行为矫正Behavior Modification,主讲教师:兰继军,教材,吕静主编儿童行为矫正手册,浙江教育出版社1992年美,胡佩诚等译行为矫正的原理和方法,中国轻工业出版社2000年郑静,曹家正,邵慧玲幼儿问题行为及其矫正,华东师范大学出版社1996年林正文著儿童行为的塑造与矫正,北京师范大学出版社1999年郑晓边编译儿童行为障碍与矫正,广西科学技术出版社1990年杨晓玲主编儿童精神障碍及行为问题的矫正,华夏出版社1995年,是什么,谁,何时,为什么,怎么样,入门指南,第一章 绪论Chapter 1 Introduction,行为,行为矫正,行为矫正的历史,行为矫正的意义,行为矫正与心理咨询,第一节 行为及其特点,行为的特征行为是具体的(说或做的)行为是可测量出来的行为是可以观察到的行为对外界环境有一定影响行为受客观规律制约行为可以是公开或隐蔽的,(一)行为的涵义狭义的行为:是个体在主客观因素的影响下产生的外部活动,既包括有意识的活动,也包括无意识的活动,即机体任何外显的、可观察的动作、运动、反应或行动。广义的行为:指机体任何外显的、可观察的动作、运动、反应或行动以及人的头脑里所进行的各种内在的心理活动(内隐行为)。又称“心理行为”。,行为矫正要研究的是指个体的外显行为和部分内隐行为。,(二)行为的分类 正常行为 异常行为 a.行为不足 b.行为过度 c.不适当行为异常行为:指那些和普通人的行为相比,所表现出的过度、不足或不适当的行为。多动、吮吸指甲、食异物。,行为问题的表现,行为过度 behavioral excesses行为不足 behavioral deficits不适当行为 non-appropriate behavior,行为过度。行为过度是指某一类行为发生太多。幼儿上课时经常思想不集中。做小动作,走来走去;一天要洗许多次手或经常咬指甲都是行为过度的表现。有些正常行为如果发生次数太多也会成为问题行为。,不适当行为。不适当行为是指期望的行为在不适宜的情景中产生,但在适宜的条件下却不发生。如打人,咬人,乱丢东西,说脏话,骂人,撕书,破坏玩具,破坏他人作品;或在悲伤时大笑,在欢乐时却大哭等。,行为不足。行为不足指人们所期望的行为很少发生或从不发生。如幼儿很少讲话或不愿和同伴接触、交往,智力迟滞,不会自己穿衣服和吃饭等,都是行为不足的表现。,(三)行为的特点人类的行为不论是正常还是不正常,都具有下列特点。1、行为具有可塑性(1)行为不是天生的,是人们后天通过学习获得的。(2)行为是后天塑造而成的,是可以改变的。2、行为(狭义)具有外显性(1)行为是可以观察的。(2)行为是可以记录、测量的。3、行为具有相对稳定性,第二节 行 为 矫 正 概 述,一、有关学术概念人们常常把心理治疗与行为治疗、行为矫正几个概念混为一谈,虽然在具体的实施过程中有相一致的地方,但这几者之间还是有区别的。什么是心理治疗?是根据心理学原理,应用心理学的方法,来改变患者的行为问题或心理障碍,使之获得康复的一类治疗方法的总称。它包括精神分析疗法、患者中心疗法、心理疏导法和行为疗法等多种方法。,什么是行为治疗?是一个较为狭义的诊疗性术语,指应用行为原理去处理儿童或成人的各种心理障碍或失常行为等。是行为矫正的一部分。什么是行为矫正?行为矫正是应用行为科学的一个分支,是一种客观而系统的处理行为的有效方法。此种方法主要应用来自实验心理学的行为原理,并注重处理效果的验证程序,以便解决个人与社会问题,增进人类的社会适应功能。行为治疗与行为矫正,行为治疗主要为巴甫洛夫、赫尔和沃尔普学派所采用,重视反映性行为。主要由从事传统诊疗所工作的精神科医生和行为心理学者所采用。指在治疗室内治疗者和患者之间借语言沟通来进行的行为处理。奠基在精神病院内的实验基础上。在欧洲国家较喜欢用“行为治疗”,行为矫正主要为斯金纳派学者所采用,重视操作性条件反射行为。主要由从学校、家庭和其他非精神诊所工作的行为心理学家使用。指在自然的生活环境或训练情境下进行的行为处理。奠基在人和动物的操作制约实验基础上。在美国多用“行为矫正”。,二 什么是行为矫正?behavior modification,行为矫正就是依据学习原理对儿童的行为进行改变的系统方法.排除疾病、药物和手术及偶尔因素导致的行为改变。港台地区称为行为改变技术。,行为主义者认为:行为是通过后天的学习获得的,不好的(指不符合社会要求的)、不正常的行为是在不利的环境条什(包括周围的人们)影响下某种不适当学习的结果。通过发现和改变不利的环境条件,采取一定的教育,强化和训练等治疗措施,即后天的有系统的学习过程就可以改变、矫正或治疗人的不良或不正常行为,达到适应环境的目的。,行为矫正的特点1、行为矫正的研究领域集中于人的行为。2、行为矫正的程序和方法以行为学原理为基础。3、行为矫正强调当前环境事件的重要性。4、行为矫正对行为矫正程序进行精确的描述。5、行为矫正通常由日常生活中的人们实施。6、行为矫正强调对行为改变的测量。7、行为矫正的实施过程包括三个阶段,即矫正前的基线阶段(评估行为的水平或严重程度),矫正中的处理阶段(实施治疗或训练策略),矫正后的跟踪阶段。,第三节 行为矫正的简要历史,国外行为矫正发展历史的回顾 新生期(20世纪20 50年代)(1)萌芽阶段(20年代)20世纪20年代,在人类行为研究方面,做出重大贡献的是华生和他的学生雷诺与琼生。华生在他的一些著作中主张人们采用“观察法”来研究人类的行为,并放弃“内省法”。他的这一观点主张得到很多心理学家的赞同。,(2)30年代行为矫正的发展 30年代末期斯金纳研究获得结论,提出强化与消退观念,并有个案研究证明,正强化和消退可以使行为朝满意方向改变。(3)40年代行为矫正的发展40年代,赫尔出版行为原理(Principles of Behowior),道拉德(Dollard)和米勒(1950年)出版人格与心理治疗法(Rersonality)专著,被认为是行为治疗发展史上的一个重要里程碑。,(4)50年代行为矫正的发展50年代后扩展为国际研究美国、南非。到了50年代,行为改变技术的重要历史性发展,同时在2个国家出现:在南非沃尔普进行系统脱敏法的开始工作:在美国斯金纳和他的同事从事操作性制约研究:在美国艾森克推动行为矫正技术研究。2、迅速发展期(6070年代)(5)60年代的发展在英国艾森克推动行为矫正技术研究。(6)70年代的发展,到了70年代,操作性制约取向的行为改变技术更加迅速发展,这种方法很快被称为ABA应用行为分析。3、完善期(80年代以后)(7)80年代,行为矫正的发展更加完善和成熟 我国行为矫正的发展研究1、空白阶段(1978年以前)2、准备阶段(1978 1985年)3、开展阶段(1985年以后),(1)公开发表的论文日益增多。(2)行为矫正被列为专业课。(3)1992年吕静主编第一本儿童行为矫正手册。(4)被用于处理儿童各种心理、行为问题。(5)被应用于教学。,第四节 行为矫正的应用领域,课堂教学,家庭教育,特殊儿童教育,精神疾病,社区管理,企业管理,自我修养,体育竞赛,生活习惯,1、发育障碍2、精神疾病3、教育和特殊教育4、康复治疗5、社区心理学6、临床心理学7、商业、工业和人类服务8、自我管理9、儿童管理,10、预防11、运动心理学12、与健康相关的行为13、老年医学,第五节 行为矫正研究的方法,研究方法观察法实验法资料检索个案分析其他?,存在问题伦理问题方法失效个体差异忽视人的主观其他?,作业:,1 举出日常生活中行为矫正的实例?2 列举滥用行为矫正可能带来的问题?,1.Examples of behaviour problems:,1.1Wirhdraw Children.A class of students is in the playground.But a boy sits quietly.A teacher encourage the child to play with others.But the boy maintains his social isolation from the other children.1.2Tardiness.A seven-year-old girl,although she is able to take off her coat and put is in proper place,she takes a great deal more time than is necessary to perform this simple functions.The teachers have to help her.They fear that it is interfering with her development of self-relicance.,1.3 Littering.Two students have arrives the place where they intend to set up camp and are looking in disgust and amazement at the litter left by previous campers.1.4 Ineffective studying.With two term papers due next week and a midterm exam at the same time,Sam is wondering how he is ever going to make it through his first year of university.1.5 Speeding.Accidents frequently occur on the highway approach into a city.There are many children live in the city.It is dangerous that some children may be hurt or killed.,1.6 Phobia.A young man is terrified of airplanes.The mere thought of getting into a plane is enough to make him panic.1.7 Staff management.Some company need better training program or staff motivation program.,what is behavior,Behavior:activity,action,performance,responding,response,reaction.Behavior is anything that a person says or does.Decisions are based on observable behavior,not on invisible mental abnormalities.,Characteristics of behavior modification,1)its strong emphasis on defining problems in terms of behavior that can be measured in some way,and using changes in the behavioural measures of the problem as the best indicator of the extent to which the problems is being heloed.2)its treatment procedures and techniques are ways of rearranging an individuals enivorment to help the individual function more fully in the society.,The term environment refers to the specific physical variables in ones immediate surroundings.Behaviror modification procedures do not involve such things as psychosurgery,electroconvulsive therpy,or the use of drugs.3)its methods and rationales can be described precisely.,4)the techniques of behavior modification stem from basic laboratory research in the field known as experimental paychology.5)the psychology of learning in general and the principles of operant and Pavlovian conditioning in particular have thus far been most useful to the field of behavior modification.6)behavior modification emphasizes scientific demonstration that a particular intervention was responsible for a particular behavior change,and it places high value on accountability for involved in behavior modification programs:client,staff,administrators,consultants,etc.,Exercise:,1.consider someone who is personally close to you,identify two behanioral deficits to overcome in that person,two behavioural excesses to decrease.,Behaviorists are also often accused of denying the importance of genetics in determining behavior.This mistaken impression may stem in part from the writing of John B.Watson.He said:“Give me a dozen healthy infants,well-formed,and my own specified world to bring them up in and Ill guarantee to take any one at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select-doctor,lawyer,artist,merchant-chief,and,yes,even beggarman and thief,regardless of his talents,penchants,tendencies,abilities,vocations,and race of his ancestors.”,三、儿童常见的行为问题,(一)什么样的行为被视为问题行为,这取决于儿童的行为和他们同等发展或成熟的幼儿所遵守的标准是否冲突。有行为问题儿童的行为上所表现的偏差,往往显示出他们心理上、情绪上的冲突。,1持久性的困难。任何儿童都会有某种特殊的行为,譬如在某一段时间内,行为异常,如攻击性行为,打人,咬人,向别人仍东西,破坏玩具,发脾气等。不久就自然消失了。这不能算什么行为问题,可以不必在意。如某特殊行为长期地保持,初入幼儿园这样,几个月后仍然这样,这类行为就要特别关注了。,2不受普通教育方法控制的行为。有经验的教师在集体教育活动中通常都善于组织儿童的活动。例如:使幼儿遵守常规;按规则参加小团体的各类活动,指导结交友伴;引导儿童从事有趣的活动,但有行为问题的儿童的反应,往往不是一般教育、正常管理方法可以控制的。如果有经验的教师在班集体教育中,面对某一儿童的行为感到难以教育,那么这就是一个问题行为。,3不理会现实。忽视四周的环境,也是问题行为的信号。例如,在正常情形下有不适当的愤怒,无理由地猜疑,莫名其妙的紧张,不能和四周人群建立交往关系等。退缩,怯懦,凡此,都表明个人的行为可能有一定的问题。,4客观困难的存在。生活环境中有沉重的心理负荷的儿童,也需要特别的注意。例如父母经常打骂孩子或无度溺爱孩子的家庭,往往是制造儿童问题行为的温床;至于体质较差,智能较低的儿童也易产生适应困难,导致问题行为。,A children frequently gets out of bed and throws at bedtime,throws food on the floor at mealtime,and plays with the controls for the television.A teenager frequently interrupts conversations between his parents and other adults,spends hours talking on the telephone in the evening,and uses abusive language.An adult watches television continuously,frequently eats candies and other sweets between meals,smoke one cigarette after another,and bites his or her fingernails.,behavioral excesses and non-appropriate behavior,behavioral deficits,A child does not pronounce words clearly and does not interact with other children.A teenager does not complete homework assignment,help around the house,work in the yard,or discuss problems and difficulties with her parents.An adult does not pay attention to traffic regulations while driving,express sincere thanks to others.,characteristics,Its strong emphasis on defining problems in terms of behavior that can be measured in some way,and using changes in the behavioral measure of the problems as the best indicate of the extent to which the problem is being helped.Its treatment procedures and techniques are ways of rearranging an individuals enviroment to help that individual function more fully in society.Its methods and rationales can be described precisely.,The techniques of behavior modification stem from basic laboratory research in the field known as experimental psychology.The psychology of learning in general and the principles of operant and Pavlovian conditioning in particular have thus far been most useful to the field of behavior modification.Behavior modification emphasizes scientific demonstration that a particular intervention was responsible for a particular behavior change,and it places high value on accountability for everyone involved in behavior modification programs:client,staff,administrators,consultants,etc.,Areas of application:an overview,1.education:from preschool to universitymany applications in grade school were designed to change student behaviors that were disruptive or incompatible with academic learning.Out-of-seat behavior,tantruming,aggressive behavior,excessive socializing-all have been successfully dealt with in classroom settings.,Other applications have been concerned with modification academic behavior directly,including oral reading,reading comprehension,spelling,handwriting,mathematics,English composition,creativity,and mastering science concepts.Considerable success has also been achieved in application with individuals with special problems,such as learning disabled and hyperactive children.,Physical education:development of reliable observations for monitoring the behavior of physical education teachers and students so as to provide usable information on“whats happening in the gym?”;increased acceptance of“behavior teaching skills:as important components for teachers preparation programs;and increased acceptance of behavioural strategies to help physical educators manage a variety of behaviors difficulties of students.,Personalized system of instruction:(1)identifies the target behaviors or learning requirements for a course in the form of study questions,such as the questions at the end of each chapter in this book.(2)requires students to study only a small amount of materials contained in a chapter or two and that might be studied in a week or two;(3)has frequent tests in which students are required to demonstrate their knowledge of the answers to the study objectives;(4)has mastery criteria on to the next level;,(5)uses lectures primarily for motivation and demonstration,rather than as a major means of presenting new information.(6)uses a number of students assistants to assist in immediately scoring to providing feedback to students concerning test performance;and(7)incorporates a“goat-your-own-pace”feature in which students are allowed to proceed through the course material at rates that suit their own particular abilities and time demands.,2.Severe problems:Mental retardation,childhood autism,and schizophrenia 2.1 Mental retardation the diagnostic system of Mental retardation used by the AAMD is based on an individuals performance in a standardized intelligence test,such as the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale or the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children.While a score on an intelligence test correlate with a general level of functioning,more useful assessment devices for training purpose are those that identify specific behavioural excesses and/or deficits,such as the Objective Behavioral Assessment Test.,The bebavior modifiers developed a technology that made it possible to demonstrate changes in the behavior of severely and profound retarded persons that experts in the fields would have said were impossible just a few years before.Many studies have successfully demonstrate the applicability of behavioural techniques for teaching mentally handicapped persons such behaviors as toileting,self-help skills,social skills,communication skills,vocational skills,leisure-time activities,and a variety of community survival behaviors.,2.2Childhood Autism Autism is a psychological disorder characterize by language and perceptual abnormalities,ritualistic behaviors,obsessive behaviors and an extreme autistic aloneness from birth.They autism children score much below average on a variety of self-care tasks,such as dressing,grooming,feeding.,They also show some combination of asocial behaviors(e.g.Not showing distress when their mother leaves the room),echolalis(repeating words or phrase without indicating that the word convey any meaning),under-or over-responsiveness to sensory contact,a flat or inappropriate emotional affect,abnormal play behaviors,and repetitive self-stimulatory behaviors.No alternative treatment for autistic children has been shown to be as successful as behavior modification.,2.3Schizophrenia Inadequate social relationships are a prime contribution to the poor quality of life experienced by schizophrenics.Behavior therapy can make a significant contribution to the treatment,management and rehabilitation of schizophrenic patients.,3.clinic behavior therapy with outpatients The two major orientation of the respondents were behavioural and psychodynamic.Not a single study demonstrated that behavior therapy was significantly inferior to the alternative treatment to which it was compared,which was usually some form of verbal psychotherapy;the majority of studies demonstrate that behavio therapy was marginally or considerably more effective than the alternative treatment;there are clear problem areas such as phobias and obsessive-compulsive disorders where specific behavior therapy procedures are demonstrably superior to existing psychotyherapeutic alternative.,4.self-management of personal problemsA great deal of progress has been made in the area referred to as self-management,self-control,self-adjustment,self-modification,self-direction.The skills involves ways of rearranging your environment to control your own subsequent behavior.Such problems includes speaking up in class,increasing exercise behavior,improving study habits,eliminating tooth grinding.,5.medicine and health care Behavioral medicine:a broad interdisciplinary field concerned with the link among health,illness,behavior.The psychologists working with physicians began using behavior modification techniques to directly treat some medical problems:seizure disorders,chronic pain,addictive disorders,sleep disorders.Health psychology:considers how psychological factors can influence or cause illness,and how people can be encouraged to practice healthy hebavior so as to prevent health problems such as heart disease.,Direct treatment of medical problems:headaches,backaches,stomach proble