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    The analysis of business letters 1,1.Establishing Business relationship-Start Letter(建立业务关系)Structure of Start LetterSource of information(说明信息来原)Purpose of writing(言明去函目的)Company profile(本公司优势)Product introduction(产品介绍)A pushing end(激励性的结尾),1.Source of information,(说明信息来原,即如何取得对方的有关商务信息。)Chinese Commercial Counsellors Office of the Embassy in foreign country(中国驻国外使馆商务处)Bank,Trade Directory(贸易行同业名录)Business Houses of the same trade(同业商行)Common clients(共同客户)Market research;AdvertisementsTrade Fair,Exhibitions,1.Source of information Analysis,We learned from the Commercial Counselors Office of Embassy in your country that you are interested in Chinese handicraft.Mr.Smith,Head of New York Electric Inc.has recommended you to as a leading importer in Korea of lightweight batteries for vehicles.We have obtained your name and add from the Internet.Our market survey showed that you are the largest importer of cases and bags in Egypt,2.Purpose of writing,(言明去函目的)Latest intention,what kind of business you want to do with them.such as expanding market,entering into a joint venture with them,selling your own good or purchasing their products.etc.To establish long-term relationship,2.Purpose of writing Analysis,In order to expand our products into South America,we are writing to you to seek cooperate possibilities.We are writing to you to establish long-term trade relations with you.Wish to express our desire to enter into business relationship with you.,3.Company introduction,(对本公司优势的概述)Business scope范围PrincipleConnection(suppliers,distributors,government)History(experience)R&D powerOther advantages,3.Company introduction Analysis,We are a leading company with many years experience in machinery export business.We enjoy a good reputation internationally in the circle of textile.We have our principle as“Clientsneeds come first”.,4.Product introduction,(产品介绍)Quality(material,craftsmanship技术)PriceDesignSpecification/color varietyPopularity in other areas,4.Product introduction Analysis,Art.No.76 is our newly launched one with superb quality,fashionable design,and competitive price.Our products are enjoying popularity in Asian markets.We have a good variety of colors and sizes to meet with different needs.,5.A pushing end,(激励性的结尾)Catalogues,leaflets传单,brochures小册子SamplesFinancial referenceFavorable termsWishes,5.A pushing end Analysis,Your comments on our products or any information on your market demand will be really appreciated.We are looking forward to your specific inquiries(your early reply).,The analysis of business letters 2,2、inquiry/enquiry(询盘函)An inquiry is a request for information.In other words,an inquiry is also an invitation of buyers offer.In international business,inquiry letters are often written by importers to exporters.Such letters can be grouped into two categories:general inquiry and specific inquiry.In a general inquiry,the writer may ask only for catalogues,pricelists or samples in order to get a general understanding of the products handled by the exporter.A specific inquiry letter is written when the buyer has a particular article or product in mind and wants the seller to make a quotation or offer for this item.,The analysis of business letters 2,2、enquiry/inquiry(询盘函)-说明所要商品的范围,要求对方进一步介召情况。例如:指定具体的商品,甚至数量、包装、交货期等,并要求对方报价或递价。,The analysis of business letters 2,The reply to an inquiry(询盘函答复)The reply to an inquiry should be prompt and courteous and often contains the thanks to the receiver for his interest in your products.The reply to a general inquiry usually has enclosures such as catalogues,pricelists,pamphlets小册子 which are to present detailed information.Replies to specific inquires should cover all the information asked for.,Analysis of Some Sentences,We have an enquiry for large quantities of article商品 AGT-4 Dinnerware and Tea set.Please let us know what terms you can supplyWe should be grateful if you would quote forWe require for immediate delivery.Please send us your best offer by E-mail.We shall be glad to receive your best quotations for them with indication of packing for February shipment,CIFC5 London.,The analysis of business letters 3,3.offer(发盘函)Companies buying and selling in international business use a process of negotiation and discussion called“Offer-Counteroffer-Acceptance”to form an agreement.This process may be oral,or through face-to-face meeting or telephone conversations,but mostly by written correspondence between the two companies.,The analysis of business letters 3,3.offer(发盘函)An offer is the expression of the wishes of the seller to sell particular goods under stated terms(including quantity,prices,packing,time of shipment,terms of payment,etc.).In international business,offers can be divided into two kinds:firm offer and non-firm offer.“firm offer”is the one which is a definite promise to sell and the terms in the promise will not be changed if it is accepted by a buyer within the given validity有效 time.“Non-firm offer”is the one which is not binding upon the sellers and the details of the offers may change in certain situations.,Structure of Offer Letter,Acknowledgement of inquiry(An expression of thanks)Advantage of the product(Name of commodities,quality,quantity and specifications)Main Trade Terms(price,discounts,shipment,payment,etc.)Offer validity(for firm offer)A pushing end,Analysis of Some Sentences,1)确认收到对方询盘Thank you for your inquiry of We are glad to receive your letter of.inquiring about our plush toys.We have received your inquiry of.for our chinaware.,Analysis of Some Sentences,2)突出自身产品优势Art.No.88 is our newly launched one with superb quality,fashionable design,and competitive price.Our products are enjoying popularity in American markets.We have a good variety of colors and sizes to meet with different needs.The minimum 最小的quantity in one 20 FCL and with the purchase of two or more containers,the price is reduced by 2%.,Analysis of Some Sentences,3)准确阐明各项交易条件The best price is USD78.00 per set FOB Shanghai.All these blankets are packed in plastic bags with zip of 1 piece each,20 pieces to a carton.Delivery is to be made within 45 days after receipt of order.,Analysis of Some Sentences,4)声明此发盘的有效期及其他约束条件This offer is valid有效的 for ten days.For acceptance within two weeks.This quotation is effective while stocks last.This offer is subject to our confirmation.,Analysis of Some Sentences,5)鼓励对方订货并保证供货满意We hope you will agree that our prices are very competitive for these good quality clothes.and we look forward to receiving your initial 第一的order.As we have been receiving a rush of orders now,we would advise you to place your order as soon as possible.This favorite offer will not be repeated for some time,and we accordingly look forward to an early order from you.,The analysis of business letters 4,4.Counter-offer(还盘函)A counter-offer is a partial or full rejection of the original offer of the seller.In counter-offer letters,the buyer may show his disagreement to certain terms of the offer.To convince the seller of his position,the buyer should give proper reasons to support himself and then state his own proposals建议.The seller has the right of acceptance or refusal.In the latter case,he may make another counter-offer of his own.This process can go on for many a round till a business is concluded or called off(canceled).,The analysis of business letters 4,The counter-offer letter should cover the following:1.Thank the seller for his offer and express regret at inability to accept.2.State reasons for non-acceptance-3.Make another counter-offer of his own on the renewed basis.4.Suggest that there may be other opportunities to do business together.(Sometimes,when the counter-offer could not be accepted at all or the goods are not available),The analysis of business letters 4,When a buyer may send out an order,which is an offer to buy.(namely,a bid)There are times when a seller does not accept the buyers order.As for example:1.Where he is not satisfied with the buyers terms and conditions.2.Where the buyers credit is suspect3.Where the goods are not available.,The analysis of business letters 4,When sending such letters:1.Regret your inability to meet the buyers needs2.Propose an alternative product,if one is available.3.If possible,state your own terms and conditions upon which business is likely to materialize.4.Hope for the opportunity to serve him some other time.,Analysis of Some Sentences,1)确认对方来函,明确表示无法接受对方的条件We are glad to receive your letter of March 22 but sorry to learn that your customers find our quotation too high.(对方拒绝接受的主要理由)Thank you for your fax of March 19.We regret to say that we can not accept your counter offer.,Analysis of Some Sentences,2)强调原价的合理性,并列明理由We believe our prices are quite realistic实际的;it is impossible that any other suppliers can under-quote us if their products are as good as ours in quality.The price we quoted is accurately calculated计算出的有计划的.We have cut the profit to the minimum最低限度 in order to expand the market.,Analysis of Some Sentences,3)提出我方条件,并催促对方行动However,in order to develop our market in your place,we have decided to give you 5%discount as an exceptional case.Owing to the great demand for the product,this offer is valid only for 5 days.,The analysis of business letters 5,S/C letter(接受成交函)If the exchange 交换of letters or cables or telexes 电传eventually leads to the conclusion of business,both parties当事人 should confirm the deal.Such letters are usually accompanied by a Purchase Confirmation证实证据/Purchase Contract or a Sales Confirmation/Contract.A covering letter is used to draw his counterpart与对方地位同的人s special attention to certain terms and conditions,such as the price,terms of payment,specifications,quality,quantity,time of delivery,port of destination,etc.,The analysis of business letters 5,接受成交函(S/C letter)-表示接受最后的磋商条件,并加以列明各项条款或随信附上“销售确认书”We are glad that through our mutual共同的 effort finally we have reached the agreement.We are sending you Sales Confirmation No.990123 in duplicate副本.Please sign it and return one copy for our file.,The analysis of business letters 6,催开信用证函(Speed up opening the L/C)Please instruct通知 your banker to issue发布 the letter of credit as early as possible in order that we may process进行 with the goods immediately.It is understood that a letter of credit in our favor 对我方有利covering S/C No.990123 will be established promptly.,The analysis of business letters 7,修改信用证函(L/C amendment letter)感谢对方开来的信用证;列明不符点并说明如何修改 感谢对方合作并催促改证关键点:审证质量准确表达,The analysis of business letters 7,1、感谢来证Thank you for your L/C No.xxxxx issued by xxxxx dated xxxxx.We are pleased to receive L/C No.xxxxx established by xxxxx dated xxxxx against S/C No.xxxxx.Thank you for your L/C No.SG99WE34 issued by West Country Bank.Los Angeles Branch dated Feb.5,2002.,The analysis of business letters 7,2、列明不符点However,we are sorry to find it contains the following discrepancies差异:But the following points are in discrepancy with the stipulations of our S/C No.xxx:Please add the word before Please delete the clause.and insert插入 the wording措辞.Pleased amend the.to.The amount should be not/instead of.Please extend the shipment date and the validity of the L/C to.and.respectively.,The analysis of business letters 7,3、感谢对方合作催促改证Thank you for your kind cooperation.Please see to it 督促that the L/C to amendment reach us within next week,otherwise we cannot effect使生效 punctual 准时shipment.,The analysis of business letters 8,Before shipment,the buyers generally send their shipping requirements to the sellers,informing them in writing of the packing and mark,mode of transportation,etc.,known as the Shipping Instructions.On the other hand,the sellers(or the exporters)usually send by cable 打电话a notice to the buyers immediately after the goods are loaded on board the ship,advising them of the shipment,especially under FOB or CFR terms.Such a notice,known as the Shipping Advice.It may include the following:Contract and/or L/C number(s).Name of commodity.Number of packages,total quantity shipped,name of vessel 船and its sailing date and sometimes even the total value of the goods.As the requirements may be.,The analysis of business letters 8,装船通知(Shipping advice)-装船通知是出口方发给进口方的通知,以便进口方做好接货准备,如果是FOB交易,进口方也可以及时投保,该通知按信用证规定的装船通知副本条款要求拟写。,The analysis of business letters 9-草 拟 善 后 函,顺利结汇,遭到拒付,回顾本交易 扩大合作 介绍新产品,解释单证不符的原因 强调交易的实质 寻求解决办法(包括作合理让步),结 束,


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