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    华为APS系统总体架构介绍华为APS项目组2004年1月7日,APS系统总体架构介绍,APS 系统的作用APS 系统的技术架构APS 系统的应用架构APS 系统的内部数据流APS 系统的在华为当前的应用情况,APS 系统的作用,Huawei To Be planning process using various systems under ISC modules and i2 SCM modules under APS is geared towards resolving the As Is issues in the current planning process.The total end to end level I to be planning process is as shown.,APS 系统的作用,APS是一种在资源约束前提下的优化计划,既可用于单个企业内部的短期的计划与排产,又可用于在已知条件下的长期预测和在企业间进行计划,成为改进和优化企业供应链管理的有力工具:预测人员可以使用该系统用定性和定量信息制定预测并可以对预测的波动进行管理运行基于约束的供应链计划,提高计划的准确性;将供应和需求基于约束进行匹配,并能识别出约束;提高计划可视性、可追溯性,并具有交互式模拟功能具有基于约束、规则的制造排产功能,在线提供产能的可视性。能够使用该系统进行快速的ATP检查和订单状态查询,具有良好的供应能力和订单状态可视性支持与供应商的合作计划(预测、供应能力、PO),APS系统总体架构介绍,APS 系统的意义APS 系统的技术架构APS 系统的应用架构APS 系统的内部数据流APS 系统的在华为当前的应用情况,APS系统的技术架构,APS系统总体架构overviewAPS系统的Web UI架构各模块的系统架构DP模块的系统架构FP模块的系统架构SCP模块的系统架构SCC模块的系统架构OP模块的系统架构实现各模块内部集成的中间件架构APS系统外部集成架构APS系统内部集成架构APS系统的硬件环境,APS系统总体架构overviewAPS与ISC中的其他系统的集成,APS Modules fits into the overall ISC framework as shown in the figure below.Oracle ERP is central data repository from which APS modules are linked.The data flows between APS modules at a higher level is shown in the figure below:,APS系统总体架构overviewAPS与ISC中的其他系统的集成,APS 系统是ISC的核心子系统,负责供应链计划功能。ERP系统提取历史的销售数据,在APS的DP模块的数据生成预测数据给FN模块在FN模块实现预测与salesorder的冲减,其结果netted forecast送给SCP、FP模块SCP/FP模块对salesorder、netted forecast、wip、pr、po等需求进行计划、排产SCP输出可分配的产能给DF OP模块进行定单承诺SCP、FP输出forecast给scc模块,在scc模块华为采购员与供应商进行交互,供应商反馈supply commitment将ERP系统的PO导入SCC模块,在SCC系统华为采购员与供应商进行PO信息的交互APS系统计划的结果(任务令、PR、定单的发运时间)回写到ERP系统进行执行,APS系统总体架构overviewAPS与ISC中的其他系统的集成,在APS系统实现了华为与供应商的信息交互(通过SCC模块)、与客户的信息交互(通过DF OP模块),将华为的供应链延伸到上下游,增加的整个供应链的可视性。在SCP/FP模块实现了考虑内部、外部产能的约束计划及实现生产执行环节的细致排产,实现了供应链的计划的整体优化。,APS系统总体架构overview,The various modules within APS architecture are as shown:,Dev Environment,DP Adapter,DP Engine,SCC DB,DP Web UI,SCP Web UI,FP Web UI,DF Web UI,SCC Web UI,WebLogic,iPlanet Web Server,Browser,ODS,SCCDB,ODS Loader,WebMethods,Task Scheduler,iPlanet Directory Server,VisiBroker,SCM Web UI Infrastructure,ROI App Mgr,ROI Server,DP App Mgr,DP RMI,SCP Adapter,SCP Engine,SCP App Mgr,SCP RMI,FP Adapter,FP Engine,FP App Mgr,FP RMI,DF Adapter,DF Engine,DF App Mgr,DF RMI,SCC Adapter,SCC Engine,SCC App Mgr,SCC RMI,i2 APS ARCHITECTURE HUAWEI,I,N,T,R,A,N,E,T,WebLogic AppServer/,WebServer,LDAP Server,SCM UI Infrastructure,wM,Messge,Broker,INTERNET,ORACLE 11i,ROI Oracle,Interface,wM,Oracle,Adapter,ROI Server,ODS,ODS,Loader,Task,Scheduler,DF,Engine,App,Mgr,ODS Adapter,DP,Engine,App,Mgr,ODS Adapter,SCP,Engine,App,Mgr,ODS Adapter,FP,Engine,App,Mgr,ODS Adapter,I,N,T,E,R,N,E,T,Role Based Common User Interface,APS系统的技术架构,APS系统总体架构overviewAPS系统的Web UI架构各模块的系统架构DP模块的系统架构FP模块的系统架构SCP模块的系统架构SCC模块的系统架构OP模块的系统架构实现各模块内部集成的中间件架构APS系统外部集成架构APS系统内部集成架构APS系统的硬件环境,APS系统WEB架构,APS系统总体架构overviewAPS与ISC中的其他系统的集成,A browser request goes to a web server The role of the web server is to return static HTML pages to the userThe role of the servlet engine is to return content that is being dynamically generated.Two Java technologies-servlets and JSPs(Java Server Pages)This dynamic content is generated either from data that is extracted from a database,or from data that is retrieved from an in-memory engine such as SCP.The technology used to retrieve data:data is coming from a database:a Java technology called JDBC data is coming from a Java application:RMI data is coming from an application that is not in Java:CORBA,APS WEB UI系统架构,APS系统的技术架构,APS系统总体架构overviewAPS系统的Web UI架构各模块的系统架构DP模块的系统架构FP模块的系统架构SCP模块的系统架构SCC模块的系统架构OP模块的系统架构实现各模块内部集成的中间件架构APS系统外部集成架构APS系统内部集成架构APS系统的硬件环境,DP模块系统架构,Demand Planner is a forecasting and decision support system.DP database:multidimensional data model accesses the same DP database using two different servers-Demand Administrator server and Demand Planner server(DP engine).Using the client-server architecture A client is connected to the server through a Local Area Network(LAN)or Wide Area Network(WAN).the UI clients connect to Demand Planner servers to display data.Analysis and reporting.ODS:initialized and updated from ODSexchanges data with other i2 module,DP模块系统架构,FP模块系统架构,Following are the key features of i2 Factory Planners overall architecture:FP follows a multi-tier web based architecture.The in-memory C+based FP engine connects to the web UI components via CORBA for providing distributed GUI capabilities to users.Data is stored in ODS which runs on a RDBMS.ODS comprises of its specific schema as well as Java interfaces for interaction with i2 products like FP.Java based FP import adapters pull data out of ODS and send it to engine(via CORBA)for planning.Planning results are written back to ODS by FP export adapters.FP engine can also connect to its Batch Client(a C+based client)as shown above.FP is compliant with i2s CIS architecture.This gives FP the capability to tightly integrate with other i2 products as well as third party software like ERP systems,marketplaces,etc.FP provides multiple layers of security as given below:Layer 1:Network firewall restricting access to only trusted hosts from outside the LAN.Layer 2:A policy director using Siteminder Policy Server or Tivoli SecureWay Policy Director.Layer 3:User authentication and authorization using LDAP,FP模块系统架构,FP模块系统架构,The different components are used as described below:Data is loaded using JDBC loader into ODS.JDBC loader is provided along with the ODS installation.After launching the CBC server,FP-TMAPI adapters are run in one of the supported modes(StandAlone with engine communication,StandAlone without engine communication or RMI).FP engine is brought up from the FP-TMAPI initialization adapters Standalone or RMI messages trigger import adapters that pull data out of ODS and send it to FP engine.Standalone or RMI messages trigger planning adapters that load data into FP engine.While planning,material plans and infinite capacity plans are generated and stored within the engine.At any step,users can connect to the FP engine using FP UI(Web/VB)and go through the supply chain/planning information,view/edit/re-plan For detail commands,batch client statements can be executed on FP engine using FP batch client.,FP模块系统架构,SCP模块系统架构,Following are the key features of i2 Supply Chain Planners overall architecture:SCP follows a multi-tier web based architecture.The in-memory C+based SCP engine connects to the web UI components via CORBA for providing distributed GUI capabilities to users.Data is stored in ODS which runs on a RDBMS.ODS comprises of its specific schema as well as Java interfaces for interaction with i2 products like SCP.Java based SCP import adapters pull data out of ODS and send it to engine(via CORBA)for planning.Planning results are written back to ODS by SCP export adapters.SCP engine can also connect to its native UI(a VB based fat client)as shown above.SCP is compliant with i2s CIS(Common Integration Services)architecture.This gives SCP the capability to tightly integrate with other i2 products as well as third party software like ERP systems,marketplaces,etc.,SCP模块系统架构,Following are the key features of i2 Supply Chain Planners overall architecture:SCP provides multiple layers of security as given below:Layer 1:Network firewall restricting access to only trusted hosts from outside the LAN.Layer 2:A policy director using Siteminder Policy Server or Tivoli SecureWay Policy Director.Layer 3:User authentication and authorization using LDAP-iPlanet Directory Server Layer 4:User/Role level report access permissions set through SCP UIs Admin screen.,SCP模块系统架构,SCP模块系统架构,The different components are used as described below:Data is loaded using JDBC loader into ODS.JDBC loader is provided along with the ODS installation.After registering the Java adapters,SCP engine is brought up and Application Manager is run in one of the supported modes(Console,RMI or WebMethods).Application Manager triggers import adapters that pull data out of ODS and send it to SCP engine.Planning is triggered by Application Manager.One of the three solvers(or a recommended combination),viz.MAP,SIGMA and lpOPt,can be used for planning.MAP and SIGMA are provided with SCP engine while lpOPt executable is external to SCP engine.Huawei uses MAP solver.At any step,users can connect to the SCP engine using SCP UI(Web/VB)and go through the supply chain/planning information.For debugging,OIL statements can be executed on SCP engine using OIL debugger that is provided in the form of SCP batch client.,SCP模块系统架构,SCC 的系统架构,SCC Web Server,SCC App Server,SCC DB Server,ERP PO,APS EDS/EDC,User Client,User Client,。,标准三层架构:华为DB Server为,App Server为Web Logic5.2,Web Server为iPlanet;数据在DB保存,业务逻辑在APP实现;,SCC模块安全架构,采用B/S结构。系统由Web服务器、应用服务器、数据库服务器、LDAP服务器组成。由于Internet为主要的访问方式,考虑到Web的访问量和进出Web的流量要求不是很高,在客户端与Web Server的数据传输采用SSL加密(证传输信息的机密性和完整性保护),Web服务器放在DMZ区中,其它服务器都放在公司内部网。用一道防火墙保护WEB服务器,提高Web服务的可用性,用两道防火墙保护APP/DB服务器的服务和相关秘密数据不被泄漏和修改。SCC的安全包括两个方面:Web Server的安全和SCC模块)的安全。主要的安全措施为:通信加密,身份认证,访问控制。而通信加密是其他两个措施的前提。,SCC模块安全架构,SSL服务器证书LDAP客户端证书SCC的Web Server的采用客户证书认证用户,客户端采用Web Server的数字证书认证Web Server。同时用SSL来做通道加密,防止交易数据泄漏。同时SSL也用于保护Web Server和LDAP间的通信安全(机密性和完整性保护)。SCC模块的安全主要在于访问控制,利用SCC自身功能完成。这种方案安全性强,使用数字证书签名为为交易提供法律保护和证据,要求客户端申请安装数字证书,必须建立相应的证书管理制度和规范。,SCC模块安全架构,APS系统的技术架构,APS系统总体架构overviewAPS系统的Web UI架构各模块的系统架构DP模块的系统架构FP模块的系统架构SCP模块的系统架构SCC模块的系统架构OP模块的系统架构实现各模块间集成的中间件架构APS系统外部集成架构APS系统内部集成架构APS系统的硬件环境,实现各模块间集成的中间件架构,ODSThe ODS is designed to be the single source of data for i2 supply chain planning applications.The ODS implements the objects defined in the i2 TmAPI native schema.The TmAPI native schema exposes a single data interface for APS.This reduces the number of integration points between Legacy/ERP systems and APS.ODS is also used for handling the business logic that spans across the applications.ODSS:The user applications access ODS through an application layer the Operational Data Store Service or ODSS.The ODSS is implemented using Java and JDBC.,实现各模块间集成的中间件架构,TmAPI adapter Each application interacting with ODS implements a TmAPI adapter to ODS for accessing data in ODS.Task scheduler:The workflow coordination across multiple application and application instances is configured using a Task Scheduler.The Task Scheduler triggers the messages and communicates them to each of the planning application instances using the Web Method front bus.,实现各模块间集成的中间件架构,Application managerEach planning application has an application manager that connects with the Web Method front bus on one end and the planning application on the other.There is one instance of application manger for each instance of planning application.During the initialization the application manager instance registers the planning application instance with the Web Method broker.This enables the Web Methods broker to route the messages generated by the task scheduler to the designated planning application instance.The application manger receives the messages from the task scheduler and interacts with the application instance to carry out tasks like import/export of data or start/shut down of planning application instance.,实现各模块间集成的中间件架构,实现各模块间集成的中间件架构Task scheduler的消息驱动机制,Task Scheduler is used to define,execute and monitor the APS workflow execution.TS can be used with two bindings that come with CIS.Task Scheduler consists primarily of three partsTask Scheduler serverIt runs like any other Application Server adapter.Task Scheduler UI It is deployed in WebLogic.It communicates with server using client API.BrowserInternet Browser(e.g.Internet Explorer)is used to browse and execute tasks.,实现各模块间集成的中间件架构,Task Scheduler makes use of CIS Agent and CIS Manager.CIS Agent is a process running on every host with a CIS adapter.CIS Agent uses multicasting to remotely manage adapters on other hosts.CIS Manager is the Web UI that runs inside the CIS Agent.It is a visual tool for starting and stopping adapters,viewing and changing initializer settings.Tasks can include the followingRun a scriptMake Client API callsTrigger other tasks or notificationsBe dependent on other tasksBe scheduled to run at given timesSend messages to Application Integrator Enterprise Server,实现各模块间集成的中间件架构,实现各模块间集成的中间件架构Task scheduler的消息驱动机制,i2 Engine M/C(szxfp01-ps),App Server M/C(szxap01-ps),Task Scheduler,CIS Agent,CIS Agent,Jython Adapter,CISFRONT BUS,scriptxxx.xml,ROI Server,ODS Loader,output.xml,i2 Planning Engine,Executing tasks on the remote machineThe remote machine is imported into the central Task Scheduler.The remote machine also hosts the CIS Agent.The Jython Adapter is the one that is needed to execute the tasks on SCP machine.Jython Adapter is installed on SCP machine and imported into the central Task Scheduler machine.,实现各模块间集成的中间件架构,Task scheduler系统架构,APS系统的技术架构,APS系统总体架构overviewAPS系统的Web UI架构各模块的系统架构DP模块的系统架构FP模块的系统架构SCP模块的系统架构SCC模块的系统架构OP模块的系统架构实现各模块间集成的中间件架构APS系统外部集成架构APS系统内部集成架构APS系统的硬件环境,APS系统外部集成,APS系统外部集成,Erp data,从ERP下载数据,使用的技术:所有下载数据的ROI程序都是PL/SQL程序,运行过程:1、运行ROI的程序将ERP系统的数据写入ROI的临时表,2、将ROI临时表的数据生成文本文件。以上二个过程由ROI server发送message主动完成。取数频次:DF 做ATP需要的sales order 是一天二次,FP/SCP/FN 需要的数据都是一天一次,取数时间为在晚上。DP需要的BOM每周一次,其他数据是每月一次。,回写的数据,WIP使用的技术:使用oracle ERP标准的接口表wip_job_schedule_interface、wip_job_dtls_interface。通过ROI程序将APS的计划结果写入以上二个接口表,由ERP接口程序负责更新WIP模块相关的数据。频次:一天一次。PR 使用的技术:使用oracle ERP标准的接口表po_requisitions_interface_all。在ROI开发了一个UI,由用户调整PR,然后写入该接口表,由ERP的接口表程序处理产生实际的PR。频次:一天一次。Report:FP 静态报表直接上载到OSP系统Forecast、EDC、salesorder计划信息:只回写到EDS,用户通过UI访问OSP需要的整机任务令、salesorder的信息通过EDS写入OSP系统,DP的外部集成,OP 模块的外部集成,APS系统的技术架构,APS系统总体架构overviewAPS系统的Web UI架构各模块的系统架构DP模块的系统架构FP模块的系统架构SCP模块的系统架构SCC模块的系统架构OP模块的系统架构实现各模块间集成的中间件架构APS系统外部集成架构APS系统内部集成架构APS系统的硬件环境,APS 内部集成(DATA),The design of the SCM integration can be summarized as follows:ODS is the central data storage for SCM planning engines.The planning engines will read input and write output data to ODS.The schema in ODS is the standard Operational Data Store with common data object definition across multiple planning engines.The interfaces between I2 planning engines and ODS are fully supported by I2 products.For each planning engine,I2 provides the corresponding ODS adapters for extracting and sending data to ODS.The integration between SCM planning engines is also fully supported.During a planning cycle,the output from one planning engine(such as DP)needs to be sent to another planning engine(such as SCP).I2 SCM template provides the Workflow adapters that convert upstream planning engine output to downstream planning engine input.Integration with Collaboration EnginesFor exchanging data between SCC and planning engines,there need Workflow scripts(in EDS/ODS)to convert data(such as forecast from SCP)to SCC inputs or vice versa(supply commits).,APS 内部集成(DATA),APS系统字符集转换,The various steps in the above flow diagram are as follows:Data from Oracle in Simplified Chinese is extracted using Oracle ROI into ROI staging tables.Data is also maintained in EDS tables along with ROI staging tables.Data is extracted by ROI from ROI staging tables and EDS into Flat Files in Simplified Chinese.ODS Lo


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