双重卷边金属及塑料容器的密封,Raymond H.Carroll商业无菌包装食品培训教程University of Maryland,Copyright 2010 University of MarylandAll Rights Reserved,Closures For Double Seamed Metal and Plastic Containers,Raymond H.CarrollCommercially Sterile Packaged Foods Training ProgramUniversity of Maryland,Copyright 2010 University of MarylandAll Rights Reserved,开孔易拉盖罐,1810年发明了马口铁罐头储存易腐食品 顶和底焊接到圆罐上,Hole and Cap Can,Tin can invented in 1810 to preserve perishable food Top and bottom soldered to cylinder,易拉盖罐,Hole and Cap Can,顶开罐,焊接边缝 两端有皱纹的,现在称为双重卷边 1920年开始取代开孔易拉盖罐,Open Top Can,Soldered side seam Ends crimped on-now called double seaming Replaced hole and cap can by 1920,现有的双重卷边容器,熔接罐 无缝两片罐 全铝罐 塑料罐或碗易拉罐,Current Double Seam Containers,Welded side seam can Seamless two-piece can All aluminum can Plastic can or bowl Easy-open ends,现今花样繁多的双重卷边金属罐,Variety of Metal Double Seamed Cans Available Today,金属罐生产材料,镀锡钢板 无锡钢板 金属板阳极特性对双重卷边罐的特性有影响,Can Manufacturing Plate,Tin coated base steel Tin-free steel Plate characteristics affect double seam characteristics,容器结构,边缘:将罐体边缘弯曲形成钩状,Container Structure,Flange:Fixed body edge that forms body hook,容器结构,盖卷曲:形成罐盖钩边,Container Structure,End Curl:Forms cover hook,密封剂,在盖的环形槽使用密封剂密封剂的类型取决于产品种类和杀菌方法,Sealing Compound,Sealing compound applied to annular groove of can end Compound type depends on product and method of sterilization,双重卷边,由罐体卷曲和罐盖钩边链接而形成 罐体卷曲和罐盖钩边互相紧扣 双重卷边通过两步操作完成,The Double Seam,Formed by joining body of can with end Interlock of body flange and curl of end Generally formed in two operations,接缝卷拢,Seamer Chuck and Rolls,头道卷封,罐盖钩边与罐体卷曲扣在一起 头道卷封出现的差错在后面加工中不会被消除,First Operation,End curl is interlocked with body flange Can not correct faulty first operation during remaining steps,头道滚轮,接缝的质量受以下因素影响:1.叠接的高度2.底座的压力3.滚轮的排列4.第一步卷拢的紧密度,First Operation Seam,Quality is affected by:1.Pin gauge height2.Base plate pressure3.Alignment of rolls to chuck4.First operation roll tightness,二道卷封,滚轮比第一步更加扁平挤压预成型的钩以提高双重卷边的紧密度,Second Operation,Roll has flatter contour than first operation roll Presses preformed hooks together to develop double seam tightness,双重卷边,每个双重卷边由以下部分组成 三层罐盖两层罐体 适当的密封剂双重卷边形成了密闭的封口,The Double Seam,Each double seam consists of three thicknesses of the can endtwo thicknesses of the can body an appropriate sealing compound distributed through the folded metalThis forms a hermetic seal,塑料碗,Plastic Bowls,双重卷边的结构,通过特定卷边结构的评估对双重卷边结构品质进行判定封口的说明由罐体和罐盖的供应商提供最终在拆毁卷边后通过肉眼观察做出判定,Double Seam Structure,Quality judged by evaluation of specific seam structures Seam specifications furnished by can and end supplier Final judgment made by visual inspection of torn down seam,卷边的测量,埋头度:卷边顶端至临近卷边内壁的肩胛所测得的间距,Seam Measurements,Countersink depth:Seam top to end panel,卷边的测量,卷边厚度:卷封的罐盖、罐体钩合后的铁皮的最大厚度,Seam Measurements,Seam thickness:Distance across seam layers,卷边的测量,卷边的宽度:平行于卷边身盖钩所测得的二重卷边的尺寸,Seam Measurements,Seam width:Dimension parallel to seam layers,卷边的测量(续),身钩:罐身的翻边 叠接:卷边内部身钩和盖钩间相互钩合重叠的部分,Seam Measurements(continued),Body and cover hook:Internal parts of seam Overlap:Degree of interlock between body and cover hooks,紧密度,以盖钩的皱纹程度来判断 Rating indicates relative freedom from wrinkles,Tightness,Judged by degree of wrinkling of cover hook Rating indicates relative freedom from wrinkles,接合区域,双重卷边叠接水平焊接的部分 焊接罐的最关键点 盖钩垂唇的程度,Juncture Area,Where double seam crosses side seam Most critical point in soldered side seam cans Degree of droop in cover hook,接缝的组成,塑料罐与金属罐的接缝比较,Seam Components,Plastic can components comparable to those of the metal can,双重卷边的危险性评价,一个接缝可能看似完美,但内部结构可能有缺点,并且没有达到真空密封,Critical Evaluationof the Double Seam,A seam may appear satisfactory,but may have a faulty internal structure and nohermetic seal.,卷边的危险性评价,对偏差进行测量,评估其严重性,Critical Evaluation of Seams,Experienced judgment needed to assess seriousness of out-of-specification measurements.,埋头深度过大,导致盖钩和叠接率缩小 可能是有底座压力过大造成的,Excessive Countersink Depth,Results in shortened cover hook and overlap Excessive baseplate pressure is one possible cause,头道卷边松弛,可能会造成盖钩和叠接率不佳 可能是由头道滚轮不合适造成的,Loose First Operation Seam,May not form good cover hook and overlap Cause may be improper setting of first operation seaming roll,头道卷边过紧,导致卷边底部扁平、锐边和盖钩不佳 头道滚轮设置过紧可能是原因之一,Excessively TightFirst Operation Seam,Results in flattened seam bottom,sharp seam and poor cover hook Tight setting of first operation seaming roll is one possible cause,身钩过短,可能的原因是:1.升降压力不足2.Incorrect pin height setting 顶针高度设置错误3.滚轮调校错误,Short Body Hooks,Possible causes are:1.Insufficient lifter pressure2.Incorrect pin height setting3.Wrong seaming roll adjustment,身钩过长,可能的原因是:1.升降压力过大2.Incorrect pin height 顶针高度设置错误3.罐身翻边时不恰当,Long Body Hooks,Possible causes are:1.Excessive lifter pressure2.Incorrect pin height3.Improperly formed can flange,二道卷边松弛,金属板叠接没有被充分压紧实 二道滚轮设置不当二道滚轮破损二道滚轮轧槽太宽,Loose Second Operation Seam,Folds of metal may not be pressed together tightly enough improper setting of second operation seaming rollWorn second operation seaming rollSecond operation seaming roll groove too wide,二道卷边过紧,可能导致叠接缩短、锐边,和/或者内容物从 接缝中溢出,Excessively TightSecond Operation Seam,May cause reduction of overlap,sharp seam and/or compound to squeeze out of seam.,盖钩短小,可能的原因有:1.头道滚轮松弛2.升降压力过大3.埋头深度过大,Short Cover Hook,Possible causes include:1.Loose first operation roll2.Excessive lifter pressure3.Excessive countersink depth,盖钩过长,可能的原因是头道滚轮设置过紧,Long Cover Hook,Possible cause is too tight a setting forfirst operation seaming roll.,叠接不充分,可能的原因是:1.罐体边缘不规则2.钩边不规则3.压盖机调校不佳,Insufficient Overlap,Possible causes are:1.Irregular can body flanges2.Irregular end curl3.Poor closing machine adjustment,结构缺点,卷边畸形可能导致真空密封失败在观察发现后,必须立即采取纠正措施,Structural Defects,Seam abnormalities that may result in loss of hermetic seal Corrective action must be taken immediately after observation,垂唇,正常卷边底部出现有平滑的二重卷边突出部分焊接罐盖钩连接部分出现轻微的垂唇可能的原因有几个,Droop,Smooth projection of double seam below bottom of normal seam Slight droop present at cover hook juncture of soldered cans Several possible causes,牙齿,原因是盖钩和身钩叠接不充分或者没有叠接“V”型突出物,Vee or Lip,Due to insufficient or no overlap of cover hook with body hook V shape projection,锐边,卷边顶部内测出现锋利刀口 很容易用手摸出来,Sharp Seam,Sharp edge at the top inside portion of seam More easily felt than seen,快口,卷边顶部内测部位上的锐边严重到铁皮破裂的程度 可能的原因有几个,Cut-Over,Seam which is sharp enough to fracture the metal at the top inside portion of seam Several possible causes,跳封,卷边滚轮在身缝处跳动,造成卷边不紧的缺陷 重叠时,滚轮跳动产生的缺陷,Jumped Seam or Jump-Over,Seam not rolled tight enough adjacent to juncture area Caused by jumping of sealing rolls after passing over lap,卷边隆起,通常发生在三片罐和焊接罐增加端缝的厚度 身钩变形,Seam Bumps,Most often on 3-piece or welded side seam cans Localized increase in packers end seam thickness Distorted body hook,卷边隆起(续),可能的原因:1.Excessively tight finished seams接缝过紧2.身钩过长3.密封剂过多,Seam Bumps(continued),Possible causes:1.Excessively tight finished seams2.Long body hooks3.Excessive sealing compound,滑封,卷封时压头在埋头部位内滑转或自转所造成的不完全卷边一个可能的原因是压头带油,Deadhead or Spinner,Incomplete seam caused by chuck spinning in countersink One possible cause is oil or grease on chuck,假封,盖钩和身钩未完全钩合的卷边 感观检查有时难以发现这一缺陷 拆开卷边才能发现假封,False Seam,Seam which is entirely unhooked Not always detectable by visual examination Seam teardown will reveal,假封(续),其他常见术语:大塌边 钩边损毁,False Seam(continued),Other common terms:Knocked down flange Damaged end curl,罐体胀裂,卷边正常,但罐体胀裂或扭曲一个可能的原因是底托压力太大,Can Body Buckling,Buckled or twisted condition under finished seam One possible cause is excessive baseplate pressure,罐身外斜,罐身不成直角导致不平衡罐在生产过程中存在瑕疵,Cocked Body,Can body blank out of square causing unevenness at lap Can manufacturing defect,装配错误,盖子装配错误在压盖机里,罐身和底部校正不佳,Misassembly,Referred to as misplaced cover Can body and end improperly aligned in closing machine,卷边碎裂,卷边外层有裂口 可能有几个原因,Cut Seam,Outer layer of double seam fractured Several possible causes,蘑菇形边缘,过冶成的罐边缘导致身钩过长可能只有通过卷边横截面检查才能发现,Mushroomed Flange,Overformed can flange resulting in long body hook May only find by examination of seam cross-section,凸出或凹进的编码断裂,产品编码处的金属板破裂可能的原因:凸起和凹陷字符排列错误字型支持装置调整不当新旧字型混淆凸起和凹陷字型匹配 编码器压力过大或设置不当,造成编码过深采用喷墨打码设备可以避免这一问题出现,FracturedEmbossed/Debossed Codes,Result when the metal of the end has been cut through at the code markPossibly be caused by:Misalignment of male and female type charactersMisalignment of type holdersIntermixing of new and old typesImproper matching of male and female typeExcessive coder pressure or improper coder setting giving too deep a code markThe use of an ink jet coding system has eliminate this concern,Broken Chuck压头损毁,压头部分边缘损毁卷边松弛造成压头损毁的原因很多,Broken Chuck,Portion of chuck lip missing Loose seam at that point Several possible causes of chuck damage,双重卷边完整性评估,检查应该由训练有素的技师执行 检查应该包括感官和解剖检查两部分,Evaluation ofDouble Seam Integrity,Inspections shall be performed by trained closure technician Inspections shall include visual and teardown examinations,感官检验,封罐机前端都应有感官检验检验外部特征是否有粗糙的瑕疵,Visual Examinations,Required for each closing machine head External features shall be examined for gross defect,感官检查(续),根据必要情况,经常进行感官检查两次检查间隔不要超过30分钟在罐和底部类型改变时,应该进行感官检查,Visual Examinations(continued),Shall be made as often as necessary Should be made at intervals not to exceed 30 minutes Should be made following change of can or end type,解剖检查,工具卷边测微器,Teardown Examination,Tools Seam micrometer,解剖检查,工具埋头度测量仪,Teardown Examination,Tools Countersink gauge,解剖检查,工具起罐器,Teardown Examination,ToolsCan opener,解剖检查,工具镊钳,Teardown Examination,ToolsNippers,Optional Tools可选择的其它工具,Seam saw-cuts cross-section 卷边横截面切割仪,Optional Tools,Seam saw-cuts cross-section,Optional Tools可选择的其它工具,投影仪-在检查叠接率是非常有效,Optional Tools,Seam projector-very effective for determining overlap,Optional Tools可选择的其它工具,卷边观测仪,Optional Tools,Seam scope-for looking at seam cross-section,解剖频率,每个卷边封头至少检验一个罐解剖频率应能准确了解卷边的完整性情况 两次检查时间间隔应不超过4小时应记录结果和纠偏措施,Teardown Frequency,Shall be made on at least one can per seaming head Frequency shall ensure seal integrity Should be made at intervals not to exceed 4 hours Shall record results and corrective actions,何时进行解剖检验,生产开始前在发生严重故障后立即进行封口机调校或改变后应进行解剖检验,When to Perform Teardowns,Beginning of production Immediately after severe jam After adjustments or changes to seaming machine,必须的测量设备,测微器体系光学体系,Required Measurements,Micrometer system Optical system,Micrometer Measurement System测微器测量体系,三个测量点以120度左右的角度切,不要相互接触用以检验盖钩、身钩、宽度、紧密度、厚度和接缝盖钩完整率,Micrometer Measurement System,Three measurements are made at points approximately 120 degrees apart,excluding juncture Cover hook,body hook,width,tightness,thickness,juncture rating(USDA)required,解剖检验和步骤,测微器方法,Teardown Measurements and Procedures,Micrometer method,解剖双重卷边,Tearing Down the Double Seam,解剖盖钩,Disengaging the Cover Hook,光学检验体系,至少要有两个检验部位(USDA)用以检验身钩、迭接率、紧密度、厚度和接缝盖钩完整率,Optical Measurement System,Cuts should be from at least two different locations Required to measure body hook,overlap,tightness,thickness and juncture rating(USDA),解剖检验步骤,1.可以先外部检验(卷边宽度、厚度和埋头度),之后2.内部检验盖钩、身钩、紧密度、接缝盖钩完整率和受压隆起,TeardownMeasurement Procedure,1.Applicable external measurement(seam width,thickness,countersink)followed by2.Internal measurements(body and cover hooks,tightness and juncture ratings,pressure ridge),强度和接缝盖钩完整率,应该检测盖钩的紧密度和起皱率接缝盖钩完整率显示了盖钩有效叠接的情况,Tightness and Juncture Rating,Cover hook should be examined for tightness or wrinkle rating Juncture rating indicates percentage of cover hook available for overlap,受压隆起,在二道滚边过程中,为了卷边紧密度而在罐身上形成的压痕,Pressure Ridge,The pressure ridge is an impression on the body wall as the result of the pressure applied by the second operation roll in creating seam tightness,双重卷边塑料罐的检验程序,Evaluation Procedures for Double Seamed Plastic Containers,紧密度,塑料成分在双重卷边的压紧情况检验方法不同容器供应商应推荐检验方法,Tightness,Compression of plastic components in double seam Different methods for evaluation Package supplier will recommend method,检验结果的说明,如果结果不令人满意,重新取样检验瑕疵,Interpretationof Inspection Results,Resample if results are unsatisfactory,then assess severity of defect.,感官检验结果,当出现下列问题时,立即采取纠偏措施:锐利的快口或裂痕出现大的快口出现严重垂唇牙齿,Visual Inspection Results,Immediate corrective action when:Sharp cut-over or fractures Heavy cut-over at crossover Severe droop at crossover Vees or lips,感官检验结果,当出现下列问题时,立即采取纠偏措施:假封卷边变形发生侧滑编码破裂,Visual Inspection Results,Immediate corrective action when:False seam Distorted seam Skidding or deadheading Fractured code,解剖检验结果,如果某关键因素超过限值,那么立即采取纠偏措施,Teardown Inspection Results,Immediate corrective action must be madeif measurements on critical factors are beyond adjustment tolerance limits.,Good Seam Formation良好卷边的组成,Cannot be judged by purely mechanical means or measurements不能单纯通过机械方法或检测设备来确定 Requires experience and skill which cannot be quickly imparted需要有经验丰富而熟练的技师,Good Seam Formation,Cannot be judged by purely mechanical means or measurements Requires experience and skill which cannot be quickly imparted,罐封检验记录,所有的感官评定和检验都应保存记录应记录瑕疵及纠偏措施,Can SeamEvaluation Records,All visual examinations and measurements shall be recorded Shall record defects and steps taken to correct problems,