Lesson 1Traditional Chinese Medicine:History and Development,Erin,I.New words1.pathogenic,pdenik 致病的 patho-病 pathology 病理学2.miscellaneous misleinis 各式各样的;杂的3.extant ekstnt 现存的4.distinct distikt 既然不同的 5.pivot pivt 枢轴,支点pivotal pivtl adj.关键的;中枢的;枢轴的 6.diagnostics,dainstiks 诊断学 diagnose diagnosis diagnostic diagnostics 7.therapeutics,erpju:tiks 治疗学,8.supplementsplimnt 附录,增刊;补充 n./v9.lore l:学问,知识10.synopsis sinpsis 大纲,要略11.etiology,i:tildi 病源学,病因学12.pharmacopoeia,f:mkpi:药典 pharmaco-药 pharmacy药房,药学 pharmacist 药剂师 pharmacology 药理学 pharmacologist 药理学家pharmaceutics 制药学,配药学,13.emergencyim:dnsi 急诊 room dept.14.gynecology,ainikldi 妇科学15.obstetricsbstetriks 产科学16.pediatrics,pi:ditriks 儿科学17.proofreadpru:f,ri:d 校对18.exogenouseksdns 外因的endogenousenddns 内因的19.diaphoresis,daifri:sis 发汗 sweat流汗,使流汗 perspire流汗,分泌,20.emesisemsis 呕吐 vomit21.purgation p:ein 净肠,洗肠,通便22.remedy remidi 补救,治疗,矫正23.pharmacologist,fa:mkldist 药物学家pendiumkmpendim 摘要,概要25.astronomystrnmi 天文学26.anatomyntmi 解剖学pilation,kmpilein 汇编,编辑28.pathogenesis,pdenisis 发病机制29.stasissteisis 停滞30.monograph 专论 monoclonal,II.Language Points:1.朝代的表达the+拼音+Dynasty清朝 the Qing Dynasty秦汉时期the Qin and Han Dynasties2.四大经典著作的表达 the Four Great Classics黄帝内经(Huangdis Canon of Medicine)难经(Classic of Difficulties)伤寒杂病论(Treatise on Cold Damage and Miscellaneous Diseases)神农本草经(Shennongs Classic of Materia Medica),3.七情中药的配伍关系(1)单行single effect(2)相须mutual reinforcement(3)相使mutual assistance(4)相畏mutual restraint(5)相杀mutual inhibition(6)相恶mutual antagonism ntnizm 对抗,敌对(7)相反mutual suppression spren 压制;镇压;禁止;抑制,4.针灸甲乙经(A-B Classics of Acupuncture and Moxibustion)甲乙丙丁ABCDhepatitis,heptaitis hepato-肝 hepatic hiptik adj.肝的;肝脏色的;治肝病的-itis 炎hepatitis A(甲肝),hepatitis B(乙肝),hepatitis C(丙肝),一、术语翻译1.中国医药学traditional Chinese medicine;TCM2.中医基础理论basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine3.临床经验clinical experience4.辨证论治treatment based on syndrome differentiation5.杂病miscellaneous diseases,6.中药学Chinese pharmacy7.四气五味four properties and five flavors/tastes8.针灸acupuncture and moxibustion;acumox9.古代中国哲学classical Chinese philosophy10.汗法sweating therapy;diaphoresis,11.下法purgation12.吐法emesis;vomiting therapy;emetic therapy13.补土派the School of Reinforcing the Earth14.病因学etiology15.方剂prescription;formula,16.医疗实践medical practice17.治疗原则therapeutic principles18.寒凉药物herbs cold and cool in nature滋阴降火19.nourishing yin and reducing fire瘀血致病20.diseases caused by blood stagnation,二、句子翻译1.中国医药学有数千年的历史,是中国人民长期同疾病斗争的经验总结。TCM has a history of thousands of years and is a summary of the Chinese peoples experience in their struggle against diseases.TCM,with a history of thousands of years,is a summary of the Chinese peoples experience in their struggle against diseases.2.中医学有完整的理论体系。TCM has a unique and integrated theoretical system.,3.中医学是研究人的生命规律以及疾病的发生、发展和防治规律的一门科学。TCM is a science that studies the rules of life as well as the occurrence,progress,prevention and treatment of diseases.4.黄帝内经为中医学理论体系的形成奠定了基础。(Yellow Emperors Canon of Medicine/Huangdi Neijing)has laid a foundation for the formation of theoretical system of traditional Chinese medicine.,5.难经在许多方面,尤其在脉学上,补充了黄帝内经的不足。(Classic of Difficulties)has supplemented what was unaddressed in(Yellow Emperors Canon of Medicine)in many respects,especially in pulse lore.6.诸病源候论是中医学最早的一部病因症候学专著。(Treatise on the Causes and Manifestations of Various Diseases)is the earliest extant monograph on etiology and symptomatology in China.,7.阳常有余,阴常不足。Yang is usually excessive while yin is frequently deficient.8.内伤脾胃,百病由生。Internal impairment of the spleen and stomach causes/contributes to/promotes various diseases.,9.本草纲目是中药学史上的不朽著作,并对世界药学的发展做出了伟大的贡献。(Compendium of Materia Medica)is recognized as a monumental work in the history of Chinese materia medica and a great contribution to the development of pharmacology in the world.10.中药不但包含草药,而且包含矿物药和动物药。Traditional Chinese materia medica includes not only medicinal herbs,but also minerals and animal parts.,11.金元时期出现了后世称为“金元四大家”的医学流派。In the Jin and Yuan Dynasties,there appeared the so-called four great medical schools.12.张从正认为病由邪生,提倡汗、吐、下三法祛邪治病。Zhang Congzheng believed that all diseases were caused by exogenous pathogenic factors and advocated that pathogenic factors should be driven out by means of diaphoresis,emesis and purgation.,13.刘完素认为“火热”为主要病因,用药以寒凉为主。Liu Wansu believed that“fire-heat”was the main cause of a variety of diseases and that these diseases should be treated with drugs cold and cool in nature.14.李杲主张治疗疾病以温补脾胃为主,被称为“补土派”。Li Gao held/emphasized that the most important thing in clinical treatment was to warm and invigorate the spleen and stomach.Therefore,he was regarded as the founder of the“School of Reinforcing the Earth”.,15.朱丹溪治病以滋阴降火为主,被称为“养阴派”。Zhu Danxi believed/advocated the remedies of nourishing yin and reducing fire in treatment of diseases.That is why his theory was known as the“School of Nourishing Yin”16.温病是研究四时温病的发生、发展规律及其诊治方法的一门临床学科。Study on Warm Disease is a clinical specialty/science focusing on the occurrence,progress,diagnosis and treatment of warm diseases.,17.温病学派创立了以卫气营血和三焦为核心的温病辨证论治规范。The School of Warm Disease has developed the rules of treatment of warm disease based on syndrome differentiation in light of defensive phase,qi phase,nutritive phase,blood phase and triple energizer.18.王清任改正了古医书在人体解剖方面的错误,并倡导瘀血致病的理论。Wang Qingren in the late Qing Dynasty corrected mistakes about anatomy made in ancient medical books and advocated the theory that diseases were caused by blood stagnation.,19.中西医结合为中医的发展与现代化开辟了一条新途径。Integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine has paved a new way for the development and modernization of traditional Chinese medicine.20.中医基础理论系统化和实验研究取得了快速的进展。Great progress has been made in systematic and experimental study of the basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine.,七情,相须性能功效相类似的药物配合应用,可以增强原有疗效。石膏知母,大黄芒硝相使性能功效方面有某些共性,或性能功效虽不相同,但是治疗目的一致的药物配合使用,而以一种药为主,另一种药为辅,能提高主药疗效。黄芪茯苓相畏一种药物的毒性反应或副作用,能被另一种药物减轻或消除。生半夏生姜相杀一种药物能减轻或消除另一种药物的毒性或副作用。生姜生半夏相恶两药合用,一种药物能使另一种药物原有功效降低,甚至丧失。人参恶莱菔子相反两种药物合用,能产生或增强毒性反应或副作用。十八反、十九畏,