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    定语和定语从句Attribute and Attributive Clause,定语的定义定语的位置定语的构成,定语的定义,定语是修饰,限制名词或代词的成分,可由_充当。,They are woman workers.,My room is here.,This is a tall tree.,The boy has five pencils.,I have the ability to finish the job.,定语的位置,单词作定语时通常放在它所修饰的名词之_;短语和从句作定语时则放在它所修饰的名词之_。,This is a tall tree,She received more attention from the salespeople here.,?作定语,They are woman workers.她们是女工。There are only boy students in the classroom.教室里只有男学生。Marys sister is very tall.玛丽的姐姐个子很高。,【特别提醒】,表示无生命东西的名词的所有关系,一般用“of”短语。例如:the color of the book 书的颜色 the top of the house 房顶You must know the meaning of every word you learn.你必须知道你所学的每个词的词义。,?作定语,Ive been studying English these years.这些年我一直在学习英语。My room is here.我的房间在这里。That is his pen.那是他的钢笔。,【特别提醒】,能作定语的代词有人称代词、指示代词和不定代词能作定语的人称代词是形容词性的物主代词(有些语法书上也称为“物主形容词”),即:my,your,his,her,its,our,your,their。指示代词包括:this,that,these,those,such,same等。不定代词有:some,any,no,many,much,each,every,few,a few,little,a little,other,another,both,all等。,?作定语,This is a tall tree.这是一棵大树。Equal pay for equal work should be introduced.应当实行同工同酬。,【特别提醒】,当多个形容词作定语时,其大概位置关系如下:年龄(形状、大小)+颜色+来源+材料+用途+被修饰的词例如:a pair of black Spanish leather boots一双黑色的西班牙皮靴an old wooden boat一条旧木船,数词作定语,The book has three chapters.这本书有三章。(基数词作定语)The boy has five pencils.这个男孩有五支铅笔。(基数词作定语)This is the first room.这是第一个房间。(序数词作定语),【特别提醒】,数词是表示“数量”和“顺序”的词。前者称为“基数词”,后者称为“序数词”。序数词前常加冠词the,例如:the first第一,the second第二;但当序数词作定语,而此前已有this,that,our,your,some,any no,every等代词时就不再加冠词了。例如:It is his second trip here.这是他第二次到这来。,【特别提醒】,分词包括-ING分词和-EN分词。ING分词表示主动的意思,表示动作正在进行;过去分词表示被动的意思,表示动作的完成。分词作定语时,单个的分词通常放在被修饰的词之前。分词短语放在被修饰的词之后。但有时单个的过去分词也可放在被修饰的词之后。例如:Who is the lady standing by the door?站在门口的那个女士是谁?We can only see the part of the moon lighted by sunlight.我们只能看到被阳光照射到的那部分月球。They decided to change the material used.他们决定改变所用的材料。,分词(分词短语)作定语,China is a developing country.中国是一个发展中国家。(现在分词作定语)Wind came in through the broken window.风从破窗子吹进来。(过去分词作定语),?作定语,You havent kept your promise to write us often.你没有遵守给我们经常写信的诺言。I have the ability to finish the job.我有完成工作的能力。,【特别提醒】,不定式作定语时须放在被修饰的词之后。常用不定式作定语的名词有:ability,agreement,attempt,chance,decision,failure,hope,need,opportunity,plan,promise,way等。此外,序数词first,second以及last,only,best等也常用不定式作定语。例如:She is always the first to come and the last to leave.她总是第一个来,最后一个走。,用不定式作定语时,它和它所修饰的词有时在意义上是动宾关系。所以,如果不定式里的动词是不及物动词,其后面应跟必要的介词。例如:We have a lot of homework to do.我们有许多家庭作业要做。(do和homework之间在意义上是动宾关系)He is a good colleague to work with.他是一位很好共事的同行。(不及物动词work后加上了介词with,表达了与colleague之间的动宾关系),?短语,She received more attention from the salespeople here.在这里,她受到售货员较好的接待。Most of the products(which are)on display are new ones.展出的产品大多数都是新产品。,形容词性从句-定语从句,用来修饰名词、代词、句子等,在句中的作用相当于形容词,故称为形容词性从句。,定语从句,限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句定语从句常用关系词定语从句关系词(引导词)的选择使用要点应用定语从句易犯的小错误,定语从句分为限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句。,限制性定语从句对被修饰词起到限制、修饰的作用,一般不可缺少。非限制性定语从句起补充、附带说明作用,缺少也不会影响全句的理解。,She said she had finished her work,which I doubted very much.Ive got some personal affairs that I have to deal with.,定语从句常用关系词,关系代词:who,whom,whose,that,which,as等(在从句中作主、宾、定语等成分)关系副词:Where(on which),when(in which),why(for which)(在句中作状语),In this earthquake,the number of people _ lost homes reached as many as 250,000.I have many good friends_ I am going to send postcardsYoure the only person _advice he might listen to.The river _runs through the center of the city brings us a lot of pleasure.Potato can be grown in places _ it is too cold to grow rice.,定语从句常用关系词,定语从句引导词的选择(P.373),取决于先行词(被修饰词)在从句中的位置、成分。The people whomwhothat you met in the campus are from Australia.(作宾语)This was the time whenat which she left for Beijing.The place which he often visits is always full of artists.,使用要点,1.关系代词在从句中作主语时,不能省略。e.g.The classroom that is on the fourth floor is poorly equipped.,2.关系代词在从句中作宾语且前面没有介词时,常可省略。e.g.This is the girl(whom)he works with.,3.关系副词在定语从句中不可省略。e.g.I have come to explain the reason why I was absent from the meeting.,4.只用that,不用which的情况:当先行词有序数词或形容词最高级修饰时;当先行词前有the only,the very,the last等词修饰时;当先行词为anything,nothing,something,everything,all,little,much等不定代词修饰时;当先行词前有all,every,no,some,any,little,much,few等词修饰时;,5.只用which,不用that的情况:引导非限制性定语从句时;引导词前有介词时;一个句子中若有两个定语从句,一个用that引导,另一个用which引导;e.g.He bought a book that could give him much knowledge and which could help him to kill the time.6.当those作为先行词指人时,通常只能用who引导;,7.介词+关系代词要根据谓语动词的固定搭配 e.g.This is the evidence with which the case is connected.先行词 e.g.Ill never forget the day on whichwhen I joined the party.c.在非限制性定语从句中,名词代词+of+whichwhom表示整体与部分的关系e.g.The workers,some of whom stayed for four years,came from different countries.d.介词的位置一般放在关系代词之前,有时也可放在从句中原来的位置上。e.g.We did it in the same way in which he didwhich he did in.,8.That 作为关联词可以当作关系副词用e.g.This is the house in which I lived.This is the house where I lived.This is house which I lived in.This is the house I lived in.This is the house that I lived.,定语从句的使用需注意:,My brother who is very clever studies chemistry all by himself.使用定语从句勿滥!可以使用单个形容词,或较短的非谓语动词结构的,尽量使用简略些的方式。使句子读起来更顺口!,应用定语从句易犯的小错误,Some of the boys I invited them didnt come The book that you need it is in the libraryAnyone who break the law will be punished Those who has finished may go homeHe is the only one of the teachers who know French in our school,This is one of the rooms that is free nowChildren eat a lot of sugar often have bad teethThe key opens the bike is missingThe house where he lives in needs repairingI still remember the day on when I first came to BeijingI still remember the day when we spent together,This is the house where we lived in last yearWas it because it snowed last night when you didnt comeI dont believe the reason why he has given for his being lateIt was in the kitchen where the fire broke outHave you asked her for the reason why may explain her absence?,


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