Vegetative (asexual) plant propagation methods繁殖无性植物的繁殖方法.ppt
Vegetative(asexual)plant propagation methods.,Natural methods.,Apomixis embryonic formation in a seed without fertilization.Seed is a clone of the mother plant.,Tillers side shoots.,Bulbs from plant base.,Bulblets above ground.,Rhizomes under ground stems.,Stolons above ground stems.,Corms at base of plant.,Tubers structures off roots.,Root buds off swollen roots.,Artificial Methods.,Cuttings.,Air-layers.,Splitting.,Tissue culture.,buds,embryogenesis,antherogenesis,Asexual plant reproduction:,Genetic purity assured.Only feasible method with some plants.All plants capable,some easier than others.Not much chance for genetic diversity.Expensive compared to seeds.Hard to store plants for long periods.,MITOSIS AND MEOSIS:BASIC PROCESSES.,