,Unit 5 My New Room!,(人教PEP)五年级英语上册课件,lesson 1,Welcome to my home!,Is this your?,Come and look at my bedroom.,It s old.,Come and look at my new bedroom.,1,3,4,5,Guess!Whats this?,6,mirror,Mirror,mirror,look into the mirror.,3,4,5,6,trash bin,Trash bin,trash bin,empty the trash.,4,5,6,end table,End table,end table,clean the end table.,5,6,closet,Closet,closet,Open the closet.,Mirror,mirror,look into the mirror.,Trash bin,trash bin,empty the trash.,End table,end table,clean the end table.,Closet,closet,Open the closet.,Lets chant,6,air-conditioner,Air-conditioner,air-contioner,it is cool.,curtain,Curtain,curtain,Close curtains,Whats this?,end table,closet,trash bin,mirror,curtain,air-conditioner,Whats this?,Whats this?,根据句意,写出所缺的单词(第一个字母已给出)。1Ihaveac_inmyroomIputawaymyclothes init2Thereisanewa_ inmynewroomItscool,loset,ir-conditioner,根据句意,写出所缺的单词(第一个字母已给出)。3.Therearemanystorybooksonthes_inAmysroom4.Mikeputsthegarbagein thet_b_,helf,rash,in,根据句意,写出所缺的单词(第一个字母已给出)。5Ihavean e_near mybedIputa lamp on it2Thereisabigm_ on the wall in the bathroom,nd table,irror,In my roomI have a bed,Introduce your bedroom,Lets sing,I have a bed.I have a shelf.In my room,in my room.I have a mirror.I have a trash bin.In my room,in my room.,I have an end table.I have curtainsIn my room,in my room.Air-conditioner,air-conditioner.It is cool,it is cool.,Lets share:,East or west,home is best!,Do love your homeand love your family!,Bye bye.,