cant do everything:Think about what you would like to accomplishThink about what regrets you might have for not accomplishing something,Step 2:Set goals for each priority,SpecificMeasurableAchievableRelevantTimely,Step 3:Plan for goal attainment,Planning is bringing the future into the present so you can do something about it now.Alan Lakein,time management“guru”,Obstacles to planning work,Unfortunately we often encounter a number of obstacles in planning our work:Others plans and prioritiesLack of solid planning skills Time required for good planningPressure of other workAbsences of examples,if the project is newTime wasters such as procrastinationInterruptionsTry to anticipate obstacles,so you can work around them before they become problems.,Poor planning consequences,Despite obstacles we should make planning a priority to avoid:Decreased productivity Dissatisfaction among coworkersMisunderstandings and confusionPressure from othersPoor work quality,accidents,errorsWasted time/resources,Planning,the starting point,For all major tasks you should consider:Why is the job necessary?Whats its purpose?What goals do you want to achieve?When is best time of day or schedule to do it?Where is the best location to do it?Who would produce best results?Is training needed?How should it be done(traditional/innovative)?We can make more efficient use of our time by scheduling certain activities at certain time of the day.,Step 4:Plan to allocate time,Visualize the end result:your goalEstimate the time requiredBreak the whole into piecesDevelop a scheduleCheck your progress against your time estimateRefine the schedule if neededAnticipate/allow for possible problems,Step 5:Time management tools and techniques,Use“to do”lists for planningCreate a time diary to track where your time actually goes Become aware of your external and internal timewasters and avoid themPulverize paperwork,Use a planner effectively,Computer,PDA,Diaryetc.Select the one youll carry with.Keep all of your calendars on one system.At the beginning,record project due dates,report deadlineetc.Have a place to store notes.Eliminating“floating”paper.Use pencil because schedules change.Keep it handy.Encourage group use of Groupwise.,The“to do”list:a power tool,Use it as a master planning toolUse annual,monthly,weekly versionsStatistics prove youll be more productiveIts a visual scheduleIt acts as reminderIt gives directionYou get satisfaction when items are crossed off,Get things done,Allow for emergencies,dont overbookSchedule the most challenging tasks when you are most alertKeep your goals in mind.Focus and dont give up.Evaluate your priorities continuously during the day and always work on the most important task first,Setting priorities,Prioritizing is identifying the appropriate value and order of events.80/20 RuleIn any list of tasks,80%of the importance lies in 20%of the list.Important v.s.urgentIs the tall full?Put the big rocks in first!There is always rooms for more.,ABC system,Decisions,decisions,decisions.Break overall goals down into manageable activities.List the activities in priority order.Label the high priority activities A,lower priorities B,low priorities C.Do the As first!,Conquer procrastination,Fear of success and failure.Divide a lengthy task into smaller,shorter parts.Set a deadline.Do the most unpleasant part first.Pacing:running with someone ahead.Develop a conditioned response to the tasks.Make a game of it.Build in rewards.,External time wasters,Be aware of ways others or the environment waste your time:Interruptions,especially email Office socializingToo many meetingsUnscheduled visitorsPoor work environmentUnclear goalsTrying to get others cooperationBureaucratic“red tape”Others you can think of _,Internal time wasters,Be aware of ways in which you waste your own time:ProcrastinationLack of planningLack of prioritiesIndecisionSlow reading skillsPhysical or mental exhaustionNot being able to say“no”Messy work areasLow motivationOthers you can think of _,TOSS paperwork/email,Trim remove yourself from excess email,mail,memo,newsletter,and magazine routings Outsource immediately throw it away,pass it on,put it in a tickler file,delegate.Save file things you must save immediately.Regularly compress and purge paper and electronic files.80%of what you keep,youll never use again!Start Do it now.Set aside time daily to handle email and paperwork,then junk it,handle it,answer it,file it as you work through the pile,Summary(I),Time is ultimately the most precious commodity and the most valuable resource.The key to managing time is event control.,Summary(II),Develop balanced personal and professional priorities.Find and use a great calendar.Develop plans annual,monthly,weekly.Note all deadline on your plans.Make a“to do”list daily.Prioritize and reprioritize your daily list.Work on your top priorities first.Effectively dealing with other people.Confront your own indecision and delay.Keep focused on and get end results.,


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