,Husky 哈士奇,START,广告学1班顾安琪,Siberian Husky,Husky comes from Siberia,Russia.They are kind of Sled dog(雪橇犬).Some other famous sled dog are Samoyed(萨摩耶)(also comes from Siberian),andAlaskan Malamute(阿拉斯加马拉缪特)(people often confused them with Husky.),Siberian Husky,Siberian Husky is a kind of ancient dog,named by its special barking.Their appearance looks like a wolf,but their character is completely opposite to wolf.Husky has a changeable character,some of them are extremly timid,the others are extremly fierce.Husky in the family are tame,is a popular pet dogs in the world,they are welcomed by the people.,Demolition team captain 拆迁队队长,Chowhound(吃货),Expressions emperor(表情帝),If you want to keep a husky,you need to know.,Husky are compact and smart,have small appetite,cold-resistent body very adapted to polar environment.Husky need plenty of exercise,so you should make sure that you have enough time to play with them.They are trouble makers,you need to bear the damage they have done.If you are not sure,please dont let go of the rope,to prevent him from running away.Finally,If you decide to keep a husky,you should take good care of his stomach,because he has a glass stomach(玻璃胃).,MY Husky:Harry,some movies played by Husky,Eight Below(南极大冒险),Snow dogs,Call of the Wild,Snow Buddies,最后的猎人,A dog says:,My life is likely to last ten to fifteen years.Any separation from you will painful for me.Remember that before you buy me.我这一生大概能活10到15年,和你分别是件无比痛苦的事.Give me time to understand what you want of me.在给我命令时请给我理解的时间,别对我发脾气,虽然我一定会原谅你的,你的耐心和理解能让我学得更快。Talk to me sometimes.Ever if I dont understand your words,I understand your voice when its speaking to me.经常和我说话吧,虽然我听不懂你的语言,但我认得你的声音,你是知道的,在你回家时我是多么高兴,因为我一直在竖着耳朵等待你的脚步声.Take care of me when I get old.You,too,will grow old.当我老了,不再像小宝贝时那么可爱时,请你仍然对我好,仍然照顾我,带我看病,因为我们都会有老的一天.,You may not like dogs,but please dont hurt them.,The end Thank you,广告学1班顾安琪,