,Types of Media TranslationCharacteristics of Media TranslationBasic Qualities a Media Translator Should Be Equipped withRecommended ReferencesAssessment for This Course,Types of Media Translation,1.新闻翻译2.影视翻译3.报刊杂志翻译4.广告翻译5.网络翻译6.发布会翻译7.政府文书翻译8.其它翻译(名片、菜单、产品说明书、简历、公司简介、可行性报告、毕业证书等),Characteristics of Media Translation,1.内容广泛:报刊杂志,广播电视,网络,广告等等2.题材多样:政治、经济、文化、教育、科技、军事、娱乐等3.充分考虑目的语读者的知识文化结构、目的及预期等4.语言形式多样:书面语/口头语5.传播速度快,讲求时效性6.受众覆盖面广,传媒翻译译者的基本素养,态度三百六十度转弯火辣的表演虎头蛇尾门面工程事故多发路段,态度三百六十度转弯:do a roundabout in ones attitude toward.火辣的表演:in-your-face performance虎头蛇尾:fizzle out门面工程:facade project事故多发路段:black spot,农家菜正宗湘菜欠薪留守儿童拳头产品,农家菜:cottage-style dishes正宗湘菜:authentic dishes欠薪:salary in arrears留守儿童:resident children拳头产品:knock-out product,啃老族:走光:露脐装:露肩装:,啃老族 boomerang children走光 wardrobe malfunction露脐装 half-shirt露肩装 topless,大学毕业生巡回招聘提升就业能力电脑迷,大学毕业生巡回招聘Milk round提升就业能力Increase ones employability电脑迷Mouse potato,领导干部要讲政治,领导干部要讲政治1.Cadres should talk about politics.2.Cadres should emphasize politics.3.Cadres should give prominence to politics.4.Cadres should be politically aware.,The primary currency of the negotiations became limits on the number of launchers,not limits on missiles or their characterisitcs.(currency:a medium of intellectual exchange or expression),“If the airlines can fill every seat they can find at full rate”,says one Washington aviation expert,“theyd be nuts to sell seats for 30 or 40 percent off.”,基本素养一:扎实的语言功力,娴熟的英语水平,Publish or Perish,Publish or Perish要么出书,要么出局。,Bush daughters reach legal age to drink,Bush daughters reach legal age to drink布什双娇初长成 酒巷从此任纵横,Singapore film star gives part of liver to save dying lovers,Singapore film star gives part of liver to save dying lovers若为爱情故,肝脏亦可抛,Murderers Caught Thanks to a Monkey,Murderers Caught Thanks to a Monkey猴眼金睛,凶犯现形,热烈欢迎XXX莅临我校坚持指导工作齐心协力共建新农村,热烈欢迎XXX莅临我校坚持指导工作齐心协力共建社会主义新农村,热烈欢迎XXX莅临我校坚持指导工作We extend warm welcome to 齐心协力共建社会主义新农村Working in partnership to build a new socialist rural area.,基本素养二 对媒体语言的了若指掌:1)词汇层次上的特点 2)句子层次上的特点(句式的选择)3)篇章层次上的特点(信息的安排及取舍),Until they have this patch installed,it will be Swiss cheese anybody can walk in and out of their servers.,和平统一,和平统一Unification or Reunification?,中国政府决定于一九九七年七月一日对香港恢复行使主权,中国政府决定于一九九七年七月一日对香港恢复行使主权The Government of Peoples Republic of China has dicided to resume the(exercise of)sovereignty over Hong Kong with effect from 1 July 1997.,新中国的成立,标志着中华民族实现了空前的大团结,新中国的成立,标志着中华民族实现了空前的大团结The founding of New China marked,新中国的成立,标志着中华民族实现了空前的大团结The founding of the PRC in 1949 marked an unprecedented great unity of the Chinese nation.,我国先秦思想家早就提出了“亲仁善邻”的思想,反应了中国人民自古以来就希望天下天平,同各国人民友好相处。,我国先秦思想家早就提出了“亲仁善邻”的思想,反应了中国人民自古以来就希望天下天平,同各国人民友好相处Chinese thinkers of the pre-Qin days advanced the doctrine“loving people and treating neighbors kindly are most valuable to a country.”This reflects the aspiration of the Chinese people for a peaceful world where people of all countries live in harmony.,Chinese thinkers of the pre-Qin days(over 2,000 years ago)advanced the doctrine“loving people and treating neighbors kindly are most valuable to a country.”This reflects the aspiration of the Chinese people for a peaceful world where people of all countries live in harmony.,基本素养三文化意识政治意识,A LA research firm said PDA chip content will inch up marginally in 2002.The stock market is expected to bottom out at the end of this month.Cineplex,A LA research firm said PDA chip content will inch up marginally in 2002.(爬升)The stock market is expected to bottom out at the end of this month.(探底反弹/触底反弹)Cineplex 影城,其它素养:1.具有跨学科的知识2.具备一些杂家知识,英汉传媒文本对比,传媒生态环境比较政治制度、意识形态、经济文化、传媒本身的所有制及发展历史都影响着传媒的生态环境英语国家的传媒:多私有制;商业化为主中国的传媒:基本上国家所有,多种所有制形式并存;政治化色彩比较浓厚,兼具商业化,传媒新闻理念比较美国威尔伯施拉姆(Wilbur Lang Schramm)提出了四种新闻理念:集权主义理论:国家监控媒体以利其统治自由主义理论:主张言论、出版自由社会责任理论:传媒度社会肩负着义务,对民众负责苏维埃理论:传媒是政党和国家的工具,带有强制,Recommended References,1.报刊语言翻译,张健,2008,高等教育出版社2.传媒翻译概论,王海,2011,暨南大学出版社3.英汉-汉英综合翻译教程,方梦之,2008,上海外语教育出版社4.英汉新闻翻译,刘其中,2009,清华大学出版社5.汉英新闻翻译,刘其中,2009,清华大学出版社6.Translaiton Goes to the Movie(电影中的翻译),Michael Cronin,2011,上海外语教育出版社7.英语国家报刊杂志,如:Newsweek,Economist,National Geographic8.国内英语报刊杂志,如:Beijing Review,Global Times,汉语报刊杂志9.英语典故词典,Schedule for This Course,Orientation:2 periods报刊杂志翻译:6 periods新闻翻译:6影视翻译:6广告翻译:4网络翻译:2发布会翻译:2政府文书翻译:2其它翻译:2Review:2Final Exam:2 course,Assessment for This Course,Assessment of your performance in this course will be based on:1)Your attendance and your class performance,accounting for 20%;2)homework assignments,book reports and term paper,accouting for 40%;and 3)final exam,accounting for 40%,