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    情态动词,情态动词(model verb)用来表示能力、允许、可能、必须、劝告、意愿等概念或态度。主要的情态动词有can(could),may(might),shall(should),will(would),must,ought to,need,dare等。情态动词没有人称和数的变化,其后常跟不带to的不定式。,1.情态动词的一般用法:,(1)表示能力:can,could,be able toHe is over 80 but still can read without glasses.She couldnt come yesterday.He cant come tomorrow.,l can/could 与be able to 用法比较1)be able to 除有一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时外,还可有现在完成时、不定式、动词-ing 形式等。This is the information Ive been able to get so far.To be able to ride a bike,she practiced a lot.Just being able to drive a horse,a cart isnt much help to us.2)could表示过去总的、经常性的能力;was/were able to 表示过去具体情况下具有的能力,并且做了某动作。He could speak French,so he was able to show the French lady the way.3)表示将来的能力常用will be able to.When will you be able to take us to town?,(2)表示许可:can/could,may/might;cant,may not,mustnt,must not,1)征询“许可”或给予“许可”可用can/could 或may/might 表示。May 用于正式场合,can 用于非正式场合,could 用于客气的询问,might 极少用。You can go at four oclock.Could I borrow your pen?Students may take 3 books each.Might I ask whether you are using the typewriter?2)表示“不允许”用 cant,may not,mustnt;must not 语气重。You cant leave the table unless you finish your meal.Put that cigarette out.You must not smoke near a petrol pump!3)表示过去“许可”不用could,might,要用其他表达方式。We had been/were given permission to speak to the patient.但在间接引语中表达过去“许可”,可用could,might。The nurse said that we could/might speak to the patient for just a few minutes.,(3)表示可能性:may/might,can/could,must;cant,1)may,might 用来推测现在“可能”;may比might表示的可能性大些。Why isnt John in class?He may/might be sick.maybe是副词,不是情态动词。Maybe he is sick.2)在日常口语中常用can/could 表示“可能”。You can/could walk for miles in the country without meeting anyone.Can the news be true?No,it cant be true.3)must表示可能性最大,“必定”;否定形式用cant表示“肯定不”、“必定不会”。You must be hungry after a long walk.The phone is ringing,but there is no answer.She cant be at home.,(4)表示必须和需要:must,have to,need,1)must表示说话人认为“必须”;否定回答时用neednt“不必”。You must be here at nine oclock.Must you go soon?No,I neednt go yet.2)have to 表示他人或客观情况要求“必须”。I have to be back at school by eight.I have a lot of work to do tonight.We dont have to wear uniforms in school.l 口语中常用have got to 表示“必须”。I have got to leave now.I have a meeting in ten minutes.,3)need 表示动作者“需要”、“有必要”,用于否定句或疑问句;肯定回答用must,否定回答用neednt。Need he go now?Yes,he must.No he neednt.l need 常用作实义动词。You need to learn the value of time.You didnt need to tell him the news.Does she need to go?,(5)表示责任和劝告:should,ought to,must,had better,1)用should和ought to 表示责任和劝告,后者的语气重些You should/ought to do as you are told.Such things shouldnt/ought not to be allowed.2)有时也用must 表示责任和劝告。You must see the movie.Its wonderful.3)口语中也常用had better 表示劝告,意为“最好做/不做某事”。You had better take care of yourself.Youd better not make a mistake next time.Hadnt you better see who is at the door?,(6)表示建议:shall,may/might as well,may/might just as well,1)“shall I/we”表示征求对方对建议的看法。Shall we carry the boxes into the house?Lets go,shall we?2)may/might as well,may/might just as well 表示推荐更佳方案,建议另一种做法,意为“倒不如”,“不也一样吗?”。We may as well stay here tonight.You might just as well tell the truth.,(7)表示许诺:shall,shall用于第二、三人称,表示说话人的许诺。You shall have your money back next week.If he passes the exam,he shall have a holiday.,(8)表示意愿:shall,will/would,1)you/he/they shall 表示说话人的强烈意愿,甚至威胁。You shall pay for this.They shall do what I tell them to do.l 在法律条文、规章制度中,shall 表示“必须”。Each competitor shall wear a number.,2)will/would 表示动作者愿意。I will lend you the book if you need it.I wont do it again.I have been trying to open the door,but the key wont turn.l“will you/would you”在下列句中表示客气的建议、询问。Will you please have a drink?Would you please pass me the salt?Would you like a cup of tea?Would you mind if I opened the window?Would you mind opening the window?Would you mind my opening the window?l would 还表示过去的习惯。等于used toOn Sundays he would get up early and go fishing.,(9)表示勇敢:dare,dare 表示“敢于”,用于否定句、疑问句或条件句。He dare not try.How dare you open the letter?If you dare say a word,Ill strike you down.l dare 还常用作实义动词。He dare to surf in heavy waters.l daresay 或 dare say,表示probably,I suppose.I dare say he will come home late.,2.情态动词的特殊用法,(1)情态动词+不定式完成时1)can/could,may/might,must+have+动词的过去分词用于肯定句:表示对过去事件的主观判断,推测过去某动作“可能”、“也许”、“一定”已发生。Tom could have taken the dictionary.I saw him using it last Sunday.I cant find my sunglasses.I may/might have left them at the restaurant yesterday.You screamed in your sleep last night.You must have had a terrible dream.用于否定句:表示推测过去某动作“可能”、“也许”、“一定”没有发生。She couldnt have finished her work so soon.She may not have seen you.Dad mustnt have washed the dishes last night.,2)should/ought to+have+动词的过去分词。用于肯定句:评论过去“应该做”而实际并未做的动作,意为“本应该”。I didnt ask her.Its a pity.You should have asked her.You ought to have asked everyone.用于否定句:评论过去“不应该做”而实际做了的动作,意为“本不应该”。I only told Mike.You shouldnt have told anyone.You ought not to have told anyone.,3)neednt+have+动词的过去分词对过去已经发生的动作进行评论,认为“无须发生”,“不必做”。I neednt have put on my best suit to go to the party;most of the guests were wearing jeans.We went to the meeting,but it had been cancelled.Oh,so you neednt have gone.,(2)情态动词+不定式进行时,表示推测或评论某动作现在是否正在进行。She may be washing her clothes.He cant be working now.He must be studying in the library.They shouldnt be watching TV now.They should be doing homework.,(3)情态动词+不定式完成进行时,情态动词+have been+动词的现在分词,表示推测或评论过去某动作是否正在进行或一直在进行。He may have been buying stamps in the post office when you saw him.She must have been working then.She should have been attending a meeting yesterday morning.They shouldnt have been chatting while working.,


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