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    Unit Two Establishing Business Relations,Section One In Common Use a Sentences Pattern,1、Writing Skills信息来源和写信目的自我介绍要求寄送有关资料和表达愿望,1)信息来源和写信目的,句型1信息来源:我们从处得知 通过.我们了解到1、We learn your company from the Internet that you are one of the leading manufactures in this line.我们从网上了解到贵公司是这一行业的主要生产商之一。,2、We owe your name and address from the Journal of Commerce.我们从商业日报得知贵公司的名称和地址。3、Having had/obtained the name and address of your company from ABC trading Company,we know that you deal in textiles.通过ABC贸易公司的介绍,我们得知贵公司的名称和地址,并获悉你方经营纺织品。,句型2 写信目的:建立业务关系1、We are writing you and hope to enter into business relations with you.我们写信给你方希望建立业务关系。2、We are writing you and willing to open up business relations with you.我们写信与你联系,以期与贵公司建立业务关系。,3、We would like to take this opportunity to establish business relations with you.我们愿借此机会与贵公司建立业务关系。,2)自我介绍,句型:自我介绍(公司经营范围等)1、We are an importer/exporter handling toys for many years.Our products have enjoyed a high reputation in the world for their good quality and reasonable price.我们作为玩具进口商/出口商已有多年。我们的产品质量好,价格合理,在世界上享有极高的声誉。,2、We are writing to introduce ourselves as large dealers in foodstuffs with good connections in the country.现函告:我公司为食品大经销商,在国内拥有大批客户。3、We take this opportunity to introduce ourselves as exporters dealing exclusively in garments.我们利用此机会介绍,我公司为专门经营服装的出口商。,3)要求寄送有关资料,句型:要求寄送有关资料1、Please send us your catalogues and quotations.请给我们寄你公司的商品目录和价目单。2、We shall appreciate your catalogues and quotations.如能寄你公司的商品目录和价目单当十分感谢。3、Well be pleased to have your catalogues and quotations.我们将非常乐意收到你公司的商品目录和价目单。,2、Useful Sentences 1)We are willing to enter into business relations with your firm.我们愿意与贵公司建立业务关系。2)Your firm has been introduced(recommended,passed on)to us by abc Company.abc公司向我方介绍了贵公司。3)We express our desire to establish business relations with your firm.我们愿和贵公司建立业务关系。4)We shall be glad to enter into business relations with you.我们很乐意同贵公司建立业务关系。,5)We are now writing you for the purpose of establishing business relations with you.我们特此致函是想与贵方建立业务关系。6)Your desire to establish business relations coincides with ours.你方想同我方建立业务关系的愿望与我方是一致的。7)We specialize in the export of Japanese Light Industrial Products and would like to trade with you in this line.鉴于我方专营日本轻工业产品出口业务,我方愿与贵方在这方面开展贸易。8)Our lines are mainly arts and crafts.我们经营的商品主要是工艺品。,9)We have been in this line of business for more than twenty years.我们经营这类商品已有二十多年的历史了。10)Your letter expressing the hope of establishing business connections with us has met with approval.来函收悉,得知贵方愿与我方建立业务关系,我们表示同意。11)We now avail ourselves of this opportunity to write to you with a view to entering into business relations with you.现在我们借此机会致函贵公司,希望和贵公司建立业务关系。,12)We would like to ask you to kindly send us the related information.我们希望你们能将相关资料寄给我们。13)To our mutual benefit(interest,advantage)Expanding trade between us will be to our mutual benefit.扩大我们之间的贸易对我们双方都有利。14)We look forward to hearing from you soon.盼早听到你的回复。15)We enclose a copy of our latest price list.随函寄出我方最新价格表一份。,3、Common Phrase1)be in the market for sth 求购2)approach sb for sth 为与某人接洽3)under separate cover 另邮4)look forward to 希望5)lie within the scope of 在范围之内6)important business 大量交易7)be interested in 对感兴趣8)inform sb of sth 通知某人某事9)be supplied at present 目前可供的10)upon receipt of 收到.之后11)various various kinds of 各种各样的,12)be in line with the market 与市场水平一致13)in the hope of 盼望14)establish business relations 建立贸易关系15)state-operated corporation 国有企业16)Find a market 找销路17)With cost charges on our own 费用由我方承担18)enter into 建立19)specialize in 专营20)for your information 供你方参考21)be in the market for 想要购买22)a well-established exporter 信誉良好的出口商23)place an order with sb 向某人订购,24)close cooperation 密切合作 25)light industrial products 轻工产品26)a catalogue and a price list 商品目录单和价格表27)do my best 尽力而为 28)Chamber of Commerce 商会 29)on the basis of equality and mutual benefit 在平等互利的基础上 30)meet with great favor 受欢迎31)of the latest style 最新式样32)credit standing 信用地位33)trade reputation 贸易声誉,Section Two Specimen of Business Letters,Letter 1:A firms letter to a firm concernedLetter 2:A reply to the aboveLetter 3:A firms letter to a firm concernedLetter 4:A reply to the above见教材p23,


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