What is discourse analysis?According to this book:the analysis of language in use.a pragmatic approach to DA The discourse analyst has to consider context.,The important definition,Discourse Analysis by Gillian Brown&George Yule,This book introduces the different approaches to discourse analysis.This book can help learners have a comprehensive view about this subject.The corpora included in this book covers recording,notice,letter,novel and newspaper articles.my view:It is not that difficult to understand because it deals with the basic concepts,the common approaches,but efforts are still needed in order to fully understand it.,General impression about the book,How to interpret discourse?Readers can base their interpretation of the writers intended meaning on:1 local interpretation and general features of context discussed in Chapter 2,2 the regularities of discourse structure outlined in Chapter 3 and 4,3 the regular features of information structure organization detailed in Chapter5,4 reference,coherence in Chapter6&7.,Chapter 1:introduction 2 functions of language:transactional(信息性)和interactional(互动性)transactional 用来表达命题和传达信息,interactional 用于建立和维持社会关系。the difference between spoken discourse and the written one the difference between sentence and utterance,The structure of the book,Chapter 1 基本概念Chapter 2 话语分析中的语境1理解语境的基本方法:reference,presupposition,implicature and inference.2情境语境的特征:Hymes的分类:addressor and addressee,topic,setting,channel(如语言,击鼓,鸣号,摇旗),code(语码,如用了什么样的语言、方言或使用了什么样的语体风格,message-form,(交际形式,如聊天、辩论、布道、十四行诗情书等)and event(事件)3可以帮助理解话语情境的两个原则:local interpretation principle(就近原则)analogy principle(类比原则)e.g.The baby cried.The mommy picked it up.Analogy principle:If the analyst has experienced a lot data of a particular kind,he will feel more confident in his interpretation because he can make a comparison.,Chapter 3 话题与话语内容的表现1 In this chapter the author tries to explore some recent attempts to construct a theoretical notion of“topic”.2 Discourse topic is proposed by Keenan and Schieffelin.They think that there must be a single proposition(expressed as a phrase or sentence)which represents the discourse topic of the whole of the fragment.3 Since attempting to define topic with focus on the content of a text is a difficult task,we could look at the form,concentrate on topic-shift to define topic,which,in fact are topic boundary markers.,Chapter 4 视角和话语结构的表现1 Discourse is presented in line structure.The speaker has to choose a starting point.This starting point will influence the hearers latter understanding.2 Thematisation(主位化)refers to the linear organization of texts.3 Each simple sentence has a theme-the starting point of the structure and a rheme,everything else that follows in the sentence 4 Theme is usually the left-most constituent in the sentence.5 We find theme used sometimes to refer to the grammatical subjects of a series of sentences as in a remark by Katz.But theme is not the grammatical subject.6 Stagging(视角)often involves natural order(自然顺序)and point of view(视点)Natural order is for the presentation of a narrative sequence of events.,7 Natural order consists of time sequence(时间顺序)and perceptual salience.(感知顺序,一般到个别,整体到局部,由大到小)8 It is natural to put the event that happens first.If the writer does not abide by the this order,he wants to create some special effects(如悬念)9 Staging can influence the choice of words used by the speaker or the writer.executed(表明一个法律程序)assassinated(非法和政治行为而报道)murdered(非法的犯罪行为而报道)Mary,Queen of Scots,was by the English Queen.,Chapter 5 信息结构focuses:consider how information is packaged within small structures information structure and its intonation realization(Hallidays account)The serious study of information structure within texts was instituted by scholars of the Prague School before the Second World War.Halliday adopted the Prague School view of information as consisting of two categories:new information,which is information that the addressor believes is not known to the addressee,and given information which the addressor believes is known to the addressee.According to him,the speaker will order given information before new information.,He is particularly concerned with the information organization within spoken English.Halliday believes that one of the functions of intonation in English is to mark off which information the speaker is treating as new and which information the speaker is treating as given.Information units are directly realized in speech as tone groups.Tone groups are distinguished phonologically by contain only one tonic syllable.Pauses and pitches also help to define tone groups.The tonic syllable functions to focus the new information.,A recital by a four-year-old of a fairy story/in a/far-away/LAND/there/lived a/bad/naughty/FAIRY/and a/handsome/PRINCE/and a/lovely/PRINcess/she was a/really/WICKed/fairy(“/”:the tone group boundaries;capitalisation:tonic)information structure and its syntactic realizationHarris observed that new information is characteristicallyintroduced by indefinite expressions and subsequently referred to by definite expressions.2 predominant forms of expression used to refer to an entity treated as given:pronominals and definite NPs.Clauses also have the function of marking given and new information.,Chapter 6 语篇中的指称性what is text?(a brief outline given by Halliday)Texture is the cohesive relationships within and between the sentences.“A text has texture and this is what distinguishes it from something that is not a textThe texture is provide by the cohesive relation”(Halliday 表时间的有then,after that,an hour later等等。,Halliday it is the presence of the cohesive markers which constitutes“textness”.The cohesive relationship which interests them is co-reference relation.Types of co-reference relation:a.Exophora(the interpretation lies outside the text,in the context):Look at that.(that=)b.Endophora:(1)anaphoric-Look at the sun.Its going down quickly.(It refers back to the sun.)(2)cataphoric-Its going down quickly,the sun.(It refers forwards to the sun.),Cohesion may be derived form lexical relationships like hyponymy,collocability,structural relationships,consistency of tense and stylistic choice and so on.The author points out the problems of Halliday&Hasan.For example:There is inadequacy of considering cohesive ties as a basis for guaranteeing“textness”.I bought a Ford.A car in which President Wilson rode down the Chammps Elysees was black.Black English has been widely discussed.The discussions between the presidents ended last week.A week has 7 days.Every day I feed my cat.Cats have 4 legs.discourse reference Successful reference depends on the hearers identifying,for the purposes of understanding the current linguistic message,the speakers intended referent,on the basis of the referring expression used.,referring expressions:1 indefinite expressions:e.g.a man,a beautiful girl2 names:Plato,Elizabeth3 definite expressions:the killerpronouns in discourse Pronouns are examples of expressions used by speakers to refer to the“given”entities.那么受话人在什么基础上理解话语的代词所指呢?作者认为他可以使用他所具有的以下知识:an antecedent predicate expression(先行代词的表达)an antecedent nominal expression(先行谓语的表达)an implicit antecedent predicate(隐含先行的表谓)the roles of antecedent nominal expression the new predicates attached to the pronoune.g.:Even an apprentice can make over 20 pound a week and they dont get much tax taken from that.,Chapter 7 话语理解中的连贯how to take the message In recent years,there has been an interest in the social interaction aspect language use.Lavo(1970)argues that there are“rules of interpretation which relate what is said to what is done”.He points out that the recognition of coherence is not based on a relationship between utterances,but between the actions performed with those utterances.e.g.:A:Thats the telephone.(A requests B to perform action)B:Im in the bath.(B states reason why he cant act)A:OK.(A undertakes to perform action)Widdowson suggests that it is only by recognizing the action performed by each of these utterances that we can accept this sequence as coherent discourse.,The principle interest of SAT for the discourse analyst is that it can help explain how apparently formally unconnected utterances go together to form a coherent sequence.But the drawback of applying SAT in the analysis of conversation discourse is expressed by Levinson(1980:20)determining the inferences to be made literal meaning of what is written(or said)inference what the writer(speaker)intended to convey 作者最后讨论了作出推理的决定条件,一个重要的概念是“沟通假设”(bridging assumption)如,a)Mary got some picnic supplies out of the car.b)The beer was warm.这两个句子似乎没有必然的联系,但根据沟通假设,可得出:c)The picnic supplies mentioned included some beer.所以,推理是作为潜隐连结(missing links)而出现的。,My confusions:What is proposition?What does it mean?Is it related to the“proposition”in logic?What are the similarities and differences between the proposition in discourse analysis and in logic?,