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    词类转换,英语属于印欧语系,汉语属于汉藏语系。同一意思在不同语言中可以用不同的词类来表达。所谓词类转换,是指把原文语言中的某一词类转译成汉语的另一词类。,转换成汉语动词,名词转换成动词Global warming observed over the past century has focused attention on manmade greenhouse gas,presumed to be the likely cause.在过去的一个世纪中发现的全球变暖趋势据推测可能是由人为的温室气体造成的。Law enforcement agencies went on a hunt for hackers in the aftermath of the AT&T system crash of 15 January 1990.执法机构继续通缉导致1990年1月15日美国电话电报公司系统崩溃的黑客。Attempts to program a computer to integrate gesture with speech began back in the 1970s at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Architecture Machine Lab.早在70年代,麻省理工学院建筑机械实验室就开始尝试在计算机中将语言和手势集成在一起。,The application of electronic computers makes for a tremendous rise in labor productivity.使用电子计算机可以大大提高劳动生产率。Desertification is not a case of irreversible desert advance.沙漠化并不意味着沙漠前进不可逆转。With the click of a mouse,information from the other end of the globe will be transported to your computer screen at the dizzying speed of seven-and-a-half times around the earth per second.只要一点鼠标,来自世界另一端的信息便会以每秒绕地球七周半的惊人速度传输到你的电脑屏幕上。As we cross the threshold into the next century,human society is beginning its move from the industrial economy into the knowledge-based economy.当我们步入下一世纪时,人类社会也正由工业经济向知识经济转变。,Can artificial fibers be used as substitutes for natural fibers?人造纤维能代替天然纤维吗?Computers can provide analyses of every operation in a factory.电子计算机能对工厂的每道工序进行分析。We must place stress on the prevention of diseases.我们应以预防疾病为主。,形容词转换成动词Our river was dirty,our seas were polluted and our natural environment was destroyed.我们的河水被污染了,我们的海洋被污染了,我们的自然环境被破坏了。The amount of work is dependent on the applied force and the distance the body is moved.功的大小取决于所施加的力与物体所移动的距离。Kerosene is not so volatile as gasoline.煤油不象汽油那样容易挥发。When is the next earthquake due?下次地震将在什么时候发生?They are sure that theyll be able to build the factory in a short period of time.他们肯定能在短期内建成那座工厂。,The amount of work is equal to the product of the force by the distance.功的大小等于力和距离的乘积。Copper wire is flexible.铜线容易弯曲。While the Chinese are eager to import modern medical technology from the West,increasing members of Westerners are equally eager in adopting the traditional medical remedies of China.现在中国人热衷于从西方国家进口现代化医疗技术,而越来越多的西方人则热衷于接受中医疗法。The test piece shall be of length suitable for the apparatus being used.试件的长度应与所使用的装置相适应。Heat is a form of energy into which all other forms are convertible.热是能的一种形式,其他一切能的形式都能转化为热能。,副词转换成动词The test was not over yet.试验还没结束。Open the valve to let air in.打开阀门,让空气进入。An exhibition of new products is on there.那儿正在举办新产品展览会。Motor vehicles,already the main source of city air pollution in rich countries,will increasingly pollute poor cities,too.在发达国家,机动车辆是空气污染的主要来源,在落后的城市,这种污染也将增加。The experiment in chemistry was ten minutes behind.这个化学试验延误了十分钟。,The radio is on.收音机在广播。The electric current flows through the circuit with the switch on.如果开关接通,电流就流过线路。The two bodies are so far apart that the attractive force between them is negligible.这两个物体相距很远,它们之间的吸引力可以忽略不计。He took the machine apart yesterday.他昨天把机器拆开了。The force due to the motion of molecules tends to keep them apart.由于分子运动而引起的力能使分子分离。,介词转换成动词The volume of a gas becomes smaller when the pressure upon it is increased.当作用在气体上的压力增大时,气体的体积就缩小。The letter E is commonly used for electromotive force.通常用字母 E 表示电动势。No body at rest can be set in motion without a force being acted upon it.没有力的作用,静止的物体不可能开始运动。It is clear that numerical control is the operation of machine tools by numbers.很显然,数控是指机床采用数字来操纵。Many laboratories are developing medicines against AIDS.许多实验室正在研制治疗爱滋病的药物。,Atomic power for ocean-going vessels is already a reality.原子能动力用于远洋船只已经成为现实。This is a kind of alloy with high strength.这是一种具有高强度的合金。The shaft turns about its axis.轴围绕轴线转动。So long as we have means of producing heat we can keep the steam engine at work.只要能产生热,就能使蒸汽机做功。Usually the working parts of the machines are made from carbon steels.通常,机器的工作部件是用碳素钢制造的。,转换成汉语名词,动词转换成名词Neutrons act differently from protons.中子的作用不同于质子。Gases differ from solids in that the former have greater compressibility than the latter.气体和固体的区别在于前者比后者有更大的可压缩性。The electronic computer is chiefly characterized by its accurate and rapid computations.电子计算机的主要特点是计算准确而快速。The Center is running a series of talks on the relationship between science and literature,in which poets and scientists discuss how scientific ideas over the past two centuries have influenced literature and social change.这个中心正在举办关于科学与文学关系的系列讨论会。与会的诗人和科学家们的讨论议题是:在过去两个多世纪里科学思想对文学和社会变革的影响。,Mercury weighs about thirteen times as much as water.水银的重量约为水的十三倍。The net and electronic commerce will foster a large number of free-fancers,and this will affect social structure in a big way.网络和电子商业将会造就一大批自由职业者,从而将对社会结构产生深远的影响。PCs gave the world a whole new way to work,play and communicate.个人计算机使整个世界更新了工作、娱乐和通讯方式。He aims to become a computer expert.他的目标是当一名计算机专家。In the life process,the animal works in the opposite way to the plant.在生命过程中,动物的活动方式与植物相反。An electric current varies directly as the electromotive force and inversely as the resistance.电流的变化与电动势成正比,与电阻成反比。,形容词转换成名词Both the compounds are acids,the former is strong and the latter weak.这两种化合物都是酸,前者是强酸,后者是弱酸。The atmosphere is only about eleven kilometers thick.大气的厚度约为11000米。People are so much more flexible and inventive than robots.人类比机器人更灵活而且更富有创造性。In fission processes the fission fragments are very radioactive.在裂变过程中,裂变碎片的放射性很强。The more carbon the steel contains,the harder and stronger it is.钢含碳量越高,强度和硬度就越大。,The electrolytic process for producing hydrogen is not so efficient as the thermochemical process.用电解法生产的效率不象热化学法那样高。Ice is not as dense as water and it therefore floats.冰的密度比水小,因而能浮在水面上。The different production cost is closely associated with the sources of power.生产成本的差异与能源密切相关。Glass is more soluble than quartz.玻璃的可溶性比石英大。At constant temperature,the pressure of a gas is inversely proportional to its volume.温度不变,则气体压力和体积成反比。,代词转换成名词Radio waves are similar to light waves except that their wave-length is much greater.无线电波与光波相似,只不过无线电波的波长要长一些。We need frequencies even higher than those we call very high frequency.我们所需要的频率,甚至比我们称作高频率的还要高。Air density decreases as the temperature goes up and it increases when it gets colder.气温升高时,空气密度就减小;空气变冷时,空气密度就增大。According to a growing body of evidence,the chemicals that make up many plastics may migrate out of the material and into foods and fluids,ending up in your body.越来越多的证据表明,许多塑料制品的化学成分会移动到食物或流体上去,最终进入人体内。,Though we cannot see it,there is air all around us.虽然我们看不见空气,可我们周围到处都有空气。One would fall all the way down to the center of the earth without gravity.如果没有引力,人们就会一直掉到地球的中心。For nearly two thousand years it was mistakenly believed that all heavy objects fell faster than light ones.在长达两千年的时间里,人们都认为一切重物都比轻物落得快。这种观念是错误的。The volume of the sun is much larger than that of the earth.太阳的体积比地球的体积大得多。The most common acceleration is that of free falling bodies.最普通的加速度是自由落体加速度。Energy can neither be created,nor destroyed,although its form can be changed.尽管能量的形式可以转换,但能量既不能被创造,有不能被消灭。,副词转换成名词Such magnetism,because it is electrically produced,is called electromagnetism.由于这种磁性产生于电,所以称为电磁。Oxygen is one of the important elements in the physical world,it is very actively chemically.氧是物质世界的重要元素之一,其化学性能很活泼。The quality of the operating system determines how useful the computer is.操作系统的质量决定着计算机的应用效能。The equations below are derived from those above.下面的这些方程式是由上面的那些方程式推导出来的。The computer is shown schematically on this page.这一页是计算机的简图。,India has the software skills and thousands of software developers who are English-speaking and technically proficient.印度拥有软件设计方面的技术,而且拥有成千上万能说英语、精通技术的软件工程师。A look ahead gives petroleum an exciting role in the world of tomorrow.展望未来可以看到石油将在世界上起到令人鼓舞的作用。The image must be dimensionally correct.图形的尺寸必须正确。The only naturally occurring substance used as fuel for nuclear power is U-235.在自然界所存在的物质中,只有铀-235可以用作获得核能的材料。It was not until early 40s that chemists began to use the technique analytically.直到40年代初,化学家们才开始将这种技术用于分析工作。,转换成汉语形容词,副词转换成形容词Nitric acid is an extremely reactive agent.硝酸是一种强烈的反应剂。The wide application of electronic computers affects tremendously the development of science and technology.广泛应用电子计算机,对科学技术的发展有极大的影响。Amphibians and birds do differ significantly.两栖类和鸟类之间有显著的差别。While tallness is evidently a hereditary characteristic,any individuals actual height depends on the interaction between their genes and the environment.虽然身高是一种明显的遗传特征,但是个体的实际身高则取决于基因和环境的相互作用。,This new electronic computer is chiefly characterized by its simplicity of structure.这种新型的电子计算机的主要特点是结构简单。Robotics is so closely associated with cybernetics that it is sometimes mistakenly considered to be synonymous.机器人技术与控制论的联系如此密切,以致两者有时被错误地认为是同一回事。The engineer had prepared meticulously for his design.工程师为这次设计作了十分周密的准备。Gases conduct best at low pressures.气体在低压下导电性最佳。The computer exhibition impressed us deeply.计算机展览会给我们留下了深刻的印象。The universal lathe is most widely used and plays an important part in industry.万能车床得到了最广泛的使用,所以在工业上起着重要的作用。,名词转换成形容词Electronic computers and microprocessors are of great importance to us.电子计算机和微处理器对我们来说都十分重要。The nuclear power system designed in China is of great precision.中国设计的核动力系统十分精确。The experiment was quite a success.试验很成功。Most teenagers feel no difficulty in learning and operating computers.绝大多数青少年在学习和操作电脑方面并不觉得困难。In certain cases friction is an absolute necessity.在一定场合下摩擦是绝对必要的。,Patients may have to take them for the rest of their lives,and the expense and complexity of the regimen keep them out of reach for the 9 out of 10 patients who live in developing nations.服用新药的病人也许终生都要服药。但由于价格昂贵、疗程复杂,对于那些发展中国家的病人来说,十有八九都不能享用这些药物。The doctors were operating on the patient,but the patients nerve was continually on the stretch.医生们正在给病人做手术,可病人的神经一直十分紧张。It is no use employing radar to detect objects in water.使用雷达探测水下目标是没有用的。,转换成汉语副词,形容词转换成副词Some employers are keen to encourage employees to go green,and switch to small cars.一些老板们非常热情地鼓励雇员们增强环保意识,将汽车换成小一点的。With slight repairs the old type of engine can be used.只要稍微修理一下,这台老式发动机就可使用。The wide application of electronic machines in scientific work,in designing and in economic calculations will free man from the labor of complicated computations.在科学研究、设计和经济计算方面广泛地应用电子计算机可以使人们从繁重的计算劳动中解放出来。The engine has given a constantly good performance.这台发动机一直运转良好。,Very significant advances in lasers have been make in the past several years that open the door to more rapid progress in optical communications systems.在过去的几年中,激光器件发展迅速,从而为通讯系统的快速进步打开了通路。Continual smoking is harmful to health.频繁抽烟有害于健康。With slight modifications each type can be used for all three systems.每种型号只要稍加改动就能用于这三种系统。When precise timing is necessary,care must be taken not to interrupt the timing wave.如果需要精确定时,必须注意不要中断定时波。We have made a careful study of the properties of these chemical elements.我们仔细地研究了这些化学元素的特性。Below 4 water is continuous expansion instead of continuous contraction.水在4以下不断膨胀而不是不断收缩。,其他词类转换成副词In human society activity in production develops step by step from a lower to a higher level.人类社会的生产活动,由低级向高级逐步发展。The added device will ensure accessibility for part loading and unloading.增添这种装置将保证工件装卸方便。They reported they had succeeded in turning normal human cells into cancerous one.他们报告说已成功地把正常人类细胞转化为癌细胞。Rapid evaporation at the heating-surface tends to make the steam wet.加热面上的迅速蒸发,往往使蒸汽的湿度加大。We shall develop the aircraft industry in a big way.我们将大规模地发展航空工业。,试译下列各句,注意将划线词转译成动词:By the use of ultrasonic waves,one can find out if there is a flaw in the metal.The positive charges being crowded upon a conductor results in the rise of the potential of the conductor.He made the assumption that the electronic charge is numerically equal to the charge on a hydrogen ion.Biochemistry is the study of the molecular basis of life.They are very familiar with the performance of this type of transistor amplifier.,Key:人们使用超声波能够发现金属是否有裂缝。正电荷聚集在导体上,使导体的电位增高。他假设电子的电荷数与一个氢离子的电荷数相等。生物学是在分子基础上研究生命的科学。他们非常熟悉这类晶体管放大器的性能。,试译下列各句,注意将划线词转译成名词:The instrument is used to determine how fully the batteries are charged.My talk today is about Einsteins Law of Relativity.Mercury is appreciably volatile even at room temperature.Most isotopes produced artificially are radioactive.The crust of the earth may be only about 3 miles thick beneath parts of the ocean.,Key:这种仪表用来测定电瓶的充电程度。我今天的报告是关于爱因斯坦的相对论。即使在室温条件下,水银的挥发性也很强。大多数人造同位素都具有放射性。地壳在海洋底下厚度只有大约3英里的地方。,试译下列各句,注意将划线词转译成形容词:The electrical conductivity has great importance in selecting electrical materials.The sun affects tremendously both the mind and body of a man.At ordinary temperature mercury is greatly stable in air.The engineer had prepared meticulously for his design.Contamination-proof is an absolute necessity in the maintenance of fluidic devices.,Key:导电性在选择电气材料时很重要。太阳对人身体和精神都有极大的影响。常温下水银在空气中具有很大的稳定性。工程师为这次设计作了周密的准备。防止污染对保养射流装置是绝对必要的。,试译下列各句,注意将划线词转译成副词:Only when we give full play to mans initiative can we make full use of machines to transform nature.China pays great attention to the environmental protection.In our earlier study of light,attention was particularly directed toward the theory of operation of spectrographs.It is necessary for us to know how to convert energy.A continuous increase in the temperature of a gas confined in a container will lead to a continuous increase in the internal pressure within the gas.,Key:我们只有充分发挥人的积极性,才能充分利用机器来改造自然。中国十分重视环境保护。我们以前讨论光时曾特别注意说明摄谱仪的工作原理。我们必须弄清楚能是怎样转换的。不断增加密闭容器内的气体温度,会使气体的内压力不断增大。,句子成分的转换,主语与宾语之间的转换 汉语中很少用被动语态作谓语,而英语中却很常见,为了符合汉语的表达习惯,英语中的被动语态常常译成汉语的主动语态,因此英语中的主语译成汉语中的宾语。例如:Trigonometric functions will be dealt with in the next chapter 下一章讲述三角函数。Finally,the application of this method is illustrated with an example 最后举例说明了这种方法的应用。,“have”句型用来表示尺寸、大小、比较、优缺点等概念时。常将宾语转换为汉语的主语。例如:Xrays have a shorter wavelength than light rays(do)X射线的波长比光线短。An electron has about 11 840 the mass of the proton 电子的质量大约是质子的11840。Some conductors have resistances which depend on the currents flowing through them 有些导体的电阻取决于流过它们的电流。,主语与谓语之间的转换Extreme care must be taken when operating the computer 操作计算机时必须特别小心。Their presence in germanium gives it the name of a p-type semiconductor 由于它们(指空穴)存在于锗元素中,从而使锗获得了p型半导体的名称。Measurement of the adjusted voltage is performed by the meter(4)用仪表(4)测量调节好的电压。,The impedance of a parallel LC circuit varies opposite to that of the series LC circuit 并联LC电路的阻抗变化情况与串联LC电路正好相反。Water with salt conducts electricity very well 盐水的导电性能很好。The new CPU features high speed and low voltage 新型CPU的特点是速度快且工作电压低。,主语与表语之间的转换Such would be our printer in the future 我们未来的打印机就是这样的。An example is the fine strain of rice we have developed 我们培养的优良稻种就是一例。Two widely used alloys of copper are brass and bronze.黄铜和青铜是两种广泛使用的铜合金。The first inventor of this precision instrument is Charles Babbage in 1847一the same man who is regarded as the father of the computer计算机之父查尔斯巴贝奇在1847年首先发明了此精密仪器。,主语与状语之间的转换 在汉语中主语大多是人(或其集合体或有生命的东西),英语中把表示有生命的东西的名词列为有灵名词,把无生命的事物的名词列为无灵名词。在科技英语中,着力写的是事物、物质以及过程,不是动作的执行者,因此常把无生命事物的名词作为主语放在突出位置上。要不然,干脆没有主语(或叫做省略主语)。这就涉及到翻译中挑选适当的词作主语的问题。有时可把作主语的无灵名词短语转译成汉语的状语或状语从句。例如:,1990s saw the great advance in computer indust


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