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    高二英语必修五复习课件,Unit 1 Great scientists,Unit 2 The United Kingdom,Unit 3 Life in the future,Unit 4 Making the news,Unit 5 First aid,Designer:Xiao Ziquan,Unit 1 Great scientists,词汇过关,短语习得,重点句型,目标解读,词汇过关,1.重点单词拼写,1)How disappointed they were when their team was d by ours.,【答案】defeated,2)Two policemen as well as an expert were sent to h the complex case.,【答案】handle,3)I advise you to have your leg e since it still hurts.,【答案】examined,4)It is important for us to develop the habit of a sentence structures.,【答案】analysing,词汇过关,6)He got rather angry because the secret plan had been e to the newspaper.,【答案】exposed,7)The c of the building will take at least one year.,【答案】construction,8)He got in touch with me I he arrived in this city.,【答案】immediately,5)Have you heard that Martin got s injuries in the traffic accident?,【答案】severe,词汇过关,10)Ten people are busy(抽)water from the river to the fields.,【答案】conclusion,【答案】pumping,9)What do you think of the final c they came to from the experiments?,词汇过关,2.重点词词形变换,1)The laboratory animals have been with the bacteria,which is highly.Any of you should avoid being exposed to.(infect),【答案】infected,infectious,infection,2)He was interested in when young.After he grew up to be a,he liked to do experiments to test his ideas.(science),【答案】science,scientist,scientific,3)The teacher from the evidence that she was wrong.And his proved to be right.(conclude),【答案】concluded,conclusion,词汇过关,4)He infected a bacteria last month,and five days later.His is a great loss to our career.(die),【答案】deadly,died,death,5)He to Beijing in 1988 and the proved to be important to the further development of his career.(move),【答案】moved,movement,6)The information you collected is very and it is of gre to our work;while the information Tom offered is and isnt worthy of consideration.(value),【答案】valuable,value,valueless,7)As experimented,both of you must try to the causes of the strike,and present a detailed of the situation.(analyse),词汇过关,8)The old man often us how to behave well in public and his made a deep impression on us.(instruct),【答案】instructed,instruction,9)Many factories have been in our city since last year,and a power station is under in the south.(construct),【答案】constructed,construction,10)He didnt know much about the subject,but he was very,and his made everyone else interested.(enthusiastic),【答案】enthusiastic,enthusiasm,【答案】analysts,analyse,analysis,短语习得,2.短语习得,put forward a theory about black holes 提出黑洞理论in scientific research 在科学研究领域attend sb.照顾某人expose.to.曝露get interested in.对变得有兴趣absorb.into.吸收;吸入believe in 信任determine to do sth.决定做announce with certainty 带着肯定的语气宣布prevent.from.防止;阻止deal with polluted water 处理受污染的水come to an end 结束;停止,短语习得,take up a new career 从事新的事业be disappointed with 对失望look into the source of the water 调查水源remove the handle from the pump 拆掉水泵的把手slow down 延缓;减速;缓行in addition to/apart from 除以外link.to.把与连起来;与有联系have sth.delivered from.to.把从送到die of cholera 死于霍乱be infected with a new virus 感染新的病毒be strict with sb 对严格lead to 导致;通往,短语习得,make sense 有意义;行得通the problem arose 出现问题a direct link between A and B A、B之间有直接联系point of view 观点in a logical order 按逻辑顺序,2.从上面列举的短语中选择适当的,填入下面的空格中,1)She takes part in two other activities the basketball game.,【答案】in addition to/apart from,2)He can enter my office freely since I him.,【答案】believe in,短语习得,4)When we come to a cross,we must our car first,look around and pass.,5)Everybody thought that it was my carelessness that the disaster.,【答案】slow down,【答案】led to,3)After two monthsnegotiation,the despute between these two countries finally.,【答案】came to an end,重点句型,So many thousands of terrified people died every time there was an outbreak.(P2)every time在此句中引导一个时间状语从句,意为“每次的时候”。Every time he phones I always seem to be in the bath.each time,next time,each day等表示时间的短语亦可引导时间状语从句。Each time I walk in the park I can see the old man beg sitting beside the path.即时强化练习:翻译下面句子1)每次碰到学习上的困难,我都是独自解决。,重点句型,【答案】Next time you come to Beijing,be sure to let me know in advance.,2)下次你到北京来,务必要提前告诉我。,【答案】Every time I meet with difficulties in study,I solve it by myself.,2.Only if you put the sun there did the movements of the other planets in the sky make sense.(P6)make sense 有意义;有道理;合乎理性Read the article and tell me if it makes sense.It just doesnt make sense why do you do a thing like that?make sense of 了解;理解His answer was so confused that I could hardly make any sense of it at all.,重点句型,【词汇网络】beat/drive sense into sb 改变某人的行为、看法bring sb to his senses(使)不再做傻事;使苏醒come to ones senses 使苏醒in a sense 在某种意义上out of one senses 精神不正常;愚蠢a sixth sense 第六感觉,即时强化练习:翻译下面句子还是早点走好。,【答案】1)It would make sense to start early.,【答案】2)Can you make sense of this poem?,2.你看得懂这首诗吗?,1.Who put forward a theory about black holes?(P1)put forward:v.提出;推荐;提名 e.g.He put forward a better plan.The government leaders will hold a meeting to discuss the proposal put forward by the workers.【词汇网络】put in 打断;插嘴 put on 上演 put out 扑灭 put off 推迟 put on weight 增重 put up with 忍受;容忍 put into action/effect/practice 实施;实行,目标解读,put up 举起;张贴;put away 储存;收拾2.draw a conclusion(P1)conclusion:n 结束;结论 at the conclusion of his speech 在他讲话的末尾 bring sth.to a speedy conclusion 使迅速结束 come to/reach/draw a conclusion 得出结论 conclude:v 结束;相信某事;得出结论 The meeting concluded at 8 oclock.She concluded her talk with a funny story.Those are facts;what do you conclude from them?,目标解读,3.John Snow was a well-known doctor.that he attended Queen Victoria to ease the birth of her babies.(P2)attend:v attend(to sb./sth.)专心;照顾;参加 Attend to your work and stop talking.Could you attend to this matter immediately?Dr Smith attended her in hospital.They had a quiet wedding only a few friends attended(it).【词汇网络】常与介词“to”在一起搭配的动词短语如下:admit to,lead to,turn to,stick to,relate.to,look forward to,object to,adapt to,appeal to,refer to,contribute to,belong to,see to,get used to,be accustomed to,turn to等.,目标解读,4.It seemed the water was to blame.(P2)blame:v 责备;埋怨;归咎于 If you fail the exam youll only have yourself to blame.She blamed him for the failure of their marriage.A bad workman blames his tools.be to blame(for sth)对应付责任;应受责备 Which driver was to blame for the accident?She was in no way to blame.决不应该责备她。n.责备;指责 The manager in this workshop took the blame for the accident.车间主任承担了事故的责任。,目标解读,5.In addition,he found two other deaths in another part of London that were linked to the Broads Street outbreak.(P3)in addition(to)加上,除外,又,相当于besides,apart from In addition to the names on the list there are six other applicants.与addition相关的短语有:have an addition(to the family)生孩子,添人口 with the addition of 外加 Theyve just had an addition to the family.他们家刚刚又添了一口人。link A to/with B 把A和B连接或联系起来 The newspaper has linked his name with hers.link.up 连接或联系起来 The two spacecraft will link up with each other in orbit.,目标解读,6.,all his mathematical calculations led to the same conclusion.(P6)lead to 导致;引起;通往 All roads lead to Rome.The bridge leads to the island.【词汇网络】lead sb.by the nose 牵着某人的鼻子走;完全控制某人 lead the way(to sth)带路;先行 lead sb to believe that.使人相信(某假事或不确之事)7.So between 1510 and 1514 he worked on it,gradually improving his theory until he felt it was complete.work on 从事(某项工作)We are working on a new plan for travel.我们正在制定一个新的旅行计划。,目标解读,They were working on a report of their experiment.他们正在写他们的实验报告。When did they begin to work on the new design?他们什么时候开始新的设计呢?work on sb/sth 对起作用 His charm doesnt work on me.他的魅力对我不起作用。【词汇网络】work out 解决;算出;有结果 work with 与协力工作 work for 为工作 work as 担任;充当 work hard 努力工作/学习 set to work 着手工作;开始工作,目标解读,out of work 失业 get down to work 开始认真工作 at work 工作中;运转中 get to work 开始/着手工作 a work of art 艺术作品,目标解读,Unit 2 The United Kingdom,词汇过关,短语习得,重点句型,目标解读,词汇过关,1.重点单词拼写,1)The US c of fifty states.,【答案】consists,2)After a long d,the House of Commons approved the bill.,【答案】debate,3)There is a close r between a proper diet and good health.,【答案】relation,4)The tides are caused by the a of the moon for the earth.,【答案】attraction,5)The competition attracted over 500 contestants r eight different countries.,【答案】representing,词汇过关,6)If you dont know what this means,r to the dictionary.,【答案】refer,7)The s image of Lei Feng will forever live in the hearts of the people.,【答案】splendid,8)If you realize you are in e,you should correct it.,【答案】error,9)A lawyer is employed on l matters.,【答案】legal,10)To the d of the children,they found many toys at the party.,【答案】delight,词汇过关,2.重点词词形变换,1)A fence forms the between her land and mine.(divide),【答案】division,2)There are many parked cars in the street at night.(legal),【答案】illegally,3)My house is near a bus-stop.It is a great to have the doctor living near us.It is also useful to have a supermarket.(convenience),【答案】conveniently,convenience,convenient,4)Im very to her,but I have no attraction for her.That means she doesnt find me at all.(attract),【答案】attracted,attraction,attractive,5)He is a stamp.He liked stamps as a child,and now he has a of five thousand stamps,most of which are very precious.(collect),词汇过关,【答案】collector,collecting,collection,6)I want about what to do today.I a tour of the museum.(suggest),【答案】suggestions,suggest,7)You should yourself of every opportunity to speak English.I am this afternoon.Let me join you.(available),【答案】avail,available,8)Every athlete should play.If some athletes use drugs,it is to the others.(fair),【答案】fair,unfair,短语习得,1.短语积累,consist of 由构成或组成be divided into 分成connect A to B 连接A和Bbreak away(from sb/sth)摆脱;脱离;突然逃脱for convenience 为方便起见leave out 省去;遗漏a great attraction 很有吸引力的人或物take the place of.取代;代替break down 出毛病;抛锚;细分;瓦解;克服on special occasions 在特别的场合in memory of 纪念某人;作为对的纪念be proud of 对感到骄傲或自豪be joined to.与连起来,短语习得,2.从上面列举的短语中选择适当的,填入下面的空格中,1)He his large house flats.,2)The place is to most of the visitors.,3)The island the mainland by a bridge.,【答案】divided.into,【答案】a great attraction,【答案】is joined to,重点句型,1.There is no need to debate any more why different words are used to describe the four countries.(P9)There is no need to do/that clause.:It is not necessary to do.没有必要做There is no need to worry even if you have never skied before.【拓展】There is no need for sth./for sb.to do sth.没有必要It is no good/no use doing.没有好处/用处做There is no possibility/chance that.不可能There is no difference whether.是否做没有不同There is no doubt that.毫无疑问There is no point/sense in doing.做没有用,即时强化练习:翻译下面句子1)没必要为他的安全担心。,重点句型,【答案】There is no need to worry about his safety.,2)她不可能说谎。,【答案】There is no possibility that she told a lie.,2.Although the four countriesdo worktogether in some areas,.they are still very different.(P10)do/did/does+动词原形 结构用来加强谓语动词的语气,相当于“的确;真的;务必”Do come early next time.,重点句型,He did go there with his brother yesterday.即时强化练习:翻译下面句子1)务必记住带一束花来。,【答案】Do remember to bring a bunch of flowers.,2)那药对病人真的有效果。,【答案】The medicine does have some effect on the patient.,1.How many countries does the UK consist of?(P9)consist of:由组成,相当于be made up of,但是注意consist of没有被动语态和进行时态。The Group of Eight(G8)consists of the eight richest countries in the world.Her diet consists mainly of bread and vegetables.be made up of 由组成The fact that Great Britain is made up of three countries is still unknown to many.This club is made up of more than 200 members.2.England can be divided into three main areas.(P9)be divided into 分成;分开The class is divided into several smaller groups to talk about different parts of the subject.,目标解读,divide sth out/up between/among 分或分配 We divided the work between us.divide.from.将分隔开;在间划分界线 The English Channel divides England from France.divide sth.by sth.某数除以某数 30 divided by 6 is 5.division n 划分;除法;部门3.However,just as they were going to get Ireland connected to form the United Kingdom,the southern part of that country broke away to form its own government.(P10)get+宾语+过去分词 让做;遭遇某事 When did you get your hair cut?I am trying to get it published.,目标解读,I cant get the car started.break away(from)与脱离;与断绝关系 Modern music has broken away from the 18th century rules.Fortunately,he broke away from those people years ago.A large piece of ice broke away form the main block.【词汇网络】与away有关的常用搭配词组 carry away 运走;搬走 die away(声音、光线)等慢慢变弱;渐渐消失 drive away 赶跑 give away 送掉;捐赠;败露 keep away 远离 put away 把收拾起来;储存 take away 拿走 turn away 拒绝,目标解读,4.But London has been influenced only by some invaders of England.(P10)influence v.影响 I dont want to influence you either way,so I wont tell you my opinion.n 影响;作用 常与on,upon连用。Many educational experts urged that parents should have a good influence upon their children.She is a woman of influence in her family.5.Which country is left out?(P10)leave out 不包括或不提及;忽略掉 Leave me out of the quarrel,please I dont want to get involved.This word is wrongly spelt;youve left out a letter.,目标解读,【词汇网络】leave/let sb/sth alone 不打扰或不干预 leave hold of 松开 leave sth out of account/consideration 忽略某事;不重视某事 leave sth aside 忽视;不考虑某事 leave behind 未能或忘记带;留下 leave off(doing sth)停止(做)leave sth over 推迟6.All the words below can take the place of said,.(P12)take the place of=take ones place 代替;取代 Computer is very important,but it cant take the place of newspaper.He will take my place in the football team because I shall be absent for some time.,目标解读,【词汇网络】take place 发生 take ones place 坐下;就座;代替 from place to place 到处;各地 in the first place 首先 in place 在适当位置 in place of 取代;代替 out of place 不适当的/地7.It contained statues in memory of dead poets and writers,such as Shakespeare.(P13)in memory of sb=to the memory of sb 为纪念 He founded the charity in memory of his late wife.,目标解读,【词汇网络】有类似结构的短语:in need of 需要 in time of 在时候 in order of 按顺序 in front of 在 前面 in search of 寻找 in charge of 负责 in possession of 拥有 in danger of 在危险的时候,目标解读,Unit 3 Life in the future,词汇过关,短语习得,重点句型,目标解读,词汇过关,1.重点单词拼写,1)A is a machine such as a car,bus,or truck which has an engine and is used to carry people from place to place.,【答案】vehicle,2)A sis a place where people have come to live and have built homes.,【答案】settlement,3)If someone or something makes an i,they have a strong effect on people or a situation.,【答案】impression,4)The film rhim of what he had seen in China.,【答案】reminded,词汇过关,5)He is so careless that he is c making mistakes in his homework.,【答案】constantly,6)He asked us to a him in carrying through the plan.,【答案】assist,7)When entering the park,all visitors are r to show their tickets.,【答案】required,8)Despite his l of experience,he got the job.,【答案】lack,9)We all wore m at the party and no one knew who we were.,【答案】masks,10)Just p this button,and youll start the engine.,【答案】press,词汇过关,2.重点词词形变换,1)After the heavy rain,the path before my house became,and my shoes were covered with.(mud),【答案】muddy,mud,2)Can I be of any,sir?Yes,you work as Mrs Smiths these days andher in preparing a report.(assist),【答案】assistance,assistant,assist,3)The old mans hair is much than my grandpas.Its must be more than one meter.(long),【答案】longer,length,词汇过关,4)Shall we go in the swimming pool after supper?No,I feel tired and I would rather have a hot in the.(bath),【答案】bathing,bath,bathroom,5)Zoos are often by high walls,and the animals are not living in their natural.(surround),【答案】surrounded,surroundings,6)Not all foreign visitors sat


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