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    Language Points for Reading I,shake vi./vt.(shook,shaken)(P25)*The whole house shook during the explosion.*The explosion shook the house.*Please shake the bottle before taking.*The host shook hands with all the guests.*Nothing can shake our determination to overcome the difficulty.*They were badly shaken by the news.shake hands with sb.shake ones headright away:at once;immediately*I am getting in touch with him right away.,rise(rose,risen)vi.(Para 1,Line 2)rise vi.:升起;上升;上涨(不能用于被动语态)raise vt.:举起;使升起;提高(可用于被动语态)*The flood has risen two feet.*She usually rises early in the morning.*He raised a heavy box over his head.*We must raise the living standard of the people.*Food prices are still rising.*He raised the child from the ground.*The child rose from the ground.,smelly adj.发臭的(Para 1,Line 3)n.+y adj.wind-windy dream-dreamy ice-icysun-sunny cloud-cloudy rain-rainyblood-bloody greed-greedy taste-tasty too+adj.+to do sth.so+adj.+that-clause(否定)*This book is too difficult for me to read.=This book is so difficult that I can not read.,burst n.(Para 1,L7)*There is a burst in the water pipe.burst vi.(burst,burst)*When he was riding,the tire burst.*The house burst into flames.*The girl burst into tear.=The girl burst out crying.burst into+sth.=burst out+doing sth.as usual 照常,惯常(Para1,Line 8)*As usual,it rained on my birthday.*As usual,he wanted to be first.,seem link-v.看来;似乎;好像(Para 2,Line 1)*It seems that he is lying.=He seems to be lying.*I seem to have seen her before.=It seems that I have seen her before.seem to do sth.=It seems that-clause at an end 结束;终结*The long hot summer was at last at an end.*The war is at an end.*At the end of the road youll find a shop.*He is at the end of his patience.*The meeting came to an end at midnight.,lie vi.(lay,lain)处于某种状态(Para 2,Line 5)*These machines have lain idle since the factory closed.*I lay awake for about ten minutes.lie-lied-lied lying lie-lay-lain lying lay-laid-laid laying be/lie in ruins n.毁坏*An earthquake left the whole town in ruins.*His career is in ruins.ruin v.损坏,毁灭*The fire ruined the house.,vi.说谎,vi.躺;位于,vt.搁;下蛋,two-thirds(para 2,Line 6)分子用基数词(one,two),分母用序数词(first,second),当分子超过1时,分母的词尾加s 1/6 one-sixth 1/3 one-third 3/5 three-fifths,2,3,5,two and three fifths,1/2 a half;one half1/4 one fourth;a quarter;one quarter,injure v.受伤(para 2,Line 6)*He fell of the bicycle and injured his arm.*Smoking will injure your health.*She was seriously injured in an accident.number n.(para 2,Line 7)*The number of people applying has increased this year.*We were fifteen in number.*I have a number of letters to write.*A large number of people have applied.reach v.达成(某事物);达到;获得(para 2,Line 8)*At last we reached a decision.*Youll understand it when you reach my age.,1 She was too nervous to eat anything the evening before.2 When the second quake was felt,people ran out of their houses right away.3 After that terrible disaster,60 of homeless children were sent to live in other safe cities.4 They used candles all the time instead of electricity.5 A little girl was dug out of the ruins to the north of the factory.6 We were very proud of the soldiers who had rescued the boys from the rushing water.7 We need to honour those who organized the rescue work.,Answer keys for Ex.2 on page 63:,destroy(para 3,Line 2)*An atom bomb would destroy a city.*All his hopes are destroyed.everywhere adv.*Ive looked everywhere but I cant find it.*The dog followed her everywhere she went.*Everywhere they appeared they were welcome.*Ill take you anywhere you like.,instead of 代替,而不是(Para 3,Line 6)*He did the work instead of his father.*Ill go to the cinema this afternoon instead of doing my homework.instead adv.由代替*He is too tired to go,let me go instead.*Mr Smith was ill,so Miss Wang was taking his class instead.,shock(Para 3,Line 7)n.U C 打击;震惊,震动 vt.使震惊,使惊愕*The news of his wifes death was a terrible shock to him.*Hes suffering a shock.*I was shocked to hear her daughter swearing.shocking adj.使人震惊的 shocked adj.惊愕的*I was _ by his rudeness.*His failure in the exam was _ to his parents.,shocked,shocking,rescue n./v.解救;营救(Para 3,Line 8)*A rescue team made ten rescues in a week.*He rescued the man from drowning.trap v.困住;陷于绝境*Twenty miners were trapped underground after the fire.*They were trapped in the burning hotel.,wonder 想知道;纳闷*I wonder how you came to miss the way.*I wonder what they call these flowers.*I was wondering how to get there quickly.*They wondered at what they saw.*I often wonder about why she treated me like that.*I wonder whether youd give me some advice.,All hope was not lost.所有的希望都破灭了。不是所有的希望都破灭了。所有的希望都没有破灭。all not=not all(some but not all)一些,但不是全部*Not all the boys left.(=Only some of them left.)*Not all the children are noisy.(=Some of the children are not noisy.)none 全部否定*None of us were/was allowed to go there.,dig out(dug,dug;digging)*Lets dig out the roots.*He was buried by the snow and had to be dug out.*Why did you dig out all these old magazines?the dead 死去的人 the+adj.表一类人或物(复数意义)*the blind,the deaf,the sick,the poor,the rich,the old,the young,to 在境外,表方向 in 在境内,表范围内 on 与境界相接,表接壤,A,A,A,B,B,B,*Japan lies _ the east of Asia.*Japan lies _ the east of China.*China faces the Pacific _ the east.,in,to,on,Tangshans new look,My Experience of Learning English,judge n./v.*Her father works as a judge.*I cant judge whether hes right or wrong.*Dont judge a person by his looks.*Judging from his accent,he must be from Hunan.honour n./v.*He is an honour to our school.*A party was given in honour of the guests.*The hero is honoured by all in the country.,Answer keys for“Discovering useful structures”Ex.2 on Page 28,1 who/that2(that/which)3 which/that4 whose5 whose,Grammar,定语从句,The Attributive Clause,Titanic is a ship.It was the most beautiful in the world at that time.,Titanic is the ship which was the most beautiful in the word at that time.,Titanic,Rose,Jack,Rose is a lady.She met Jack on Titanic.,Rose is the lady who met Jack on Titanic.,The Heart of Ocean is a diamond.It was worn by Rose,The Heart of Ocean is the diamond which was worn by Rose.,the Heart of Ocean,引导定语从句关系代词的用法:that which who whom whose,1.that 在从句中作主语或宾语,指人和物,1)A plane is a machine that can fly.(主语),2)The noodles that I ate were delicious.(宾语),2.which 在从句中作主语或宾语,指物,1)They planted the trees which didnt need much water.(主语),2)The fish which we bought were not fresh.(宾语),3.who 在从句中作主语或宾语,指人 whom在从句中作宾语,指人,1)The foreigner who visited our school yesterday is from Canada.(主语),2)The person to whom you just talked is Mr.Li.(宾语),1)This is the book whose cover is blue.,4.whose 在从句中作定语,指人或物,2)Miss Flower is the teacher whose house caught fire last week.,that和which在指物的情况下一般都可以互换,但在下列情况下,一般用that而不用which。,I am sure she has something(that)you can borrow.,Ive read all the books that are not mine.,This is the first book(that)he has read.,This is the very book that belongs to him.,(1)先行词为all,everything,nothing,something,anything,little,much 等不定代词时。,(2)先行词被all,every,no,some,any,little,much等 修饰时。,(3)先行词被序数词或最高级修饰时。,(4)先行词被the only,the very,the same,the last修饰时。,NOTE,


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