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    鞋子品牌,4US:意大利品牌鞋子 Italy,4US:靓丽可以从“脚”开始,主题为城市梦想。卷起那遮挡鞋子的裤管,让你纤细的小腿去尽情衬托鞋子的魅力。,特点:4US的鞋子大多使用鲜艳的胭脂红、蓝色和紫 色等亮色。甚至还有闪亮的金色和银色,整体感觉光鲜亮丽。服装的搭配上运用相同款式的服装搭配不同的鞋子,体现鞋子的百搭性。非常符合经济危机下消费者的消费心理。,4US:beautiful can begin from“foot”,the theme of city of dreams.Roll up the block,and let your shoes made of slender leg to enjoy the foil Shoes.,4US:Features:4US shoes are mainly used for bright-coloured thekermes red,blue and purple light etc.Even with shining gold and silver,integral feeling is bright.Using the same dress collocation of tie-in and different styles of dress shoes,shoe joker sex.Very accord with the economic crisis of consumer psychology under.,Adidas:德国品牌鞋子 Germeny,阿迪达斯是一间德国运动用品制造商,是Adidas AG的成员公司。阿迪达斯的品牌创始人是阿迪达斯勒,是个制鞋匠,还是一位痴迷的业余田径运动员。他从1926年开始经商,当时他家里开了家制造专用轻质跑鞋和足球鞋的工厂。特点:阿迪达斯运动鞋适合不同的运动。足球鞋鞋面:多采用袋鼠皮或合成皮制成,增强与球接触时的控制力,方向性和精确性。篮球鞋:结构坚固,缓冲和支撑保护性能出众。网球鞋鞋面:缓冲性能良好,鞋子两侧的支持性强,具有出色的防滑及耐磨性能。Adidas is a German sports equipment manufacturers,Adidas AG are members of the company.Adidas,founder of the brand is a cobbler Adidas,or an obsession amateur athletes.He started a business from 1926,he was home opened manufacturing special lightweight running shoes and the Football shoes factory.Features:suitable for different sports shoes Adidas.Football shoes vamp:use more kangaroos skin or synthetic leather,strengthen the contact with the ball,directional control and accuracy.Basketball shoes:structure and strong protection,buffer.Tennis shoes vamp:cushion performance,strong shoes on both sides of the supporting,excellent skid and abrasion.,APPLE:美国品牌鞋子 America官方网站:,苹果在国内注册的商标很多,苹果的鞋子充满美国的西部和乡村的气息,崇尚自然、和谐、亲和力。特点是:苹果鞋子质量比较好,价格也比较贵。注重科技和外观,休闲鞋居多,适合休闲旅行时穿的,也是属于比较耐穿型的。,Apple is a registered trademark in China,the U.S.the shoes with apple in the west and rural breath,advocate natural,harmony,and affinity.Features:apple shoes quality better,the price is more expensive.Pay attention to appearance and majority,suitable for leisure travel shoes to wear.,ARMANI:意大利品牌鞋子 Italy,阿玛尼的鞋子就象征着人的朋友,俗话说:“婚姻就像鞋子,合不合脚只有自己知道。”因此无论是哪种鞋,都要考虑它的舒适度,阿玛尼正是符合舒适度的标准。特点是:阿玛尼的真皮大底多为男士鞋所有,是档次的象征,但这种鞋不是一般人都可以穿的,它不防滑,不防水,不耐折叠(易断底),而且是年薪没有一百万不要考虑常穿它。阿玛尼采用橡胶大底,是时装休闲和商务休闲不错的选择,而且耐磨耐折叠,质地不轻不重而又不失庄重。,Armani shoes symbolize one friend,as the saying goes:marriage is like shoes dont fit me,only oneself know.So either shoes,must consider its comfort.Armani shoes is a comfort very good shoes.Features:Armani leather soles for mens shoes,than was the symbol of class all the shoes,but not everyone can wear,it doesnt skid resistance,waterproof,not fold(easy broken),and no one million salary is not considered often wear it.Armani adopted rubber sole,fashion leisure and business leisure right choice,and wear resistant to fold,not heavy and light texture and solemn.,Bally:瑞士品牌鞋 Switzerland,巴利鞋子的创始人是卡尔-弗兰茨-巴利,是一个经营了百年的经典品牌。1850年,因公出差的巴利,在巴黎的流行大道上发现一家鞋店,橱窗内的美丽皮鞋深深地吸引住他的目光,流连忘返之余,决定买双鞋送给爱妻,却因为忘了尺寸,而将同一款式不同尺寸的皮鞋全部买下。这段巴利与皮鞋的美丽邂逅,引发了他想要生产世界上最高级皮鞋的构想。隔一年,第一双巴利皮鞋正式诞生。特点是:以鞋起家的巴利,目前在瑞士有一家鞋类博物馆,除了收藏中外古今的鞋子与相关历史外,并保留了巴利150年来在每一个重要年代制造的皮鞋。经过350道手续才能完成的 Scribe 皮鞋是巴利鞋中的最受欢迎的经典代表。平均来说,每双巴利皮鞋经过200道严格的制作与检验手才能上市,品质自不在话下。,Bally:瑞士品牌鞋 Switzerland,Bally shoes founder is Karl Franz-Bally,is one of the classic brand management.In 1850,business trips,the popular avenue in Paris that a shoe store Windows,the beautiful leather shoes deeply attracted to linger over his eyes,and decided to buy a pair of shoes to wife,but because he forgot the size,and to design different sizes of shoes buyout.This section with the beautiful leather shoes,encounter he wants the world summit of leather shoes.Next year,the first pair of Bally leather shoes.Features:with shoes scratch,currently in Switzerland,but there is a shoe museum collection of Chinese ancient history,shoes and related and retained Bally 150 years in every important in manufacturing of leather shoes.After completing the formalities of word 350 Scribe leather shoes are the most popular in the classical representative.On average,each pair Bally shoes after 200 strict production and quality inspection before the hand.,Bape:日本品牌鞋子 Japan官方网站:,安逸猿鞋子是诞生于日本原宿街头潮流的著名品牌,全称是“A Bathing Ape in Lukewater”,意思就是安逸生活的猿人,在汉语地区称为猿人头,也称为安逸猿。名称来源于1968年出品的美国科幻电影 人猿星球(Planet of The Apes)。它是1993年11月创立了,创始人是:长尾智明。特点:安逸猿鞋子是热卖商品,款式比较多,多数是在图案上做变化。丰富的风格系列,舒适的体育系列。标准独特的设计风格,满足广大消费者的需求。Shoes are comfortable the Bape was borned in Japan harajuku street trend of the famous brand,is A Bathing in Lukewater in,means the comfortable life,in the Chinese region called the Ape ape-man head,also called ease Ape.The name comes from 1968 American science fiction films produced,Planet of The Apes of works hard.It was founded in November 1993,founder is:Changwei ZhiMing.Features:the shoes are comfortable Bape,more style sells goods,mostly in the design to make changes.Rich style series,comfortable sports series.Standard and special design style,satisfy the needs of the consumers.,Born:美国品牌鞋子 America,特点是:Born鞋子是舒适和好神色独特的平衡性,创造灵活性的鹿皮鞋。皮革袜子衬里,有缓冲反弹性能。鞋底是由聚氨酯制成使一双灵活的鞋子更加稳定和防震动性。Features:Born shoes are comfortabled and looked unique balance,flexibility,create the deer leather shoes.Leather socks,buffer rebound performance lining.The sole is made by a pair of shoes to more flexible and steady anti-vibration effect.,ASICS:日本品牌鞋子 Japan,爱世克斯是专业做跑步鞋的品牌,由鬼冢喜八郎在日本神户创立,是鞋业生产商领导者,全世界马拉松、中长跑、短跑顶尖选手80%以上选用 爱世克斯跑鞋。它的意思取自希腊谚语:“健康的体魄孕育良好的心灵。”作为全球四大跑鞋品牌之一被誉为跑鞋之王。运动鞋的性能主要是缓震性、支撑性、包裹性、耐磨性以及鞋楦(主要是鞋宽)。缓震性能与支撑性能出色,与nike的气垫类似的软但是支撑性能好,比adidas的adiprene缓震性能好。爱世克斯不仅仅是软,支撑性能也很好,有一种回弹力,感受相当不错。这就是asics最大的特点。,ASICS:日本品牌鞋子 Japan,Asics is the professional and running shoes,founded ghost mound eight xi.It is the world leader of shoe manufacturers,dash top players choose asics the cox 80%of running shoes.It means from Greek adage:healthy body of the soul.As a global brand of four running as the king of running shoes.The main properties of shoes is shock,supportive,package and abrasion resistance and the shoetree(mainly shoes wide).Asics the coxs shock performance and support is very well,and Nike mattress similar soft but support,good performance than the adidas adiprene shock performance is good.Alex is not only the love of soft,support performance is very good also,there is a kind of return elasticity,feeling pretty good.This is the biggest characteristic of asics.,Bratz:美国品牌鞋子 America官方网站:,贝慈娃娃是美国MGA公司一年前针对712岁女孩儿推出的一组流行时装娃娃,分别叫做雅斯敏(Yasmin)、科洛(Cloe)、卡梅隆(Cameron)、小玉(Jade)和萨莎等5位街头美少女。特点是:贝慈娃娃的鞋子是由高级透气网布以及紫色PU.内衬合成的,尤其适合春天穿,不捂脚。它采用TPR大底,虽然略厚的底是贝慈娃娃的风格,但是整个鞋子对孩子来说并不重,鞋底一个个的橡胶钉更增加了其耐磨,防滑性能相当好。4根紫色的松紧带固定在鞋帮两侧,一脚蹬的,孩子穿脱起来更方便。,Bratz:美国品牌鞋子 America官方网站:,Bratz is the MGA company for a 7-12 a group of girls in the fashion dolls one year ago,Respectively called Yasmin,Cloe,Camer,and SaSha of the street five beautiful girl.Features:Bratz shoe is by senior breathable fabric and purple PU,especially suitable for the synthesis of lining in spring,no cover feet.It adopts TPR bottoms,although slightly thicker bottom is betas doll style,but not the shoes for children,the rubber shoes nailed the wear-resisting,more slippery performance.Four pillars of elastic fixed in the purple,a side of the edgefold push-off,children wear off up more convenient.,Burberry:英国品牌鞋子 England,巴宝莉是由当时只有二十一岁的英国伦敦小伙子Thomas Burberry一手创立,巴宝莉成为了一个最能代表英国的品牌。Thomas通过不断提升它的设计和创新图饰来提高梦寐以求的吸引力,将其经典的感性与现今的时代性完美结合,在时尚中注入品质,成为一个永恒的品牌。特点是:巴宝莉单鞋每季流行新款,单鞋新款商品种类丰富,尺码齐全,质量上乘,价格优惠。Burberry is founded 21 years old boy Thomas in the London England by the time,Thomas became one of the most representative of the British brand.Increasing its design and innovation to improve figure act,the dream of its appeal and perceptual of classical times in the fashion of perfect combination of quality,become a permanent into the brand.Features:Burberry shoe had fashion shoes of each new products,new variety of sizes range,high quality,competitive price.,CAT:美国品牌鞋子 America,1904年,Caterpillar 公司生产建筑、工业用重型机械,以其持久耐用而闻名远播。1990年,Caterpillar公司特制一系列耐用、保护力高、舒适安全的工业皮靴,以配合工程师及技工的需要。工业鞋子的热潮更蔓延欧洲各地及全世界,所以Cat成为世界畅销轻便鞋的十大品牌之一。特点是:1、CLASSIC系列即经典系列;保持工装靴的原汁原味,充满怀旧和复古感,基本上经典系列的鞋型是都差不多的,只是在颜色和材料上作出改变。2、i-TECH系列;鞋子包含有CAT的看家本领i-TECH科技,外柔内刚,融合了工装的粗犷和运动的舒适,号称最舒适的工装鞋。3、Legendary Raw系列;06年全新推出的一个系列,走的是高端路线,用的是最顶尖的材料,最原始最自然的染色。4、URBAN系列;独有的城市休闲风格。,CAT:美国品牌鞋子 America,In 1904,Caterpillar company production building,with heavy machinery industry,is famous for its durable.In 1990,Caterpillar special series of durable,protection,high boots,safe and comfortable industry with engineers and technicians.The upsurge of shoes industry worldwide spread throughout Europe and more popular,so the Cat to become the worlds top ten brand of manufacturer.Features:1,the properties of classical series which,Keep tooling boots predigested,full of nostalgia and feeling restoring ancient ways,basically classical series of shoes are all similar,only in color and materials to make changes.2 and I-wave-tech series,The CATs shoes contains an ace I-wave-tech technology,velvet glove,the straightforward and sports equipment,comfortable shoes.The most comfortable tooling 3 and Legendary Raw series,In 2006,a series of new is high-end course,with the top of the original material,the natural dye.4,situation,Unique urban leisure style.,CHANEL:法国品牌鞋子 France,香奈儿女鞋的历史香奈儿最经典的鞋款之一就是香奈儿双 色鞋。CocoChanel女士说:“只要四双鞋,我就可以环游世界。”1954年香奈儿重返康朋街31号开创时尚事业的第二春。1957年香奈儿女士推出了一款与传统大相迳庭的鞋款黑色鞋尖与米色鞋身的Sling-Back双色鞋。CocoChanel女士说:“鞋子是优雅最重要的一部分,一双好鞋可以衬出仕女优雅的气质。”特色:黑色鞋尖与米色鞋身,以及鞋侧镂空,这两个元素构成经典的香奈儿双色鞋。黑色方形鞋头的设计,使足部看起来较为纤细;鞋身的米色则使鞋子的线条延伸至腿部,使腿部线条显得修长。双色鞋的设计简洁,细致的后绊带更添腿部线条韵味。完美的内在细节是由内衬、鞋身、和鞋跟、鞋头、以及足背弧度等部分构成,无一不以细致手工粘合始能达到最完美的状态,是香奈儿女士所追求的“内外皆美”的最高境界。,CHANEL:法国品牌鞋子 France,Chanel shoes history chanel most classic shoe money is one of the double lubricious chanel shoes.CocoChanel lady said:as long as four pairs of shoes,I can travel around the world.In 1954 to KangPeng street 31st chanel initiated the second spring fashion business.1957 the chanel launched a new women with traditional temperament shoes-black shoes with cream-colored shoes and pointed Sling-Back double shoes.CocoChanel ladies shoes is elegant,said:part of the most important,a pair of good shoes can with lady elegant temperament.Characteristic:black shoes and shoes with cream-colored pointed out,and the two side of shoes,the elements of classical chanel double-color shoes.The black shoes square design,make foot looks relatively fine,The shoes are made of shoe line with cream-colored,make the extending leg leg ministry line appears slender.The design of concise,double-color shoes after careful strappy more add flavor of leg ministry line.The perfect internal details is lined by the body,and heel shoes and shoes,and the radian of all with meticulous handiwork adhesion to achieve the perfect state,is pursuing the ms chanel inside and outside all beauty supreme.,Clanks:英国品牌鞋子 England,英国的Clanks(其乐)鞋业集团是世界上最大的私人家族式皮鞋企业之一,有着180年的历史。它是由英国Clanks家族的一对兄弟于1825年建立,总部位于英格兰西部的小城斯特瑞特,其乐在中国卖的鞋全部都是原装进口。如果你是一位注重生活质量的中产阶层,那么,其乐一定可以帮你迈出成功第一步。其乐有着近200年的优良制鞋传统,几乎已经成了用料优质与舒适耐穿的代名词。特色:时尚的风格、高度的舒适、顶级的质量以及合理的价格,缔造了其乐在国际上优秀的声誉。其乐的品牌精神和杭州百货大楼对核心客户群消费理念的解释不谋而合,都具有“丰足而不奢华惬意而不张扬”的品质特征。,Clanks:英国品牌鞋子 England,Britains Clanksshoe-making group is the worlds largest private enterprises,has one family-owned shoes 180 years history.It is a family by British Clanks brother in 1825,headquarters is located in the west of England town,rhett,its pleasures in China to sell shoes are all imported.If you are a pays attention to the quality of life of the middle class,then,the music can help you succeed certainly taking the first step.The music has almost 200 years of excellent traditional materials,almost has become synonymous with high quality and comfortable durable.Features:fashionable style,high quality and comfortable,reasonable price,build the music in the world of good reputation.The music brand spirit and hangzhou department store to explain core customer consumption concept,have fullness without luxurious comfortable and not make public quality characteristics.,COACH:美国品牌鞋子 America,寇驰是美国纽约的牌子,1941年,寇驰以精湛的工艺,坐落在暂停工匠阁楼的一所房子法院型生产高质量的作坊里皮,教练品牌此后诞生。这是来时美国受欢迎最长时间和最成功的皮具品牌。寇驰品牌的历史故事,是在1941年成立,为一家族企业车间,复古的服装店设计,个性服装店名字和装修。特色:寇驰品牌设计比较简单,低调的德克拉考夫成为该品牌首席设计师,设计有古典特性,也体现了现代都市时尚的风格,经典装饰扣、皮带扣、金属扣等细节,都证明了它独特的设计理念。,COACH:美国品牌鞋子 America官方网站:,Coach is in the New York,USA,1941,the brand KouChi with exquisite craft,located in the suspension of a house artisans attic type court produces high quality workshop,the coach marcello lippi brand born thereafter.This is the longest time when American popular with the most successful leather brand.Coach brand of historical stories,is established in 1941,for a family enterprise of clothing design workshop,restore ancient ways,clothing and decoration.Features:KouChi brand design is simple,low-key DE klaren rudiger kauf become the chief designer,design brand of classical characteristics,but also reflects the modern urban fashion style,classic decorative clasp,strap,metal buckles etc,are proved its details of unique design.,COOGI:澳大利亚品牌鞋子 Australia,1967成立于澳大利亚,成长在欧洲,成熟在美国的过程让Coogi成为一个不折不扣的国际品牌。2003年它被Weisfeld集团收购,高端产品的增加使它自然而然地进入米兰的设计结构,而后在纽约被悄然转变成高科技且奢华的外表。Coogi最大的财富就是它自1969年成立至今的36年历史。身为首席设计师的Barrie Blue表示:“我们一直也将永远是Urban风格品牌中传统且奢华的代表。”特色是:Coogi继承了澳洲品牌特有的野性动感和色彩鲜亮的特质。它所遵循的四大设计要素是:色彩,动感,格调和质地。随着转入其他领域所带来的巨大成功,Coogi一直坚持不懈地将古典审美观融合。它面向充满活力的Urban消费群,是一个经典的,奢华的,动感的和做工精致享誉全球。,COOGI:澳大利亚的品牌鞋 Australia,Founded in 1967,growth in Europe,Australia,mature in the United States to become a real Coogi during the international brand.In 2003 it was Weisfeld group purchase,high-end products increases naturally make it into the design structure,then milan in New York was quietly into a high-tech and luxurious appearance.It is the biggest wealth Coogi has been established since 1969,the 36 years history.As the chief architect of Blue Barrie said:we have been and always will be a situation of traditional style and luxury brand.Features:Coogi inherited Australia brand peculiar haggard and dynamic characteristics of bright color.It followed by four design elements are:color,motion,style and quality.As to other fields of great success,Coogi has unremittingly will classical aesthetic confluence.It is the situation facing vibrant result,is a classic,luxury,dynamic and fine reputation worldwide.,Boss:德国品牌鞋子 Germany,1923年,HUGO BOSS(胡戈波士)先生在德国的一个小镇开设了自己的服装厂,生产男式服装,很快就以精致专业赢得声誉。七十多年后,这一小规模家族生意 已经发展成时尚王国中一个顶级品牌。特色:波士恰如其名,代表着成功、练达、自信和从容。任性却不出位、性感却不张扬,不断追求更高的目标,体现优雅的都市的生活方式。他所设计的鞋子,也是根据他的理念以及生活方式设计的,质量过硬,时尚前卫,并且具有华贵的气质。,In 1923,HUGO BOSS,a small town in Germany opened their clothing,clothing,quickly with delicate professional reputation.After 70 years,this small scale business has developed into a family is a top class brand fashion realm.Features:the boss as its,representing successful,particulars,confidence and calm.But dont blow,sexy wayward however not make public,pursue higher goals,reflect elegant urban lifestyles.His shoes and also the design concept of according to his ways,and live the design quality and fashionable avant-courier,and has showily temperament.,DG:英国品牌鞋子 England,D&G是一间高级的服装设计公司,由


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