汉英翻译中增词、减词与变词方法,在汉译英的过程中,有时为了使译文清楚明了,须加词或减词;有时还需改变原文的词面意义,采用别的说法才能符合译入语的习惯用法。为了使译文忠实地表达原文的含义,并让译文符合译入语的习惯表达法,在翻译时我们有时需要增补或减少一些词语。,增词翻译法,所谓增词,不单是说译文比原文多了几个词,而主要是指通过增加词汇来补充或阐明原文的意思或满足英语本身的需要。增词一般是根据以下几种需要由于英语语言结构和上下文的需要 由于意义上或语气上的需要(补充语境)平衡双语词汇的不同负荷,由于英语结构语言和上下文的需要,增补代词或名词由于汉语里无主语句较多,译成英语时就必须补足主语。从他的演说中,可以看出,他赞成什么,反对什么;喜欢什么,痛恨什么。People might see from his speech what he is for and what he is against,what he likes and what he bitterly hates.(如不加“people”一词就不符合英语的习惯用法),不少大学毕业生响应政府的号召到西藏和边疆地区参加工作。Quite a number of college graduates responded to the call of our government to work in Tibet and some frontier areas.,增补连词:留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。So long as green hills remain,there will never be short of firewood.送君千里,终有一别。You may see off a friend and escort him miles and miles away,but you still have to part company in the end.,增加介词和冠词,介词和冠词是英语中用得最多的词类,也是中国学生最容易犯错误的地方。汉语里未用介词,译成英语时,往往需要加介词;汉语里根本不用冠词,译成英语时必须加上冠词。因此在汉译英时,增补介词或冠词是必不可少的翻译技巧。,我们看问题不要主观片面,对问题应作全面分析。We should not take a subjective and lopsided view,instead we should make an overall analysis of a problem.人为万物之灵。Man of all creatures is the one endowed with intelligence.,由于意义上或语气上的需要,汉语和英语的习惯用法不同,如果将汉语生搬硬套逐词译成英语,就会造成误解,甚至产生汉语式英语。其实,不把散文底子打好,什么也写不成。As a matter of fact,without a good foundation in prose-writing,one cannot hope to be successful in any kind of writing.,理论固然重要,实践尤其重要。Theory is something but practice is everything.It is true that theory is important,but practice is most important of all.,三个臭皮匠,合成一个诸葛亮。Three cobblers with their wits combined equal Zhuge Liang the master mind.,这种矛盾包括国家利益、集体利益同个人利益之间的矛盾。,These include the contradictions between the interests of the state,the interests of the collective and the interests of the individual.These include the contradictions between the interests of the state and the interests of the collective on the one hand and the interests of the individual on the other.(原文的意思是以国家利益、集体利益为一方,个人利益为另一方,三者之间不是并立关系,所以译文中加了on the one hand 和 on the other,否则就不能将原文中的确切含义表达出来。),减词翻译法,减词决不是将原文的内容删掉不译,而是指原文中有些词在译文中虽未译出来,但从上下文中已可看出其含义。减掉一些可有可无的词或那些违背译文习惯表达法的词语,既可避免译文用词显得累赘、臃肿,又可使译文更加简洁、流畅。,删减原文中重复的词语,我们要培养分析问题、解决问题的能力。We should develop our ability to analyze and solve problems.他们为国家作的贡献比我们作的贡献要大得多。They have done much more contributions for the state than we have.,汉语中不少虚词如“就”、“又”、“还”、“都”;名词如“情况”、“情景”、“观点”、“面貌”、“发展”、“质量”、“事业”等都可以省去不译。师生关系愈好,就愈有利于教学质量的提高。The closer relations between teachers and students,the more chances for improving teaching.(省去“质量”未译,如译成“the quality of teaching”则不符合英语的习惯用法),迅速改变我国贫穷落后的面貌,是我国各族人民的强烈愿望。It is the burning desire of all the people to end our countrys poverty and backwardness quickly.To quickly end our countrys poverty and backwardness is the burning desire of the Chinese people of all nationalities.,变词翻译法,有时,为了使译文更加传神,需要改变一下原文的字面意义,因为在汉语中往往可以从字里行间领会其言外之意。在汉泽英时,好的译者应尽量将字里行间的含义译出来,这就需要改变一下原文的词汇。,“老王,你怎么知道?”老王道:“县里哪个不晓得?”“How did you get to know of him,Old Wang?”“Is there anyone in the county who doesnt know him?”retorted Old Wang.(虽然上文中的汉语是个“道”字,但从这部小说的故事情节来看,这儿的“道”却有“反驳道”的含义,因此,译者在这里译为“retorted”,既符合原文的语气,又使译文更加生动),