A Christmas Carol,by:林夏欣,content,BackgroundSummary of the novellaEbenezer Scrooge used to be the changing of Scrooges attitude towards thingsConclusion,Background,无心插柳写的圣诞颂歌获得了空前的胜利。当时是1843年,狄更斯正处于创作的承接阶段,5年前,他完成了自己的代表作雾都孤儿,获得了空前的成功。对底层贫民、儿童的关怀和世间黑暗的控诉让英国人对狄更斯肃然起敬。也可以说,篇幅较短的圣诞颂歌,是狄更斯从着眼于苦难人群的中期,向更广阔、更深入揭露资本主义全貌的晚期过度的作品。在之后的创作高峰里,他写下了传世之作双城记远大前程以及半自传体的代表作大卫科波菲尔。,Summary of the novella,A Christmas Carol is a novella by Charles Dickens,first published on 19 December 1843.A Christmas Carol tells a story:Scrooge,a man,rich but selfish and indifferent,even beggars do not want to beg for him,is visited on Christmas Eve by three Christmas Elf:the Ghost of Christmas Past,the Ghost of Christmas Present,the Ghost of Yet to Come.,Summary,the Ghost of Christmas Past leads him to see the lonely childhood,the scene he spent with his sister,and the happy time he spent with his fellows and the kind boss Fezziwig on Christmas Eve,everyone happily dancing together.And that reminds him of some bad treatments he did to his employees,but also regrets himself became into rich man without family.the Ghost of Christmas Present takes him to one of his employees home,Bob,who earns a pitiful salary but has a happy Christmas Eve.Even though there is no Christmas presents,no turkey,every face filled with a happy smile.the Ghost of Yet to Come lets him see the scene after he died which terrified him most.All these gradually awaken him on the other side of human nature-compassion,kindness,love and joy.At the end of the story,Scrooge promises the ghost that he would change.And actually,he had done better than his words.,Ebenezer Scrooge used to be,1.what kind of person he is?As it written in the book:Scrooge!a squeezing,wrenching,grasping,scraping clutching,covetous,old sinner!No warmth could warm,no wintry weather chill him.Even the blind men dogs appeared to know him;and when they saw him coming on,would tug their owners into doorways and up courts,1.what kind of person he is?,He earns a lot of money but never do the charity.He means to others,even to himself.,On the Christmas Eve,it is cold outside,he had a very small fire,but the clerks fire was so much smaller that it looked like one coal.His living room is both a living room and the bedroom,but also a room putting some materials.Even on Christmas Eve,he just ate something in the usual shabby little restaurant.,when the two gentlemen ask him to do some charity,he said:Are there no prisons?If they would die,they had better do it,and decrease the surplus population.Besides excuse me-I dont know that.,2.what does he think of happiness?,He strongly insists that owning money is equal to owning happiness.He never happy.His mean and selfish brought him to a place that no friendship,no love,no happiness,but only money.,On Christmas Eve when his nephew Fred greet him,A merry Christmas,uncle!God save you!,His answered,humbug.Merry Christmas?What right have you to be happy?What reason have you to be merry?you are poor enough!Naturally,Scrooge also cant understand,even scorned his employee Bob,with 15 shillings a week,talking about a merry Christmas.,the changing of Scrooges attitude towards things,When the Ghost of Christmas Past came the Ghost of Christmas Past lead him to see the lonely childhood he remind of a boy singing a Christmas Carol at his door last night,and he wish he had given something to him.to see one Christmas Eve which he spent a happy time with his fellows and the kind boss Fezziwig,everyone happily dancing together.make him reflect his behavior towards his employees.From all these,its not difficult for us to find that Scrooge is no more so heartless.,As it written in the book:not a latent echo in the house,not a squeak and scuffle from the mice behind the panelling,not a drip from the half-thawed water-spout in the dull yard behind,not a sigh among the leafless boughs of one despondent poplar,not the idle swinging of an empty store-house door,not a clicking in the fire,but fell upon the heart of Scrooge with a softening influence,and gave a freer passage to his tears.,when the the Ghost of Christmas Present came,the Ghost of Christmas Present took him to see the happy Christmas Eve party of Bobs familyHe hoped Tiny Tim will live,with a desire that he never had before.And he was overcome with penitence and grief to say that some people die would decrease the surplus population before.to see the happy Christmas Eve party of his nephewHe had imperceptibly become so gay and light of heartAll this,we can see that Scrooge regain happiness,and become sympathetic,when the the Ghost of Yet To Come came,the Ghost of Yet to Come to let him see scene after he died which terrified him most.He cried:Spirit!Hear me!I am not the man was.I will not be the man I must have seen but for this intercourse.Good spirit,he pursued,Assure me that I yet may change these shadows you have shown me,by an altered life!From all these beg,it seems that he totally understand the purpose that the three spirit came,and realized his wrongness and foolish,also was determined to change himself.,the end,未来之灵没做任何回答,他将斯克里奇推向地狱,斯克里奇不断地向地狱坠落 但还好,这一切都像是一个梦,斯克里奇醒来后发现,他的确是坠落,不过是从床上坠落到地上。这时,恰恰是圣诞节的清晨。这一刻,他无比喜悦,他身轻如燕,他欢欣跳跃,虽然四个异灵都没教导他该怎么做,但他完全明白。他先给克莱奇特一家送去了一份礼物有两个小蒂米大的火鸡。心打开后,他像“不良少年”那样玩耍,他的气场也打开了,他能注意到所有人的存在,带着欢乐和他们打招呼。遇见募捐者时,他向他承诺捐很多钱,并由衷地谢谢他,因为他知道,看起来他是在帮助别人,实际上是在帮助自己,他为能有这样的机会有充满感激。他和路人一起唱圣诞颂歌,他还参加了弗雷德的晚宴。他倒没有食言,他的确是在自己死过后才做到了这一点。,第二天,他给迟到的Bob加薪,还改变了工作方式,要和克莱奇特一边喝酒一边守着暖炉工作。他身上的杀气消散了,他的心从如铁坚冰变成了热情的火焰,最终这团火温暖了整个城市,他成为这个城市最会过圣诞节的人。最会过圣诞节的人正是狄更斯本人,他的这部作品教会了英国人乃至全世界怎么过圣诞节,以至于他被称为“发明圣诞节的人”,当他去世时,还多孩子问自己的父母,圣诞老人怎么会死呢?,Conclusion,许多哲学家也说,死亡是最严肃的哲学问题。这也是同一个意思,你死去的时候你的心会突然拥有一种能力,可以清晰地看到自己的一生。但那时,你已经没有了改变的可能,如果是严重的懊悔,那该是什么样的折磨?如果这就是生命,那好,请再来一次。你呢?你想要什么样的人生?,