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    2023/10/10,1,Telephoning,Important Word get through打通了 call back回电 dial拨号 pin number 密码 dial tone 拨号音 message口信public phone公用电话 be engaged占线 hang up挂机 receiver话筒 phone booth 电话亭 transfer 转移 phone book 电话本 mobile telephone手机 phone card 电话卡 land line 座机电话 voice message 语音信息 SMS短信,2023/10/10,2,Telephoning,answer the phone 接电话 make/place a call 打电话 call someone back 给某人回电话 hang up 挂断 leave/take a message 留言 on the phone 在打电话Useful ExpressionsCan I ask who is calling,please?请问您是哪位?I had my phone stolen.我手机被偷了。Is Bob there?鲍勃在吗?Could I speak to James please?请问詹姆斯在吗?,2023/10/10,3,Telephoning,Who usually answer the phone in your house?你家里谁经常接电话?Shall we just book the tickets over the phone?我们能不能电话订票?Sorry,theres no answer.Who did you want to speak to?对不起,没人接。你想打给谁?Its ok.Ill call back later.没关系,我过一会儿再打。I might give you a ring over the weekend.周末我给你打电话。Do you know when hell be back?你知道他什么时候回来吗?Do you want to leave a message?请问您需要留言吗?,2023/10/10,4,Telephoning,Dialogue 1 L(Leah)N(Nathaniel)L:Hello,this is the International Student Office.My name is Leah.How may I help you?N:Id like to speak to the Ms.Collins,please.L:Ok.Can I ask who is calling,please?N:This is Nathaniel Brown.,2023/10/10,5,Telephoning,L:And what is your call regarding?N:Id like to talk to her about my accommodation situation.L:Ok,Ill try and put you through.Please hold.N:Ok.L:Sorry,her line is busy at the moment.Can I take a message?,2023/10/10,6,Telephoning,N:Sure.Can you have her call me back on my cell phone number?L:Ok.Whats your number?N:Its 0-7-7-8-7-3-6-7-6-8-8.L:Let me repeat that back to you.Thats zero,double seven,eight,seven,three,six,seven,double six,double eight.N:No,theres no double six at the end of the number.Its just zero,double seven,eight,seven,three,six,seven,six,double eight.,2023/10/10,7,Telephoning,L:I got it.When should I have her call you back?N:Anytime before 6 pm tonight.L:Ok,Nathaniel.Ill have Ms.Collins call you back sometime tonight before 6 pm.N:Thank you!L:Bye!N:Bye!,2023/10/10,8,Telephoning,Dialogue 2 L(Leah)A(Nathaniel)N:Any time after 2pm today would be good for me.L:Mr.Liu is available at 2:15 today.Will that work for you?N:Id prefer to speak with Ms.Fonda.L:Im afraid she isnt available this afternoon.She has an opening at 11:30 this morning.Will that work for you?N:That will be fine.L:Ok,well be expecting you at 11:30.See you then.,2023/10/10,9,Telephoning,Intermediate1.这是你办公室电话还是家里的电话?Is this your office number or your home number?2.密码好像不对。This pin number doesnt seem to be right.3.大部分人很少用公用电话了。Most people rarely use public phones anymore.4.你看见电话亭子里的那个疯子了吗?Did you see that crazy man in the phone booth?5.如果我没有接电话,你可以给我留语音信息。If I dont answer my phone,you can leave me a voice message.,2023/10/10,10,Telephoning,Advanced1.好的秘书知道如何记好留言。Good secretaries know how to take a good message.2.如果别人没有说再见就把电话挂了,我会好几个小 时都感觉不好。When people hang up on me without saying goodbye,I feel horrible for hours!3.每次我给你打电话都占线。Every time I call you,your line is engaged.,2023/10/10,11,Telephoning,4.我不知道该怎么办,给医院的电话打不通。I dont know what to do;I cant get through to the hospital!5.我不相信她在这儿工作还领钱,她总是在打电话。I cant believe she gets paid to work here;shes always on the phone!,2023/10/10,12,Telephoning,Dialogues(Listen,Read,Think and Repeat)BeginnerA:Hello.this is Rich.B:Hi.Rich.Is Jim there?A:Hes not in at the moment.Can I take a message?B:Sure.This is Claire.A:Does he have your telephone number?B:No.Its 3725019281.,2023/10/10,13,Telephoning,A:3725015281?B:No,its 3725019281.Its a 9,not a 5.A:Right.Ill have him call you back.B:Can you tell him that its urgent?A:Sure can.B:Thanks a lot!A:No problem.B:Bye!A:Goodbye.,2023/10/10,14,Telephoning,IntermediateA:Sandy,could you help me contact these people?B:Sure,what do you want me to tell them?A:Well,I need to confirm the time of their classes.B:OK.Where can I find their phone numbers?A:They are all listed here on this sheet of paper.B:Is it their home,office or cell phone number?A:Unless its marked differently,its their home numbers.B:Alright.What if I cant get a hold of them by phone?,2023/10/10,15,Telephoning,A:Then,you should e-mail them with the information.B:Where can I find their e-mail addresses?A:They should have them listed on their resumes.B:And if there arent any e-mail addresses?A:Then send them a SMS on their cell phone.B:OK.That sounds easy enough.Have you called any of them yet?,2023/10/10,16,Telephoning,A:Yes.I called the first three people on the list,but they didnt pick up.B:Did you leave a voice message?A:I left a voice message on one just for the first person on the list.B:I see.What did you tell her?A:I told her that she should call me back at my office number.B:OK.So,maybe I should call her again.A:Yes,that sounds like a good idea.She might not get the other message in time.,2023/10/10,17,Telephoning,B:One more question.It looks like some of these numbers are long-distance.Do you have a calling card that I can use to get through to them?A:Sure.You can use this one.The pin number is written on the back of the card.B:Alright,thanks a lot.Dont worry.Ill take care of it.A:Great work.Im off the weekend!See you on Monday.B:See you!,2023/10/10,18,Telephoning,Task Tips:Here are some things you can say:1.Hello,is this New York?2.Good morning,this is the Mangers office.3.Can I speak to?4.Would you like to leave a message?5.Im afraid the Manager is at a meeting right now.6.Oh,my phone number is.7.Just let me check that.,2023/10/10,19,Telephoning,8.Ill try his mobile.9.How is everything with the family?10.Ill give your message to Mr.as soon as possible.11.Can I get some more help in buying clothes for my interview?12.I think my potential job will repay your kind support.,2023/10/10,20,Telephoning,Zest TimeI Just Call to Say I Love YouStevie WonderNo new years day to celebrateno chocolate covered candy hearts to give awayno first of springno song to singin fact heres just another ordinary dayNo April rainno flowers bloomno wedding Saturday within the month of JuneBut what it isIs something true,2023/10/10,21,Telephoning,Made up of these three words that I must say to youI just called to say I love youI just called to say how much I careI just called to say I love youAnd I mean it from the bottom of my heartNo summers highNo warm JulyNo harvest moon to light one tender August nightNo autumn breezeNo falling leavesNo even time for birds to fly to southern skiesNo libra sunNo Halloween,Telephoning,No giving thanks to all the Christmas joy you bringBut what it isThough old so newTo fill your heart like no three words could ever do.I just called to say I love youI just called to say how much I careI just called to say I love youAnd I mean it from the bottom of my heart.I just called to say I love youI just called to say how much I careI just called to say I love youAnd I mean it from the bottom of my heartOf my heartOf my heart,2023/10/10,23,Telephoning,电话诉衷肠 没有新年可纪念 没有巧克力夹心糖相送 没有初春,没有歌唱 实际上这只是另一个平常的一天 没有四月的雨,没有花儿盛开 没有六月里新婚的星期六 但他是真切的 由这三个字组成,我必须告诉你:我打电话给你仅仅为了告诉你我爱你 我打电话给你仅仅为了告诉你我多么在意你 我打电话给你仅仅为了告诉你我爱你 而且这些话都发自我心底 没有夏日艳阳高照 没有温暖的七月 没有丰收的月亮来照亮一个温柔的八月之夜 没有秋日的微风 没有落叶 甚至没有给鸟儿飞往南方的时间 没有天秤座的太阳,没有万圣节的前夕 也没有对你带来的圣诞节快乐的感谢 但是虽旧犹新的是 没有比这三个字更能充满你心:我打电话给你仅仅为了告诉你我爱你 我打电话给你仅仅为了告诉你我多么在意你 我打电话给你仅仅为了告诉你我爱你 而且这些话都发自我心底,


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